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posted by bitten_byedward
Ch 9

A/N: I own no copyright. No characters are mine except Ms.Daniels. Sorry it took my so long. Busy/Writers block. New story line. Sort of. Plz R&R!

Bella POV


I. Was. Pathetic.

Over the past three months, my life had changed dramatically. I went from having a fairy tale life to having a screwed over life.

I rebelled. Went against the man. I lived in the principals office now. I went from straight A's, nice reputation, perfect actually. To bad to the bone.

I missed him. And his family. I had nightmares about them.

I missed Jake. I had just became friends with him.....

I was a zombie. Lifeless.

Jake brought me back to life. Resurrected me.

Why did he have to screw it up?


Jake took my hand and dragged me into the woods.

"Bella, you know I like you more than a friend...."

"Kinda obvious Jake.....You made that pretty clear just an hour ago. What was that about?"

We went to the movies with Mike. Jake tried to kiss me....In front of Mike.

I actually enjoyed it. But it didn't mean I liked the fact he did it like that.

I did like Jake. But was I ready? I hadn't recovered from.....the departure.

"I know you enjoyed it." Jake said. Then he kissed me. I enjoyed it but started to cry without warning.

"Jake, I'm just not ready." I sobbed.

"Well when will you be!" he hollered, angry.

"You know why I'm not." I'm called back. He had absolutely NO right to be mad at me!

"Whatever! Don't you think he screwed up your life enough!!" Then he turned to walk away.

"No! Don't leave me!" I cried. He couldn't leave me, he was my only hope.

"Why not?"

"Because I...........I"

I had no answer.

"That's what I thought!" He hollered. Then left.

I started crying, angry tears. I turned and ran out of the forest. I went to my truck and drove away.

That was the last time I saw Jake...


Here I am, sitting at the airport. Waiting for my plane to board and take me to boarding school. In Maine.

Charlie said this hurt him just as much as it hurt me.

Bull crap.

I didn't believe it.

I remember when he told me he was sending me away...


Charlie entered the door. He seemed angry.

"Bella....Your school called me. Again." Charlie said. He always said this when he came home.

"Yeah. What did they say?"

"Well...they told me you were smart-mouthing your teachers and you skipped Gym." Charlie said, annoyed.

It's nothing new. I was always rude and I never went to Gym. It never hid the marks.

"Yeah. Well.....What trouble am I in now?" I asked. I was always just grounded. Not like I ever went out.

"Well.......I talked with your mother and we've decided to send you to boarding school. In Maine." Charlie said this, pain and remorse showing on his face. I didn't believe one second of it. I knew it was a lie.

"Are you serious?" I asked. Why did this happen to me. I knew I wasn't the best, but, I was still Bella, but I was still in here.

"Yes. You are leaving in a week."

"Fine...Fine Charlie. As long as you don't want me!" I spat and ran to my room. Being me, I tripped. Charlie caught me.

"You know it's not that Bella." Charlie whinned. He wanted me to love him lie a daughter should love a father. But, right now, I couldn't.

"It's Bree!" I shouted. Couldn't people respect I had legallyy changed my name.

Bella was just so...........boring. To me it was.


I went to my room, pushed back my sleeve, took out my razor, and just slide it across my arm. It felt good to release my emotions this way.

I took out my bloody towel and wiped my the blood off my arm. It was making me dizzy.

I wrapped it in gauze and then played the cd Phil gave me a long time ago. Linkin Park.


My plane was just called. I walked up and handed the lady my ticket.

I kept getting crazy stares from everyone.

Okay. So I have a nose ring. And my hair is black with red stricks. And maybe I have on a little too much black make-up. Only eye-liner, lip-stick, etc. I'm not crazy. You see people like me out on the street everyday.

I went onto the plane and found my seat. Hopefully, I would be alone. I didn't want to be bothered.

Of course, because I have bad luck, two small children, they apearead to be 5 and 7, sat next to me. They had a tag that read, "MINOR" on the front of their shirts.

They just keep staring.

I really wanted to say,"You know, it's rude to stare." But, I kept control and didn't.

I feel asleep within minutes.

I woke up to the pilot announcing we were in Maine.


I got off the plane and looked around. I found a woman about 30-ish with a sign reading,"Bree Swan." At least someone respected my new name. I walked up to her.

