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The guards walked back and forth in their normal sweeping motion that they always used. This made Joseph smile watching them through his hotel window with his state-of-the-art night-vision binoculars. just routine as usual, at least that's what the guards thought. Joseph looked at his watch, 12:23a.m. only seven more minutes till he had to go. Joseph grabbed his bag of ammunition and various other things. His small, light smg. He also put on his body armor, his cammo, and grabbed his combat knife. And of course his baby, he'd never forget his baby. His baby was a 9.mm beretta. Aims like a dream and kills like a monster.
Joseph had set up his zipline the night before. He knew that he couldn't sneak into China's presidential palace through the front door. He'd be dead before most of the guards even knew what they were shooting at. Joseph went to his hotels roof and got himself hooked up to his zipline. He then slid down and hit one of the guards in the lower spinal and the only sound you could hear was the crack of his spine and the thump of his head hitting the roof. Satisfied, Joesph slipped into the night and began his search for the president's chamber.
Slipping from room to room, he slowly slipped past the guards. Joseph wondered how much longer until some of the guards finally spotted him. Joseph truly had to appreciate multiple expensive paintings and antique decorations. And the gold plated ceiling was a nice touch also.
Joseph knew that their couldn't be many more rooms, he had gone down three floors already, but then again this palace was huge. He really wished now that he had payed better attention to his blueprints of the palace. Lost in his thoughts, Joseph had become less aware of his stealth, and was put back into focus when he heard the yell of a young chinese man. Joseph froze, and turned around to see that he was only a few feet away from the barrel of an M9 automatic.
The guard screamed something in Chinese again, most likely calling for help. Joseph set his gun down on the waxed floor slowly, and raised his hands into the air. Two other guards appeared around the corner, Joseph knew that this was going to be tricky to get out of. The guard who had found him told him to do something, he guessed it was to follow him. He got behind the first guard and the other two filed behind Joseph.
The next thing the guard behind Joseph knew was that he was dead. Swiftly slit in the throat by Joseph. The other guards started screaming, and aimed their weapons. Joseph jumped at the first guard, stabbing him in the throat, and pulled his body in front of him. Joseph used the dead guards body as a defense against all the bullets that erupted from the last guards automatic. But the guards gunfire was cut short by three rounds in the chest from Joseph's 9.mm.
"I can always trust in my baby," Joseph said with a smile on his face. But his celebration was cut short when he heard more Chinese yells. He grabbed his smg and holstered his beretta as he started to run through the halls. He mowed down guard after guard that got in his way.
Finally, Joseph got to a door that looked just like the one in the picture that he had seen before he left his hotel. He got ready to burst through the door when he heard a Chinese order, he turned around and answered with a reply of a burst of bullets in the head. Joseph burst through the door and was about to take hostage the person sleeping when he discovered that their was no one sleeping in there.
"Dammit!" Joe exclaimed. He looked around the room for some evidence and saw the top of crew-cropped black haired heads. He started to wonder why Asians always had black hair.
Two guards ran into the room and Joe turned around, ready to blast them full of bullets and he heard a disheartening click. He cursed under his breath as bullets exploded from the guards automatics. He dived for cover behind a wooden bookcase. He fumbled around with a new magazine and placed it in his gun. A bullet pierced through the thick wood and landed in his arm. He flinched from the pain. Joe placed the magazine into his smg and ran around the corner and out the door holding down his gun's trigger. The president could not get away. Sprinting out the door he was noticed the guards about fifty yards away. They were moving slowly because they had made a box formation around their leader. He knew he could catch up.
While he was running he reloaded his smg so he didn't run into any problems like he did a couple mintutes ago. The guards were moving their leader towards a brown helicopter with the Chinese flag embedded in its hull. Joe was slowed down because the guards guarding the back of the president had noticed him and started shooting at him. Joe ducked for cover and got involved with a small firefight between the three of them. The final result of this was fight was expected. One guard was dead, another on the ground who was badly injured, and Joe with a long cut on his right cheek from some debris that was flying around.
The guards had moved their leader much closer to the helicopter. The helicopter was fired up and ready for take-off. Joe could not let this happen. The guards hurried their president onto the helicopter and the helicopter started to lift off of the ground.
Joe knew that he could still make it. He got out a grappling rope from his pack of various things and threw it against one of the sides of the helicopter. The rope wrapped around it and started to pull Joe up into the air. He started to climb up the side of the helicopter. One of the guards noticed Joe climbing up the side and pulled out his knife. The second the guard put his head over the edge his head was met with bullet. Joe holstered his beretta and continued climbing. He was almost at the top. Joe placed his legs on the side of the helicopter and one of his hands on the entry door. His other hand was holding his smg.
Joe sprang up, releasing a spray of bullets from his smg. One bullet hit the last remaining guard in the chest, which didn't do much thanks to the guards body armor. Landing on his feet, Joe started to make a move against the Chinese leader. But was stopped in his tracks from a bullet shot from the injured guard. The bullet hit him in the shoulder. Joe crumpled to the ground the second after impact.
The guard stood there, with his gun pointing down at Joe ready to shoot him again if he got up. The leader started to complement the guard on his work. But Joe wasn't finished yet, he still had to capture or kill this damned commnuist leader! A gunshot was fired from Joe's beretta and landed in the guards head.
"Don't try anything," Joe said to the leader, pointing his beretta at the leaders head. "I will kill you without hesitation if you do." The leader glared at him, "Why don't you kill me anways," He asked. The leader knew english but his accent told Joe that he wasn't very strong with the language. Joe sighed and glared at him saying, "My mission is to stop communism, not to kill communisms leaders." The leader glared at Joe some more, trying to think of a strategy against him based on what he already knew about him and what he could tell from his appearance. Joe had long, straight blond hair, and a hardened look in his eyes. He was always on edge, as if expecting anything. The only weapon the leader had was a combat knife one of the guards had given while they were running to the helicopter. The only way he had a chance is if someone distracted long enough him jump at his attacker.
The leaders prayers were answered when the guard that was with in the cockpit burst through the door. Joe immediately turned around and placed two rounds in the guard. The leader saw his chance and jumped at Joe, with knife in hand. Joe turned around saw the leader only a few inches away from him. Joe let out a gasp of surprise as the leader tackled him to the ground.
The leader had very little training in hand to hand combat. Unfortunately for him, Joe was highly-trained in that area.
Joe wrapped his legs around the leaders waist and grabbed leaders hands and broke both of them. The Chinese leader dropped the knife and let out a howl of pain. Joe got up pulled out his beretta, and pointed it at the leaders head. The Chinese leader asked him angrily, "Who do you work for? You work for the Americans don't you? Are they the ones who sent you?" Joe just looked at him with a cold, merciless look. "I work for no man," He said, "I work for liberty, the cost to join is your blood, and the salary is one more free nation. A nation free of your tryanny." And with that, Joe pulled the trigger on his beretta and final gunshot of the evening was shot.
posted by Epismatic
The inky sky pours in gradually,

