Windwakerguy430 Club
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Activision: Hey, guys. How do you like my new shirt
Wind: Um… it’s exactly the same as yesterday… and the day before that, and the day before that
Activision: I know. Isn’t it great?
Wind: Come on, Activision. You have so much money. Why not try something new
Activision: Because doing the exact same thing always makes me popular

Atari: (Sitting in a box) Got any change?

Bethesda: (Stuck through the door) Hey, I can’t help that I am all fucked up (Jumps out of the door) (Entire world goes black)
Wind: Aaaaand the texture just dropped. Fucking perfect

Bioware: Hey, man, would you mind hearing my story
Wind: Sure
Bioware: Okay then (Ahem) Once upon a time…… So, what do you think
Wind: That’s it
Bioware: That’s it
Wind: ……….

Activision: (On phone) I can’t talk right now (Grunts) I’m a little busy (Grunts) Bye (Hangs up, then gives a sudden moan)
Blizzard: (Comes out from under the table) So, how was that
Activision: That was good

Bungie: ………….


Capcom: (Counts money) Thank you, all you idiotic, gullible, suckers for your cash. I never knew just making a game that is all based on DLC would be perfect to sell. How could you all be so stupid. Oh well, it makes us money


EA: (Sits in large chair) I AM IN CONTROL OF THE WORLD! HA HA HA HA!!!

~Game Freak~

Game Freak: Hey, check out these cute little animals I just got (Holds up two puppies)
Wind: Aww, they’re so cu-
Game Freak: Yeah, I just trained them to fight to the death so I can earn money
Wind: Wait, what
Game Freak: I’ll call this one Pikachu and this one Charmander and they will be my little money makers
Wind: No, seriously, what the fuck
Game Freak: Come on, guys. Lets go tear out a dog’s throat for cash

Microsoft: (Having money rain down on him) Man, it’s pouring today. Isn’t it great Rare
Rare: (Looks at their latest game) All I do now is make shitty Kinect games. I used to make the greatest and most revolutionary platformers… What happened to my life


Wind: Oh, which do I choose (Looks at Xbox One and PS4)
Nintendo: (Appears) Stop right there, kid. I’m original
Wind: Really
Nintendo: Trust me. Just look at this (Holds up Wii U)
Wind: Wow. It is a console that doesn’t look exactly the fucking same and it doesn’t share 95% of the library of the other console
Nintendo: Yep, we’re just cool like that

Rare: (Tries sneaking out window)
Microsoft: (Comes in, holding a hatchet) Oh, Rare. I hope you’re not planning on sneaking back to Nintendo
Rare: (Scared) Oh, of course not, master
Microsoft: (Pats Rare’s head) That’s a good little slave. Now, get back to making Kinect games that no one will buy


People: (Bowing in front of Rockstar) All hail Jesus

Sega: (Gets picked on by bullies) Hey, come on. Stop picking on me. I can be cool too. See? (Holds up Sonic Lost World)
Bullies: …..
Sega: Eh… Eh?
(5 Seconds Later)
Sega: (Getting beaten up by bullies)


Sony: We makes Playstations
Wind: Huh, cool-
Sony: We also make DVD players
Wind: Oh, okay-
Sony: And we make TV’s
Wind: Well, that’s co-
Sony: And cameras
Wind: Uh-
Sony: And phones, and computers, and CD players, and-

~Square Enix~

Square Enix: (Walks up to his dad) Daddy, I made a game
Dad: That’s great, son. What’s it called
Square Enix: Final Fantasy XIII
Dad: …. Son?
Square Enix: Yes dad
Dad: Your adopted… and you’re dead to me… and I’ve been cheating on your mom
Square Enix: …………
Dad: And your game sucks


Ubisoft: (Speaks in a stupid way) I’m a smart boy (Drools)
Wind: (Sarcastic) Of course you are, Ubisoft
Ubisoft: I can do good things too. See (Points at Assassin’s Creed Unity)


Wind: So, uh… Valve
Valve: If you ask me about Half-Life 3 again, I swear to god
Valve: (Annoyed sigh)


Hudson: (Dead)
Art by Alinah_09
Art by Alinah_09
Halloween was a pretty good movie… And then it made a bunch of crappy sequels. I could talk about how I hate all of them equally, but I want to focus on the one that was an immediate sequel to the first one, the second movie in the franchise. So, how could what was said to be one of the greatest slasher movies of all time manage to get worse and worse with time… Well, why don’t we look into it and find out?

First off, I would like to point out one thing. The director of the first movie was John Carpenter. However, he was then changed to producer, and Halloween 2 was directed by Rick...
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Be me. Age 9. My brother’s birthday comes up and for it, he gets a copy of Tony Hawk Underground. I watch him play it for a bit and am amazed by the character creator, insane tricks, and how much I hate Eric Sparrow. Sneak into his room while he’s at work. Try to play Tony Hawk Underground. Fail miserably. Finally manage to get the tricks down. Brother walks in from work. Mfw.jpeg. Immediately gets punched in the stomach and thrown out…. Tony hawk everyone.

Legendary skater and now a family man who is going through an existential crisis, he was the man who revolutionized skateboarding...
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added by Windwakerguy430
Song: link

Johnny: *Running on a rooftop*
Parker: *Running with Gordon* Get him!!
Sean: Why is that guy being chased?
Jeff: I don't know.
Johnny: *Hiding, watching Parker and Gordon run in the other direction* Finally, they're gone. They want me dead because I'm tonight's host for Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. There are two films we have for you.

8:00 PM - Con Mane: Golden Iris

8:30 PM - Six Shooters 5

Welcome to another story about a spy named Con Mane. We begin at a Mexican nuclear base.

