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because the middle of chapter 4 is when I gave up...

gfhdjk you don't even know how much I hate this >_<
its all over the place and it makes no sense to my simple mind.

Chapter 1

Vetos POV

Blake invited me over to his house, I’m not sure why, I think he wanted to ask me something... I’m not sure what though.It was all quiet at his house, probably because his parents, brothers and sister weren’t home. Still, it was awfully quiet. So I sat down on his couch, and he just stared at the floor. ‘’Hey Veto?’’ he said, still looking at the floor. ‘’Yeah?’’ I turned to face him, he looked sad. Not like he had been in a fight, just like he had something big on his mind. ‘’Have you ever met a girl, that you really liked.. and you couldn’t figure out a way to tell her?’’ He wouldn’t stop staring at that floor.‘’No..’’ I said looking at him. ‘’Well, theres a girl I like and I can’t tell her, or Ronnie, because I think Ronnie likes me, and I can’t hurt her...’’ he said looking up at me with a worried look on his face. I didn’t know how to respond to that. So I just looked down at my shoes. Nice shoes, I thought, nice and shiny... but then Blake interrupted my thoughts ‘’I don’t know what to do... you’re my friend... you should know how to help me....’’ Looking back up at him I mumbled ‘’This isn’t the Blake I normally talk to though’’ I’m still not sure if that makes any sense or was even relevant. ‘’What?’’ ‘’I mean like...I don’t know anything about girls--’’ Blake cut me off ‘’Yes you do! You always hang out with Luna! You should know! Shes like the only person you talk to now!’’ ‘’’... She moved away months ago...’’ I probably sounded really sad then because Blake gave me this sympathetic look while nodding. ‘’You always hang out with Ronnie, shouldn’t you know?’’ ‘’No! I only know what Ronnie likes! I don’t know what a normal girl likes..’’ he trailed off

Blakes POV

I heard this sound coming from my back pocket. I realized my phone was back there. I pulled my phone out and then I didn’t know what to think. ‘’What is it?’’ Veto asked while trying to look at my phone. What kind of name is ‘Veto’ anyways? Bah, that doesn’t matter! What does matter is that I just butt-dialed Ronnie! and she probably heard everything I just said. ‘’Ohh mate...’’ Veto looked at me with shock. ‘’ I know... I gotta go tell her I’m sorry..’’ I jumped up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. ‘’What? Your battery is almost dead...’’ He said with confusion ‘’Not now Veto!’’ I pulled on my coat and ran out the door when I heard Veto say ‘’So I get to stay here all alone?’’ I just ignored him, as usual. I was running up the street when I suddenly realized, I don’t have any shoes on... I looked down at my feet and thought ,oh well, shes more important to me than a stupid pair of shoes. My shoes are ugly anyways. I continued running towards Ronnies house.

Ronnies POV

I had my face in a pillow, crying, when suddenly, I heard a knock on my backdoor... Only friends use that door, I was hoping it was Julia,Riley,Jess, Boxxy,Christian, Maddie, Veto, ANYONE but Blake. But to my surprise, it was that loving,handsome,kind,blue haired devil, Blake. I thought he was kind and loving until I got that phone call. ‘’Ronnie--’’ I tried to close the door but he put his foot in the way ‘’before you close the door, let me say something--’’ He sounded really..desperate, there. ‘’What do you want Blake?!’’ I snapped while opening the door just a little bit. He pushed the door open and just stood there. Wide eyed and breathing heavily. ‘’Ronnie, I didn’t mean it like that’’ I looked away as he grabbed both of my hands. ‘Blake, You said a normal girl. how else could you mean it?’’ I just stared at our hands. ‘’Ronnie..’’ He let go of one of my hands at touched my face. I could feel my cheeks heating up. ‘’You’re not a normal girl...’’ He pushed my hair behind my ear ‘’You’re a special girl... you're different, but in a good way’’ He said smiling. He has such a beautiful smile.... I smiled too. He said other things, but my mind trailed off by then. Hes just so perfect, his eyes,hair, smile and even his nose is perfect....I just wished he hadn’t said he liked … someone else... it was probably Mel or Riley or someone, there so perfect-- I didn’t realize by then I was crying ‘’Oh Ronnie...’’ He wiped away the tears. ‘’Don’t be like that!’’ He pulled me in for a hug, when his phone rang.

Blakes POV

I thought Veto said Pearl- my cell phone- was dead! I pulled it out to see Nicole's name. ‘’Who is it?’’ Ronnie said with a shaky voice. ‘Its-uh- no one...’’ I couldn’t bare to see Ronnie cry harder. I tucked Pearl away in my pocket while Ronnie said ‘’ Blake, you’re such a nice guy...’’her cheeks started to get even more red. She was about to say something else- I think so anyways- until we heard a car pulling in. ‘’Its my dad, hes back from work. You gotta go!’’ She started pushing on my chest ‘’He’ll kill me if he found out a boy was in here!!’’ I nodded and she tried to smile. I slid out the backdoor to find her father standing there. I just stood there, wondering if he saw me or not. Luckily he hadn’t -- he definitely would have broke all of my bones-- he just sneezed--or screamed at the ground-- and walked in the front door, but he left the door open. I started to run when I heard her dad yell that he smelled Axe. I really shouldn’t wear it so its that strong.