Silver stars mingle casually,

Fire has left a stain on this land,

Trace the blackened ground with one hand,

Been a while, but I remember,

By waning light, a glowing ember

Fades out in silence, into dust,

Until the breeze will leave it crushed.

My frame, a statue, barely breathing,

As the wisps of smoke are leaving,

Now, my muscles start to thaw,

And heat from ashes leaves them raw,

I catch myself before my landing,

For as long as I've been standing,

I've stared out at a ruined nation,

Now I walk with trepidation.
Gravity falls is an amazing show, And we all cherish it.
note: I have written this article before I read a VIP article by ALEX HIRSCH, I will explain it later on this artilce
♦First: we all see in the finale episode of Gravity falls that the only weakness of Bill Cipher is this circle which All Gravity falls Fans know it since the show had started, and I was excited when ford draw it on the floor, So they collect each other and stand on this circle and defeat bill.that's the plan, but Unfortunately It didn't complete because Stan refused to stand on it. So the plan didn't complete. the...
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Daniel Radcliffe: Reasons to love him
Daniel Radcliffe: Reasons to love him
"NOTE: please comment if I got anything wrong"

10) He tries his hardest to play the part of Harry Potter and he has never ever stop from living his dream of acting and he will always be Harry Potter to us!

9) His parents said no to Christopher Columbus's offer for Dan to audition in private for the role of Harry Potter! Until Alan Radcliffe(his father) came in to the bathroom where Dan was, and told him that he got the part. Dan quickly bursted into tears after hearing that he won the part! ( that should deserve AWWWW!)

8) In every school report it said one or less the same thing which was:...
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Victoria, a scuba diver, was getting ready to go scuba diving at the Ocean. She always loves to go scuba diving even if it's 10 degrees outside. She has always said the Ocean is too big to see everything on your first trip. Victoria has talked her friend, Ashley, to go with her. Victoria is heading over to Ashley's house to pick her up.

