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posted by DarkGirl23
The first time I went on a hunt, was the first time I really saw death in any sort of being’s eyes.
I don’t know who I am, what I am. I mean, I couldn’t possibly be considered part of the Hunters. Yet, their blood runs through my veins. They may own an incapability of understanding the true emotions of life, for we have been Genetically-Altered Experiments planned all the way back in 2012. Our bodies and our emotions have become that of a true fighter, a warrior of destruction itself in a world of Nature’s grace that becomes altered in the palms of our Humanoid Species.
We can defeat any oncoming dangers in our path, bodies of strength and dexterity and all the while, plenty of Stamina as well. Like I said, it not only changes our physical features, but our emotional and mental understandings as well. We’re more strict in such things, we do not bother to take pity upon another life form.
All we understand is the pleasure in killing, and in destruction. Yet also, in invention as well. We are the next form of Humanity, except advanced way more on so many levels.We know adaptation, and evolution. We are the next step into alien territory, and into an advanced placement of discovery.
Gods and Goddesses of such is Humanly. Us Hunters are not aloud to participate in any such form of Religious ideas or experimentation. For death only awaits those who lose their sense of Pride and Curiosity.
“Such nonsense is only participated by those of a lack of understanding, those who stand low before us.” My Creators would claim, “Those bastardous Humans we use to Hunt. They participate in the foolish stuff around us that help us declare ourselves as more... Intelligent than them.”
My Male Creator looked upon me, “Our Gods are what they call Parents. A god is A creator, so us, your “parents”, are your creators.” He sniffled a bit, chin held high in Pride to show me who really is in control of my understandings, in control of my sketched out life. “Therefore, you must treat us with the most of respect, and appreciate us as your Leaders.” He glared down upon me once again, “Or else, there shall be the most perishable of punishments for you.”
I knew this game, despite my years, I could see through the trickery each individual came across with their Creators. I wondered then, if this is how Human Creators, or parents, came across their Inventions. is this what they treated them as? A prize, or tool, used to highlight their “perfection” ?
The way we perceive things, we only understand the rules of the world and of chaos. Like survival, taking in both such things when it comes to us Hunters. The way we bother to evolve and expand and continue our species... We don’t participate in the weakness of passion, unless in destruction. Such desire remains undiscovered in our such minds. We breed with those we are paired with, creating our offspring that allows our advantages to mix, of which will destroy our disadvantages. We only care to survive, only to destroy in the end.
And yet, I feel myself different from my kind. For as I stood here and now, I felt one thing for that poor female dying there on the ground: Pity. To my amazement, she had the capability to get up and stand, yet limping heavily and blood covered her hand which was covering the wound my Male Creator delivered to her.
Those with us on the hunt knew not to finish her, for she would surely die and they wanted nothing but pain in her final moments.
“As nice as that clear shot was, this one seems like her cry will be fainter than most, considering she’s obviously young.” The rest of the boys agreed, and they traveled on to Hunt for more.
I however, stayed behind watching the female bleed and suffer silently. She didn’t bother whimpering, or screaming. I knew she knew that would bring more attention as she tried to get away... Smart and Strong she was. She was young, too.
She looked back at me with color-fading eyes which widened when she saw me watching her.
Tears streamed her eyes, yet there was a smile on her face.
Glad to leave, glad to be able to look one of us in the eyes as she knew, despite her body’s urge to fight, that this were in her final moments before she collapsed and let out one of her final hollow howls.
And so she stood there, looking me in the eye, I could not look away from her final demise...
It filled me with lust, watching her death. But, also with sorrow. Blood dripped, and my knees shook.
Finally, I took a step towards her, and just as I did she fell and stumbled into a pile of helpless soon-to-be death. She let out a final cry of misery, A Hunted Howl... So Faint, yet beautiful in a Hunter’s ears such as mine....
    ...And I rushed to her side. Pulling at my emergency kit, I grabbed a Health vial and injected it into her veins. I watched as the wound magically healed and she gasped, the life coming back to her beautiful emerald-Brown sparked Hazel eyes.
She wasn’t like us, genetically altered, short and yet she looked stronger than most humans. I guess it was the training for the Hunt. She took three shaky breaths and looked at me, sitting up fast and scooting away from me. She was obviously afraid of my touch. Afraid of me.
posted by HouseMindFreak
A story I am writing about a American Indian boy of the Comanche tribe in Texas. He his cursed with a supernatural evil but will have to confront his demon and the master of the underworld realm which has plans for his curse...

