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Raymond and Gino : *walk into 1B*

Raymond : Hey, guys. *flexes* *starts doing push-ups on one arm* /:D

Gino : *waves at them*

Drake, Marcus, and Blaine : Hi.

Raymond : I'm here to get you ladies PUMPED!!!!!!!!

Gino : And I'm here to tell you guys what fans want out of you.... *mumbles:* But it's not like you weren't told that already or anything.........

Raymond : *does a whole bunch on jumping jacks* You help these ladies first, Gi.

Gino : Well you guys have to be super attractive and hot and sexy and stuff........ I recommend winking, flexing, showing off your abs- stuff like that.............

Raymond : *jogs in place* Now you
ladies are looking extremely scrawny. Fans want muscular, hot guys, like GiGi said. *starts punching the air* You ladies gotta GET FIT!!!!!!! MUSCLE CHECK!!!!!!!!! *does a whole bunch of flips and lands directly in front of Drake*

Drake : o_o"

Raymond : TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!!!!!!

Drake : W-what? O_O"

Raymond : TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!!!!!! ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!! TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!!!

Drake, Marcus, and Blaine : Uhhh.....

EC : (in confessional) Gosh. With all this gay-*ss sh*t these b*tches are making me do, they'll NEVER let me on the streets again. Hey, if my homies back home are watching this, I'm just doing this for the money. I'm not gay.

Marcus : (in confessional) No offense, Blaine, but this guy is GAY. Wait wait... I got the funniest joke EVER!!! XD Wanna hear it? Of course you do!!! XD Okay. Okay.... Isn't it awkward when a GPS tells a gay guy to go straight?! XD *starts cracking up so hard he falls on the ground*

Drake, EC, Marcus, and Blaine : *take off their shirts*

Gino : *o*

Raymond : *looks Drake up and in down* You're pretty ripped, BUT NOT AS RIPPED AS ME!!!!! *flexes and poses*

Drake : (in confessional) See? Working out so much and eating healthy pays off.

Raymond : *does a backflip and lands directly in front of EC* You're pretty ripped, too, but I'm, like, you times 82,829,283,661,828. :D

EC : Uh.....

Raymond : *does a handstand on one hand and turns around* *pokes Marcus' belly button*

Marcus : Ehh...-

Raymond : You'll need a little help, my lady. *pokes Blaine's eye with his foot*

Blaine : AHH! MY EYE!!!!! >O<

Raymond : You, too!!! You ladies need some of my workout tapes. *flips back up*

Blaine : *rubbing his eye* And where are these work out tapes? •_(\ (<He's covering his injured eye. >U<)

Raymond : *flips 3 tapes of different types of Raymond's work out tapes from his pants*

Marcus : Ewwww. eOe

Raymond : They are called "Get Your Fat *ss Up and Work Out With Raymond!"

Marcus : (in confessional) You could fit all those words on a small DVD case? My mind is officially blown.

Raymond : It has 3 volumes so far. This is a top seller at the gym! I'm surprised you ladies haven't heard of it- Oh wait. You're ladies that don't work out!!! *does a whole bunch of flips to pop volume 1 of one of his discs in the TV*

TV : *turns on*

(on the TV)

Raymond : *twerking on a wall in nothing but really short glittery shorts* -3-

(in 1B)

Drake, EC, Marcus, and Blaine : *start cracking up laughing*

Raymond : O_O WRONG VIDEO!!!!!!!!!! *instantly takes the disc out and brakes it* *pulls out another copy of "Get Your Fat *ss Up and Work Out with Raymond: Volume 1" from his pants and puts it in*

(on the TV)