I bet Blake smells bad...Veto probably smells good...i'm not creepy or anything

Chapter 2

Blakes POV

I was out of breath by the time I got back to my house. I gotta run more often. I slowly opened the door to find Veto laying down on my couch, asleep. I thought he would leave, but I guess not. I quietly walked to the bathroom to get a container of water--that should wake him up. I was a little worried that the water running would wake him up, but then I remembered one big thing- its Veto I’m talking about. So I tiptoed out into the living-room, holding the jug of water, when Pearl started beeping-- I left my phone at Ronnies house one day, and I got it back the next day full of pearls and gems, thats why its name is Pearl-- I dropped the jug of water--by mistake-- on the floor and pulled Pearl out.. ‘Low Battery’ Is all it said. Veto hopped up off the couch and looked up at my with shock. ‘’WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!’’ He said while tried ringing out his sleeve. I didn’t even notice that we were both covered in water. ‘’ I just wanted to wake you up, then Pearl-- my phone started beeping and it scared me and I dropped the water..’’ I looked down ‘’ and broke the container...’’ My moms gonna flip out now. It was her favorite-- you’re probably wondering why my mom has a favorite ‘’water-holder’’ or thats what she calls it anyways, shes just weird like that, she has a favorite type of paper too, and I don’t just mean lined or graph-- and I just broke it...I sighed deeply when Veto started to laugh ‘’You’re gonna be in sooo much trouble, the couch is even wet!’’ ‘’Help me clean it up, please?’’ I begged while walking over to the closet to get some cloths. Veto looked down at his imaginary watch ‘’Ooohh.. I can’t … Danny wants me to be home by 8...’’ I turned my head to the kitchen --theres a clock in there-- and saw it was only 3. Veto smiled. I smirked and threw a cloth at him ‘’you can wipe the floor’’ I laughed, but he just groaned and started cleaning..

Shortly after we finished, I remembered something... ‘’I didn’t call Nicole back!’’ I hopped up of the floor and ran over to the land-line. Veto set down his Coca-Cola ‘’When’d she call?’’ I started to stutter ‘’Uhh... A-Almost... an h-hour ago...’’ I was in that much panic, I nearly forgot her number.I danced around Veto with the phone up to my ear, practically praying for her to pick up. Veto just stared at me while drinking his pop--his third one-- with a strange look on his face. I was about to ask why he was looking at me that way when I suddenly heard ‘’Hello?’’ I sighed of relief ‘’Nicole?!’’ ‘’Blake? Is that you?’’ ‘’Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t pick up earlier...’’ Veto stuck out his arm, trying to trip me. ‘’VETO!’’’ I smacked the back of his head, completely forgetting what I was going to say to Nicole. ‘’...Uhhhh....’’ ‘’Its okay!’’ She sounded a little confused. After walking around in 3 complete circles, Veto succeeded in tripping me. He gave me a look that made me feel stupid as he grabbed the phone. ‘’Nicole? Sorry about all that, Blake is just nervous’’ I looked up at him like he was crazy, he just simply nodded. ‘’Yeah... Oh yeah.... He was just wondering...’’ He smiled at me ‘If you would like to go on a date sometime.... Tonight? Yeah, that sounds good.Okay..... Okay, Bye’’ He set the phone down and started drinking his Coke again. ‘’What did you do?!’’ I said while getting up off the floor. ‘’I got you a date, for tonight.’’ He looked pleased. ‘’She said she couldn’t wait’’ He stuck his hand out, for a high five I’m guessing. I high fived him and smiled. I guess it was obvious then that the girl I was talking about earlier, was Nicole.

Vetos POV

When Blake was at Ronnies house, I noticed he left his Facebook open, I started to read his messages-- I really shouldn’t have, but I did-- There was a lot of them that he was sending to himself. A lot were something like ‘’I can’t tell her’’ ‘’’but you have to, your me after all, and you’re not afraid of anything, especially not a girl’’’ ‘’Okay, but what if Nicole doesn’t like me back?’’ stuff like that. I found it kind of weird he was getting advice from himself, but the last time he tried getting advice from me, I just stood there and made silly faces. I have next to no experience with dating. I also noticed he went to Jake for advice, Kinda weird how its going for a kid for advice-- right about now Jake would say something like ‘’I'M NOT A KID! IM 14!’’ but hes still a kid to me-- but, I guess thats because he actually has a girlfriend, you know, Jinx! Anyways, So I just kinda guessed that it was Nicole he was talking about this morning. It would make sense, he can’t like more than 2 girls at once... right?

