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posted by mitchie19
In a town called Millrace, there were two Japanese teenagers named Keiko and Hideki. They’ve known each other their whole lives. They’ve been faithful, loyal and kept each others secrets. But they’ve never planned of falling in love.
When midnight came, Keiko left her Grandmother’s house to meet with Hideki in the mountains.
“Come on, Hideki! You’re slower than a turtle!” Keiko halfway joked while climbing the mountain with him. “Am not,” Hideki scoffed. “I can see the view already, we’re almost there!” Keiko added excitedly. When they reached the top of the mountain, Keiko smiled. Behind her Hideki almost tripped by the root of the grass and breathed, “Wow.”
On his left, he saw Keiko patting the grass beside her. He sat with her. “Wew, that was tiring,” Keiko panted. “It was, though. I almost tripped myself by the grass root.” Hideki pointed. He wrapped his legs with his arms. Keiko gave a small laugh and lay on the grass. Hideki did the same. Above them, the dark sky was showered with bright stars. The brightest one twinkled on the far left. The cold wind waved at both of them. It was getting chilly, but none of them made it a big deal. “What’s your dream?” Hideki asked Keiko who was counting the stars with her fore finger. “What? Oh,” she stopped. “I wanted to be on TV, I wanted to broadcast the latest news.”
“Keiko, that’s fascinating! I wish you good luck on that, hope you’ll be able to reach it.” Hideki sat up, smiling. “Thank you Hideki. What about you?”
The smile on Hideki’s face faded away. He started to ignore the question.
Something was bothering him.
“Hideki, is everything all right?” Keiko asked.
“Yes, I’m alright.” Hideki automatically answered.
Keiko nodded. She let go of that thought and continued counting the stars above.

The following afternoon, Millrace was very busy. Cries were shot in the air. “Okasan, what’s going on?” Keiko’s heart raced. “No time to ask, Keiko. Please do pack all of your clothes, now.” Keiko’s mother led her daughter quickly to the room. “Okasan, please tell me what’s going on!” Keiko demanded.
Keiko’s mother was sweating bullets; she wiped her forehead with her apron. “Keiko, Japan declared a war with Russia. You and your brother must leave tomorrow morning.” Keiko’s mother’s voice was breaking. She didn’t want to accept the fact that her children will leave her just because of the upcoming war.
“Okasan… why aren’t you going, don’t you want us?” Keiko’s eyes were filled with tears. Keiko’s mother kissed her daughter’s forehead and hugged her tightly.
Behind them, Keiko’s little brother, Hiroto stood behind the front door and dropped his bag. Quickly as Keiko can, she ran out of the door, surpassed her brother. She needed to go to Hideki’s house.
When she reached his house, she knocked loudly on the wooden door. “Ohayougozamisu, is Hideki there?” Keiko panted. “Yes dear, he’s upstairs.” Hideki’s grandmother pointed to the ceiling.
Keiko rushed upstairs. In Hideki’s room, Keiko found him sitting on his bed, his eyes glued on the picture frame in his hand. “Hideki!” Keiko cried.
“Keiko!” Hideki was on his feet.
They hugged tightly. “Is it true, that Japan declared a war against Russia?” Keiko pulled back. “Yes it is. Obasaan told me. I’m scared, Keiko.” Hideki’s eyes were in tears, he wiped them with the back of his hand. “So, we’re not gonna see each other anymore?”
“I can’t accept that Hideki, I don’t know. I’m scared either.”
Hideki sat down slowly, his hand on his chest. He made a sound that made Keiko jump. “Hideki! What’s wrong?” Keiko shouted. Hideki continued to shout for pain. Keiko called for Hideki’s obasaan, but she didn’t come. “Hideki, please be alright, tell me what’s wrong.” Keiko cried. “My h-heart,” Hideki’s voice was cold. “What? Hideki…” Keiko tugged his shirt.
“I’m sorry, Keiko.” Hideki sat up straight, his hand still on his chest. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that… that I’m struggling, struggling with Cardiac arrhythmia for a year now. Please forgive me.” Hideki finished.
Keiko stood up. She placed her hand in her mouth. “Hideki, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because,” Hideki panted. “Because, I was too scared that if you found out, you’re not gonna see me as your friend anymore.”
Keiko whimpered. “Hideki, that’s not true.” She sat beside Hideki and placed her arm around him.
Hideki shivered. “Keiko, can I ask you a favor?” Keiko nodded in response. “Before the train leaves tomorrow, can you meet me at the top of the mountain? I wanted to tell you something important.” Hideki said. “And please, don’t be late. I’ll meet you there at 6:30.” Hideki looked at her eyes. Keiko nodded again, “Okay.”