"Hi. You must be Ms.Daniels. I'm Bree Swan." I tried to say as polite as possible. First impressions DO mean something.

"Hi. Come with me." She said, un-politely. I wondered if Charlie gave her a call.

On the way to the school's campus, she explained that boarding school wasn't for bad kids. It was for all kids.

Charlie must've called.

We got to the school's campus and I'd have to admit, it was pretty nice.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shinny Volvo. Silver.

I started hyperventilating. I rarely let myself think of these people. Little reminders always had me close to tears.

Then, they stepped out. It couldn't be could it. No.

It was the Cullen's.

"Bella, follow me." Ms. Daniels said. That caught my, the Greek God's attention.

He's not yours anymore, I thought.

"It's Bree!" I spat. Now, she didn't respect it either. Why would Charlie..?

"Bree...Bella. Both your names. Who cares?" She said.

"I care." I mumbled. She didn't here me.

I caught the Greek God staring at me. The others turned to stare at what he saw. They gasped.

"Bella! Bree! Whatever. Were you listening to me?" Ms.Daniels said. Harshly grabbing me on the arm. She pushed my fresh wound. The one I had cut before leaving for the airport.

"Ugh! Ow!" I said.

"Sorry." Ms.Daniels said, quickly letting go of my arm.

As we were walking to the entrance, I noticed the Greek God and his family following us at about 6 feet behind.

I was to afraid to look behind me.

"Bel...Bree! Watch your step!" Ms.Daniels cried.

Too late.

I tripped on the first stair. At least I caught myself.

I head a few gasps.

I looked down to see my left arm had been revealed. My sleeve was pushed up as I extended my arm to catch myself. Revealing my cuts.

"Bel..Bree. What is that?" Ms.Daniels asked.

"It's Bree! And...It's....N..Nothing." I replied.

"Charlie never told me about this." She said.

"I just fall down a lot." I replied. Lieing.

"Isabella Marie Swan. I am allowed to call you that when you are in trouble, I hear. And, boy, are you in a ton of trouble." Ms.Daniels said.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I replied, more rudely than I should have.

"Call Charlie."

"Ooooh. I'm so scared." I replied. I got up and harshly took my papers from her.

"I don't care if you tell Charlie or my mother. They can do nothing about it. They already sent me to boarding school for being bad. But I guess Charlie already told you that."

"Yes they can." Ms.Daniels said.

"Like what?" I retorted.

"I thought so." I said smugly. A tear fell down my check as I remembered the last time someone said those words to me.

"Jake." I whispered softly. Barley audible to my own eyes.

"What?" Ms.Daniels snapped harshly.

"Nothing. I think I can find my room myself." I walked away. Unaware of the 5 amber eyes on my back.

"So much for first impressions." I whispered.

A/N: Sorry it took SOOO long. Anyways, hope you like it! Sorry for mispelling. I'm tired. I just wrote this all out on here because I was lying in bed this afternoon and I thought of this idea so I thought that could work because I thought this story was dead. Then I wrote it down then I did things around the house and when I was finally alone, I finally typed it. So yeah. Hope you like it.
Ok, so I'm new to this fan fiction stuff. But, I was reading other peoples' fan fiction and thought it would be cool to make my own.
These fan fiction articles I'm going to try to write are about Bella after she's been turned into a vampire and how she spends the rest of her life. I hope you enjoy them!!!

Bella's After Life
Chapter 1

I walked into Renesmee's room to find Jacob staring at Renesmee intently. "You know that that could classify as being a little obsessive?" I asked Jake, making him jump. "You know that sneaking up on people isn't cool?" He said back. "Oh, but Jake, I am very...
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Sorry it's been so long (been on holiday and trying to like choose all my exam choices for year 10)lifes been pretty hetic but enough of my life!!! Last time I left off Nessie and jake were going to keep their baby and now we visit them 9 months later. No one actually knows what to expect but the exact being of Aimme (youll know who she is when you read the chapter) will be discovered in the next chapter. Also you would have noticed that this chapter is from Jakes point of veiw I had a fab time writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it eaqually as much! Thankz for reading and please...
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posted by kayleebabee
"Umm I dunno" I laughed we were all playing poker and I had beat everyone else 13 hands to seven and Alice had just asked me how I knew how to play poker as I had never played it before.
"You and Edward must Be practicing At night since there is nothing exciting for you to do. I mean Nessi's Moved in with Jake and only comes round every day so what else can there be to do?" Jasper howled with laughter at Emmets Snide comment. I rolled my eyes, laughed then retorted " well Emmet at Least Edward Is not on a six month ban." I sniggered as Emmets face clouded over and he sulked.

