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posted by para-scence
Hollis was definitely a handful. But I loved her anyways. I never thought I'd have kids. At all. When I was younger, I'd always thought kids were annoying, gross, whiny, and a bunch of other non-enjoyable things. Sure, it was kind of annoying that I could barely get any sleep, but it wasn't Hollis' fault. She was just a baby. Even when I was sixteen and Desiree had been born, sure I thought she was cute. But I could've never seen myself having kids of my own.

Things have changed.

Hollis is now my whole world, along with Blake. Blake is everything and anything I could ask for in a husband. Hollis is my little girl, who I pray has a bright future filled with anything she needs.

Then one day, I feared she wouldn't have a future, and neither would I.

Blake had gone to the store, to go grocery shopping. I had wanted to go with, but he insisted that I stay home with Hollis and rest. She was three months old now, and she was starting to grow her blond hair. I sighed as he left, and put Hollis in her play pen, where she crawled around and played with her favorite stuffed animals. I was heating up her bottle in the microwave, when there was a knock at the door.

I went and got it, then froze in place.

It was Drew.

I couldn't say anything, even if I knew what to say. My mouth was dry, and my throat closed up. He smiled darkly.

"Well, long time no see, huh Irina?" he asked. My heart pounded. What the hell was he doing here?! "Aren't you excited to see me?"

"I thought you were in jail," I choked out.

"I was, but they let me out. Sure, I did kill that little friend of yours, and attempted to kill you, but I was defending myself from the little bitch. For all the police knew, she was an insane kid." I recoiled at that memory, it appeared fresh in my mind like it was only a while ago instead of years.

"So where's that little boyfriend of yours?" he asked, taking a step in. I reacted instantly, and pushed him out. But before I could close the door, he stuck his foot in, making it difficult to get it closed. I tried as hard as I could, but gave up when I saw it was useless. I ran over to Hollis' playpen, and grabbed her. I paused out of shock when Drew burst through the door. He looked very confused when he saw Hollis. "What the..." I took advantage of the moment and ran to the nearest room in the hallway, the bathroom.

I slammed the door shut just in time, and locked it. He pounded against the door, and it trembled from his blows. The whole thing gave me a weird sense of deja vu, but that was the least of my problems. I clutched Hollis against me, protecting her. She began to cry from the loud noises, but there was nothing I could do to calm her.

Drew shouted and tried to break the door down, while I sat there on the bathroom floor, crying and holding Hollis.

There was another noise; someone else was here. The pounding on the door stopped, and then a whole other sound appeared. It sounded like fighting, and I held Hollis closer. I knew having her close to me while I was this nervous and scared was dangerous. If I had a seizure right now, I could hurt her. I breathed deeply, and told myself it was all a dream. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that this nightmare would be over soon. I felt so trapped, like a caged animal waiting to be slaughtered. Then it got quiet again. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Irina?" It was Blake. I was trembling so much, and I couldn't find my voice. "Oh my God, if he killed her," I heard him mutter, pain in his voice. It was quiet again, and then the door handle moved. There was a quiet popping noise, and then Blake opened the door.

"Don't let him in here!" I cried, ducking my head near Hollis. I held her close, and waited for the feeling of Drew's fists once again. The slapping, punching, hitting...

But instead I felt arms around me lovingly. I knew it wasn't Drew at all. It was Blake. I sobbed in his arms, while he held me and I held Hollis. Blake was crying a little bit as well. All three of us sat there in the bathroom, crying and holding each other.

"I thought he'd killed you," he told me.

"I thought he was going to," I managed to say. Blake sighed, and helped me stand up. "I'm going to go lay down," I said. I knew a seizure was about to come any time soon. I handed Hollis over to him, and went to the bedroom. He said he was going to call the police to report the break in. I laid down, but thankfully it never came. I took a small nap though, and I woke feeling a little better. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then stumbled off to go find Blake.

I found him sitting on the couch, with Hollis asleep, and so was he. I stopped and smiled at them. I went over and curled up next to them, and fell asleep once again.

I was woken by Blake stirring. He yawned, and I looked at him.