The next morning, the children of all families were on board already. Waving’s, hellos, tears, I love you’s and goodbyes filled the air. No one knows if they’ll see their Papas and Mamas again.
Keiko did what Hideki had said. She climbed up the mountain to see him and to listen on what Hideki has to say to her. She thought that, it might be their last goodbye. The last time they’ll see each other. As Keiko reached the mountain top, a paper from nowhere covered her face. In the paper, a message was written, a message that made Keiko’s heart drop.
‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this in person. It was my time already. I love you Keiko, I love you with all my heart. Stay safe. Love, Hideki.’
posted by Angelcatz11
Bonnie's POV

I walked quickly away from the dead man. I headed in the direction of a old hotel. "It's around here somewhere" I quitley said. I walked for 4 miles until i reached the hotel. Carefully and quitley I pushed the door open. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I said asking the darkness. I heard a soft moan, then a sob. It grew louder and louder. It sounded like it was a little girl. I turned on my flashlight and stepped in. "Hello?" I asked once agian. In the corner I could faintly see a figure crouching over and sobbing continuesly. I walked up to what appered to be a girl. I rested my hand on her back. "It's gonna be okay" I ressured her. She let out a low scratchy growl. Then as fast as lighting I was on the ground starring at something Imbossible.
Hi! Im Amy Faery (Pronounced like Fairy)! You may seem I'm a normal girl, but I'm not. A few months before I was born my mom had visited a voodo witch, she had put a spell on my mother that the next baby she would have would be cursed forever to be a helper god. Who was that baby? Me, of course. A helper god is a person with superpowers that is a god but may never visit the god world. A few days after I was born the evil witch had stolen my mother and killed her. I have no dad to take care of me.


I got ready for school. I had used my powers to...
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posted by greenstergirl
Ok I was REALLY bored this time so I drew ANOTHER picture of Danny. It took me forever and it STILL sucks.
Ok I was REALLY bored this time so I drew ANOTHER picture of Danny. It took me forever and it STILL sucks.
Okay I just realized something. There's a movie called The girl who cried wolf. And I never knew there was until now so I think I should change this stories title. Tell me in my comment as a vote. Should it be called

Wolf Girl
Ice Wolf
I'm no werewolf
(I don't know I just loved my first idea the original one but if you have any better ideas tell me)

Which one? Okay lets start the story.



I moved in front of the group. Behind me I could hear Brenna and Kyla talking. Marcus trudged behind. I rubbed my tired eyes and told myself too keep walking....
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posted by greenstergirl
Chapter two

“SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!” Danny screamed as she tried to pick me up, but she couldn’t, it was like I was connected to the ground. I howled again, and all of a sudden I fell into a deep slumber right there on the dirt covered forest floor.
“IS ANYONE OUT THERE?!?!? PLEASE HELP ME!! MY FRIEND IS HURT!!!” Danny screamed as she tugged on my blue shirt. It was covered in dirt and as she tried to tug my body off the earth I would not budge. I was connected, one with the earth. Nothing could pull me off. Even though my eyes were closed in a deep slumber I howled again into the dark...
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Here is the end of the last chapter for you!

