Witches Coven of Midnight Club
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posted by Cherry9090
It is really important to practice visualization and all of the other rituals is the foundation of magick engery control without paying attention to the things your spells will lack the sme effectivness and yuor wont be in touch with river of magick engery running through you.

Heres a spell where you actully get to be some what creative and also one that releases magick engeries for a specific goal to open the doors of money and wealth in your life.

I know that there are some Witches that feel money magick is often times cast for the wrong reasons and can even be selfish in nature I assure you as long as your heart is in the right place there is nothing wrong with useing magick to make you situation better as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else.

The goal of this spell if to bring you the money that you desire and as long as you have focus belief and let go of the spell after it is cast your desires will ocme true to pass in ways you never dreamed.

1: You will need a very strong belief for this spell so it is very important to check your belief level look inside yourself once you are experienced in magick and hav seen a lot of success with it you will no longer need to do the beliefe ritural very often because youe belief in magick will automatically become a part of your life.

2: Check youe Internal Sacred Space make sure that no negative engery resides within you if there is make sure to cleanse out this negative thoughts and emotions

3: Cleanse your Exernal Sacred Space as always make sure the area aund your altar is free of clutter use the standard items you always use (the God and Goddess candle and any other sacred itens you have used in the past that evoke strong positive emotions in you).

In addition to these items it will be helpful if you burn some money drawing incense during the spll and find a green candle to burn during the spell if you are not familiar with burning incense or anointing candles dont worry about it but eventually you will want to become familiar with both of these things.

4: You will also need a green ribbon make sure to place it on your alter as well.

5: Once you have your alter set up as i have instructed go ahead and cast your magick circle as I showed you.

6: Next light your God and Goddess candle as well as your green money drawing candle.

7: Sit in front of yuor alter and close your eyes visualize youe desires wht exactly do you want before you visualize the amout of money that you want you need to visualize how your life will be once your magick has brought your disire.

8: Open your eyes and pick up the green candle ribbon you laid down before you do anything with the ribbon in your mind I want you to summarize the visualiztion of what you desire into 2 or 3 short sentences.

9: Take the green ribbon in your hand and tie 9 knots along the lenth after each knot recite 2 or 3 sentences of yue specofic desire each tome you recite this at the end I wan you to ad the *an it harm none*
Remeber to repeat this after you tie each of the 9 knots along the lenh of the ribbon.

10: When you are done you can snuff out the candles and open your circle place the ribbon inside the of a jewelry box or some other safe place if you can place money drawing herbs in the box and keep it in a safe place.

Now when you are done forget about the spell dont think about it or constantly wonder *when its going to work* ot *when is the money going to cme* this will ruin the magick engery you sent out into the cosmos and it will effect the spell negative ways you must *let it go* and have full beleif in that magick will being you your desire.

Soon your desire will come and maybe not in the exact way you expect you will be very surprised.
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