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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter: 11     
I’m sorry. I know you have. Let’s get home and then I will just tell everyone you will talk about tomorrow.” He said. I nodded and then we ran home. I said my hi’s and good nights to everyone. Then I went to one of the rooms after putting Neisse down to bed in Edwards’s old room. Then I spent the rest of the night with my husband. It hasn’t been just him and me in a while it’s kind of nice but then its ruined but a high pitch scream coming from Neisse’s room.
    “MOMMY!! DADDY!! HELP ME!!” She screamed. Jane was in her room and I could tell no one else was in the house they are all outside. Talking so that’s how they didn’t catch the smell. Right when I opened the door Jane looked at me and jumped out the window and I went right after her. I heard Edward calling my name and calling for everyone else to come in the house. So I ran faster and whispered “Don’t come after me. I will come when I am back. I love you Edward and Tell Neisse and Everyone else that I love them and that I’m sorry!” I said and I went after her scent and it lead me to the place where we have all of our bad moments of battles. The field and I turned around to see Jane staring at me and she just started to run at me and so I just moved out of the way.

Chapter 12:
    I went after her scent and it lead me to the place where we have all of our bad moments of battles. The field and I turned around to see Jane staring at me and she just started to run at me and so I just moved out of the way. She smashed herself into a tree. I just started laughing and it was hard to keep it quite. She just made a fool of herself.
    “So Jane. How have you been?” I asked while still laughing. She’s starting to get mad and that’s how I want it. Whenever she’s mad she loses control of her gift and she isn’t careful when it comes to fighting. She lets her anger get the best of her. So this fight will be easy. Well I hope so.
    “Oh how about we cut the crap and get to business! You give me your daughter and I might spare your life but I can’t give you any gradients” She said. With so much hate and cruelness in her words.
    “Okay, I was just trying to be nice because this is going to be your last night alive. So I just thought you would like to remember your last night knowing that I was at least a little bit nice. Oh and for you information you can DROP DEAD before your touch her. Wait you will be dyeing so everything is working out how it is supposes to be.” I said with the same amount of cruelness and hatred in my voice has she had to me.
    Oh how nice of you but I’m not the one dying tonight and I don’t plan on it for a long time and also I’m going to get that little brat of yours if it kills me.” She said with a little bit nicer but she still has that cruel mask on her face.
    “Well I hope you don’t mind having that wish not come true because you are dying tonight. Even if it kills me. So can we stop talking and get this going because I was having a very nice time with my husband until you came and ruined it.” I said. Same emotions as her and same tones as her. Its pay back for everything scene I first met her I didn’t like her at all.
    “Well I suppose your right. Ready?” Then she started to run for me. So I moved and I used my new found gift that no one knows about.
    “Wow, Jane so this is the second time you missed me. Kind of upsetting are you finally getting old and studied. Wait you were always studied what was I thinking.” Then she got up and run at me again but this time. I didn’t move. I just used my new gift that I don’t know very well. I found out I had a couple years ago and never told anyone and I didn’t practice because I didn’t think I would have to use it every. Jane is running for speed and I pointed my hand at her and made her freeze in her spot. She looks pissed.
    “So Jane,how does it feel to be frozen? Just one flick of my hand and I can blow you into pieces. So don’t make me mad. So how about we redo this. You leave and you go tell Aro that he will never get my daughter. Understand? If you don’t leave right when I unfreeze you. I will kill you!” She just nodded her head and then I unfreeze her and started walking away!
    “Bye Jane! It was nice seeing you. Can’t wait to see you in a few days! Oh and be sure to tell Aro that and that he is not allowed to come until next Friday! Bye has a nice trip back to Italy.” I said waving while walking away. Then I heard her take off tords the house.
    Running to the house. I’m going to kill her. I don’t get her. I gave her the chance to leave and live for about a week longer. I better call Edward. Tell me what’s going on. I pulled out my phone and he was already calling. Alice!
    “Hello?” I said
    “Bella? Where are you Alice can’t see you again?”
    “I’m on my way to the house. Hide Neisse. Jane is coming again. No one go outside until I get there. Understand? Please just trust me this once.” I was pleading now.
    “Okay. I will hide her! Jacob is here so I will have him take a cell and have them both go to your father’s house. Why is no one allowed outside? What’s going on Bella?”
    “Can’t explain. I’m here. Bye… No matter what don’t go outside” I said and flip it closed and put it in my packet. I started looking around for her and then I felt something sharp come at me.
