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Now, this is the interview that Kristen gave to a Brazilian Magazine (the same that i posted Rob´s interview from) in November and here´s the translation! (sorry for taking so long)

*What do you have in common with Bella?
Kristen: When you read the book, you immediately feel like Bella. She has the same qualities as many girls wish they had. She´s very self sufficient and i´m also like that.

*What kind of books do you like to read?
Kristen: I´ve read East of Eden, from John Steinbeck, so many times. And it´s a book that my whole family read it. It´s weird, I always go to bookstores, but I had never seen Twilight.

*So you didnt know the books?
Kristen: I started reading it a while before i auditioned, but during the shootings (that lasted three months) I was always holding it under my arm.

*Have you ever had a love like Bella´s?
Kristen: Not like hers. I dont even know if that kind of love exists in the real life. I´m in love with my best friend.

*Is he your boyfriend?
Kristen: Yes. And he´s my best friend, we know each other since i was 13. He´s the actor Michael Angarano.

*You had to wear brown lenses, how was it?
Kristen: It was really weird, but i liked how i looked with them. I think my eyes were more mysterious, with a dreamer look. I had to look innocent, untouchable, I even wore a wig so my hair looked bigger. The hardest part was to control my habit of messing with my hair.

*What do you do to have fun?
Kristen: I play guitar! But acting´s my life. When you are an actor, you only stop acting when you are sleeping. I also like writing and talking to my friends.

*What is the most difficult part of being Bella?
Kristen: I had to understand the world of the vampires, knowing that they dont exist and that i cant really fall in love with one of them. I had to imagine it all.

*How was to kiss Robert Pattinson?
Kristen: (laughs) What can I say? It was good!

*What´s the best part of working with him?
Kristen: Rob really got into the character. He was Edward.

*Did anything funny happened during the shooting?
Kristen: There wasnt one particular thing. Rob fell sometimes, and at the time it was really funny, but nothing in particular.

*Wich was the most difficult scene?
Kristen: It was the scene when Edward assumes being a vampire. It was a long and intense sequence.

*Did you and Rob get along?
Kristen: We lived intensely our characters, we were focused 24/7 to do our best. Robert is really dedicated to his work.

*Does he have any flaws?
Kristen: He doesnt realy like to shower, doesnt change his clothes and sometimes has a very particular smell! (laughs)

*What do you think of vampires?
Kristen: They are really sexy, mysterious and dangerous. We, girls, think we can help or save them. That´s why we are so attracted to them.

*Were you scared of the scenes that had to be shoot up on the trees?
Kristen: I was scared, but it was fun. All the scenes on the trees were real. We did not use special effects!

*Were you embarrassed of doing the romantic scenes in front of everyone?
Kristen: We were trying to live the book. When you decide to do a romantic role, you have to be open to this kind of situation. You have to believe in the people that are working with you. It wasnt hard!

*Who´s coller: Harry Potter or Edward?
Kristen: Harry Potter is cute, but Edward...I hate answering these questions. (laughs)

*How you define you style?
Kristen: I´m basic, I only dress up in events. But then it´s easier cause they lend me clothes from famous stylists. On the other day I saw my picture in a magazine. I looked like a different person.

*But what do you like to wear?
Kristen: I like jeans and t-shirts. I like vintage clothes. Oh, my shoes are really cool, they are from Toms (it´s a non governmental organization that donates pairs of shoes to needy kids). Each pair you buy another one it´s donated. I think that´s really cool and they are really comfortable.

*Being famous has changed your life?
Kristen: No, i´m not even famous. I´m just careful with crowds cause people can get agressive. I dont believe my life it´s gonna change that much.

Hope you liked it!!! If you dont understand something let me know and i´ll try to explain it!
It says: In love like Bella
It says: In love like Bella
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