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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 16

A loud noise woke Bone from his sleep. Becoming more alert he felt a sharp pain in his neck from laying his head over after falling asleep on his shop couch.
Opening one dry eye he could see Jax rustling around the shop benches and he appeared to have his shotgun strapped to his back and somehow he got some old work boots over his injured foot.
He looked like he was prepared for battle.
“The hell you doin’ preparin’ for war?” he said.
“No, goin’ huntin’. Koda hunting”
Bone was wide awake now.
“You are not going to kill my nephew,” he said forcefully stopping Jax in his tracks.
“He’s an animal, he killed your family. He’s not just going to all of a sudden feel remorse and come home to apologize. He has to be stopped.”
“No.” Bone slammed Jax into the wall pinning him there.
“He’s the only family I have left, I refuse to just go out and kill him over something that isn’t his fault.”
Jax shoved Bone off of him and straightened the shotgun strap around his shoulder, “fine, stay here and mope about it but I’m going to stop him.”
As walked passed him, Jax stopped and looked Bone in the eye, “he killed my best friend; his brother and his mother, that’s not something you can justify.”
Bone let him go feeling helpless but anger was beginning to mix in with it.
He needed to find Koda before Jax did.
He grabbed his old truck keys from a hook near his office door and left. Not sure where to start but something told him to head west.

The tickling feeling of something crawling on his neck caused Koda to smack at his face but that turned out to be a bad move as he discovered what was crawling on his face was a scorpion and out of fear it lunged its stinger into his wrist.
“Ow! Damn it!” yelled tossing the scorpion away from him.
He looked at the sting wound and it was already starting to swell. “Thanks,” he said as the scorpion scurried away into a rock bed.
His surroundings looked familiar to him when he noticed where he was laying. The tree that was providing him shade was the same tree he stopped to rest last night.
He suddenly remembered what happened. Jumping up from he was laying he searched for his bike but the search didn’t last long as he found it right behind him perched to the tree and it appeared not to have a scratch on it and hanging off the handle bar was his leather jacket.
Even his skin wasn’t scarred nor had any signs of injury from his high speed slide on the highway.

“Good morning to you.” A deep but whispery voice came from above him in the tree; he looked up to see Iah lightly lying on a thick branch. It appeared that he was just floating with the branch barely supporting his body, like a feather.
“The hell was that last night?” Koda said angrily.
Iah smiled gently, his body evaporated into a mist; he floated into the air gracefully then materialized in front of Koda with his same gentle smile, like an overly understanding friend.
“I can be two forces: violent and peaceful, which do you prefer?” his eyes bore into Koda’s.
Koda didn’t answer and tried to avoid Iah’s gaze.

“Have you ever noticed how evil can be the most cowardly force and yet the most destructive? Hate and destruction are easy but resisting it is the challenge.”

“What do you want from me?” he asked. Iah drifted closer to him as he felt his energy drain from him but he wasn’t feeling tired but more…at ease.
Without saying a word, Iah gently laid his hand on Koda’s head, closing his eyes as if trying to read his mind.
Koda fell into a trance as if he was no longer in control of his mind as Iah searched through his memories.
Koda’s memories flowed through Iah’s own mind. Some of them clouded by age, others clear and some appeared to be dream memories. He was searching for a memory in particular, one that would determine Koda’s life. Some memories were full of pain especially one that involved a very young Koda, about 5 or 6 standing near a burial. A school…so much anger, a diner, then finally last night.
He reached the end of Koda’s memories, he did not find that memory he was looking for. He took his hand off Koda feeling bewildered but relieved all at once.
Koda came to from his trance, his mind felt shuffled and disorganized but he was feeling less fuzzy now. “Did ya find anything interesting?” he said rubbing his eyes.
“You didn’t do it…” he said staring out in the distance.
Koda didn’t understand, “Huh? Do what?” he asked.
Iah looked back at him looking saddened but calm, “You didn’t kill them.”
“Kill who?”
“Your family…you didn’t kill your family.”
Suddenly Koda’s throat and chest tightened. He couldn’t breathe. Iah’s words made no sense to him.
My family’s dead?
His once calm mind was now filled with anger.