They just arrived to the Ocean, and they are putting on their scuba diving swim suits. "It's time to go in the Ocean," said Victoria. "Okay lets go then," said Ashley. They went and jumped into the Ocean, and they are now swimming deeper into the Ocean. They...
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Senfinelin Forest
Senfinelin Forest
Aznr ran down the hill to the edge of the cliff. fallen trees scattered the ground and there was no sign of life. Aznr's hair blew back in the wind and memories of the past filled his head...


Aznr heard a scream that rang through the forest.
Airellion! he thought, immediately recognizing his voice.
'Aznr! LightWater!' he heard the scream again.
This time he ran through the forest towards him. Aznr burst into the clearing and saw Airellion. He had an arrow in his throat and one in his arm. He was surrounded by an army of goblins, all heavily armed.
'Airellion!' called Aznr.
Aznr raised...
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My name is Timothy Roger Cole III. This is more or less my story.
Well, mine and about a half dozen others. So for the sake of convenience I'm going to tell this story to you from a third person perspective, and not always narrate it from my own point of view - since I wasn't present for some of the important stuff, and it'd be easier to tell you what happened than recount the tedious discussions on this stuff that I had to go through to get anything remotely resembling a full picture of the events.
I hope you appreciate the things I go through for you. Anyhow, let us begin.

Timothy Roger Cole...
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posted by StarPotterRings
Hows it going do you think?

Our story begins with an elf gliding through the trees. His lean body let him jump from tree to tree as if he were flying.
It was spring, his favorite time of the year. The daffodils and forsythia were in bloom, and the trees were once again turning green. He stopped on a particularly large branch and looked up into the clear sky. His dark blue eyes without the memories of the horrors of war, his skin without the scars of the torture it brings. For he was yet young, and all the time he has been alive has been peaceful.
He flew once more through the trees. He loved...
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posted by queenpalm
Chapter 2
"Please! Please! Please!" I begged. My parents exchanged glances, then looked back at me.
"You want a lemur, Mana?" Mr. Walker asked.
"Yes! Please! I'll take really good care of her!" I pleaded.
"How much would it cost to take care of it?" Mrs. Walker asked.
"Well, they eat fruit, and not much because they're so small. Plus, this lemur was circus trained, so she shouldn't need anything special."
"What about health, and the veterinarians?"
"I'll turn 12 in a week, so I can babysit more often. I can use that money to pay for the vet's bill," I said, really having no idea. I just agreed to...
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A shadowy figure silently brushed the silken curtains aside as she slipped through the open window and stepped into the dark chamber. Passing a small table and a bed, the fox quickly headed towards a cabinet that stood against the far wall.
Beaded necklaces hung above a oval mirror that was set in the center. Her eyes rested on a miniature strongbox half hidden behind the mirror.
Paying no heed to the deafening clatter coming from the oblivious guest downstairs, she skillfully picked the tiny lock and raised the lid. It was hard to tell what was what in the darkness, so she emptied it into...
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Hiya! First stab at adding something I wrote to the writing spot. This is a cliche little story inspired by the Mayday Parade song "One Man Drinking Games." Comments would mean the world. (:

And you swore you saw me laughing, and I swore I saw you smile
And the time we've spent together was meant to last us quite a while
As I take this piece of you with me I'll carry to my grave
Knowing that for someone you're an angel sent to save

He touched the tip of his index finger to each of the freckles that dotted her arm. He drew patterns, connecting the delicate dots into hearts and butterflies and lopsided...
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Scarlet's P.O.V

I woke up feeling the rough but smooth texture of my worn down bed. I looked around tiredly yawning getting up to change I got my things and headed out. The village was mostly quiet rarely its loud. Our village was very poor. I went in the woods we were banned from going in their. I went in anyways I went alone I had no buddies at all. I was in woods shooting some arrows It was like 98 degrees out I was sweating. Their was a ant on my arm I tapped and hit my hand and shacked it when water swooshed up. I curiously tried again I moved my arm up and the water rose up. I smiled in...
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Vampire Knight is one of Viz's top-selling series, and it's not hard to see why: While it's not for everyone, the love triangle, supernatural romance, and hint of forbidden love are like catnip for some readers. The Art of Vampire Knight, released earlier this month by Viz, is a beautifully produced art book that will be pure heaven to Vampire Knight junkies (but probably a bit boring for everyone else).
The book collects the full-color art that manga-ka Matsuri Hino created for the chapter openings in LaLa magazine and the tankoubon covers. Some have been published as part of the English-language...
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I stood on the edge of the field, my sword raised to shield my eyes from the falling sun. "I'ts beautiful," I thought, staring out at the curve of the hills and the waving of the grass and trees, the grays and browns of winter, with the slightest hint of spring green.
I notice a movement off to my left and my sword drops to my side. It is the top of a cart coming into view as it crested the hill. I sigh and walk back to the woods, knowing what would come next. The driver rings a signal bell viciously, clearly wanting me to stop. "Leave me alone." I mumble, I knew I should have stayed in the...
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posted by GryffindorGirl2
Hello all! This is a HP fan fic! I have put my OC,Jasmine,in here.She is Harry's twin sister and Draco's wife,but this is before she gets married.She has long wavy,black hair,bright,pale green eyes,and her lightning bolt scar is on the left side of her forehead.