Raymond : *"casually" doing sit ups* *sounds all dry and fake* Oh. Hello. I did not see you there. *flips up* You are probably wondering, 'Why am I watching this? Where am I? Why is this attractive, handsome, sexy young man on the TV when he should be in the trunk of my car?' Well I have the answers to answer those idiotic questions. You're fat and you're tired of being fat! You wanna do something about it! That's why I made this work out guide to a fit life: "Get Your Fat *ss Up and Work Out With Raymond!" No, I never use to be a fat *ss like you, but I'm sure I can still help. I'll show you the basic meal plan and work outs you can have and do to give you a more healthier and muscular life. *does a whole bunch of flips and lands directly in a kitchen in front of a blender and a whole bunch of random foods* First, before the workouts, we're gonna make some EXTREEEEMMMEEEEE protein drinks. First, you want to throw in some EXTREEEEMMMEEEE eggs. *just throw 3 whole eggs into the blender* Then some EXTREEEMMMMEEEE bacon. *throws some raw bacon into the blender* And some EXTREEMMMEEEEEE milk. *drops a whole carton of milk into the blender* And EXTREEEEMMEEEEE ice cream. *drops the whole bucket of ice cream into the blender*

(in 1B)

Blaine : Is that even healthy? o_o"

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now you wanna put the EXTREEEMMMEEEE top on the blender. Pfffft. Only an idiot would forget to put the top on.

Blender : *top=off*

Raymond : *about to push the blending button*

Camera Guy : Uhh..... Raymond? The top is off.

Raymond : OH! Uhh..... I knew that! I was just, ummmm.... Testing you! *puts the top on* *pushes the blending button* Now when your protein drink is done, it should look like this. *pulls out a protein drink that looks really good and stuff and it looks nothing like the ingredients Raymond put in it* Go ahead. Try your protein drink! Then we'll get ready to PUMP! SOME! IRONNNN!!!!

(in 1B)

Raymond : *hands Marcus and Blaine the protein drinks and they look disgusting* Drink up, ladies.

Marcus and Blaine : *take the protein drinks*

Blaine : *smells it* *passes out*

Marcus : O_O

Raymond : *bends down to Blaine* *opens his mouth and pours the protein drink in his mouth* -U-

Marcus : o_O

Raymond : DRINK IT!!!!!!!!!

Marcus : Uhhh...... *sounds all fake and proper and stuff* Hey! Look! It is a flock of turtles outside!

Raymond : WHERE?!?!?!? *jumps out the window*

Marcus : Hehe. Suckerrrrr. *throws the protein drink out* *pulls out a smoothie and drinks it instead*

Raymond : *comes back inside* Heyyyy. I didn't see a flock of turtles out there. e_e

Marcus : *sounding all fake and proper and stuff again* Oh. There wasn't? What a shame. They must of ran away from you 'sexiness.'

Raymond : Heh. I believe it. No flock of turtles and stand my awesome sexiness. -U-

Marcus : *sounding all fake and proper and stuff still* Oh looky here. I seemed to finish the protein drink while you were gone!

Raymond : Good! I thought I'd have to baby feed it to you. Now let's get back to the DVD 'cuz we're about to start some EXTREEEMMMMEEE workouts!!!! >:D And get your little friend up. e_e

Marcus : ... *shakes Blaine*

Blaine : *wakes up* Huh? What? >_>" <_<"

Raymond : Now on with the video.

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now that you ladies got done gulping down that protein drink, you could see that you're EXTREEEMMMEEEly pumped for the next work out, and you're hydrated. :D NOW LET'S GET YOUR NOODLE ARMS INTO FULL GROWN GUN SHOW HOSTS IN MINUTES!!!!!! *jumps into the air and flies (literally flies) right into his personal workout room* All you ladies need for this are EXTREEEMMMEEE sleeveless shirts, EXTREEEEMMEEE shorts, and EXTREEEEMMMMEEE iron to PUMP!!!!! No shirts are also optional, too. :D

(in 1B)

Raymond : *gives Marcus and Blaine both one-pounders*

Marcus : Dude, seriously? ToT"

Blaine : Yeah, we can handle at least 35 pounders, sir.

Raymond : I eat 35 pounders for breakfast. e_e *hands then 100-pounders*

Blaine : *manages to hold it up* Wow. ._.

