twilight princess Club
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posted by linklover95
Sorry this is taking so long... but here it is. Twilight Princess turned into book form. X3 I own no copyrights of the original storyline. This is strictly for entertainment. I'm not getting too much love on The Legend of Zelda Club, but I'm hoping I get some constructive criticism by posting it here. :3 Please take the time to read it. I swear that you won't regret it.

Chapter One:
I sat in complete silence, the sand warm beneath me and my feet placed in the shallow water before me. I was sitting by a spring, a small waterfall in the distance and my uncle, Russell, sitting next to me. We were in the middle of Faron Woods, the forest just north of my village. The sun was shining its golden light through the leaves of the trees, bringing a sense of peace and change. The air wasn’t too hot or too cold in the shade of the trees and it brought an occasional breeze every once in a while. It truly was beautiful, and I wish my emotions would get a handle on themselves long enough for me to enjoy it…
    With a sigh, I looked up, my golden hair gently moving away from my eyes so I could see the darkened sky through the trees. It was getting late, the sun is setting, so I should get going back home…
    Home…I have to remember that won’t ever exist…
    I sighed again, looking back at the water and gazing at my reflection. I hate seeing the too-familiar sadness that clouds my golden eyes. I wish I could just forget that night when I lost all I had left, that night from 8 years ago…
    I instantly hung my head, trying desperately to keep myself from falling apart. Please Russell, say something to distract me from this, something… ANYTHING!!
    “Tell me…do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls?” He finally said, silencing the tirade that was running through my head.
    I sighed, silently thanking him for finally saying something. Now that I think about it, I only feel this way when the sun sets. It always has this effect on me, waking the deepest emotions I hide inside me. I turned to him. “Yeah…but you should know that I always feel this way.”
    He nodded, not even daring to look at me. “Yeah…I know. I’m sorry; I shouldn’t bring something like that back into your mind.”
    I nodded, turning back to the spring. “It’s fine, I was already thinking about it anyways.” I muttered. “On a different note…” I said, clearing my throat. “Did you ever talk to the mayor about delivering the gifts to the royal family?”
    He chuckled. “Yeah. But it seems he wanted to ask you to do it, since he feels that you should explore the land of Hyrule, just like your brother has done.” He looked at me, and I returned his gaze. “Do you think you could take over this honor in my place, Link?”
    Remembering my brother and the stance he held, I instantly thought of something to say to take him away from that idea, staring at him with my mouth a gape. “What?! I can’t do that! I can hardly ride Epona for a short distance without falling off, let alone traveling across the Kingdom!”
    He laughed, putting his hand on my head and messing up my hair. I hate it when he does that…I’m not a little kid anymore. In fact, I’m almost 18. “I’ve seen you ride her at a full gallop and jump a fence without a flaw before, so don’t try that excuse on me. C’mon, the mayor wouldn’t even mention your name if he knew you weren’t up for it.”
    I sighed; I guess trying to cover my horseback skills didn’t work out very well. “Yeah…I know. Sorry. It’s just that, I don’t want to remind myself of what’s been taken from me by traveling like Luke did. I’m nothing like him, and I really don’t want to take the chance to become like him.”
    Before he could laugh or say anything in response, I stood up and walked towards Epona, my Clydesdale. “It’s getting late; we should start heading back.” I took ahold of her reins and looked at her. She was shifting her weight from side to side, trying to find a comfortable position with all that firewood loaded on her. “Plus, she looks like she’s about to collapse.”
    Russell got to his feet with a short laugh. “Alright, then let’s go back.” He walked towards me and scoffed. “And Link, don’t get yourself all worked up. Just because you aren’t your brother doesn’t mean you can’t go off and have an adventure on your own. Hyrule is a huge land full of beautiful things and you should be given the chance to see it all with your own eyes.”
    I scoffed. “That’s easy for you to say. Sure, I can go and do all of that, but I won’t have fun with it. You know what’s been taken from me and the hell I’ve gone through. The last thing I need is any more trouble.” I tugged lightly on the reins and began leading Epona down a dirt path, away from the spring. Russell trailed right beside me, looking strangely like a little kid even though he’s in his thirties.