"Hey," he said quietly. Hollis mumbled, but otherwise stayed asleep. I laid my head against his shoulder. "The police said they're going to find Drew, but they're not sure what they're allowed to do with him yet. I filed for a restraining order. He'll never come near you again."

"You have no idea what a relief that is," I sighed. I felt like my life would be secure now. Blake kissed me.

"I want you to be safe. I want to know you're alright."

"And I feel the same way about you."

**4 months later...**

I had quit my job when Hollis was born, so that I could take care of her full time. This meant being alone at the house when Blake was at work, but I got used to it.

Then one day, it did worry me. Blake was supposed to get home around dinner time. I had made dinner, and fed Hollis already, but Blake was still not home. Soon, he was over an hour late. I began to worry, and called his cellphone, but there was no answer. A little while later, I tried again. No answer. I paced back and forth, then tried to call again fifteen minutes later. This time, someone picked up. But it wasn't Blake.

"Hello?" a woman said.

"Um.. Who am I speaking to?" I asked, confused.

"I'm sorry. My name is Wendy; I'm a nurse. May I ask how you know... Blake Devlin?"

"I'm his wife...?" I said. What the hell was going on?

"Oh. Ok. I'm sorry, Mrs. Devlin, but your husband was in a crash. He's in immediate care at the hospital right now."

"What," I breathed. She began to repeat herself. "No, no. Ok. I'll be right there." I hung up, and got Hollis. My heart was racing, but I had to stay calm. There was no way I'd make things any better by getting in an accident myself.

I got to the hospital, but was not allowed to see Blake while he was in immediate care.

"Is he alright?" I asked hysterically.

"M'am, I need you to calm down and just sit in the waiting room. We'll let you know once you can see him." I held Hollis, while I took my seat, and tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Moma," she mumbled. "Daddeh."

"Daddy's going to be fine," I said. I hoped I was right this time.

A couple hours later, I was finally able to see Blake. The nurse I had spoken to led me to his room, and closed the door behind her as I entered. I whimpered when I saw him. It was worse than when Hera had gotten in the accident over a year ago. Still holding Hollis in one arm, I covered my mouth with my free hand.

"Blake...?" I said, my voice cracking. I sat down next to his bed, and gently touched his hand. He groaned and tried to look at me.

"Hey sweetie," he whispered in a raspy voice. A tear fell down my cheek.

"What's broken? Does it hurt? Do you need me to get a nurse?"

"Calm down. My arm and a lot of ribs are broken. Yes, it hurts. No, don't get a nurse," he said. He smiled a little bit. "I'm going to be fine."

"You scared the crap out of me," I told him. He frowned for a moment, then smirked.

"Well I'm sorry about that, but that makes me kind of glad."

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because that means you love me." I rolled my eyes. I'd smack him upside the head right now, if he wasn't already so broken.

"I hope you already knew that," I said. In my opinion, it was already very obvious.

"I know. It's just nice to be reminded every once in a while." I carefully leaned over and kissed him. "I love you," he said.

"I know. And I love you too." He smiled. "You sure you're going to be ok?"

"I promise."

"Good." I kissed him again.

"Daddeh!" Hollis squealed. I held her up to her father, and she hugged his shoulder.

"I love you too, Holly," he said.
posted by Xennoxxx
(trigger warning: talks about mental health and sh ideation)

Dear Society,
This is a plea
From a broken girl
In this damaged world
A girl who never had the chance
To be herself in fear of being rejected
Cast aside for not following the public norms
This is a plea
For God's sake society,
A girl's body is not a toy
A piece of material to be passed around and thrown to the ground
To be torn and beaten
Bruised black and blue- bleeding through
Her very being

A person's dreams
Are not shared to be downgraded for being
Too childish, unachievable, and unrealistic
And yet, the sky is the limit?
For God's sake society,...
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posted by AnxiousSoul
Asperger's Syndrome is a mild form of autism with a bit of learning disability. It is the same as social anxiety. People with this kind have difficulty learning academics, socializing with other people, and forming friendships.