Raymond : See? The protein drink helps you lift HEAVIER weights!!! :D *turns to Marcus*

Marcus : *falls on the ground trying to hold it* eOe

Raymond : *facepalms* Did you NOT drink the protein drink?!?!?

Marcus : *mutters to himself* More like eat..... *speaks up* Um. No. That sh*t. Yeah. It looked like someone's ashes mixed with bird shit and radioactive, acidic sewer water. T_T"

Raymond : So you DIDN'T drink it?!!?!?

Marcus : No. Did you see Blaine? He passed OUT from the smell of that dog sh*t!!

Raymond : Well you're gonna have to drink it!!

Marcus : Over my dead body, Nancy. >:U

Raymond : *sighs* Fine. Have it your way. *punches Marcus in the face*

Marcus : *falls straight on the floor* o_o"

Raymond : Ladies, hold your friend down!

EC : With pleasure. TUT *goes and holds down Marcus's left arm*

Drake : Uh..... *holds down Marcus's right arm* Sorry, Marc. This is only for the drink.

Marcus : I DON'T WANT THAT D*MN POISON!!!!! *kicks his legs, trying to get free*

Blaine : *sits on Marcus's legs* -U-

Marcus : GAAAAHHH!!!! I this I just broke my bones. I felt and heard a snap. D:>

Blaine : HEY! I'm not even fat!!! D:<

Marcus : Gosh, I feel like I'm in some type gang bang sh*t. D:

Raymond : *grabs a protein drink* Open your mouth, darling. >:D

Marcus : *closes his mouth shut* o_o"

Drake : *pries open his mouth*

Raymond : *pours the protein drink in his mouth*

Marcus : *gags*

Raymond : SWALLOW IT!!!!!

Drake : *closes Marcus's mouth shut*

Marcus : *forces himself to swallow it*

Drake : *stops touching on Marcus's mouth*

Drake, EC, and Blaine : *get off of Marcus*

Marcus : That. Was. Disgusting. eOe


Marcus : *gets back up and wipes the dirt off of him* Well it needed more spices. Maybe rosemary or sage- Well not that I would know what those are. Hehe. Those are for girls. >_>"

Raymond : Mhmmmm.... e_e

Marcus and Blaine : *pick up their weights*

Raymond : Since you ladies picked those weights up easily, I'll leave the shorts part out. vUv

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now I hope you ladies are holding those weights up. If your not, WHAT ARE YA WAITING FOR?!??! A PERSONAL INVITATION TO PICK IT UP?!?! GRAB. THAT. WEIGHT!!!!!!! *clears his throat* Anywho, the first workout we will be doing that'll get your arms up and no time are squats. First, point the weight straight in front of you. *points the weight straight in front of himself*

(in 1B)

Marcus and Blaine : *point their weights straight in front of themselves*

(on the TV)

Raymond : Then, spread your legs so they're parallel to your shoulders. *spreads his legs so that they're parallel to his shoulders*

(in 1B)

Marcus and Blaine : *spread their legs so that they're parallel to their shoulders*

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now stick your *ss out as if you're about to twerk, and make sure your standing straight up though. *sticks his butt out and stays standing straight*

(in 1B)

Marcus and Blaine : *stick their butts out and stay standing straight*

(on the TV)

Raymond : And just squat down. *begins doing squats* I suggest you do about 20 of these. Then your arms will be pretty buff. Put this video on pause, and then that'll give you enough personal time to do some EXTREEEMMMEEE squats. :D

(in 1B)

Raymond : *pauses the video* SQUAT, LADIES! SQUAT!!!!

Marcus and Blaine : *start squatting* *instantly their arm muscles start getting bigger*

Blaine : What the... o_o"

Marcus : Uhhh..... /:U

Raymond : STOP!!!!!

Marcus and Blaine : *stop squatting*

Blaine : But we only did 5. D:

Raymond : GiGi, explain. vOv

Gino : Well, um, the fans don't want you steroid-muscular... They want a little muscle on the arms....