The highway was long and deserted, not a soul was out here except for the buzzards that soared above waiting for anyone or animal to die. Bone was certainly feeling like he wanted to die. His body was shaking, sweat rolled down his face stinging his eyes. His hands burned and throbbed like something was trying crawl out of them.
He hadn’t felt this way in years and he couldn’t understand why it was happened again. He thought he rid himself of this.
The pain spread from his hands up to his arms but he kept his eyes open on the road. A strange figure appeared ahead of him, it was hazy like a mirage. He was obviously losing it more and more. As he drove further he noticed the image was going away, in fact he was getting closer. When the figure wasn’t moving Bone had to jerk the wheel to the left to avoid hitting the person but he was in so much pain he couldn’t control the truck as it teetered on its side and rolled 3 times into the dirt. The sound busting glass and crushing metal was deafening as Bone tried to shield himself from the impact. Finally the truck stopped rolling but he jammed stuck inside with glass all around him and the smell of gasoline filled the air.
He was going to die if he didn’t get out of there.
You can’t die; you know that, Bone sadly reminded himself. He could hear someone walking towards the truck; maybe a passerby watched him crash and was offering him help.
Then he saw a furry shoulder and raggedy long black hair.
This was not a person to help him…but to bring him back to hell.
“Achack, Achack…did you really think you could escape forever?”
The Skinwalker Bone prayed he’d never see again was now standing outside his busted windshield.
posted by queenpalm
Chapter 2
"Please! Please! Please!" I begged. My parents exchanged glances, then looked back at me.
"You want a lemur, Mana?" Mr. Walker asked.
"Yes! Please! I'll take really good care of her!" I pleaded.
"How much would it cost to take care of it?" Mrs. Walker asked.
"Well, they eat fruit, and not much because they're so small. Plus, this lemur was circus trained, so she shouldn't need anything special."
"What about health, and the veterinarians?"
"I'll turn 12 in a week, so I can babysit more often. I can use that money to pay for the vet's bill," I said, really having no idea. I just agreed to...
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A shadowy figure silently brushed the silken curtains aside as she slipped through the open window and stepped into the dark chamber. Passing a small table and a bed, the fox quickly headed towards a cabinet that stood against the far wall.
Beaded necklaces hung above a oval mirror that was set in the center. Her eyes rested on a miniature strongbox half hidden behind the mirror.
Paying no heed to the deafening clatter coming from the oblivious guest downstairs, she skillfully picked the tiny lock and raised the lid. It was hard to tell what was what in the darkness, so she emptied it into...
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Hiya! First stab at adding something I wrote to the writing spot. This is a cliche little story inspired by the Mayday Parade song "One Man Drinking Games." Comments would mean the world. (:

And you swore you saw me laughing, and I swore I saw you smile
And the time we've spent together was meant to last us quite a while
As I take this piece of you with me I'll carry to my grave
Knowing that for someone you're an angel sent to save

He touched the tip of his index finger to each of the freckles that dotted her arm. He drew patterns, connecting the delicate dots into hearts and butterflies and lopsided...
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Scarlet's P.O.V

I woke up feeling the rough but smooth texture of my worn down bed. I looked around tiredly yawning getting up to change I got my things and headed out. The village was mostly quiet rarely its loud. Our village was very poor. I went in the woods we were banned from going in their. I went in anyways I went alone I had no buddies at all. I was in woods shooting some arrows It was like 98 degrees out I was sweating. Their was a ant on my arm I tapped and hit my hand and shacked it when water swooshed up. I curiously tried again I moved my arm up and the water rose up. I smiled in...
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I stood on the edge of the field, my sword raised to shield my eyes from the falling sun. "I'ts beautiful," I thought, staring out at the curve of the hills and the waving of the grass and trees, the grays and browns of winter, with the slightest hint of spring green.
I notice a movement off to my left and my sword drops to my side. It is the top of a cart coming into view as it crested the hill. I sigh and walk back to the woods, knowing what would come next. The driver rings a signal bell viciously, clearly wanting me to stop. "Leave me alone." I mumble, I knew I should have stayed in the...
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posted by GryffindorGirl2
Hello all! This is a HP fan fic! I have put my OC,Jasmine,in here.She is Harry's twin sister and Draco's wife,but this is before she gets married.She has long wavy,black hair,bright,pale green eyes,and her lightning bolt scar is on the left side of her forehead.