What does it feel like to have this? You'll be sensitive to loud sounds, lack of interest in to many things, difficulty understanding sarcasm and jokes, you'll feel lonely and alone, you see the world differently to other people, and the most overwhelming is you feel different in the world. It is also a lifelong condition and can't be cured. But help is a guide of their life. You will realize that those people have more intelligence and will grow up successfully in their life. And also they have a great heart of understanding on people's problems. They will also be kind and patient from what we are.

See the outside, and know deep the inside. There's no nothing than a reason behind.

It's better to be UNIQUE!
First off,harry potter has actual struggle and creative and developed villains while twilight centers around a girl who is completely dependent on a 2 hot guys who go to war for her and constantly abuse her.Second,harry potter has compelling storyline and fun unique characters while twilight is ALL STEREOTYPES, with the new hot shallow girl who runs a love triangle and the the two guys and their friends who fight over her.And lastly, for all you people who say that edward is hotter than harry, cedric is hotter than edward.look at all characters,not just the main ones.peace y'all
posted by egyptprincess7
So this is my first story that I made in quite a while. So enjoy! Feel free to give me any hints on how to make it better.

    “Come on Alice! Wake up, you’re going to be late for school!” Mary, my older sister, yelled. She’s in charge of having to wake me up for school. I feel really sorry for her half the time but then again she gets to wake up earlier than me. I looked over to the door and there she still stood, her face red like a tomato. “I’m up! I’m up! Man, why do you always have to be so loud in the morning?” I whined, annoyed that she woke me up from...
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Most Important Event In Every Movie Is 'The Point Of No Return' - Jill Chamberlain via FilmCourage.com.
What Screenwriters Should Know About Packaging Their Scripts - Steve Douglas-Craig via FilmCourage.com.
Everything Screenwriters Need To Know About A High Concept Story - Kaia Alexander via FilmCourage.com.
I've Written 12 Books: Here Are Tips That Can Help Every Writer - Andrew Warren [FULL INTERVIEW]
creative writing
added by filmcourage
What Is Evil? - John Bucher via FilmCourage.com.
posted by fangs286
Jacob part 1

have you ever had a secret? the answer is probably yes. but have you ever had a secret that you could never tell anyone?that if you did, it would effect thousands,billions of people? no. you haven't. that is the weight i carry on my shoulders. it is the weight carried by people. Many people. across the world. i am one of many that are different then other people but yet the same.i wish to be what is around me. only a few are like me. i want to have a friend in this world that is like me. Someone who understands the pain and constant despair, even when i feel happy. You are probably...
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Chapter 1
I was sitting in a prison. A prison where everyone here hates me, well almost anyone. I’m staring out the window when I should be focusing on the boring math page on my desk. Mother has been worried recently about my grades, like she cares anyways; it burned my heart when the thought settled. Leaving an empty feeling in its place. Ever since Dave, (my mother’s boyfriend) moved in things have gotten a lot worse. He still beats her, She still swears he loves her, and I still sneak out at night alone. Just to get away from the screaming and crying that they do. I began to forget what...
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posted by ZekiYuro
A British couple went to France for the day-and they got home seven days later.
Everything began well for Mr and Mrs.Long on their day trip to France.They went by train from London to Dover and got the ferry to Boulogne in France.
They went for a short walk around the town but they got completely lost.'We walked and walked,'said Mrs Long,'but we couldn't find our way back to the ferry port.'They walked all night and finally a motorist picked them up and drove them to a small village.Here they caught a train to Paris.Their plan was to travel from Paris to London.But they caught the wrong train...
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I come home and their fighting.
I hate it! I want to tell them to stop.
But I cant, because Im stuck in the middle.
They tug me, playing with me.
I cant handle the pain!

When I go to school no one can see my pain.
I fake my happiness.
I want to go hide in a corner and cry.
But I cant.
Because no one lends a shoulder to cry on.
My friends dont understand!

I come home again, and my parents pull me.
Ripping my heart like a angry raven.
My siblings, they... they... leave me there. Alone.