(well well sir Veto, you have a girlfriend too now! :D)

Nicoles POV

I couldn’t wait ‘till this evening. It would be great, just the two of us.. But I want to look nice. I don’t have very many nice dresses... Then my home-phone started to ring. I picked it up ‘’Hello?’’ ‘’Hey girl’’ It was Tanya, One of Blakes friends,cousins,friends... I guess Blakes friend too, I didn’t know she had my number... ‘’I heard you’re going on a date wif my boy Bart tonight, need some help looking like a sta’?’’ ‘’Um..’’ I didn’t really know how to respond... ‘’Great, I’ll be the’e in a few!’’ I guess she really meant a few, because less than 5 minutes later, she was here. She walked right it and pulled me out to her car. ‘’Tanya!’’ Why was she just -- pulling me!? ‘’Its okay girl, I’m bringin’ you to the salo’, your gonna get your make-up, nails and your hair did. I’m also gonna get you a fancy dress, all on me, you don’t go’a pay nothin’ girl’’ she put her arm around me for a hug. Sometimes, she scares me.

We pulled up to the mall, Tanya grabbed my arm and pulled me into the beauty salon. ‘’We gonna need her hai’ done, nice and pretty, shes gonna try to impress a boy’’ The guy behind the counter just smiled and picked up a clip-board. ‘’I really don’t think Blake likes this kinda stuff’’ I said as he handed me the clipboard. ‘’What boy wouldn’t want his lady ta look fine?’’ She started pointing towards boxes on the page. I have no idea whats going on right now... as I was reading over the page with all the boxes, Tanya was checking some of them off, she checked off ‘hair cut’ ‘’I don’t think a propa’ man would like these-’’ She started picking up pieces of my hair ‘’These rainbow bits’’ I took the pen and scratched out the check mark ‘’Blake loves my ‘’rainbow bits’’ Thank you very much’’ I handed the guy-- I think his name tag said John-- the clipboard and he pointed towards a chair ‘

’Carl will be here in a minute, doll’’ I looked over at Tanya as I walked towards the chair ‘’Who’s Carl?’’ ‘’Oh! he is da’ bestest hai’ dresser around honey.’ She patted me on the back and it made me stumble a little. Everyone in the salon turned to me. ‘’Shes new here.’’ Tanya said with a smile. I looked around at everyone, and I noticed most of the people there were boys, they were all flirting with the guy--John-- ,except for this one boy, he was getting his bright blue hair dyed...

He kinda reminded me of Blake-- I’ve seen Blake in here before, I’m pretty sure this is where he got his hair done-- They both have Blue hair, mind you Blakes is way darker,They both have small dark eyes, but Blakes are smaller. They both wear short sleeves with a ‘V’ neck. Blake wears them better.. Tanya blurted out ‘’Thats Luke, he comes here all da time to dye his hair funky colours, I think hes gettin’ it done wif pink streaks now’’. Luke turned around and waved. I waved back. He seems nice...nicer than most of the people I know... The next thing I knew, a guy was standing in front of me, looking at me. ‘’Hi darlin’ , I’m Carl.’’ He stuck out his hand, but he was holding scissors... I just looked up at him and smiled.

After hours of sitting, getting my hair pulled and my nails done, Carl told me hes done. He high fived his ‘’team’’and he nearly cried. Tanya pushed the chair around and I saw myself in the mirror.... My hair didn’t seem as long as it normally did, I didn’t think the curls would make it that short. My eyelashes were really dark and long, my cheeks were rosy and there was this beautiful colour on my lips. I looked up at Carl and said thanks. He hugged me ‘’Good luck darlin’!’’ Tanya walked over to John and gave him a pile of cash. I didn’t want her to spend that much... ‘’Its okay, now lets go get your dress!’’ she said while smiling. I thought we were going to pick out a dress... Did she already pick one out? We walked all the way down the mall-- boys everywhere were stopping and staring at me, Tanya told them all that I have a boyfriend, but Blake isn’t my boyfriend-- and she stopped at a store. There was a beautiful long, light blue, sparkly dress.. I turned to Tanya ‘’You do know.. Its only a dinner date.. I don’t need all this...’’ Tanya laughed. ‘’And who planned that?!’’ ‘’Veto did...’’ ‘’Veto, Veto Branning, he planned a date ?’’ She looked like she was going to start laughing any minute ‘’Yeah...’’ She started to laugh ‘’Veto Branning planned your date, and its only a dinnah’ date?!’’ I stopped answering her just to see what she would say ‘’Oh hell nawh, You and Blake are gonna do dancing too!’’ I looked back up at the dress.. Dancing? That could be fun, but I didn’t -- ‘’Veto told Blake, who told me, who just told you! He knows you’re going dancing, right after the dinnah’--’’ I stopped her ‘’Wouldn’t you go dancing before you eat?’’ She started to laugh again ‘’Veto planned this, didn’t he?’’ … shes making him seem really dumb... ‘’I know what you're thinking, and he is dumb’’ I fake laughed, just to make Tanya happy.