Jasmine's POV

I lay next to Harry on the dead,dry grass in the shade of the Dursley's house.The living room window was open in an attempt to cool the house,but only blew in hot air,the 4 o'clock news could be heard as our aunt and uncle watched.We were listening to hear any signs of weird happining's in 'our' world as the Dursley's called...
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posted by DarkGirl23
They haunt and taunt inside the ears of their victims... Screaming words lacking of wisdom into their futures, a fortune broken in the palm of humanity’s hands. Who’s tears drip like blood from an open wound, thoughts turning and diving into the creases of their minds, creases that had remained undiscovered until now. Who, defined as a person, am I? I am the one who stands alone, all the time... So bloody and broken not bothering to understand, not bothering to see the intellect that stands before me.
I am, defined as a person, an assassin of beauty. Love’s undying grip vanishes before...
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posted by MagicUnicorns16
And within two seconds, you had deserted me.
I stood there,
My arms open,
Waiting for you.
You did not come.
The only thing that came was hurt, anger and jealousy.
The very thought of you was hard to comprehend;
I was scarred, inside and out.
The pain will never leave.
But I found You.
You may not be able to see,
But I feel your presence.
The very thought of You,
The very thought of You as my best friend,
Is incomprehensible.
I stand alone no longer.
You are there.
You will never leave.
You are a spirit.
You are a wisp in the wind,
The glimmer in my eyes,
The shine of the sun.
You are the beauty of everything....
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At a peaceful neighborhood of Toyko,Japan an beautiful girl's family becomes no more.While sha was out at here best friend's house for two hours.blood splattering,pain,dieing,and screaming in one house.Police was called but the line was filled.For hours this goes on the girl returns to her peaceful family to her twin brother,older sister,mother,father,and her younger brother.

When she gets her keys to the door she notice that it already opened just a crack though,she is still nervous.She cationusilly opens the door to see her younger brother have the breathe of his to say,"you know one day...
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.. my little sister Leaisl. B-B-But the image wasn't from my eyes, no. From her eyes at my... my funeral

'Sam is very peaceful, Mama. I would love to be like her' I said, twirling Samantha's hair around my finger
'Lea, she's-' said Kevin
'She doesn't know!!' Grandma hissed back
'Know about what?'
'That Sammie is in a state of peace. To be like her, you must disconnect from the li- I mean, outside world. Are you willing to do this?'

Godfather Wolf stepped out of the shadows behind us and into the light. He stared at me with his one eye, the other bandaged. 'I-I-I am not sure. I will think about it,...
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posted by DxCFan123
Me and Marie stood at the edge of Skye's hospital bed. He heart was barely beating. I was able to wash off all the blood before anyone saw me. "So tragic, huh? Well, listen, I've got someone to tell you." she said. We sat down and she stared at the ground. "I-I used to know Skye. We knew eachother in Kinder. We were great friends. I know you two were, too. But, then, one day she pulled a prank in me. We had to write report. Me and her picked the same thing, but she said it was fine and wrote mine for me. But, then, She wrote horrible, horrible things that I told her, as secrets. They caused...
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Victoria (:
Victoria (:
The subject of Rowan stopped the chewing of pizza and sipping of soda. Everyone at my sleepover knew I had had a HUGE crush on him for a really, really long time. Finally, someone spoke. It was my best friend, Liz. “Um, Victoria, how do you expect this plan to work out? I mean, you know...” Liz had always been sensitive about the boy, even though they’d ended a 2-year relationship almost 7 months ago, she still wasn’t over him. Someone else replied, by saying “Um, Liz? Hun? YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM LIKE, 7 MONTHS AGO! You really need to move on.” I shifted uncomfortably. I hated when...
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posted by noahnstar1616
Cameron faced me. "Huh?"

"I said", my eyes focused on Mercury. "Could you give us some privacy?"

"I could, but I don't want to."