Hell’s Outlaw

Chapter 1

In the town of Big Spring, Texas, a 12 year old Comanche Indian boy named Koda awoke that Saturday morning with a feeling of dread and excitement.
As with any boy approaching their 13th birthday in his tribe, he was to prepare for his spiritual quest but unlike the others before him, he did not look forward to it.
He has spent many arguments...
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posted by ryans_love
Temporary Home

    For some people, this world is only a stopover. They arrive here to do some good while they can, but they know that this is still not their true home. They are angels who come to light up our lives with their luminescence and to teach us what they can before they have to move on. They flash in on golden wings, but it seems that they are gone before you can say “Thank you” or “I love you”. They leave softly, without fanfare. They kiss our brow as lightly as a heart’s whisper, and smile, blinding us with its brightness. When we blink, they are gone.
posted by TomboyWriter
She is crying but Kevin is staring with no care and walks away and Connor comes up behind me and kisses the back of my neck. Dylan and Mel are playing in the sand and Debbie and Dawn and Avril are dancing around with Damon. I smile this is how I want it to be. Me and Connor sway and he pulls me close and I lean back and he kisses my neck and soon I see Kira copying me and Cody copying Connor. I laugh and jump into Connors arms where he cradles me and he whispers “ how long till we get out of here and our honeymoon can start.” I chuckle and say “soon.” He smiles and sets me on my feet...
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posted by mitchie19
I got bored in the laptop so I opened MS Word and start typing whatever. Then I come to this.
Plus I like writing stories, so enjoy.
Note: Fan-made

I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling heavy and uneasy.
My mind rushed through the memories. I pushed myself back to sleep not remembering any parts happened earlier. Bonnie. Bonnie, I thought. She had been killed by Katherine. Oh, God. She can’t be! She can’t be dead! My fingers harden the pillow so I could hardly breathe. I felt moisture rushing to the surface of my eyes. I shouted, nor pouted. Though, no one can here me. Jeremy’s out...
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posted by JohnnyCadeskid
Music: Shattered

Keaira’s dad Johnny killed a soc when he was 16
This made many soc’s that already hated him for being a greaser hate him more
His parents had beat him making him have a horrible childhood
His best friends were all he could count on
He then met his future wife Kim
He had Marshall
Then Keaira who care along with Reeve and Kaden
Then Kyra
Then Johnny Jr.
His friend Dally didn’t have a much better life
Dally grew up in New York on his own
He came to Oklahoma when he was 13
He there had a reputation as a criminal
He then became friends with Johnny, Ponyboy, Sodapop, Steve, Darry, and Two-bit...
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hey i dont know where to go with this 1 so any suggestions would b great thankx,

Usual morning, usual day, wake up, breakfast, school, go the long way home, then sit in my room the rest of the night. But today wasnt normal, nothing was right.

I woke up, and sniffed the air, but it wasnt the usuall pancakes i could smell, it was just the coldness, and the emptiness. i jumped down from my bed and ran down the stairs, into the kitchen, no one was there, not my Dad reading the paper at the table, his brows furrowed as he read the sport section. My mum wasnt wearing her bright apron, that was covered...
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posted by rosethorn
Hi my name is Rose and this is a story about an unknown power that took me from my sleep December 29 2999 to a noise out side my window. As I looked out I saw 3 children running around outside yelling at each other. As I stuck my head out my window to call down to them they looked up at me strait into my eyes so me being 16 started to bark crule words at them. The boys didn't respond until a called down to the little girl the only girl there and as I did the boys seemed to be more alert. But the girl just looked up at me. I ran down the steps so i could look at them eye to eye and as I stepped...
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posted by Aquamarina
At first I'd like to remark that english isn't my mothertongue. I tried hard to translate my little story into proper english, but maybe I made a few mistakes. However, I'm posting the english and the german version now, so just read them both if you understand it. :)
Here it is:


One wonderful day, it finally was at her feet. She hadn't seen it for days, and the longing had nearly cankered her. She had missed it like a lover or a brother, no, more; like a piece of herself. It looked even more beautiful than in her memory, how it sprawled in the sun. She was surprised,...
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posted by ButteBaby_K
An image found that somewhat looks like the image of Phim I had in my head. ")
An image found that somewhat looks like the image of Phim I had in my head. ")
Chapter 1: Lost in my own world of thought, a common occurrence, the rain left me like always. I remained standing moving with breeze, as the rain receded leaving me pondering my thoughts. I smiled to myself. Ilias, my name was derived from his. I was born in a great time of sorrow, called Ravasn; for that was the name of death, which there was much of nearly 15 years ago on the day of my beginning. A massive drought had plagued Phim for 7 years for the rain spirit was greatly wounded by the indecency of my people. They had lost his trust and his respect, and I was the solution. My mother had...
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I had just become acquainted with a person very few people would ever meet. A transparent, hard to see character with dark hair and stunning eyes whom most little girls would be frightened of. He, however, was scared instead. He had an extended fear that I have never felt or seen before. I did not understand this situation at all. I was only five, so I thought since I was human, he shouldn't be afraid of me. But that is not what he was actually afraid of. After all, he used to be human himself. He would not be so terribly startled of me being human. But he was alarmed by something about me....
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Chapter One: Before

A warm late Augusts’ evening was upon Hultimore, the secret area which humans that held no gem upon their left palm were not able to see. Gemmers believed that if they visited this area for any amount of time at least once in life, they will be born a more powerful Gemmer after death.
No one stepped upon the streets of Hultimore after dark. It was forbidden. Most obeyed this rule and stayed indoors. Yet, the silence of Hultimore was broken, as a lone traveller stepped out across the barrier between dry, barren land and a city full of magic.
His footsteps echoed in the empty...
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Panicking,I ran. And ran and ran. I didnt look back, all I knew was, I had had to run. They wont get me not now not ever, I wont be used.