So I wrote Tanya's lines in her accents... but not Veto's? Yeah... okay... I guess its cause I don't actually have an idea for Veto's voice yet...
something not high at all
but not too deep
and slightly british

(Scroll all the way down for random stuff about voices XD)

Chapter 3

Vetos POV

I looked at Blake, then the time, then Blake again. ‘’Mate, you got less than an hour, and you’re going like that?’’ He was just standing there, in a baggy t-shirt that says ‘Hello, My name is Mr.Right, I heard you were looking for me’ on it and an old pair of jeans. I don’t know much about dating or anything that has to do with love, but I dont think thats how you should look if you're going on your first date with the girl you like. I shook my head while Blake said ‘’What? Isn’t this okay?!’’ I grabbed onto his shoulders and started shaking him ‘’NO! ITS NOT OKAY! YOU WANT HER TO LIKE YOU? YOU CAN’T DRESS LIKE A DIRTBAG!’’ ‘’... I hate to say this, but your right ...for once’’ he mumbled that last part, but I could still hear him. I got us a cab to my house, to find Danny standing there in the middle of the hallway with his arms crossed. ‘’VETO BRANNING! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE YOUR ROOM LIKE THAT?!’’ I grabbed Blakes arm and ran past Danny ‘’No time!’’ I shouted out. Danny was probably really mad, since I’m supposed to be keeping my room really neat, the whole house too. Since its just us. ‘’Woah! Veto! Your room IS a mess!’’ Blake tried hopping over my dirty clothes. ‘’Yeah yeah, I know..’’ I said while walking over to my closet. Blake picked up my sketch book... which he really shouldn’t of... He opened it to the first page and just stared.--it was probably a drawing of Nicki Minaj-- I chuckled and took the book off him and threw it up to the top of my closet, he couldn’t reach that! I pushed my hoodies out of the way until I found it. ‘’Found it!’ I shouted without realizing Blake had no idea why we were even at my house. ‘’Found what?’’ He laid down on my bed. ‘’your bed smells nice...’’ He said while smelling a comforter. ‘’Yeah, Danny likes to use those.... fresh things...that make your laundry smell nice... I just got them out of the dryer this morning.’’ I looked over my shoulder to find Blake snuggling my sheets. ‘’okay then...’’ I mumbled as I took ‘it’ out of my closet.

‘’See?’’ I held it out in front of me and stepped away from my closet so Blake could get a better few. ‘’Woah, nice tux dude.’’. ’You think it’ll fit?’’ ‘’Um... probably’’ He took it from my hands and went towards the bathroom. Just as I went over to close my door,Danny walked in. ‘’VETO!CLEAN THIS UP!’’ He yelled while pointing at my dirty clothes. ‘’But Danny...’’ I pouted. “DANIEL!DANIEL BRANNING!’’ He hates it when I call him Danny. ‘’You can’t go anywhere until you clean it up!’’ Danny crossed his arms ‘’But I’m heeellpppinnngg...’’ I swear, sometimes I sound like a 10 year old. Just as Danny walked out, Blake walked in. It fit him, really well too. If I was gay, I would probably say he looked fit.... but I said it anyways. ‘’Thanks?’’ He said while looking at the tie.

‘’You think Nicole will like this?’’ He looked up at me waving the pale purple tie around ‘’Well, Yeah, girls like purple too, don't they?’’ ‘’Some do, some don’t...’’ He rolled his eyes. I honestly think he didn’t know how to tie a tie. He just stood there, waving it around and staring at me. ‘’...Need help tying it?’’ I asked ‘’Yep, never actually tried to tie one before.’ He said, handing me the tie. ‘’I don’t really know how to tie one either, but I’ll try anyways....’ We were helpless

Blakes POV

I guess its good that Daniel made Veto stay to clean up, he probably would have followed us in disguise or something. He’d probably wear a fake mustache and his glasses. The thought of that made me laugh a little. It felt weird, you know, getting a drive from Veto's brother...At least he was kind enough to drive us. As we arrived at Nicoles house, Tanya ran outside, nearly pulling me out of the car. I ran inside her house,and there she was, Nicole Webster, one of the most beautiful girls in the world. Her hair was so curly, I wanted to poke at it so badly, but I thought I might ruin it. Her dress was so stellar, but my tie didn’t really match it, the colours looked great together. I also wanted to poke her face, it was all pretty and make-up-y, I guess I like poking this that look nice. She said ...stuff..., but I wasn’t really listening, I was more focused on how...wonderful...she looked. All of a sudden I started thinking about Ronnie... How would she feel right now...What would she do if me and Nicole started dating.... I can’t even bare to think about that. I had to stop thinking, thinking completely. I slowly walked over to Nicole, and I bowed. When I looked up, I noticed she was laughing. So I smiled. I gently put my arm around her arm and said ‘’Skip my darling, skip with me, skip towards the sunset’ in a weird voice too. We started laughing as we skipped out to Daniels car. Daniel looked up at us and smiled