I scowled.

"It's fine Mercury, I'll see you later." Cameron kissed her on the cheek.

The sight stung the back of my eyeballs.

She smiled at him, glared at me, and left.

Cameron faced me again. "Now what did you want?"

"I want to know why the hell you're tongue was in that..bitch's mouth", I yelled. I had never used profanity before, but it felt good.

"Because she's my girlfriend."

"No, I'm your girlfriend!"

"Correction, you were my girlfriend."

" 'Were'? What do you mean 'were'?...
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posted by para-scence
The next day, I had no choice but to go to school. My friends looked at me with concerned looks, but I tried to ignore that. We all stood around in front of the school, waiting to be let in before the first bell.

"How you doing?" Chasity asked. I shrugged.

"Did you hear?" Axel said, his eyes wide with interest.

"Hear what," Liberty said.

"The kids they took in weren't the real shooters. They had their alibis. And no one ever really saw the shooters; they were disguised or something. So that means---"

"The real shooters are still here," Crow finished. Everyone shifted uncomfortably.

"Well why...
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“Oni! Did you already pack some shampoo, conditioner and all of that crap? You know that hotel hygiene products suck!” shouted June through my bathroom door.

“June chill, Let me finish taking my waz.” I rolled my eyes. No use she couldn’t see it.

I walked out of the bathroom sat on the edge of my bed looked up at June and said “Don’t you ever go home? I bet that Andrew misses you dearly.” I smiled at her. Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.

June sat next to me. She put her head into her hands. I wasn't expecting that, I pat her back.

"June what's wrong?" I asked concerned while...
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posted by Insight357
I awoke around ten that morning. I looked beside of me Alexander sat looking at me. A hint of a smile was on his face.
    “Good morning,” he said, handing me a cup of coffee.
    “Thanks,” I said taking a sip. It was just the way I like it, black.
    “You may want to get dressed,” Alexander said, eyeing my stomach. I pulled up the sheet.
    “Why? Clothes are so restricting,” I said. There was no point in getting dressed. I needed to avoid Grey as long as possible. She would be pissed.
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George Clark looked at his newborn son Lucas. Devestated at the death of his wife, he wonders why she couldn't stop her alcoholic addiction, especially for her own child. After they found out she was pregnant, George encouraged her to go to theorpy, have interventions, or anything to stop her addiction. Nothing would help. Even knowning that she had a son on the way, she still drank. George refused to raise Luke all by himself. He felt like he wouldn't be a good enough single father to raise him. He tried for a month, but took Luke to an orphanage, hoping that his son would be adopted and have...
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    I woke up to a gloomy day. The reaping. I sigh, and get out of bed. I get dressed in a blue dress. I look into the mirror. My mom comes into the room, and braids my black hair. Everyday, she tells me I bear a strong resemblance to my father, but she never tells me who he is. "You look remarkable!" she says. She sighs. "Isabella Everdeen... I hope that name isn't pulled"
    "That game is foolishness! There are countless names in Panem. There are 24 tributes. Two of them from District 12. We havn't won in 36 years. 15 of them, I've been alive. 3 of...
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posted by greenstergirl
Chapter 3

    In front of me was a world like no other. Danny called it BOES but it was nowhere near being a building. There were trees everywhere. In the distance were a couple mountains. There were so many plants, trees, flowers, lakes, ponds, and hills that it could almost be described as a fairy world. I almost thought it was a fairy world from seeing a bunch of pretty mermaids in the ponds, gigantic fire breathing dragons in the sky, naiads, centaurs, and many more mythological animals that I can’t name. There were even real animals, like elephants and cats, cheetahs,...
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Okay first of let me start out by saying that I know this (meaning my title is a song.) So plz don't say anything about it. Second This story is not fully developed, me and my friend only have chapter one and we don't even know what it's about yet lol. the last thing i need to say is that i can not spell, okay! so if you don't have anything nice to say plz don't say it at all. now the story hope you enjoy. :)p.s that doesn't me you cant tell me what you think of the story, if u thought it was bad say so, but in a nice way. don't destroy my dream!!! Okay now the story.
I hid my eyes...
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