I feel alone.
No where I feel happy.
Because Im alone.
Why cant anyone see?
Why cant my parents stop fighting?
Why cant my friends lend a hand?
Why cant my siblings pull me to my feet?
Why am I alone?
posted by sonicfanAG
Sometimes you may have friends that talk about being Lesbian or gay or bisexual is just nasty and plain gross,but It's not nasy at all.It's your personality and you control it no one else.There's no problem for being that.If you are then well i hope you have friends who apprecite who you are and how your like. My best friend is a guy and yes I have a crush on him but Just today I found out that he was bisexual.At first I was shocked but the truth is that I don't really care.I love him just they way he is and he will always be the best's friend i could I have ever had.He's special to me and...
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posted by unknownK5
Far far away is a big beautiful forest with all kinds of trees and small, but sparkly cool water. There is a big white house with red flowers on the window shelf’s and a big garden and playfield on witch are two blue swings, by them there is also a yellow slide and by the garden there is a big pool. In that house lives a girl, her parents (Margaret and Bob) and her three years older brother Ben. The girl's name is Julia.
When Julia was young she was a normal girl. When she was 1 year old she learned how to talk. By two years she learned how to walk and after that she learned how to ride a...
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posted by fanfangirlfan
Clean- 20 years later-ish


You probably would never guess that I was in a rehab centre at 17. But I was and I’ll never forget it. I’ll always remember the stupid things they thought would fix us like art therapy and addiction themed movie nights. I remember Shirley. I remember Jason, Olivia, Christopher and Eva. They were my cure. Even though they were as fucked up as I was, maybe more, they taught me everything I needed to know to change into this woman I am now. I am a business woman. I work long hours and the only stress I have now is from work. Not from needing a drink or a line...
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posted by Pixalfirebolt
My name is Max. I'm 14. Right now, you're probably thinking, "Okay.. What type of opening is that?" Well, it's mine. Deal with it. I've been through a lot, so cut me some slack. Let's get to the point. I'm different. Not like, I have a purple Mohawk and over 50 piercings different, more like I have 14' of bird wings stuck to my upper back, different. I know, no need to think it, IT ISN'T MY FAULT, OKAY? There is 5 more like me, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy (The Gasman), and Angel. We are all... Well, unique like that. We each have our own, original, personality. Me, I'll get to that later. Let's...
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posted by nomblahnom
January 1, 2040

Jordan was nervous. He was about to make the biggest announcement of his career – to him anyway. He sighed deeply, waiting for his latest understudy, Samantha White, to begin the report.
“Today, on his 70th birthday, world-renowned author, Forrest Reed, has announced in a statement from his agent, Philip Conrad, that he is releasing his final novel,” Ms. White read from the teleprompter with an appropriately despondent tone, which actually appeared to be fairly genuine. She was situated in front of a ‘breaking news’ logo which rotated slowly, while dozens of books...
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posted by HecateA
-You coming? He asked. I starred at the flower he'd just tucked behind my ear and that I'd just pulled out. The petals were soft and lucious red, overlapping each other perfectly. Perfect they are. Roses. Gracious, colorful, romantic...
-Sure Dan. I said. I took his hand and let him lead me to his car. He oppened the door of the Ford's shotgun seat for me and closed it behind me; the perfect gentleman. He turned the old engine on.
-Where do you want to go eat? He asked me.
-Doesn't matter. I said, stroking the petals.
-What about Chinese? He asked.
-Chinese works.
-The place with the good eggrolls...
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posted by Funnygirl77
Leting go of the ones you love is like falling out of an airplane with no para shoot
Leting go of the ones you love is like falling out of an airplane with no para shoot
Nothing is harder then losing the one you love. The One person who understands you the most, The one who give anything to keep you safe and happy even if that means losing their own life to save yours. I learned this the hard way, When a year ago today, I lost my parents, my brother and my sister, in a house fire.

May 19 2010 Monday 12:01 am
It's been a year since I lost my family, and it hasn't been any easier. I have nightmares about what happen, ever nightmare is the same. It starts off with me being with my family, Everyone is laughing and having a good time, then out of no where, there faces...
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