    “Bravo. Jane. Would you like a gold medal? I don’t know if you remember or not but you useless gift doesn’t work on me. So this fight is going to be going the old fashion way.” Then I felt another sharp feeling and its not coming from Jane.” Well I guess we disagree. So Jane are you such a baby that you can’t fight your on battles you need your brother to fight them for you. Welcome Alec. How about you come out from hiding and we make this battle more fun. You can watch me kill your sister.” I heard a bunch of laughing from the house and a little bit of oh my gods from Esme and Alice and Rosalie and of course Edward. Then you have Alec and Jane who hissed at me and is charging at me at the same time. 1……………….2………………….3……………….. 4 then I moved doing a front flip in the air landing on Alec’s back biting him in the neck and well Jane is on the ground getting mad by the minute. Just like I want her to.
    “You’re going to pay Bella. I swear to god my last guest until I die is to make sure I KILL you.” She said and she looks pissed. Good and she hasn’t even looked at her brother. Then I jumped off Alec’s back and landed safely on the ground. Then She saw him and Screamed and high pitch hiss at me.
    “Well I’m so sorry but I had to bit your brother because well I needed it to be even. I hope you don’t mind. EMMETT!?!” I said to Jane and she looked so pissed and yet I didn’t care. I grab Alec by the neck and threw him towards the house. I froze Jane without anyone knew so that I could talk to Emmett without worrying. Then Emmett came out right on time too.
    “Bells you kind of scaring me and the rest of the family. You just took down one vamp in one second. Are you okay? I don’t even know how you did that but I’m wicked proud of you. What do you need me to do?” He had that child like eyes and brother looking awe and worried look but always willing to help me no matter what.
    Well Emmett you shouldn’t be scared of me and you shouldn’t be worried or the rest for family ether.” I stopped because I realized everyone came out to listen and I even realized all of our visitors are here too. Some I haven’t said hi to yet I will do that later. Then I saw Emmett keeping his eyes on Jane.” Emmett looks at me. She’s not going to do anything. I froze her and yes I have a lot of new gifts. Explain later. I need you to watch Alec don’t let him out of your site. He should be out for a couple of mins so hold him and ill put a shield around you so that you don’t get hurt from his gift. Jasper and Edward?”
They both looked at me. “Can you both stand at the right of the yard and Carlisle and Eleazer? Can you please go down the left part of the yard?” They all nodded and went.” If you all could just stay exactly right here I would like that very much because it will be easier if you don’t move a lot so that I can keep you safe from what is going to happen. If anything happens out in the rectangle I made none of you are allowed to go there. Not even the guys I picked to stand there. They are only there to stop Jane from running plus I want to try another gift I have realized I have and I hope it works. Do you all understand and trust me?” I said and they all nodded and said yes. “Thank- you and now let’s get this game started.”
I unfroze Jane and she went after me and I went right in the air and throw so lighting at her. Giving her a little bit of her own gift to her. She was on the ground before she could even get off the ground. It was sort of funny. I stopped myself from laughing though. I heard a lot “I can’t she had this gift” and “Why didn’t she tell us” and “How long has she know” and go bells kick some a**”that one is Emmett of course.
    “So Jane, How does it feel to have you own gift used against you. Doesn’t feel so well dose it. I have a solution. We’re going to play a game. You can play or I will kill you now. No second thought at all. Your choice?” I said she looked at me with this evil game and also like she was looking forward to this.
    “I will play the game” She said with that evil laugh of hers.
    “Sounds good. No backings out after you hear the rules. Well this is how you play. Any of us meaning Edward, Jasper, Carlisle and Eleazer and me ask you any question we like and you have to answer it truth. If I find out your lying by Edward then I will do something you wish I would never do but I’m not telling you because then that would mean you’re going to try and find a way out of it and I don’t want that.” I said
    “So are we ready? Or would you rather just dye instead of playing the game? Up to you. I’m fine with both” I said looking at her and her looking at me
    “Let’s play because I still want my chance to kill you” She said/ Full of sacredness in her voice also having tons of evilness at the same time.
    “Well then let’s start and for your information it’s not going to happen. I’m sorry I ruined you dreams.” I said and that’s when we started to get our answers
posted by twilight-7
Guys, I know these are coming out like nearly weeks apart but you'll happy to know that my last exam is tomorrow and I can dedicate like the next 10 or so weeks dedicated to writing only for you guys. Woop! I would also like to thank you for being so patient you are all wonderful!
So here it is, Chapter 27.

Kayla’s POV

I woke up to darkness. At first I was scared. The darkness meant the cell and the cell meant Loren had kidnapped me and the kidnapping meant I was going to die. So I screamed. I screamed because of all the fear and anger in me. I had thought I had escaped. That I was free from...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
The concept that she would not move bothered me as i tried to get past her. Even as I try she cuts me off.

"Why won't you let me see him?" I ask her finnaly stepping back.

"Renn you don't need to see him like this."

