Vampires Club
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posted by Rockgrl
Ch. 2- The Date!

“Hey come on already and help us move the furniture into the house slackers,” called Athan in his usual impatient voice.
“We’re coming,” Jareth called back leaning out his window. “You should start moving some of your boxes inside will it’s still sprinkling out so they don’t get too wet. That is the last piece of furniture they need to move inside so I won’t belong.”
“Okay, I’ll get to it,” I said obediently.
“Thanks,” he said leaning towards me to give me a peck on the cheek.
As soon as he was over with his brother and their friends I climbed out of the truck to start unloading the boxes. The very first box I pulled out fell open at the bottom, sending all of its contents falling to the ground. The next thing I knew Jareth was behind the truck helping me pick everything up.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that it was raining on the way here,” he apologized.
“It’s fine; it was my stupid fault for not bothering to support the bottom.”
“No it’s not fine, you’re not stupid, and it’s not your fault.”
“Yes it is.”
“I forgot how stubborn you are.”
“Mother says I got it from my dad.”
“You probably did.”
“Thanks,” I said sarcastically.
After that we moved all of my boxes in a little more carefully. He got them out and took them up to the room that I got. He didn’t let me do much of the work period. He actually unloaded everything but one box because he had so much time. He said that I had to unload the last box because he had to go home for dinner before his mother yelled at him through his cell phone to get home. I was glad he chose not to unpack hat box since it contained everything that I didn’t want him to see like my favorite picture of him with chocolate frosting all around his mouth. I told him that I had gotten rid of it. He was dumb enough to believe me considering the fact that I’m a horrible liar.
“How did the moving in go,” asked my nosiest sister, Elvira.
“It went fine,” I said avoiding the direct answer that I wanted to give saying that it was the best thing in the world for me because I knew that she would raise cain and tell him about my answer.
“Only fine, I thought it went over a little better than fine with the peck on the cheek he gave you,” she provoked me even farther into almost giving away what I really wanted to say but also keep to myself.
“Quit provoking her Elvira! If she wants to keep her reply to herself then let her,” exclaimed Aleera with Alla right behind her.
“Oh come on Al, you know you want to find out to,” complained Elvira.
“Yes I do want to find out but I have enough sense not to ask unlike some people that I know,” Al said aiming her words directly to Elvira.
“Sounds like you wanna fight sister,” snarled E getting into a crouching position ready for attacking.
“I thought you’d never ask,” snarled Al right on back.
“E, Al not now remember what happens to A if a fight goes on around her,” said Alla who was now stepping in between the two of them.
“Thank you Alla,” I said just as soon as I had caught my breath enough to speak.
“She’s right E, we shouldn’t fight in front of A. I can’t believe that I could be so thoughtless.”
“Yeah, I should have remembered also,” said E getting up from her crouch.
“Girls, it’s time for dinner,” called mother from the bottom of the stairs.
“You coming,” asked Aleera.
“I’ll be down in a few minutes,” I replied looking up from the box I was opening.
“Are you going to be alright,” asked Aleera looking a bit nervous and worried.
“Yeah I’ll be fine. Leera just go down and tell mom I’ll be down in a few minutes after I unpack this last box.”
“Okay but yell if you need anything.”
“I will,” I promised.
After a minute or two I heard a tap on my window. I turned around to see if it was just the trees but it wasn’t. It was Jareth. I immediately went to the window to let him in.
“How did you get up here,” I said in a whisper.
“I climbed the tree just outside your window,” he answered in whisper like he didn’t want to get caught being here.
“I have to finish unpacking then I have to eat dinner. You’re more than welcome to stay in here just as long as you keep quiet.”
“I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out and let me show you around the town when everyone else is asleep.”
“I’d love to, just let me finish unpacking, eat, then we can leave just as soon as I make sure everyone else is asleep, but under one condition.”
“What’s that condition?”
“You have to stay with me until I’m in a deep enough sleep for you to leave after we come back.”
“I don’t mind that condition.”
“I figured you wouldn’t. You need to hide somewhere now, I hear somebody coming to check on me. Hurry!”
“Are you alright,” asked Lucine a little suspiciously.
“Yeah I’m fine. Lu you look a little suspicious about something, why?”
“I thought I heard you talking to someone in a hushed tone.”
“You’re just being paranoid,” I replied.
“I guess I am, any ways, when are you coming down to eat?”
“I’m coming right now,” I said so he would leave.
“Okay, I’ll see you downstairs then.”
“I’ll be back up as soon as I’m finished eating, don’t move,” I whispered as soon as I knew my brother was out of earshot.
“I wasn’t planning on it,” Jareth whispered back from his place on the ceiling between two beams.
“I promise I’ll be back in just a few minutes, I’m not really all that hungry anyways.”
“Just hurry up before I fall and give us away,” ordered Jareth.
“’Kay, love you.”
“You didn’t eat very much A,” complained my mother.
“I wasn’t all that hungry,” I replied.
“You should’ve been after that long trip here.”
“Well I’m not so I’m going to go get a shower and go to bed a bit early to night.”
“Alright just be careful when you and Jay go out tonight.”
“I have ears.”
“Of course you would use your supersonic hearing to listen in on my private conversation.”
“I heard a tap on your window so I had to listen.”
“I’m leaving now.”
“Remember to take a shower before you leave.”
“What’s wrong?”
“My mother was listening in to our conversation.”
“So she knows that I’m taking you out for a night on the town,” asked Jay dropping down lightly to his feet.
“Yep and she’s expecting to hear all of the details as soon as I’m back. Oh and Lu says he doesn’t want me injured in any way while I’m out with you,” I said heading towards my closet to get myself a cute outfit for our date.
“Okay and don’t worry about your outfit, I’ve already picked out and put it in your bathroom for when you get out of the shower.”
“Thanks,” I said a little weirded out.
“No problem,” Jareth replied smiling at my reaction.
I couldn’t help but smile with him. His perfect teeth gleamed in the light of my room. I couldn’t imagine how my teeth looked though by the way his eyes lit up when he saw me smile they seemed to be perfect for him. I could see the intensity in his eyes. I could tell that he wanted to pull me close and hard, kiss me like there was no tomorrow, never let me go and for a moment I was wishing he would do just that. I hesitated a moment before breaking this extremely intense but still comfortable silence with, “Well I should probably get in the shower.”
“Oh, yeah. I’ll wait right here,” he replied sitting on the edge my bed.