Unlike Alexis he wasnt soaked, accept for some dropplets of water in his hair that he had gathered from standing with her. Alexis sat on her knees and rubbed her now sore elbows.They looked at each other for a short period of time, before Alexis sneezed.
"You should probably go somewhere dry before you catch a cold," he mumbled offering Alexis his hand. Alexis shook her head at the offering, before slowly rising to her feet without the aid of his hand.
"I cant go back to school if that what you are thinking,"She snapped looking toward the small dot...
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posted by tiny_princess
hiiiiiii 3
this is my very first time to write an article here in fanpop
I`m in love with writing poems . In fact , i believe that words can do more . > that`s why my poems are my life !!!
this is a poem which was written with my hamble keyboard =) hope you all like it =)

~~ a letter to my dear prince ~~

Dear prince,
I`m tired of living in this unusual life
My diary
Took me to an old distain memory
when I become your wife
I don`t know why ?!!
Every good memory has became whiter then white
Except the day I saw you
You`re right
Special memories always colored with special liquids
But which kind...
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BANG! BANG!A shill cry; a scream.

It's funny, you never feel your death creeping closer. It's not like you feel the silent breaths of your death tip-toeing toward you. And if you did, like it would matter. Most people reach out to grab their world when they see it falling... then again, I'm not most people.

Hi, I'm Ever Flarez. I was- I mean, I am? - an average girl. The thing is, my life kinda clashed with the whole average thing.

Here I am. I'm not alive. But I am something. I'm ... well- dead, you could say. But the thing is I'm not gone, gone. It's like my life is gone- not me.

I know you...
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Let me tell you the story of how I got here. It was the fourteenth of January, 2011 in school. Here they have alchemy classes when the students learn how to use specially shaped circular diagrams called transmutation circles to flow energy from their bodies through another object to transmute, or change, one object into another. In this class the only notable ones are the teacher, Mrs. Black, an elderly lady with bad memory and no experience with technology, the idiot, Justin, a light skinned black young man, the other idiot, Ben, a dark skinned black young man with black glasses, and me, Harrison,...
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X: Chapter 5


I’m picking up Casey on Saturday and my heart melts a little more when I see her. She’s got her hair curled, her makeup done lightly, and a pale pink halter dress on, and a white sweater to cover her shoulders.

“Wow, you look amazing.” I mean it too.

“Thank you, is the sweater okay? I think I might have something else if I can’t have any white on.”

“It’s fine, my cousin won’t care a bit.”

“Okay, good. You clean up nice.” She tells me well checking me out in my suit.

We talk some while we drive to the beach, but mostly we joke, and try to make it not awkward....
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X: Chapter 2


It’s always sad when a long break ends. Rushing to finish all that work teachers give you, trying to get a good outfit because it’s like the first day all over again. Spring break was awesome. Annabelle and I went and spent the week camping. We played in the waterfalls in the little creek, made s’mores, and made a mess of our folks camper. It was great, just the two of us. I can’t believe she decided to spend her break with me, instead of with all her senior friends on some senior trip.

Oh and to top off the end to this lovely break, my friend decided to cancel on me...
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sorry everyone who reads these but i have to stop writing them for three weeks. I thnk i will be able to fit in maybe 1 in that period, but i have my prelims and i will be too tired or too something to publish them, sorry. But i will try, i promise!


sorry it had to be longer lol

.................still longer...................
It's been quite a while since Ahsoka has seen Rex. They missed each other in the war. But now Ahsoka was going to come back from the war, although it never ended yet.

Ahsoka was on the Twilight ship with Anakin. They have gotten older, so they grew out of their old outfits and picked new ones. They landed on Coruscant and all the clones waited for their arrival.

Ahsoka: Oh my god. I can't belive that I'm going to Rex aga- *she stopped* Uhh, I mean the clones.

Anakin: Yeah, sure. By the way, you look great.

Ahsoka: Thank you, Anakin.