Then my phone rang...
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Hi! 21 chapters already! I can't believe it! Well, I had writer's block for a little while. Thank you Princesspinkla for helping me. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 21
Savannah's POV

Alec had left because he said that he needed some fresh air. I knew that that wasn't the reason why. He just needed some time to think. I let him go. Shortly after he left, someone knocked on the door. I answered it. It was Claude. "Hi Savannah". "Hi. What's up"? "I wanted to talk to you. Can I come in"? "Sure". "Thank you". "So, what's up"? "Savannah, I feel I should tell you. Alec isn't the only one who loves you....
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Black moon
Edward left me. edward left me. I couldn’t cope with it how could he leave me? he loved me didn’t he? I was subbing so hard that I couldn’t breath I was picturing his hard emotionless face when he told me he never loved me or wanted me every time I thought about him I subbed harder, my hole body was shaking, it was raining and my hole body was wet I was freezing but I didn’t care I rather die than live without crazy the guy left me and I don’t want to live without him!
My body was freezing and my head was about to explode when I heard someone calling my name
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i just look right ahead and sigh


i arrived to the port angels airport
i was wearing some old ripped jeans and little tank top and a hoddie

then the man told me to follow him we took a cab
on the way the man was silent that was good i didn't wanto to talk to him is he didn't excisted i would be home with monica ..

we arrive to what seem to be Forks it was a small town and very typical i felt uneasy i would be like a new thing to look at
a foster kid wow i sigh to myself

the man look at me "we arrive kid" he said

we enter to a building that look old and that needed a pait but in the inside it...
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Hi! This story will be a crossover with Vampire Kisses. I will explain the storyline in coming chapters. It's kinda like Twilight. I only decided to do a crossover because I was running out of ideas. Enjoy!

Chapter 14
Savannah's POV

He jumped on top of me and put his mouth on my neck. Then, someone said:"Sykes, what are you doing"? Sykes looked up. "I was hungry". "Well, don't feed on her". "Why shouldn't I"? "Because if you do, I'll make sure your miserable life comes to an end", the person said calmly. Sykes hissed and ran off. The person kneeled beside me. "Are you alright"?, he asked. I...
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Hi! I have nothing to say except: Enjoy!

Chapter 2
Savannah's POV

As soon as I made sure Mom or anyone else wasn't paying any attention to me, I jumped out of my bedroom window. I had changed since I was brought to Forks. Well, obviously I had. After I had gotten to Forks, Aunt Alice had dressed me up in clothes that I didn't like. Lots of bright colors. As soon as I was old enough to dress myself, I had gone to Hot Topic and revised my wardrobe. I had also dyed my hair black. Mom and Alice didn't like that but, I didn't care. For the past week, I had been sneaking out because I came across...
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Hi! I have a big surprise for all of you later! Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 26
James's POV

A baby. She was going to have a baby. My baby. I was going to be a father. My kind don't ususally breed. I was panicing. What if the Voltui found out? What if the Cullen boy showed up? Her stomach was growing so fast, I could see the progress. She would have a baby bump when she woke up. I knew that she liked me a little. I had to be nice to her. Especially since she was pregnant. I wanted her to love me. I needed a mate. And besides, she couldn't say no to me. my child was growing inside her womb. We...
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posted by teamalice_0
Mark and I left the Gas Staton, after saying goodbye to Bella and Edward.
"Mark, can we stay at a motel? I'm getting tired."
We drove for awhile londer until we found a motel.
"Stay here." He kissed me and went to go see if they had rooms.
I played with my fingers, waiting.
An old habit of mine.
I remember how it started. In 5th grade our choir tought us ways to not fidget, and to get rid of anxiety. That's also when i started wondering about my dad. I never though of him before that. We had to do an essay on our family. I got a B+ since i found nothing about my dad. My mom just dodged the question....
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Found Cullen
    Chapter 1. The Meeting:
I never thought I would even see her. My aunt, in my reach. She was the only family I had left. My mother and father had been killed. The rest of my family had died a long time ago. Being a vampire, I should have expected it. I had never known them. But right then, my aunt was in the house in front of me. I looked up and scanned the beautiful mansion with my butterscotch eyes; my light brown hair getting in my face. Its levels and windows dazed me. So did the fact that the whole back half of the house was made of glass.
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Hi! Sorry about the short chapter. I had homework. There will bo more Edward in this chapter too! On with the story!