‘’Oh young love... where too?’’ I opened Nicoles door for her when ‘’They ain’t that young’’ Tanya said and whispered into Daniels ear. I guess she didn’t want us to know where we’re going... Daniel started to drive when he turned around and said ‘’What kind of music you folks want to listen too?’’ ‘’The radios good’’ Nicole replied. The moment he turned on the radio ‘’Diamonds’’ by Rihanna came on, Nicole's favorite song. I started to sing along, as did she. We spent the drive up crudely singing along to any song that came on the radio, the whole time, Daniel was laughing.

...and she was lookin' st-st-STELLA'...
anyone else listen to Yourfavoritemartian or is it just me? XD

Chapter 4

Blakes POV

The place we were at -- I still have no idea what its called-- was really fancy, fancy to me anyways, I couldn’t believe Veto planned all this, probably will Tanyas help, but still. Real nice. When Nicole and I got put at a table, I looked over to see Jinx and Jake. I just stared at them, hoping one of them would turn around, but they didn’t. Jake turned over a little bit, but when he noticed I was watching them, he quickly put a menu up to his face. Veto probably sent them. I sighed, really loudly too, because Nicole asked me if I was okay, I just smiled and said like I don’t like the feeling of the wood floor. She just laughed. Then I thought, how are Jinx and Jake here, Jakes parents don’t let him out of the house, ever, and I doubt he climbed out the window like he normally does. If Veto put them up to it, he wouldn’t be able to afford it, he doesn’t get much money going from job to job, and its hard enough for Danny to pay for all the bills and still feed them both. I bet Tanya used up most of her money paying for Nicoles dress, Tanya also tends to go job to job, but the one she has currently doesn’t get her much money. Jake couldn’t get a job, and his parents would never give him money.... I’m just confused now. Too much thinking, stop thinking. A waiter came by, I think she said her name was Amanda , but I was too busy -doing the only thing I don't want to do right now- thinking. She gave us some menus and water and Nicole said thanks. Then when Amanda -now that i think about it, maybe it was Ashley- left, Nicole nudged me

‘’What are you gonna have?’’ she asked. ‘’If theres bacon, I’ll take that, and that alone.’ I don’t get how that was funny, but she laughed, I thought I just sounded like an idiot... yeah... thats probably why she laughed. We both looked through the menus, when I just felt like looking over at ‘those two’ again. I noticed they both were having a time...Laughing, smiling It reminded me of that time me and Ronnie went out to McDonalds..... I looked back at Nicole. She had a worried look on her face. I can’t stop thinking about Ronnie...Thats how all my thoughts are ending now... I can just image how sad she would be if we started to date... She tried to smile ‘’What are you thinking?’’ I chuckled ‘’Nothing, its not important...’’ I tried to think of something funny to say … ‘’But you know what is important?...’’ I looked at the table... ‘’Ah.. I got nuthin...’’ I flicked my fork and it landed in my water. She started to laugh. I guess that worked.

‘’Awww, my fork! Its contaminated with water!’’ She laughed even harder. ‘’Now I can’t use my fork, unless I want wet food.’’ ‘’You can use your napkin to wipe it off!’’ She was still laughing. ‘’No, then I have a dirty napkin, I can’t use that!’’ Then Amanda or Ashley..maybe it was Aimee... came by again ‘’Have you decided on what you’ll be having?’’ She flipped open a little notepad. ‘’Uh yeah, I’ll take a number 2. Could you please locate me to the bathroom?’’ The waiter didn’t find that very funny...Nicole kinda did... ‘’No, I’ll actually have’’ ‘’Sir, will you please tell me what you would like.’’ She was impatient. Jeez. ‘’Sorry, I’ll have the ...the uh...soup?’’ All of a sudden, I heard someone say that I could get something expensive. I looked around and I seen bushes move. I quickly looked up and Jinx was sitting alone. Uhuh... interesting. ‘’Mam, what would you like?’’ I looked over to Nicole, I guess she hadn’t decided on what she wanted. ‘’Can we just get a cake?’’ I asked while I flipped through the Menu, there was nice looking cake and I asked for that. ‘’Uh... Okay...’’ The waiter said while writing it down. ‘’Too drink?’’ ‘’...Coffee for me..’’ ‘’I’ll just have a water..’’ I guess she didn’t think of that either. ‘’By the way, what's your name?’’ I asked the waiter. ‘’My name is Vicky. Is that all?’’ Wow. I was off... ‘’Eyeah..’’ I said while raising my eyebrows. That made Nicole laugh a little. I guess she knew what I meant, so did Vicky though. She scoffed as she walked away. ‘’Bad service, huh?’’ I said while taking my fork out of my water. Vicky probably thought that was weird.