Anakin was surprised. He's never heard her say his real name. Now...
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Hey guys, i hope u all like this....

the truth is something you allways want to know, something that burns inside, untill it is let out, but sometimes the truth is better kept a secret.

i stood in the same spot staring at the two black cars, my heart racing, my mind ticking. i closed my eyes and looked to the ground, my shoulders slumping. Giving up. No one came out the cars yet, they just waited, waited for this, for me to give up. they had won, whovever they were, they had me. in that single moment i had givn up, lost. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and i cringed away from it.
"Go!" jared...
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posted by I_DONT-KNOW

My hands were shaking as i looked at them, how did I do that?
"I take it you all got my message?" Alexis asked looking at the four groaning figures coming for us. I stood up and stood ready, but Alexis grabbed the bottom of my trouserr leg and stopped me from running.
"Robyn its cool, they are freinds, in fact you know them," she said still smiling. How could she be smillig, apparently people where after us, and we all have powers, I threw my hands up and covered my head, before falling to the ground. A sharp...
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I Quickly got changed and ran down the stairs, I paused at the door to shout to Mike, "im just going out i'll be back before it's too late," and ran out the door before he could reply. I wasn't sure where I was going, all Stephan said was that I was to head towards school. So thats what i was going, heading to school. I was on the egde of the old wickory bridge, when i saw them. A group of five boys standing tall, and weary. As i approached they signalled for me to pull over. I stepped out the...
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posted by AvaMarch
My name is Ace
    My name is Ace. My hair is red. My dad’s alive. My mom is dead. I’m never happy. Always sad. I cry a lot. Because I’m mad. I’m mad at her. I’m mad at him. I’d wish they’d see, how he’s been. They don’t know, how life’s at home. For me, it’s bad, police should come. Come and see, it’s just not right. My dad hits with all his might. It hurts real bad. Sometimes I wish, that it’s all gone. But then he hits. Then it’s time, that he arrives. He walks in over to our knives. He grabs those knives and looks at me, Tonight my Daddy murdered...
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posted by dancing_banana
    I can’t believe she opened up like that. I can’t believe we’re this close now. We talk every day now. I keep trying to tell her to get away from her home life. She just keeps refusing. I don’t know what to do, in all those classes in school they where always like report it, report it, and report it. So what should I do?

    Peter keeps saying to get away. I should. If someone else knew they’d call social services without hesitation. I am completely engrossed in the book I’m reading when Jim walks in with a very cocky smile....
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There I was… Stepping on my own feet on the real ground. Yeah… the real one.
No more “dad, will you give me a ride to…?”, or “ please mom, I need that money to buy a lovely pair of jeans”.
No more dependence, no more good meals in family, no more life as I know it.
Time to step up on my feet.
Lily is my name…and I´m 18 years old. This is the new beginning of a new life. MY own life, the one that I have to build up.
Desperate about all this thoughts, all I could do is call my BF to cry over the phone.
-Soph…Oh Soph! This is nerve racking…OMG OMG OMG! I can´t believe we´re...
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posted by CullenProperty
Going to school the next day was like shoving needles up my toenails. Everybody, and I mean everybody, was asking me about Lola, not even a bit sympathetic or caring towards how I felt about my best friend. All I knew was that I was one hundred percent ready to punch somebody's throat out from under their chin. After about, oh, the twelfth person asking me, "I hear your best friend died," I was so about to take a spin in my parents SUV into the Boston Harbor. I stopped talking before first period began.
Lunch was even worse; I shoved myself into a corner in the library, not even bothering to...
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Ashlynn's belly.
Ashlynn's belly.
Prom Night
By: fatchick and moolah
Chapter Two: Parties at Dusk
        Tucker liked parties. So he threw one for Kaylee on her birthday. He told her they were going to his house for a “special night”. Kaylee was very excited! She wore her orange strapless dress with a blue scarf. When she got their she was so surprised that Tucker threw her a party. Haley was there, Anne was there, and Hannah was there with Jacob. At first Kaylee was having a great time-and then Ally started flirting with Tucker and Jacob. Kaylee was so mad because she thought Tucker...
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