Chapter 6 pt 2

I laughed. "I missed you so much". "I missed you too Bella. So, what do you want to do today? There's a thunderstorm coming. Do you want to play ball?" "Ok". Just then, Charlie came down the stairs. He was frowning. Edward looked surprised. "What happened Dad?", I asked. "Ben Matthews' body was found by the river today. It looked like he was dead for three hours untill they found him. All the blood was drained from his body." "Is it alright if I go to Edward's for a few hours"? "Okay. But be careful".

Sorry about the chapter again. My mom told me to get off the computer. I will finish the chapter tomorrow. I swear and if I'm lying, may I get a paper cut in front of Jasper.
posted by Emoshinell

Last night had to be one of the best night’s of my life. No, it was the best. But now was where to nerves kicked in. I bought the small plastic item and headed for the bathroom. I waited for about two minutes and thought the next three would never come.

When they did I walked over slowly. I picked up the pregnancy test and picked it up. I held my breath and couldn’t do anything but stare when I saw the result.

I had told Jacob why exactly I had decided to ambush him last night. It was only fair. And he seemed to be just as eager for a baby as I was, once he really thought...
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posted by sexy_vamp
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.

Please review, I am not getting many and I really need the help from you guys. Do you like it, do you hate it, please tell me.

Chapter 16

What was Edward going to say about my idea? Should I even tell him or should I keep it to myself? This solution came to me so suddenly that I didn’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner. I didn’t think that he would like it though. And what about the rest of the family? I mean I was part of their family now right? I had to do this for me and for them. They were putting themselves at risk for me and if I...
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posted by ctaim2
I wasn’t quite sure if I could possibly endure another day in high school. Somehow, the abysmal days kept lengthening in time. Each more monotonous and bizarrely dreadful than the last. Every minute I spent there, it seemed as if I was dragged further into my despair.
    I was currently seated in my fourth gray seat of the day; in English class. I had been sitting here for the last hour impatiently waiting for my day in school to end. For what seemed like the hundredth time during the period, I turned to face the eight hour timer directly north of me.
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I stared at Jacob, I couldn’t breathe. “Wait...what?” I asked, I tried to rerun the last threw words he had just told me. “It’s why me and...Him aren’t ‘buddies’.” He said I looked at him with disbelief. “He’s a dangerous person, Bells, one that you have to stay away from” he said. I continued my look. “No, vampires aren’t real, neither are werewolf’s” I said, but he put his hand on my cheek, I slapped it away. “That’s why you don’t want me to go near him, because he could hurt me” I said, he nodded. “Bella, he could kill, and his obsession-“he trailed...
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posted by IsabellaMCullen
Here it is.Chapter three.Special thanks to RosalieLillian who helped my writers block.Thanks so much to everyone for reading and being supportive of Painful Memories.Hope you like this chapter :D

xoxo bree xoxo


Painful Memories

Chapter Three

Alice POV

"Alice what's wrong?What did you see?" Edward asked me.I knew he would freak if he saw my vision.I quickly started sing Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore in my head.That was my favorite song by Paramore.

"Edward, It was about Rosalie" I turned to face the rest of my family and Bella."I'll tell...
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tomorrow i will update that i will promise .

i already retain the memory lost.



























Hi! I stayed up until 12 for this so, I am tired! There will be a Jacob POV too so, watch out for that. On with the story!

Chapter 12
Edward's POV

I lost her. I couldn't believe it. How could I have been so stupid. My family didn't blame me. They kept saying that it wasn't my fault. If only I had said no to Bella when she asked me not to come that night. I felt so lost. She could be anywhere by now. Who knew what James was doing to her? I remembered the note Bella wrote before she left:


I've decided not to marry Edward. I'm 18. I'm too young to get married. I'm going away for awhile. Please...
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added by pameee