Nicoles POV

Blake is odd, he's different, he's ...something alright. I like that. He just sat there with his fork halfway in his mouth, like nothing was up. ‘’My fork....Is cold...’’ He said pulling the fork out of his mouth and setting it back into the cup. ‘’I wonder why’’ He started pushing the ice around with the fork. ‘’Cake-- For dinner, hows that sound?’’ He looked up from the cup and smiled. ‘’Sounds great, it’d be good for dancing--’’ he cut me off. He looked oddly shocked. ‘’...were going dancing?’’ he stopped moving around the ice. ‘’Tanya told me we were!’’ Oh she better not have been joking. ‘’She did? Daniel mentioned something about a movie to me...’’ He mumbled. ‘’Oh boy, I bet they just lied so we’d be happy...’’ I guess that was a stupid thing to say, it was kind of obvious. ‘’Damn liars!’’ He said while putting his fist on the table. I could tell he was just joking around, by the way he said it --he also kind of smirked-- ‘’ I can’t believe they did that!’’ I was also joking around.

Jakes POV

When I got back from the washroom, I noticed Blake was staring over at our table. When I got back, Jinx said something about Blake creeping her out, I just laughed and sat down. Every now and then, he would look over at us, making weird faces. A few times when he looked over, I made an angry face, I guess I just looked silly though, Jinx kinda laughed a bit when I did. I overheard some of the things they were saying, and apparently,''Elkhat" wants to stop writing this story because she ran out of ideas and she don’t like how its going anyways.... maybe eventually she’ll finish it.

See? I left it off at the 'and' a while ago
and I just never got back to it :T
I don't want to either e_e
I have billions of fanfics for Veto x Valencia, Bradley and Toby, Jake, Older Jake, Younger Veto again, ... Veto in general, Eddie and Luke, and just Eddie...
but the 24 Hours crap I'm slowly working on involves Blake.. and he talks about Nicole (kinda) ..... its pretty bad XD (not about her but the...story itself )

I wanna animate Lukes Audition (after I teach myself some more stuff) and I actually will voice him.
because I have a deep voice and I can pull of a decent dude voice *puts sunglasses on*OH YEAH. x3
(and people always mistake me for a guy when I talk on the phone :P )
and I'll be voicing Eddie and maybe Veto too
yeah, they're in Lukes audition
my guy OCs are used more because...
I hate drawing them/Rp as them and just using them
its awkward...
*is secretly an 82 year old man living in his mothers basement and takes pictures of nude children* XDD I'm weird oka
Well i wanted to tell you what is gonna happen how i shall do this and all that jazz

Prologue,Character Introduction,Chapter 1 episode 1 and so on


This will be up soon :P

Character Introduction: Now first when i post this please note i will change there bio a bit to fix the story okay *nothing extreme* only thing's like

Eliza: Class rep of class B-6 of hasiro high

You know stuff like that nothing that is extreme okay c:

Chapter 1:.....I'm going to get a lot of hate on this but...........Vincent and minka will be the main character's of this chapter You're character will get line's but in...
continue reading...
posted by ninjacupcake88
A short chapter. Sorry guys D: the next one will be longer.
Francis' POV

I lay in bed, my thoughts were running wild. I couldn’t get it out of my head. I couldn’t get him out of my head.
Even when I was next to two of the hottest babes I’ve ever had the pleasure of banging, he was all that was on my mind. And it didn’t make sense, I had finally hooked up with him… shouldn’t it be over now?
“Is something wrong?” One girl asked.
The other girl nodded; “Yeah, you’ve been lying beside both of us for five minutes now and you haven’t even tried to touch either...
continue reading...
posted by jadeISmaNAME
It was really weird in the car as we drove to school, i mean, we were all chatting, but all the boys, except Eddie who was driving, kept glancing at Sasha. The whole ride there no one had spoken to her and Sasha hadnt made an attempt to speak to anyone either.
" damn, sasha, i knew you like us guys, but that was just crazy" Axel smirked at sasha.
"well, ike, why dont you go and suck on some balls, or better yet, grow a pair" She replied, and i sware she hissed. The car stopped and sasha was the first to get out the car, storming past everyone and inside school.
"Edwarddd! sasha madddd! and i want...
continue reading...
im just that original! XD

lilly was my first OC and she was just a heather colour over, and im gonna bring her back. ... shes really bubbly!

Marcus was originally really nice and funny, but now hes like a prankstery jerk who wants a girlfriend XD

Brittney is best friends with Mae (elkhat-law) i dont have any good facts D:

Eliza-Mae is pretty much myself, expect I never lived on a farm and i'm younger than her :p

Guy I got from the amazing jadeismaname! I think hes my favorite character <3 hes really shy and friendly.

Lilly: UGH! I hate pink! I hate everything! I'm soo stupid. I just want to hide...
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Hello! And welcome to the institute of TORTURING YOUR OC'S!