Marcus and Blaine : Ohhhhhh. .o.

Raymond : Mhm. vUv Now let's get back to this video. It's almost done so chill. *presses play*

(on the TV)

Raymond : Now that you ladies are done with those squats, you should be RIPPED!!! C: Our next and last workout will be sit-ups. They'll get you some abs. I'm sure you ladies know how to do these. All you need to do is 5. *gets on the ground and does sit-ups*

(in 1B)

Marcus and Blaine : *get on the ground and start doing sit-ups* *instantly start getting abs*

Raymond : STOPPPP!!!!!

Marcus and Blaine : *stop at their 3rd sit-up* *get back up*

(on the TV)

Raymond : *gets back up after his 5 sit-ups*

Camera : *zooms into his face*

Raymond : Now that's all the time we have. Hopefully you ladies are now men, and you have some EXTREEEMMMEEE muscles. In my other tapes, there will be other easy workouts to get even more muscles in other different parts of your body. Have a great muscle day. :D

Camera : *fades out*

Credits : *play*

(in 1B)

Raymond : *turns off the TV and takes his disc back* And that's how you get muscular. vUv

Marcus : (in confessional) And I didn't think this guy would do anything! That's crazy how a disgusting protein drink and two simple workouts would give me these washboard abs!!!!! :D

Raymond : *wipes a tear from his eye* My two women have grown up. eUe

Gino : Um.... Me and Raymond have to get to 2B and help them work out...... So....... Bye.......

Drake, Marcus, and Blaine : *wave goodbye*

Raymond and Gino : *leave 1B and go to 2B*

(in 2B)

Raymond and Gino : *walk into 2B*

Gino : Uh......... Hi, guys........ Um.......... I'm Gino, and that's Raymond.......... You guys probably know our names already......... Anyway, your fans want some rockstar guys that can be pretty hot........ I suggest you guys be really enraged with your music, but act really attractive at the same time...........

Raymond : *pushes Gino out the way* Now that GiGi done running his mouth about stupid stuff no one cares about, I'll get to the important stuff. vUv NOW RIP THEM D*MN SHIRTS OFF, LADIES!!!!!!!!!!! >:U

Jason, Jake, and Liam : o_o" *take off their shirts*

Liam : *looks at Jake's abs not obviously* TUT

Liam : (in confessional) WOWIE ZOWIE!!!! WHAT A HUNK!!!!! DID YA SEE THEM GUNS ON HIM?!?! HAWWWTTTTT!!!!!!! :D

Raymond : *jumps in front of Jason* *inspects him* Eh. *shrugs* Your pretty ripped.

Jason : Of course I am. vUv

Raymond : *backflips in front of Jake* *looks him up and down* You, too. *front flips in front of Liam* You HAVE to be weak! *inspects him* WHAT DA F*CK?!??! NONE OF YOU LADIES ARE WEAKLINGS??!?

Jake : Uh..... No. I guess we're not. ._.

Raymond : Well I feel unneeded here. D:)

Jason : :T

Raymond : Come on, GiGi. *grabs Gino and holds him like a football* Let's get out of here. Our work here is done. v_v

Jake : Listen, sir. We're sorry that our working out makes you sad.?

Raymond : Don't be sorry. vOv

Gino : We'll be outside, so I suggest you guys come out also........

Raymond, Gino, Jason, Jake, and Liam : *leave 2B*


Raymond : *grabs a megaphone* OKAY, LADIES AND MEN!!!!! GET YOUR *SSES OUT OF THOSE D*MN RVS AND DROP AND GIVE ME 20!!!!!