    “Everyone deserves a little adventure, even if it gets you into trouble.” He muttered. “That’s how you learn, all throughout your life.”
    I was about to say something in return to cut off his words. But, the meaning behind them hit me before I could open my mouth. We don’t learn anything until we experience it firsthand. If we never did, we’d still be clueless about our own emotions. I sighed, leading Epona and Russell across a wooden bridge into our village. “Fine, I admit it. I’ve been running away for too long and I need to give myself a chance to heal.” I snapped, hoping that he didn’t hear me.
    He started to laugh, proving that he heard me. “I don’t need you to admit anything; I just want you to be more truthful with yourself. Don’t you think that you’re supposed to take over your brother’s place in the village? Running away from his memory is only going to make you feel worse, and so far it’s forced you to lie to yourself.”
    I groaned, walking past the cottages of our village, Ordon. I didn’t even dare to look at the one place where the memory of my family remained; the cottage under the great oak tree in the very middle of our homeland. That’s where I once lived along with them for the first 8 years of my life. But then, it happened, and I vowed never to step foot into that horrid memory ever again. I kept leading Epona through Ordon, heading towards a huge cornfield. After a while, I noticed that the footsteps that were once behind me disappeared. I stopped walking and looked behind me, wondering why Russell’s footsteps were so silent.
Oh, he’s not behind me. I scoffed and looked around a little more, finding him heading towards his home. His family is probably waiting for him, anxious for him to get back. Colin, his son, is probably asking how I’m doing, knowing him and how he looks up to me. Uri, his wife, is probably lying on their couch, trying to let herself relax since she’s 6 months pregnant.
I sighed, remembering what it was like having a family, a place where I belonged. I wish so desperately that was within my grasp again. I wish that I could see my brother’s face and spar each other with wooden swords again. I wish that I could come home after searching for berries in Faron Woods to the smell of Mom’s cooking and the warmth of Dad’s smoky fire the fireplace. I wish so desperately that they were alive and I could feel them breathing their life within my heart…
I blinked away the tears that began to well in my eyes and turned around, leading Epona through the stalks of corn. Soon, we came to a hill where a single tree stood, on top of which held a tree house that I built years ago, when I was still pretty young. I still remember how I felt that night, when I decided it was ok to build myself a home away from the horrific nightmare I call my life. I still can’t believe that happened to me…
I walked towards the tree placed in the middle of the field, tying Epona to a post as I unloaded the wood and laid it against the tree. Hauling each plank of heavy wood off Epona’s back, I felt my eyes burn as I fought back more tears. I know what’s going to happen tonight; I’ll get no sleep once again and I’ll wake up to the cold sweat of my body and the dryness of my throat from screaming my brother’s name…
Once I was done, I walked up to Epona, placing my hands on her cheeks and bringing her muzzle up to my face. “It was horrible…wasn’t it?” I whispered, my voice shaking. “I’ll never forget the face of the man that slaughtered my family. I’ll find him…I’ll make sure he pays for what he had done to me.”
Her brown eyes flashed and she nickered, as if to tell me to settle down. I patted her muzzle, clicking my tongue to tell her I’m ok, even though my body said otherwise. I could hardly keep myself from shaking as I climbed the ladder into my house, shutting and locking the trapdoor behind me.
For a 12 years olds creation, my house really is impressive. It even surprises me to this day, even though I’m the one that built it with hardly any help. I have everything I need all filled in one large boxlike area, all divided into the few sections of a normal house. My twin size bed was in one corner, with a handmade wooden nightstand. The blankets were made of animal furs, handmade and warm. The pillow was also made of skin stitched together with chicken feathers stuffed inside it. There was a bookcase next to the nightstand, stuffed full of all 15 of my brother’s journals.
Another corner was the kitchen, with a fireplace and a pot hanging over the still roaring fire. It still smelled like the vegetable soup I made earlier for dinner and the floor was made of stone, paved into the wood of the hollowed out tree. The cabinets and kitchen utensils were skillfully crafted with wood and sanded down so they wouldn’t give me splinters when I used them. And in front of the fireplace was a table and chair made only to seat myself.