“I’m sorry there’s not much to do in this town at night.”
“No it’s alright, it’s tons better than Luckey. I mean come on, the only cool thing that ever happened there was Luckey Fest, and that’s mainly one big flea market.”
Jareth laughed, “I guess that is worse than here. Just to get a thrill I either sneak into Botanical Gardens or Wildwood Park.”
“Show me what Botanical Gardens looks like.”
“Okay, if that’s what you want. Botanical is this really beautiful garden park; I guess you could call it.” As we walked through the dark and eerily silent neighborhoods he explained in almost full detail how beautiful the park looks at night. “I’m sorry we have such a long way to walk from the house to Botanical. Just for a heads up we’re going to pick up a few of my friends along the way.”
“Okay, but I don’t know any of your friends,” I complained mainly trying to convince him to have this stay just the two of us without just telling him straight out that it should be just the two of us.
“Come on you’ll love them.”
“I’ll meet them tomorrow.”
“Fine,” Jareth said giving into my plea.

“Wow this place is soooooo pretty,” I exclaimed as soon as we got to Botanical Gardens.
“I told you.”
The next thing we heard were police sirens heading in our direction.
“Crap, there was a reason why I was going to get my friends. That reason was because one of them is a seer! She threatened me that if I didn’t take her and the rest of our friends that she would call the police on us.”
“What do we do now,” I asked. I was getting really nervous but excited.
“We run and hide.”
Apparently his meaning of run and hide was to jump an extremely tall fence and climb a huge tree somewhere in the woods behind Botanical.
“Pssst,” came a voice from somewhere below us.

Jackson kissed my forehead, my nose, my cheek. He travelled along my jaw before planting a rough kiss on my lips. In his kiss i could feel the passion, desire, longing and carefulness. He desire matched mine, we both wished to be able to do more than this. But we couldn’t, i was fragile, breakable and non- refundable. One flinch, one face, one anything and he pulled away and my body filled with chagrin. I hated the line that was drawn between us and stopped him from showing his love for me and stopped me from experiencing the real him.

He kissed my eyelids making me close them as he...
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The Clearing

The circle clearing was surrounded by a wall of trees that were connected by a vine that held pale pink and white flowers in a hedge like fashion. Light filtered in through the leaves of the trees. The grass under my bare feet was long and somehow soft. Petals from the flowers drifted down like snow on to the grass making the clearing look more like a fairytale every second I stood there.