Riley, Ronnie, Trinity, Ember, Drake, EC, Marcus, Blaine, Gabriella, Molly, Autumn, and Lilyth : *go out of their RVs*

Gabriella : I'll drop and give you 20 reasons why you should SHUT THE H*LL UP!!!! >:U

Trinity : *has her hand like in a high five position pointing to her other hand with is in a fist* *the fist is punching her high five hand* Yeah! I'm with her! >:T


Trinity and Gabriella : >:U


Gino : *grabs the megaphone* Uh..... She's very nice, and I'm sure you all will enjoy her......... (Sureeeeeee. XD)


Gabriella : I'll move your balls to the top of Niagara Falls!! >:U

Raymond : >:O

Riley, Ronnie, Trinity, Ember, Drake, EC, Marcus, Blaine, Gabriella, Molly, Autumn, Lilyth, Jason, Jake, and Liam : *go back into their RVs*

Raymond and Gino : *go into 1H*

(Now people, I'm talking about a serious topic. The topic is "A Teagen Fanfic". Yeah. I practically only have 2 viewers for that: Epic Lady and Ares. I kind of hate when people don't see my stuff when I put some hard work into it. Like I could of been hanging out with my friends instead of making that. I made a conclusion that people only look at stuff if they're or their OCs are in it, and I'm kind of irritated by that. So if I don't get at least 7 comments from 7 different people on the next part of "A Teagen Fanfic" and I know you read it, no more "Total Drama Insanity," and that's how I'll end things. Anyway, how'd you like it? Did I express your character well? Do I need to improve on anything? Leave your comments in the comment boxy thingy. The next part will come soon hopefully. :P)
added by ashesrocks
Source: Me, myself and hmmm. oh yeah! I xD
added by yaoi_fangirl
1) Select one of your FCs / OCS
2) Fill out the questions
3) Tag 3 persons at the end of the quiz

My PL-OC : Sofie Izanami

1) What's your name?

Sofie: *looks up from notebook* Uh?

2) Do you know the reason you were called that?

Sofie: ...Actually... I have my creator's first (nick)name. I guess originally I was supposed to be some Mary Sue named Tiffany or some shit, but morphed over the years.

3) Are you single or taken?

Sofie: Kuh. *examines nails tiredly* I fool around a little... but don't go getting ideas. When the right guy comes along, I'll know.

4) Do you have any special skills or powers?...
continue reading...
posted by Agtimm2
My best OC Debbie(shes french)
My best OC Debbie(shes french)
Debbie is 16 and was born in paris,france.She made a painting but always thought it was missing something,2 years later it was finnish and got to go to an art gallery and someone bought it for f100,000 and so she moved to canada.

Sean is Duncan's brother and duncan always chases his girlfriends!Oh and Sean is 17 the middle child who when he was 7 always took care of duncan but now duncan picks on him he has went to juvie once.

Lauren is a strait A+ student who is always mad in the morning cause duncan wakes her up.She is the oldest and she is 18 about to go to yale but she has to wait awhile.She...
continue reading...
added by GeekGirl
Source: me
added by jadeISmaNAME
added by idrawTD
Source: me
added by i_love_music
Source: PrincessBeautiful
added by i_love_music
Source: PrincessBeautiful
added by HarleyQuinn1
added by StarWarsFan7
Source: me
posted by sorandom15
so guys. i decided to make this extra long. cause i wanted to make this perf <3

Chris: Hello everyone and welcome. To the first episode of Total Drama Fiction. This season we are going to be taking a bunch of Random and Insane Teens, from there home and put them into Fictional Challenges. Cause I'm Chris Mclean and i Yolo okay.

Jen:.....Um...maybe we should....let the contestants off this boat.....

Chris:....oh yeah....

Chris waves in hand to motion the boat in. as it start to slowly pull in. the contestants all start to come one by one. as Jen marks there names off on her checkboard.

a girl...
continue reading...
posted by princess2109
~_Path two_~
Dusk Clark
The Game of Life

Dusk awoke and rubbed her head.
She opened her eyes to be filled with complete darkness but a light bit of light in the back.
"Uh. Hello?!"
Her hello just bounces off the wall's just as Moor's
[ link ]

Dusk got up and hurried to small light and grabbed the key chain light.
"Are you joking?!"
The radio crackled to life playing slowly and stopping every so often. Dusk stood there a moment trying to figure out the song.