Jasmine's POV

I lay next to Harry on the dead,dry grass in the shade of the Dursley's house.The living room window was open in an attempt to cool the house,but only blew in hot air,the 4 o'clock news could be heard as our aunt and uncle watched.We were listening to hear any signs of weird happining's in 'our' world as the Dursley's called...
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posted by DarkGirl23
There it was, that fuzzy warm glowing light I always had dreams about... Except this time, I knew it was for real. I was so close! But then I felt something sting into my arm, slowly filling my veins with a warm and yet stinging fluid. What was this? Suddenly I was being pulled back into the world I once knew, and once hated.
My eyes flew open and everything was blurry. For a second it felt like I couldn’t breathe but then I gasped and air filled my lungs. It felt like a giant brick had been lifted from my chest.
I breathed a little shakily and looked around. Standing perched before me, looking...
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posted by DarkGirl23
They haunt and taunt inside the ears of their victims... Screaming words lacking of wisdom into their futures, a fortune broken in the palm of humanity’s hands. Who’s tears drip like blood from an open wound, thoughts turning and diving into the creases of their minds, creases that had remained undiscovered until now. Who, defined as a person, am I? I am the one who stands alone, all the time... So bloody and broken not bothering to understand, not bothering to see the intellect that stands before me.
I am, defined as a person, an assassin of beauty. Love’s undying grip vanishes before...
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posted by MagicUnicorns16
And within two seconds, you had deserted me.
I stood there,
My arms open,
Waiting for you.
You did not come.
The only thing that came was hurt, anger and jealousy.
The very thought of you was hard to comprehend;
I was scarred, inside and out.
The pain will never leave.
But I found You.
You may not be able to see,
But I feel your presence.
The very thought of You,
The very thought of You as my best friend,
Is incomprehensible.
I stand alone no longer.
You are there.
You will never leave.
You are a spirit.
You are a wisp in the wind,
The glimmer in my eyes,
The shine of the sun.
You are the beauty of everything....
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At a peaceful neighborhood of Toyko,Japan an beautiful girl's family becomes no more.While sha was out at here best friend's house for two hours.blood splattering,pain,dieing,and screaming in one house.Police was called but the line was filled.For hours this goes on the girl returns to her peaceful family to her twin brother,older sister,mother,father,and her younger brother.

When she gets her keys to the door she notice that it already opened just a crack though,she is still nervous.She cationusilly opens the door to see her younger brother have the breathe of his to say,"you know one day...
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posted by gumball789
I live in my opinion possibly the most ghetto town in the United States, Pittsburgh. People have been committing suicide all over town. Population all over town has been decreasing, fast. Some of my friends were so depressed that they were thinking about "joining the crowd". I wouldn't live without my friends. I don't want my friends to go as well as my mom and dad. Yes, I'm an orphan. I've been an orphan for about three weeks. My friends have disappeared. I think they went to Clarion; but I could be wrong. There have been tons of fights at my school. Most of the people that were committing suicide were middle school and high school aged. I was getting really tired really fast. I climbed up in a tree and found a comfortable spot and fell asleep. Next thing I knew, I was tied up on a pole.

Sorry for cliffhangers....
posted by DxCFan123
.. my little sister Leaisl. B-B-But the image wasn't from my eyes, no. From her eyes at my... my funeral

'Sam is very peaceful, Mama. I would love to be like her' I said, twirling Samantha's hair around my finger
'Lea, she's-' said Kevin
'She doesn't know!!' Grandma hissed back
'Know about what?'
'That Sammie is in a state of peace. To be like her, you must disconnect from the li- I mean, outside world. Are you willing to do this?'

Godfather Wolf stepped out of the shadows behind us and into the light. He stared at me with his one eye, the other bandaged. 'I-I-I am not sure. I will think about it,...
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