And the other corner was a place where I could just be with myself and the memory of my family. I nailed a piece of my parents clothing to a wall, along with my brother’s beloved wooden sword and a sketch I made of all four of us. I always kept one candle lit under them, as a reminder that they aren’t ever dead inside my memories, but instead, they are more alive than ever.
I took off my sandals and laid them right next to my door, wiping away the last of my tears. I took a deep breath and walked over to my fireplace, putting out the flame with a bucket of water I kept right next to it. I opened a window next to the fireplace for the smoke to escape. Then, with a sigh, I walked over to the memorial of my family, falling to my knees and bowing my head.
I shuddered, trying to hold back the tears that were welling in my eyes once more. “I’m sorry for whatever I’ve done to ask for this. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough to protect my family from the threat that took their lives. I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to accept their deaths, even now while I’m grown.” I lifted my head, tears streaming down my cheeks and placed my strongest left hand over the flame of the candle. “But wherever and whoever you are, please tell my family that I miss them, that I love them, and that I will never give up my life out of mourning for them. Tell them that I will become stronger, and that I will do anything to keep their memory alive in my heart.”
I drew another shuddering breath and stood, gazing into the flame of the candle. “Please, help me become strong like you, Luke. Please…” I shuddered again, lowering my voice to a weak whisper. “Please answer me, let me know that you heard my voice.”
I paused, waiting for something, anything that could prove that they heard me. After a short silence, I heard a wind rush in through the window, gently brushing my hair out of my eyes. It spun around me a few more times, then it brushed over the candle and blew out the flame, leaving me in complete darkness.
I nodded weakly, feeling soothed by the small answer of my family’s Spirit. I stood up and stared out into the beautiful night sky. “Goodnight…Mom, Dad, and Luke.” I paused and shuddered. Another tear fell and hit the wooden floor beneath me. “I love you so much…”
After gazing at the many stars that had started to come out, I turned around and walked over to my bed, my body finally beginning to settle down. I took off my tunic and leggings, carefully untying the necklace Luke gave me and laying it on my nightstand, the charm of a blue crystal facing up. Taking one last glance at the night sky, I climbed into bed, pulling the soft blankets over me…
I couldn’t stop drawing shaky breaths…until my eyes began to burn and I finally fell asleep…

I remember how scared I was…as a child; I couldn’t do anything but watch. Even if I wasn’t tied to a chair, even if I had the strength to kill the man that had murdered my family before my eyes, even if I could think of what to do next when the man saw the sky through my eyes…I wouldn’t be able to do anything…

“NO!!! Stop it!!” I remember shrieking over and over, struggling to untie myself from the ropes that held me tight.
A man with blood red eyes, driven by rage and bloodlust had broken into my home, just moments after my brother had left. He was ruthless and had tied me to a chair, forcing me to watch as he killed my parents before my eyes. I remember watching my father’s face melting off as it was held over a fire, I remember my mother’s back and the sickening sound it made when she was thrown into a table. I remember struggling so hard to untie myself that the rope left my arms covered in raw, burning, bloody skin.
Then, he held them barely alive right in front of me, held a blade to their throats, and killed them with the smallest move of the sharpened sword. I saw the blood spurt, mixing with my tears, creating a crimson puddle on the floor of my home. I cried and screamed so hard, but no one heard me, no one came to help me. It was as if it was a nightmare that I would soon wake from, but it wasn’t. It was the truth of my life…

“I’m completing your own task, Link… the one you’ve planned since your very existence. Figure out who your true enemy is… or it will destroy you”

He had walked out before I could do, or say, or even think anything else. They were killed, I was alone…I didn’t understand what he meant… he said he killed my family…did that mean Luke too?! I turned my head towards the blood-stained ceiling, shrieking all of my pain into the Heavens. They were the only thing that would always hear me no matter what, and they were the only thing I believed I had left. My tears became blood as I continued to cry out my brother’s name…

I woke up once again, shrieking my brother’s name and drenched in my sweat. I could hardly breathe and I was barely alive inside. All I could manage to do was to breathe slowly and hope that it would settle my trembling body.