Con: *runs onto dam*
pilot: *flies past Con*
Con: *ties himself to guardrail*

Con jumped, as the rope...
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Art by SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
Monsters and creatures in a horror game, movie, show, or book are the very thing that makes the game, movie, show, or book scary. It shows us something that is a threat, possibly completely inhuman and unimaginable, that we wouldn’t expect it to be real, but horror makes us believe that it is real, and that is what scares. So, whenever a monster is done and used creativity, I tend to respect the creator and the use of the monster. And there are so many of them, I may have to make another list another time. But, for now, I wanna talk about monsters and creatures from… anything that I find...
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I don’t think I need to give a lesson on who Batman is. Everyone and their grandparents know who he is. Batman, the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader. Having tons of comics, movies and video games. Some being some of the greatest games of all time and others being… the complete opposite. And that’s what we are looking at, the complete opposite. Developed by the Japanese studio, Kemco Software, best known for their work on the Top Gear franchise and their mobile games, they are still around today. Nothing was hurt by this game, DC Comics is still making bank and Batman is still a cherished...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Okay, so after the last game, I needed to cool down and play a much better game. That last one got a little heated, but thankfully, I can try out something that may calm me down and be a joy to play. So, with that all said and done, let us play through a Grasshopper Manufacture game. Grasshopper made a lot of underrated titles, such as Killer 7, Shadows of the Damned, and the great Wii franchise, No More Heroes. So, naturally, I really enjoy seeing their name on anything. With that being said, I can’t wait to talk about today’s game, Killer is Dead


Killer is Dead was made some...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: ww90sr8hierosdknlnholsnhoieryjoerijlkdfshmskdfhdghdsgserhd
When it comes to video games, many people expect a satisfying final boss to help bring the game to a close. Many bosses can be huge and epic, like in Bayonetta. They could be incredibly emotional, like Gwyn from Dark Souls. Or they can equal your strength and test your skills like Henry from No More Heroes… Or sadly, they can suck so hard, that they make you question why you went through the game for this in the first place. That is what I want to talk about today. Final bosses that are built up to be epic, and in the end, suck so hard, that it literally leaves a bad taste in your mouth....
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added by Seanthehedgehog

Well, here it is. It’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. While I have been busy with a ton of other things like work and the underlying threat of every phone call being a scam artist or something to leave me bankrupt, this article has always been in the back of my mind. And I’m finally gonna talk about it. Today. That’s right. It’s time we finally get to talking about the classic comedy film. Clerks… 2!. Nah, I’m kidding. Fuck that movie. It’s Clerks, the original, 1994 film

I: From Humble Beginnings

Clerks is the best comedy film I have ever seen. Of...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
(Walter and Phillip walk into a building carrying the suitcase)
Doorman: Hold it, who are you two
Walter: I’m Walter, and this is Phillip. We have a meeting with Ricardo
Doorman: The boss? Alright, go on in
Walter: Thanks (Walks in)
Phillip: (Stops) So, what kind of stuff does Ricardo sell, because my friend’s got this good pot and may be able to do business-
Walter: Phillip! Stop screwing around!

(Walter and Phillip wait in an elevator)
Walter: Now, Phillip, let me do the talking
Phillip: Why?
Walter: Because you can’t talk your way out of a problem to save your life. That’s why
Phillip: Please,...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

The story follows a Ethan, young boy with a hatred for criminals and how he uses his new demonic powers to kill criminals to make a better world for himself and his sister



A young university student practicing to be a prosecutor. At the age of sixteen, his parents were killed by robbers while they were in a store. It was around this time where he grew to have a strong hatred for criminals. However, a few years later, at the age of twenty two, his twenty year old sister, Rebecca, was almost sexually harassed on her way from school. Ethan was able to save her, but was beaten...
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added by Windwakerguy430
So, there are a lot of fanfics on the internet. I mean A LOT. Even I need a break sometime. So, lets read a internet comic strip. The one known infamously throughout the internet as the Bong Chong Dong Ghost…. Oooooh….. fuck.
So, this is a comic strip that comes from Korea. And, if you’re uncultured, then the only thing you can think of from Korea is Kim Jong Un, and Gundam Style. In other words, GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE FUCKING GUTTER! Anyway, this is probably one of the most well known and most terrifying thing from Korea…. minus their IPhone games, but, I mean actual terror. The Bong...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

(Apologies for the ugly card at the top, I was rushed for time when making this one)
So after I dipped my toes into the vast lake of a franchise with SoulCalibur V, I decided to try out other games. II was good, but never got to play much of it, IV was eh, and we never talk about Legends. Pretend that doesn’t exist. And then, announcement of SoulCalibur VI comes out, and everybody gets hyped. We see Mitsurugi and Ivy in beautiful 4k resolution, and motherfucking Geralt from Witcher, but that ain’t what interested me. When I saw character creator Kirby, and the chance for making the...
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Tonight, I watched the film Annabelle: Creation. This is coming from a person who has never watched a single Conjuring film in my life. I would like to, since I heard good things, but I have never watched them. Now, Annabelle is said to be a prequel to the first Annabelle movie. I have never watched the first one either, but, given it's poor critical reception, I don't think I'm missing too much. So, is Annabelle's prequel film better, or is it just as bad. Well, let's find out, shall we?

Annabelle: Creation follows a group of young orphaned girls. The two friends, Linda and Janice, the...
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I don’t know what it is, but I think I blame my dad for getting interested in the wild west. He would always show me all of these old western films, and tell me all about it. Though, I wasn’t interested at first. My interest in the old west started when I began listening about it in history class. The thought of an entire small desert town with no law fascinated me….. Okay, none of you believe that. I had my interest sparked after playing video games, of course, what else. And let me tell you, there are quite a lot of cowboys in video games. It may not seem like much, but trust me, there...
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