Jackson pressed his lips gently to my jaw to grab my attention. In an attempt to lengthen the kisses I threw my hands around his neck –accidentally smacking him in the back of the head with...
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posted by alexapetrelli
How I Could Naturally Be A Vampire...

Here is a list of things of how I could naturally be a vampire...

1.    I love the night...

The night is when I tend to feel my best. Plus it’s so calm and quiet. Night tends to feel longer than light hours and therefore I get more done ^_^

2.    I love blood...

The taste of it is amazing and I love the colour and how it flows o so in rhythm =]

3.    I love biting...

I’m always biting people and I love the contact with teeth and bare skin XD

4.    I love biting the neck...

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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Ouch!” last night I was out to long and by the time I came home I was exhausted so I just slept on my mattress that laid on the floor.
    I woke to the waves crashing onto the shore and the sun light touching my eyes. Not realizing I was on the edge of my bed, I stretched and landed on the cold floor to my two room apartment.
    I got off the floor grabbing my silk bathrobe that was sitting on top of the box next to my mattress. I walked over to my living room windows and opened the shades up to reveal a beautiful ocean. The sky was clear all for...
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added by DrDevience
Source: Odile at
added by DrDevience
posted by _Blackhearts_xx
Vampire Bite
I wonder innocently through these dark alleys,
fearing the dark shadows i feel are lurking behind me,
The smell of my flesh and blood rushes through the air,
ive ran for far too long,
Im now out of breath,
i need to rest,
i pause for a moment, finding myself standing directly infront of a brick wall,
how could this be? this wasent here before?
i could swear there was an alley was for me to walk,
i turn, but as i go to head back,
i see another wall blocking my path,
have i been trapped?
or is it that i have been captured,
Have these alleys been their bait?
these creatures of the night,
they stand...
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I always thought of memory loss as a good thing, you didn’t have to remember pain, loss or things you regret. But as I stared into the crimson eyes of the girl whose plan was to kill me.
I hoped that this would be a memory the man I loved would forget.
A feral growl ripped through air and out of nowhere my hero, my saviour, my angel here to rescue me and carry me up to heaven.


I slapped my hand down on the alarm clock that sat on my bedside table, 7:00 Wednesday morning I’d slept for eleven hours but I felt like I hadn’t slept for weeks. As I sat up my stomach twisted,...
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added by Cammie
Source: www.gammillustrations,com/
It doesnt have a title yet srry hope u like it write comments!
Chapter 1
I could see my breathe as I stepped out into the frigid night. I tiptoed down the stairs of my back porch and headed towards the woods behind my house. They were dark and there was no moon tonight. I walked deeper and deeper into the woods until I couldn’t see any lights from my house anymore. It was well below freezing and I was wearing booty shorts and a tank top. Violent tremors shook through my body and my chattering teeth echoed in the silent woods.
    I have never been afraid of the dark but for...
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Lenete and Lilly had thrown themselves into planning my wedding, my mother was ignoring me, Jackson and I had more alone time and my weird behaviour had come back. It has been exactly one week since i went weird the second time, Jackson has been spending a lot of the time we aren’t alone with Lilly and Nafron, review what could be happening and the powers of vampires that are currently roaming. I avoided this research unless they uncovered something I’d rather not know.

I was doing assignments when i heard Lenete scream Dimytri’s name. I trudged my way down stairs. Lenete had a...
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added by DrDevience
added by blackdoggy1
added by slytherin360
added by DrDevience
Source: Clyde Caldwell
added by deedeeflower
Source: deedeeflower
posted by Raven33
It is not just a fantasy.

The Temple of the Vampire is an international organization that can enable you to acquire authentic power over others, build real wealth, achieve vibrant health, and even live beyond the usual human lifespan.

This is part of what it means to become a real Vampire.

Real Vampires are those who possess a special knowledge and power.
You can have this knowledge and gain this power.

Realize the hidden truths behind why people think and act as they do
and learn exactly how to control them.

Rise above the mindless rat race of having to work to make money
and employ our subtle...
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posted by deedeeflower
I found this poem on the back of my Vampire Vineyards Pinot Noir bottle.

But first on this earth as vampire sent,

Thy corpse shall from tomb be rent:

Then ghastly haunt thy native place,

And suck the blood of all thy race;

There from thy daughter, sister, wife,

At midnight drain the stream of life;

Yet loathe the banquet which perforce

Must feed thy livid living corpse.

Thy victims are they yet expire

Shall know the demon for the sire,

As cursing thee, thou cursing them,

Thy flowers are withered on the stem.
added by DrDevience
added by Angie22