After letting my body settle itself down, I sat up, still shaking a little. “Why did that have to happen to me? And what the hell was that man talking about?” I muttered.
I shook my head and shakily got out of bed. Without thinking about it, I clutched Luke’s necklace into my hand and gazed into the blue crystal. I really hope I find those answers sooner or later. If anything, I want to know why that man raided my home that night, and how he even knew my name when we’ve never met.
I sighed, tying it around my neck and cherishing the familiar feeling it gave me. Then, I turned around and made my bed, starting with the sheets and pulling the comforter over them, placing my pillow over the blankets. I walked over to where I left my tunic and picked it up, carefully folding it and putting it away. After that, I put on my usual work clothes to prepare for my daily work out in the field.
This tunic was different than the ones I usually wear because it was made of a tougher fabric, designed for doing hard work. My leggings were the same as yesterday, although I wish I had knee pads for my work done in the field. My sandals were really worn down after wearing them for almost all my life, but I don’t care. As long as I had some clothes to wear for the day, then I’m ok. I began to walk into the kitchen, getting ready to have breakfast…
Wait…today’s my birthday, isn’t it? I stopped heading towards the kitchen and froze in my tracks as the thought hit me. I laughed and walked back into my room, taking off the rough tunic and putting on a more comfortable one. It being my birthday means I don’t have to work today. I can just relax and do whatever I want.
I smiled at the thought and walked back into the kitchen, starting a fire in the fireplace. After spending a little time chopping up a few vegetables and gathering a few spices, I mixed it all together in a pot and hung it over the fire. In about 15 minutes, the soup was ready, and I poured myself a bowl and sat down to eat.
It was depressing, even after doing it for so long, sitting down with myself in the early morning and eating breakfast while everyone else was still sleeping. But I’m not about to let any thoughts get to me today…I’m just going to relax, maybe hang out with Leah.
I smiled at the idea of spending some time with her. I think she’s had feelings for me almost since we met as kids, and the way she acts around me proves it all. And…I guess I somewhat feel the same for her. I mean, she enjoys my company and I enjoy hers. She loves looking at my eyes and seeing the sky through them, she even tells me how much she enjoys being at my side, but she never admitted everything to me.
“Maybe today, if we’re alone, she’ll tell me…” I muttered, absently speaking my thoughts aloud. I finished eating my soup and put the bowl away near the fireplace, planning to wash it down by the river later. Then, I slipped on my sandals and walked towards the trapdoor, heading out of my house.
I climbed down the ladder slowly, making sure that I don’t miss a step like the last time. I will never try to go down this ladder as fast as I did when I missed a step and fell, with one of the steps ending up right between my legs. I was so sore that day, it wasn’t even funny! Once I got to the bottom, I walked over to Epona, who was always excited to see me in the morning.
“Good morning, girl…” I murmured, stroking her mane and patting her muzzle. In her own little way of saying good morning back, she nudged me and nickered softly, proving that she was still a little tired.
I laughed a little and walked around her, untying the rope that held her to her post. She instantly became excited and began to shift her weight from side to side, almost bumping into me. “Easy girl…easy…” I said, chuckling as I mounted her. With her reins held tightly in my hand, I rode off, passing all the silent cottages and heading out into a clearing on the western side of the village.
I do this every morning. I wake up right when the sun is beginning to rise and ride out into the morning mist of the open field. The cooling mist and the relaxing noise Epona made as we rode around the large plain always had been soothing to me, even as a kid when I could hardly ride her without falling off. I always did it before a long day of work, but today I’m not doing anything; I’m just going to relax.
After galloping in circles for a long time, I looked at the sky to see that the sun was out. I slowed Epona to a calming speed, gently walking across the plain until we were in the direct middle. After she came to a stop, I dismounted her to lie in the middle of the field, watching as the sky changed from a bright golden color, to a light blue. I sighed. This day is actually turning out alright. As long as I don’t get into any trouble, I’m fine.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Epona begin to shake from side to side, as if someone else stepped into the field. Curious, I propped myself up on my elbows and looked behind me, flowing Epona’s gaze. She was staring straight at a beautiful girl walking across the field to us.