1. You gotta answer ALL of them!
2. Link back to the original after you're done
3. Tag 5 people when you're done (Or tell us 3 dark secrets about a character of your choice >:{D)
4. This isn't a solid rule or anything, but I prefer that you comment and link if you decide to do this.

Alright, so lets get this show in the road! Choose 7 characters. They can be your own, or a friends, or with permission, OC's you're a fan of. So? What you are doing reading this still? Do it! DO IT NOW!!!!!!

1.Gorgeous Gabe!...
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posted by ninjacupcake88
Base made by ~otakufan1 on deviantart
Base made by ~otakufan1 on deviantart
The bio for Yasmin! This is without a doubt the easiest bio I've ever done, since I just have to write down my answers except for things like her family, where she lives, eye color, etc.
Name: "Yasmin Brooke Hildebrand."
Meaning of name: "Jasmine Flower,"
Nickname: "Yasmie, but that nickname is only Carter's. A friend of mine calls my Jellyfish, a lot of people know me as Natsume."
Meaning of nickname: "So many..."
Stereotype: "The silent singer. Why, you ask? Because I only really talk when I'm performing, I'm shy. A lot of people also know me as "the freak who doesn't eat,"...
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama The Movies... Musicals!!!!!!!!!! Here our contestants paired up into teams to preform the best musical ever!!!! Team one which was Danny, Timothy, Jordan, and Lia won invincibility while Wyatt, Morgan and Stevie got the boot. What will happen next? Who will get voted off next? Find out on Total Drama the Movies
(Theme song)

Danny: I still can't believe we won invincibility
Lia: I know right! But it's all thanks to Jordan (Kisses cheek)
Jordan: (Blushes)

Brenden: dang good thing ava dident get kicked off shes hot..........wait are you recording this ..........I'm...
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posted by MarshmallowKidd
Daphne Horton
Personality : Daphne was born on July 13th (my real birthdate) in a small village. She was a happy lovable child and there was an incident in her life which made her family upset. She kept saying to her mom and dad it is okay but her parents got ashamed of her and they shipped her to the Bahamas where she lives now. She visit her hometown at times but age had a major downfall after her mom died of stoke at 47 (quiteta young age) . Her father moved the the Bahamas and taxied her and she has been emo and the bully type works as an ventriloquist, a driver, and a teacher to the deaf. She is happy at times but not her happy go lucky childhood happy...
Prized: her good condition is her knife called "Stabber" Is 25% emo fairy and 50% human and 25% magician
Notes on the picture : I don't own this but this is her description. Thank you anime club for this -hugglez-
Rhonda George
posted by colecutegirl
'Hahaha yeah that would be awsome!' jade laughed as her and her friends sat on the orphanage steps (outside) some smoking others were simply there for a laugh.
'But we're gonna need someone to distract the dumbass caretaker' jade's friend grace, reasoned taking her cigarette and placing it between her lips. Jade thought for a moment 'well we could get someone to lock him in his office...' Grace shrugged' could work' The rest of the group watched as grace and jade's plan unraveled.

They were planing to sneak out of the orphanage for some more cigarettes, alchol and maybe drugs.Plus there was...
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Team Sun each grabbed a white shirt and a black marker.
“This really is a great idea, Lizzie.” Lynette smiled.
Lizzie smiled back, “Thanks,”
Lynette turned to Frank, “What are you writing on yours?”
Frank shrugged, “I don’t know,” He paused. “What about you?”
Lynette shrugged.
“How about, bossy?” Frank suggested.
Lynette gasped, “Rude!” She said jokingly, as she didn’t really take offense.
Frank laughed, “You know I’m only kidding... but it’s true.”
Lynette pushed him in a friendly manner.
Cody looked at both of them, “I don’t know what to write.”
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The boys walked into their room, Geoff was the first to speak, “Are you guys pumped or what?”
Shawn winked, “Hell yeah!”
Owen ran around the room, “Back for another season! WOO!”
DJ laughed, “Good to see you again.”
Cody looked around, “Another season involving singing... won’t this be fun?”
Jason shook his head, “I know I’m not really looking forward to it.”
Frank nodded, “I wonder what the first theme will be...”
Aadan shrugged, “I just wonder what making the music video will be like.”
Leo nodded. He didn’t say anything; this season would be intimidating, his...
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Wow, how long has it been? 2 months? Well, to people who read it, sorry for the delay. It's just school and stuff.

Better start the story now.

Enjoy! :)
"Do you even know where we're going", asked Alejandro.

"Yeah, it's a shortcut", said Geoff.

"To where, exactly?"

"Somewhere, obviously."

Alejandro sighed in with frustration. As they went deeper into the forest, Alejandro grew anxious. "Geoff, we're lost."

"No we aren't."

"Yeah, we are."