2 Days earlier,

"Robyn! Get up now!" I faintly heard my mum shout from down the stairs, moaning I turned onto my stomach, and pulled my pillow over my head. "Robyn Stirling, if you dont get ready for school now, you...
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I walked up the stairs dragging my bag behind me, once i reached my bedroom, I threw my bag in the corner and threw myself onto my bed. And i began to cry, i cried about every little problem i have ever had. My Mum, Zane and his freinds, Damon, and all the things that irritate me. i didnt stop untill my dad drove into the drive way. i quickly ran into the bathroom and washed my face.
"Belle?" Mike shouted from the kitchen, i quickly jogged down the stairs and smiled when i saw him.
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ANY COMMENTS ARE WELCOME, GOOD OR BAD, SO LETS START.....................................

I woke up with a pounding head, the dream I had not materialising made me nervous, what had upset me so much? I stood up and stretched, looked out my window. Its still night? Muttering to myself i decided to go down stairs and get a glass of water. Slowly I clibmed down the stairs, keeping...
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posted by HarryPLover
I saw the look on his face. His immediate disbelief. (My immediate disbelief.) This could not be happening. I mean I didn't actually love him like that could I? I have known this dude since the 3rd grade, it would make sense but not for Matthew And I. We are always the exception to that whole best friends fall in love thing. I mean I love Matthew as a friend but not like that! I couldn't think straight. My head was spinning. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...,
"I love you too."
Crap! Are you serious? i'm already freaking out because I said it and now you say it! He doesn't...
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posted by HarryPLover
“02…..09…..10” I repeated this over and over again in my head as i turned my locker lock. My locker was full of pictures of Matthew and I from like seventh grade a few recent photos; some band pics, bible verses, you know the common things in a teen’s locker.
In science I couldn’t keep myself awake if my life depended on it. Every time I would try to keep my eyes open, my head would fall. And every time I tried to keep my head up, my eyes would close. My lack of energy is probably because Matt and I stayed up til about three talking about his brothers and how his dad got a new girlfriend...
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posted by iluvPrinceMJ213
While she slept I caressed her satin cheek. Connor stares down at her with love and I lean my head back on his chest. One night in May Damon calls me shouting into the phone. “ Keaira Callie’s pregnant with a baby girl with blonde hair and green eyes.” “ That’s great Damon.” “ Yea we have already decided on the name Avril you know after the singer kinda but I live the name too it sounds like a flower.” I smile even though he can’t see it. He then tells me to put Dawn on the phone and he tells her that she’s gonna have a cousin. She says she is happy and then says “ Is...
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posted by iluvPrinceMJ213
I broke up with Aiden and am now dating Connor. I walked to the gym door and pull it open and there Damon and Seriphina are kissing. I shut the door before they see me. I go to my Private Creative Writing classes where Mr. Klamer tells me that I am going to be successful and I should start sending off College Applications. I choose 5 Colleges Colorado University, Adams State College, Dathmonth, and Cornwall, Hawaii College. Damon chose Colleges in Colorado and Canada. Connor picked all the ones I did even though he’d rather not go to college I push him to do so. Pranet wants to go back to...
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posted by iluvPrinceMJ213
I pull on my Rocking Paris Shirt and Jeans. I then pull my dirty blonde hair into a pony tail and then brush my teeth and then wait in the car till Gabriel comes. When Gabriel does come out I see he is wearing his green vest that brings out his eyes. Gabriel sits in the passenger seat of the mustang and lounges there. I look at the radio and groan its 7:15 and we have to be at school at 7:45. “Where’s Kaden” I ask? “I don’t know he’s probably fixing his hair again.” I snicker and then turn the key and start to drive down the street. “He can drive the pink corvette.” I and...
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posted by house_of_nightx
ok guys heres chapter 3 i still have not decided on a name for it yet so keep giving me ur ideas


chapter 3:Secrets of a hidden life

"What is this?!" i asked because we were in this place that was the size of a cave.It had a huge computer screen in the center of the cave and then it got sectioned of into 5 different sections all with there own colour scheme along with weapons lining the walls of that section all unique in there own way some looked like hunting weapons in one section but then in another there would be swords and daggers.While...
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