"Yes I do." I say as I finally push her out of the way. She can't stop me from seeing him. While I walk towards his old bedroom all I can think of are our old memories. All the things we did and the things to come. Thoes times were the best, I can't let them stop now with one bad memorie that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Rennesme what are you doing up? You should be...
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Chapter 6: Preconceived Notions and The Choices That We Make (Nessie's POV)

Getting to the airport as well as the flight back was a blur. Somehow my father had arranged a private jet for us that flew us straight back cutting our travel time. Jake was given the job of calling Sam and convincing him of Amore’s vision and to let my family help them. His eyebrows furrowed as Sam picked up the phone, “Sam its Jake listen to me…I know that she is in labor trust me this is a good time for this conversation. Amore had a vision she is going to have twins Sam, she saw something choking one of the...
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posted by Edward_Bella234
Renesmee 12 years old
Renesmee 12 years old
His words froze me. The confused expression stayed on my face. I took a quick glance around the room and my eyes rested on Jacob. His face held enough worry for the both of us.
    “What did she see Renesmee doing?” My mom whispered to my dad before anyone else could. She had always worried about everything I did. Overprotective I’d say. This time, overprotection wasn’t the case. She probably had reason to worry.
    “Bella, keep your voice down. I’ll tell you what happened when Charlie leaves.”
    Alice and Jasper started...
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posted by renesmeblack
Hey, I'm typing away at home while my dad takes Mom on an extensive trip to France! Jacob could hardly contain his excitement! Seriously, He's burst into a dog three times- oh, not again Jake! Four times. Anyways, whenever my parents are out, my dad posts up a list of rules. Here's what he wrote.

your mom and I are going to France. Do not take advantage of this with Jacob. Tell Alice where you're going, and DON'T go to La Push. Watch for bears, and don't go anywhere near the hunting zone. No friends over later than 10:00PM unless it's Jacob(even then don't try anything funny.). Jacob is not allowed on your bed(and I don't care if he's in dog form.). Alice will come over to check in on you regularly, but call her if you need help.


Ugh. As if Jake and I would do anything stupid. I think Jake was planning on that, though. Well, I hear Jake break something upstairs. I'm gonna see what he's up to. Later!
Chapter 32: The Truth is often Hard to Take

My new parents and I drove my new grandfather’s Mercedes to my memorial. It was so odd, although I had driven down the same streets in Forks all of my life this was the first time that I truly saw them. My human eyes hadn’t taken in all of the details and I was itching to draw them. I sighed. “What’s wrong, love?” Rosalie asked with her eyes on me in the rearview mirror “I just wish that I had my sketchbook,.” She looked at me sadly, knowing that it was too much of a risk to go to my house and get it. Emmett looked back at me, “On...
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posted by just_bella
I know I said the call would be in the last one but I couldn't make it it's in this one instead!! Thanks everyone!! Please comment :)

End Of Chapter 20

I finally focused on her eyes, the fear showing everywhere on my face. "Edward," was all I could get out.

I watched as Bella's face tried to figure out what was going on. She took a few gasping breaths before she started to fall, Jacob swearing loudly as he tried to catch her.

He growled quietly at me and started screaming. "What the hell! What did you do to her? Bella!!" He said as he ran her over to the couch.

"Bella? Bella, snap out...
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Sorry guys i havent written for long but the thing is im sorry i made a mistake.
Edward was overseas at the time okay, remember that vampire who was is in love with Edward well her name is Sahara- she has mocha skin and really really beautiful-put rosalie to shame!
So Edward is down there and has no idea that Bella's in hospital and i dont really have time to drag it out for you guys but i tell you what happens.
So Edward and Sahara talk and talk and he explains how there is someone else and stuff. Meanwhile it has been 24hrs while bella has been out and shes not quuite in a choma but close to...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I had the whole thing typed and my chihuahua walked across the keyboard and closed the now I get to type it all again!! DANG IT!! OK well here we go AGAIN!! :)

End of Part 17
I went back to the couch, hearing Bella follow behind me. I reached my hand out to her and pulled her close to me.

"You look tired." I said as I examined her face.

"Yeah, near-death experiences do that to me...So, what does Carlisle think of you being here?" She asked, probing for information.

"He doesn't know. He and Esme were on a hunting trip when I left. I'll hear from him in a few days when he gets back."...
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i'm feeling allot better, so here are 3 articles up like i promised :D ^_^enjoy

Bella's pov

“Bella, NO! DON’T! STOP!” Alice screamed from behind us. “your going to die, Bella” she said in panic and with sadness.
“Alice, what are you saying” Edward asked her worried and all concerned and upset too.
“She’s still to weak to fight the poison, I saw it, it’s going to kill her” Alice said in panic now.
“Alice, I’m kind of death already how can poison kill me, I thought vampires only die ...” I started say before I was interrupted by Carlisle
“it’s not because your a vampire,...
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posted by just_bella
I had to put this one up, I promised someone that I would put this one up..hope I do people proud :)

End of Part 13

I couldn't remember the last time I ate, and with Bella sitting on my lap, her blood so close I found myself starting to be distracted. I felt myself stiffen, the smell making my mouth flood.