"Really? This isn't even scary. Not doing a good job so far Games."
She started down her path. almost to the room she stopped thinking about...
continue reading...
posted by twitdrama
YUKI's design
YUKI's design
Yes the shipping madness I stole it from ares and aprillllll XDD
So first random STUFFF and facts and other STUFFFFFFFF
This is just random facts so some may not be about OCs XDD
1.I really want to make a video game with OCs in it
2. Or Atleast a sim date XDD.
3. there would be. Eddie,Kendall,Allan,Francis,Dak,Eleric, Takashi and Edward.
4. MarEC is an OTP
5. Don't mind this randomness.
6. I want to read some fics. GIMME THE FICS
8. I wish City Lights were real. But maybe they'll be hated by guys like all the boy bands eue.
9. I'm thinking of Corrina x Todd...
continue reading...
posted by twitdrama

- Pick 10 of your OC in any order. If you don’t have 10 characters use canon.
- Don't look at the questions while picking the characters!
- Link back to the blank.
- Have fun!




1. How will [1] describe [6]?

Kendall: EVIL.

2. [5] and [4] were locked in a closet together. What does [10] see when he/she found them?
Eddie: Aww it wasn't what I expected
Yuki:*slapping Jade* DO SOMETHING. IT'S HOT IN HERE.

3. For...
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Dan’s Confessional
*stamps Ashlen* “You had no right to yell at anyone.”
Phil’s Confessional
*coughing a little in between words* “I don’t want to vote anyone out; they all seem so nice…!”
Luana’s Confessional
*skims the list and stamps Ashlen* “You messed up.”
Lila’s Confessional
*stamps Ashlen* “Going DOWN.”
Nicko’s Confessional
*shrugs and votes for Lila*
Anikia’s Confessional
“It’s so sweet that Yasmin came to help me like that.” *smiles*
Yasmin’s Confessional
“Yes! We won! We won!”
Pierce’s Confessional
“Miranda wants...
continue reading...
posted by Elkhat-Law
idk. there are fails. obviously because im not good at english. pleasedontcorrectthem >-<

Blakes POV

“Blake! Theres a girl here!” Derek yelled at the top of his lungs. I quickly ran downstairs and covered his mouth. “Shut up, rat. Mom and Dad are sleeping, or trying to!” I say, then Derek says something too, but its too muffled to make out. After a few seconds, my hand felt wet. I quickly let go of his face and wipe my hand off on his shirt.

“Sick! Now, Who is the chick for me?” I smile.

“Nikky!” Even though my brother is 11, he still can’t really pronounce certain things,...
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posted by Diblover111
Note: The episode name is not revealed because that would ruin the point of ending where I did. Notify me if I'm portraying your character wrongly (yes, I know Francis went a little weird... but anyway) Also, I know not everyone's OC had screen time - don't worry, you'll get your chance. Welcome to Total Drama Romance!

[Day, the docks]
Chris: We've had a looot of crazy seasons so far. We've seen *counts on fingers* cheating, manipulating, obsessing, lying, revenge...too much drama to count! But this season is gonna take the cake! We've brought in 18 campers from all over, including Britain,...
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Jen:last time stuff happend and now we are in the dorm's....and this is total drama youtube :3

*female dorm*


Lilyth: uh hey niyati wanna room with me

Niyati: *nods*

Lila: i will take the single room

Jayjay: take it biatch who would want to room with yo anyways

JayJay: OH HECK TO DA NO! dat girl is gunna get her ass wooped if she wont shut the fack up! and whats with all these people vlogging? its like, vlogging topia or summet!

Lila: pffft

Jen: hey girls feel free to upload any vlogs or whatever there is labtop's in each room

Crindoela: ^^

Nylee: cool...

continue reading...