I knew exactly who it was…Leah. She must’ve seen me galloping around the field and came out to see what I was doing. She was wearing a dark green sundress that cut right above her knees and clung tight to her body. Her eyes shone with the color of the forest, brown and green and really stood out alongside her auburn hair. The wind that occasionally ran through the field made her hair swish around her, making it look as if it could reach her waist even though it only stopped a few inches past her shoulders. Wow…she really looks beautiful…
“Good morning, Link.” She said, smiling and sitting down next to me.
I cleared my throat and smiled back at her. “Good morning, Leah. Is anyone else up at your house?”
She shook her head. “Nope. Both Mother and Father are still sleeping. The rest of the village is too.” She paused for a second to look into my eyes, smiling again. "You’re eyes truly are beautiful…”
I shrugged my shoulders and laughed, lying back down in the soft grass and closing my eyes. “Yeah…you tell me that all the time.” I opened my eyes again, gazing into the sky. “I still think it’s weird though, how they seem to match the sky so easily.”
She laughed a little and lay next to me, following my gaze. “I don’t find it strange at all. I find it interesting, something you don’t find in just anyone.”
I crossed my arms behind my head, elevating it a little, and chuckled. When she says those things about me, I always end up wondering whether I should say a compliment back, or just say thank you.
I cleared my throat again, trying not to let it get so dry. “Yeah…I guess not. But another thing we can’t find anywhere else is someone like you.” I said, looking at her and smiling.
She laughed and pressed closer to me, making my heart jump. “I can’t be that much to you, Link. I’m only a farm girl…”
I scoffed. “Well, what about me?” I said, trying to get a point across. “I’m only a farm boy with hardly anything left of me. You wouldn’t think that I’d be considered as someone with any value.”
She instantly stopped smiling and looked at me. I guess she did get the message. “Link, you need to forget about that. Just because you lost everything, doesn’t mean you’re nothing in my life, or anyone else’s life for that matter. You’re here and you’re alive, making a difference in someone’s life whether you see it or not. I don’t think that makes you worthless.”
With those words, my smile disappeared and I looked at her, not knowing what to say in response to them.
She sighed and returned her attention to the sky. “I wish that you’ll see that by existing and having a name, anyone can be worthy. Just by having those traits, you aren’t nothing…” She looked at me and smiled again. “You’re a person, clear as day. None of us should call ourselves unworthy unless we have a reason to do so. Simply losing everything you have doesn’t make you worthless.”
I let her words sink in, slowly turning my head to look back at the sky. Just by existing and having a name, makes you a worthy person. Your Spirit makes you a person. Not what you’ve lost or what you have, but who you are. Her words always make sense… I sighed, turning back to her. “So…does that mean that my family still is more than a memory?”
“Yeah…they aren’t ever just a memory; they are a piece of you. A memory is a life, and vice versa. They both work hand in hand, just like us.”
I merely stared at her, not really understanding what she’s trying to tell me.
After seeing my clueless expression, she laughed. “What I’m trying to say is that a memory exists like the wind. The wind is real, even though we can’t see it. It goes the same for a memory, in which is only felt by those with a heart big enough to care.”
Absently, I concentrated on the gentle wind above us, feeling how real it was and comparing to how real the memory of my family felt to me. There definitely was a connection between the two, and Leah’s words once again made me feel whole. “Yeah…I get it now.” I looked at her and smiled. “Thanks, you always make things so much easier to understand.”
She smiled, putting her hand on my chest, gently laying her head over it and making me feel whole inside. “You don’t need to thank me; it’s what we’re supposed to do for each other, aren’t we?”
I couldn’t say anything in response to her. I felt great with her lying by my side and all I wanted to do was breathe and concentrate on where her head gently lay on my chest. I couldn’t help but stroke her hair and imagine how amazing it would be to always have her by my side. I guess I do love her… I went to put my arms around her…
“LOOK!! LINK’S GOT A GIRLFIREND!!” I heard some kid shout, scaring both of us straight to our feet. I spun around wildly, trying to find who said that and only saw Colin standing innocently near the entrance to the village. He’s a quiet kid, so it couldn’t be him.