"Oh." She said as she pulled herself away from me, sitting on the couch next to me. "Sorry."

"It's my own fault, It's been too long since I hunted. I shouldn't let myself get so thirsty. But I was in a bit of a hurry to get here." I said as I glared at her. "Speaking of which, would you like...
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These are really funny facts about Jackson Rathbone many people have'n heard about him before! Enjoy!

1."I do a lot of photography, and some drawing. I try to join both things."

2."I use to sleep with all my cloth and take it to the next day. Also my hair hasn't been cleaned out for five years. No, not really. But it hasn't since long time ago."

3."I play the bass. Is really irritant. And also I play the accordion. Those two things are really irritant. And also I play the Ukulele, that is also irritant, but Spencer Bell was the one that taught me how to play the Ukulele, an incredible musician."...
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enjoy ^_^

Bella's pov

We were at the house in a quick time and I noticed that Mason fell asleep in Edward’s arms. I opened the door and Edward walked gently to Mason’s room and laid him down on his bed. I waited till Edward came out of Mason’s room and I gave him a smile before I entered our bedroom, not a second later he was behind me and closed the door. I was on my way to the bedroom when he fearfully grabbed my hand and pulled myself towards him, I had no time to react or his lips were already on mine.
He kissed me so strong and so sensational that my body started to go in overdrive,...
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Well i'm at the final part now, but it was getting to long so i sort of split it up with 50.1 / 50.2 / 50.3. ^_^ Comment please and enjoy reading the final chapters of my story

Bella's pov

I heard a noise coming from the forest and I start focusing to found out who it was, then I saw Daniel coming out of the forest standing next to Leann.
I turned myself towards Daniel and Leann
“help them, carry them inside, I’ll clean up the mess” I said strong.
“Bella, what are you going to do” Daniel asked me with worried voice
“Don’t worry Daniel, I’m just a little hungry,” I said to him and...
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Chapter 19: The Illusion of Normalcy
We waited on edge for something to develop but weeks went by and Aunt Alice didn’t have any visions regarding the Volturi and Sienna. She spent most of her free time in La Push with Seth or here at our house. She slept over my parent’s house a lot. If it were under better circumstances it would have been more enjoyable it was kind of like having a sister. It was definitely nice to have someone in the house that was truly similar in age to me. It is peculiar for your parents and aunts and uncles to look as though they are the same age that you are; so...
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posted by just_bella
Hey guys, here's the next chapter. I'm not sure if i will continue this one much longer...unless I do a rose and emmett story. Sorry I didn't get this up last night, but here ya go.

I passed in and out of conciousness, trying to hold on like I had promised her. I remember one point where she stopped and put me down on the grass and I came too.

The surrounds were diffrent, it looked like we were just out side a town. The strange thing was that it was unlike any town that I had ever seen. There were many buildings that I could see from this...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I was going to wait and do this on Friday, but I couldn't wait. I really like where this is going and it is fun to write :)

"I hope you realize what all of this is doing to your mother. She has been crying for a while now, she knows now that your brother will make it but with every sound she fears that someone else is going to go out and try to find the bears." He said.

"I.....well. I don't know what to tell you, I tried telling you that I am sorry. I will talk to everyone tomorrow and tell them not to go out there if you think it would help."...
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it's not a really big one, but i guess you'll all been waiting for this one :D Enjoy and again sorry for mistakes :-)

Bella's pov

The days past by very slowly, the only thing I was aloud to do was, eat, sleep and rest. I just hate staying in bed all the time but Edward and the other family members kept a close eye one me, not because I was dangerous but because of the size of my stomach. I was about 3 weeks and I looked like someone who was 8 or 9 months pregnant.
When I ate I still had these outburst, so I only ate once a day. But I didn’t care about that because the baby was big already and...
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part 9 will be up tomorrow

Bella's pov

I woke up, still feeling his arms around me
“Did I fall a sleep” I asked him confused. “I thought vampires can’t sleep”
“yes you did fall a sleep and no vampires don’t sleep, but it’s probably because you’re pregnant and very tired that you did” he said back
“How long did I sleep then” asking him but still looking outside.
“about 7 hours I guess” he said back
“It’s so strange, I don’t feel like a vampire right now” Are you sure you made me one” I laughed a little and looked at him and saw him laughing too
“yes of course...
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OW! I yelped as I closed my finger on the car door. “DAMN, DAMN, DAMN OWWWWWW!”
Everyone and I mean everyone across the reservations school grounds starred. “Great” I whispered to myself sarcastically. Haven’t been back in two years, and I already found a way to embarrass myself. I wasn’t really looking forward to my first day back; considering I was now of age to attend high school against my will. O well, only one and a half years to go I thought. At least I had College to look forward too. And even better, being back to my friends and family.
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