"How do you know? The only thing I remember you knowing is how...
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posted by NeonInfernoLord
k so this idea came up to me after having a dream of being on Total Drama and then everyone died…don’t ask. Anyways I’ll be working on this along with the fantasy matches you guys request and I’ll see where it goes. I hope you enjoy it.

“Welcome contestants to another glorious season of Total Drama folks!” Chris McClean, the host, yells as he stands in front of the camera. A scene of the ocean and a large cruise ship is seen behind him. “This season, all of our contestants will be sent overseas to compete for yet another million dollar prize! This is Total…Drama…TITANIC!”...
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Stop talking about me.... The words repeated over and over inside of Buddy's head.The group of odd smelling teens by the water fountain have been talking about him for the past five minutes.He was so focused on his book and ignoring them that he didn't really hear what they were saying,however he was sure they were talking about him. Suddenly,the group hushed,and a tall,crisp brown boy with light brown hair walked up to him,tapping him on the shoulder.
"Hey,mon,my friend's and I were wonderin' if ya could join us fer a 'party' tonight in de backwoods.Ya in?" The boy had a crisp Jamacan accent...
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*Theme music plays*

Chris: on the last episode we saw Kevin leave and swore revenge on Team PS3!

Chris: now lets go to there appartments!

*Camera goes to Team PS3's appartment*

Roger: *playing need for speed*

Nicole: *trying to do home work*

Anne: *mad at nicole* do you always have to study

Nicole: I want to do better than just average

Anne: I know what this is about

Nicole: what?

Anne: your learning as fast as possible to impress roger!

Nicole: no.....well.....ok yeah I am

Anne: I bet he likes me more than you

Nicole: fine its a bet!

*Camera goes to Team Wii's appartment*

Alice and Isaac: *watching tv on...
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posted by bcthestrongest
Me:hi im Nicki with the total drama crew u remember the whole crew
Corabella:so we the new crew is here I'm Corabella
Demon:yo the names Demon
Lizzy:*starts to jump off walls* whats up im Lizzy
Brittany:Hello im Brittany
Bones:yo im bones
Kusher:hi im Kusher
Meat:i go by Meat
Noah:im Noah
Candy:hello im Candy
Cebella : im Cebella
Sweet and sugar:im sweet thats sugar
Sinto:hey im sinto
the whole cast:thats our brothers and sisters
sinto:this is just a roll call for us so stay tune
(Before we start i changed myy mind and im gonna put Spongebob in instead of Cosmo)
*At the plane*
Jared: *Looks out the window and gasps* BUBBLES!!
Bubble: WAIT FOR ME!
Erica: *Turns in the shape of a TV for the channel boomerang*
Jared: NOO! THEE OTHER BOOMERANG! *throws her out*
Erica: WEE GO BOOMERANG GO! *flys out and catches Bubble and comes back in*
Jared: YAY! *huggles Bubbles*

Sam: OK! On the plane we will be picking teams! But first we have to have a challenge to see whos the team captain! Its a dance contest! Every minute someone will get elimainated!

*It starts*...
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posted by FireFlys113
Freddie: Ok were back! Heres Brandy from Brandy and Mr.Whiskers!
Brandy: Finally! Im back from that cruddy jungle!
Jared: EEEEEEEE! *hugs her*
Sam: Uhhhh- HERES Clover! From Totally Spies!

Clover: So where are we going first? Paris,New York, ENGLAND?
Sam: No! Here's DANNY! From Danny Phantom!
Lisa: DANNY! *jumps through him*
Danny: Oops i forgot to turn un-invisible

Sam:Here's Courage!
Courage: Uhh
Terra: HES SOOOOOOOO CUTE! *Glomps him*
Courage: The things i do for love!

Sam:Heres Zim!
Erica: EEEEEEEEEE! *glops him*

Coco: COCO
Coco: COCO
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Sam: Hey Im Sam!
Freddie: And i'm Freddie! Where here at the airport!
Sam: Get behind the camera! *Pushes him behind the Camera* Heres Lisa T-T
Lisa: Kon'nichiwa Sam-san and Freddie-san


Freddie: Sam....She just said Hi
Sam: Oh Well here's Jared
Jared: *Dancing to "I hate the homecoming queen by Emily Osment/Lilly* I HATE THE HOMECOMING QUEEN IM PRETTY DAMN SURE SHE CANT STAND ME!
Sam: No wonder why she cant stand you. Heres RIKKI! AND MELISA!

Rikki: Heyy... OMG CHOCHALATE!
Sam: Okay we already seen Chocalate and Stalker girl.
Freddie: Here's...
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name:Ashley Ria Vidal






bio:Ashley was born in tokyo,japan.trent and hetaher are her cousins.gwen,duncan,noah,and eva are her best friends.she has a cat named midnight.she has a BIT of a crush on noah.sierra stalked her once but she ignored her.Ashley is usually quiet she barely talks.she shops at hot topic A LOT.katie and sadie are her neighbors but she got used to them.she knows courtney cuz her mother...
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