I laughed at how shaken I was just at some irritating village kid. I grasped Epona’s reins and lead her towards Colin, Leah trailing right behind me. “Who was that?” I asked once I was close enough to hear him.
“It was Talo.” He muttered, his voice so quiet that I had to bend down to hear him. “He just wanted to catch your attention since he has your birthday present.”
I smiled and laughed. “Well…why won’t he just give it to me? I’m not some kinda boogieman or something.”
“Yeah…that’s what I tried to tell him, but he doesn’t listen very well.” He started to sway from side to side, as if he was talking to some total stranger and not me. “I made you something for your birthday, Link.” He muttered, looking down from my gaze.
I smiled. “Really?” I let go of Epona’s reins and knelt down so I wasn’t so tall over him. “Thanks. What is it?”
“It’s a fishing rod…” He muttered, pulling a huge rod out from behind him. Wow…he’s really good at hiding something that huge behind his back. He handed it to me with a really small smile. “I made it myself…Happy birthday, Link.” He chirped.
Wow…it’s a really nice rod. It was colored with some waterproof paint on the rod itself. The colors were red, black and silver, and they went down the rod in stripes. It didn’t have a crank to turn for the wire; it just simply had a handle made of rough tree bark so I don’t lose my grip. The string was tied to the other end with the hook shoved securely into the rod so it doesn’t swing around and blindly catch someone. For a kid’s creation, this was really great work!
I took it from him with a smile, wrapping my arms around him. “Thanks buddy!” I shouted, giving him a little squeeze. “It’s awesome!”
He wrapped his arms around me too, giving me a hug back. “No problem.” He said, laughing a little.
After I let him go, we said our goodbyes for now and I watched him run to his house. He’s such a shy kid, but he really looks up to me, along with the other village children. I just hope that he won’t try to do anything stupid if he ever sees me doing it.
I laughed at the thought and turned to Leah, who was talking to Epona and gently petting her muzzle. I know that she loved horses, Epona especially. But it doesn’t make it any less annoying that she constantly hangs around my horse whenever she gets the chance.
I sighed and shrugged the thought off. If she loves my horse, then she loves my horse. It’s not like she’s stupid enough to try to take her away. I walked up to her, chuckling. “So, I’m guessing that you really like Epona, huh?” I said, joining beside her and stroking Epona’s mane.
“I love horses so much.” She mumbled, as if she was entirely set on petting Epona and she didn’t care about anything else. “But I know I can’t ride your horse. Epona is a Clydesdale, a huge horse; on my first try, I’m sure to fall off.”
I laughed at that and looked at her. “Well, you’re right about that. But there’s nothing that says you can’t ride her with me.” I said, smiling a little.
She simply stared at me in shock for a second, as if she thought I was kidding. Then she smiled and nodded, moving over the Epona’s saddle and trying to help herself up.
This was actually pretty funny. Epona’s a huge horse; her head towered almost a foot or more over my head and I’m at least 6 feet tall. So seeing someone as small and petite as Leah try to help herself on top of Epona was a complete joke. She tried to get on the saddle twice, but could barely get on past her waist before falling off again.
Trying my hardest not to laugh, I knelt on one knee and folded my hands over my knee, gesturing to help her up.
She groaned as if she was aggravated with herself and placed her foot on my hands. “Thank you… it’s kinda embarrassing not being able to get on myself.” She muttered.
I laughed a little. “It’s ok. I could hardly get on myself when I first got her.” I gave her a small lift onto Epona’s back, giving her enough space to swing her leg over to the other side. “But… I guess I was only a little kid then.”
She chuckled and got herself situated into the saddle. “Right and you were a trouble-maker too. I always had to get you out of trouble!” She shouted, laughing.
I laughed alongside her, loving the sound of her voice. “Yeah, I guess you always did.” Without a problem, I lifted myself on Epona’s saddle, proving that I knew how to get on better then she could.
She scoffed, looking at me with a playful scowl on her face. “Show off, you have no problem getting on!”
I laughed; grabbing ahold of Epona’s reins and situating myself between her and the saddle horn… this is an uncomfortable position. “Well, I’ve also had Epona for almost all my life.” I chuckled and gave Epona a small kick to tell her that I’m ready to move…
Leah instantly clung to me as if she was about to fall off, catching me off-guard. I began to laugh at her reaction and turned to her. “What was that for?”
“I thought you were going to take off at a full gallop!” She shouted, still clinging to me.
I laughed and shook my head, returning my attention in front of me. “I wouldn’t do that to you, you should know me by now.” I gave Epona another small kick and she started to walk back into the field.
Leah still clung to me for a while. But after getting used to the movement, she let go and began to relax a little. I chuckled as we continued walking in circles around the huge field, driving Epona on the usual dirt path I follow when I ride her. “So, do you want to kick it up a few steps?” I asked, turning my head to Leah.
She smiled and nodded. “Sure, now that I’m used to it.”
I smiled back at her and chuckled. “Alright, then you might want to hang on.” I said, getting ready to pull Epona into a full gallop.
She instantly clung to me right when I gave Epona two rapid kicks. She instantly charged forward, making Leah gasp with shock and excitement as we sprinted in the same circle. It was amazing…just like I usually feel when I sprint with Epona like this. But it was so much better with Leah behind me, clutching me tightly. I knew it…she must have some feelings for me. She doesn’t act like this with any other guy.
I ended our ride with a jump over the fence, making her shout with pure joy as we landed on the ground, Epona neighing and me whooping like I’ve always done. The wind seemed to be gentler than ever and everything was just perfect.
“That was amazing, Link.” She said, her voice dancing along my skin alongside the wind. She was still holding onto me, but it wasn’t so hard and it felt more like her gentle nature. “Thanks for the ride.”
I chuckled. “Nah…it was nothing.” I swung my leg around, careful not to hit her, and dismounted, offering my hand to help her down.
She placed her delicate hand in mine and I almost laughed at how small and unblemished hers were compared to mine, which were large and rough from doing work in the field. With a movement as flawless as her voice, she swung her leg around and dismounted. “Thank you.”
I laughed at how formal she was being with me. “It’s fine. Really, there’s no real reason to be so fancy with me.”
She laughed. “With a boy as gentle and kind as you, there’s every reason in the world to be formal with you.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. “I’ll see you around, Link, and I look forward to the time when you’re finally free.
I felt something tear through me. ‘When I’m free…?’ What’s that supposed to mean? “Yeah…I guess I’ll see you later.”
Wow…things got awkward fast. She left and returned to her home and I watched her walk away, her dress flowing with the wind. What did she mean by that…? What am I trapped in? The memory of that…night…?
Damn… I guess I really do need to get myself under control, especially if I act sad enough for her to notice it. I shook my head after she disappeared and turned to Epona, who was shifting her weight impatiently from side to side. “Are you alright, girl? I said, chuckling and looking into her eyes.
She instantly settled down and nickered a little, nudging me with her muzzle. I guess she was just a little jealous about the lack of attention I was paying her. I chuckled at the thought and walked around her, getting ready to mount her again and ride home…
“Link! I need to talk to you!”
I groaned and turned around to see Bo, our Mayor, running up to me. He looked like he ran a marathon or something like that. “What’s going on?”
“I want to talk to you about your trip into Hyrule. There are a lot of changes made to the trip.”
I groaned again and merely stared at him, ready to hear everything that he changed. I just want to get this done and over with so I never have to look at my past again…

This isn't even close to being done so I hope you keep reading my work. I hope you enjoyed taking the time to read this and your critique is greatly appreciated. :3 Thank you! XD
added by sunflowerchild
added by sunflowerchild
posted by linklover95
Sorry this is taking so long... but here it is. Twilight Princess turned into book form. X3 I own no copyrights of the original storyline. This is strictly for entertainment. I'm not getting too much love on The Legend of Zelda Club, but I'm hoping I get some constructive criticism by posting it here. :3 Please take the time to read it. I swear that you won't regret it.

Chapter One:
I sat in complete silence, the sand warm beneath me and my feet placed in the shallow water before me. I was sitting by a spring, a small waterfall in the distance and my uncle, Russell, sitting next to me. We were...
continue reading...