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posted by ellie_bellie135
When you use greif in your writing it's very important you get it right so here is a short article to help you.

Here is an extract from link

Grief is a somewhat commplicated and misunderstood emotion. Yet, grief is something that, unfortunately, we must all experience at some time or other. We will all inevitably experience loss. Whether it is a loss through death, divorce or some other loss, the stages of grieving are the same.

The five stages of grief are:

1-Denial-"this can't be happening to me", looking for the former spouse in familia places, or if it is death, setting the table for the person or acting as if they are still in living there. No crying. Not accepting or even acknowledging the loss.

2-Anger-"why me?", feelings of wanting to fight back or get even with spouse of divorce, for death, anger at the deceased, blaming them for leaving.

3-Bargaining-bargaining often takes place before the loss. Attempting to make deals with the spouse who is leaving, or attempting to make deals with God to stop or change the loss. Begging, wishing, praying for them to come back.

4-Depression-overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, self pity, mourning loss of person as well as the hopes, dreams and plans for the future. Feeling lack of control, feeling numb. Perhaps feeling suicidal.

5-Acceptance-there is a difference between resignation and acceptance. You have to accept the loss, not just try to bear it quietly. Realization that it takes two to make or break a marriage. Realization that the person is gone (in death) that it is not their fault, they didn't leave you on purpose. (even in cases of suicide, often the deceased person, was not in their right frame of mind) Finding the good that can come out of the pain of loss, finding comfort and healing. Our goals turn toward personal growth. Stay with fond memories of person.

When you write it's very important you use these steps properly and in that order.
Thought it's very tempting to make your character angry, grief is more powerful than anger.
Though grief shouldn't be misused for minor things when anger would be more apropiate.

A good example of this, I think, is in Wolverine, when his wife was killed and he was instantly angry. I thought something was a bit off about it and that it was a bit cold and the reason for this was I don't think it was powerful enough. This is because anger was used when it should have been denial. And though it was well done, it could have been better if the writer had been more skillful when using grief. (I'm not bagging out Wolverine. It's one of my favortie movies. PLEASE DON'T SUE ME.)

I hope this will help to improve your writing.

Thank you for reading.

Happy writing.
posted by Cutebutcrazy--
You couldn't and wouldn't,
ask for anything more.
Now all you want,
is to be able to rest.
For your famliy to be happy.
You wish you could help them,
through the pain,
but you can't,
you can only watch,
from the sky.
You can only watch them cry.
Hearts are now broken.
But your love,
is forever out spoken.
For twith out you,
there'd be no hope,
for those to come.
You put the doctors one step closer,
to finding the cure.
You may be just another person to them,
but to me your so much more.
Your one in a million,
your unequie.
I have just one more thing to say.
Plaese rest now.
Rest now and sleep.
May heven bring you happiness and peace.
posted by Rockster
I'm writing two novels, I know what most people think (WHY!) but i've decided to do one hand written and work upon it at school, where one of my teachers is happy to look at and talk to me about the errors that I've done. Whereas the other novel I'm working on the computer which i would like people to read it and discuss whats good and bad about it. Anyway, I've copied and pasted this novel that I've begun from an animal crossing forum and here it is.

Chapter 1: The Frowning Mirror

The heat swarmed around me, wrapping me with comfort and content. I knew that this feeling that conflicted with...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
He smirked. “Hello Sadie” he sang, I closed my eyes and then opened them again, hoping I was going blind. I heard footsteps behind me and then a loud scoff. “What’re you doing here?” Ethan asked, I opened my mouth to answer for Adam but was interrupted. “I came here to see Sadie” he said, I sighed. Ethan looked to me and gave me a look, one I noticed he used to give to me when we were kids and I had stolen his toy. “Is this true did you ask him to come?” Ethan asked me, I shrugged. “I don’t think so” I told him, I heard Adam laugh. “I’m so glad this amuses you!”...
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"Okay Starr your message has been put through. The council and your parents will get it in time when you get back," Whitney says on the phone.
I sigh in relief "That's good. Thanks whitney. By the way how do you like your new job? Councilman and messenger!" I gush
Whitney has been my friend since forever when we both finished college eight months ago we both got different jobs. I work as a time traveller recording things from the past.
"It's great Starr! I get paid a lot. How bout you?" she asks
"Well going back is great but some of the people back then are annoying. Well I got to get to...
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((I'm combining the first and second chapters to make it long enough for the article. And I know my story starts slow, but please hang with me. I promise it gets more exciting))

Stewie (my little brother) and I found a new camp last night with other runaways. This was the biggest camp we've seen so far, but it's shelter, however temporary.

There were four people already here, plus Stewie and I, so we now have a camp of 6. There's Garret, who is my age, Mary, who is 16 and the twins, Eliza and Scott.

We are very well-supplied here, and so deep off the trails I doubt anyone will find us. It's...
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We finally stopped when we reached the lake at the back of Ferntree Collage. My body was aching I hadn't run that much in so long and gosh this bag is heavy.
"I don't know if he saw us, we might not have ran far enough. So keep quiet and rest." Amber whispered
My sides ached as I breathed, but I needed to know who we were running from. Even if it killed me.
"Who...did...we...escape from?" I managed to say, though I'm surprised she heard it.
"It was Brent. I saw him coming and he looked angry"
The aching seemed to disappear as I sat up and stared into Amber's eyes.
"It was Brent?!" I whispered more...
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The picture on Linda's bed side table stared at her and she had had enough. Moving quickly she pulled her covers off and was slipping her feet into her runners.
Wearing the same thing she went to bed in, black tracksuits, a white long sleeve top and a puma jumper, Linda left the house and made her way to the old hospital on foot.
The night was dark and shadows seemed to be following her every footsteps. The lights from the street lamp didn't do much, only illuminating one circle making each imagined shadow larger.
She had made it through two streets and one alley way but the constant thought...
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I could hear the noise droning softly in the nearby forest. A gurgling muffled cry that was slowly receding, becoming fainter. Usually I would ignore such sounds, but the desperate plea imbedded in the cries was enough to make me turn and listen, like some creature was calling me. Weird when I put it like that but that’s exactly what went through my mind when the first cry sounded, a blistering screeching scream.
I stumbled through the over growth, frantically trying to find the source of the sound before it faded with the gentle whisper of the wind. The forest around me was darkening quickly,...
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Have you been pining for a show in which beautiful, young sisters bitch about each other and look for ways to knife each other in the back? If you answered yes to either question, then the sisters is for you.

Whoever wishes to keep a secret must hide the fact that he possesses one.

I sat there quietly listening to the sobs of an unfamiliar voice. “You can’t do that!” The woman’s voice screeched, and then there was a slight chuckle, almost as if the sobbing was amusing to the person. “Oh yes I can, and I just have” The voice who I now knew was young man’s voice. I looked back down...
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“Are you crazy telling her our true forms, what the hell man?” Shouted Opal. “Don’t worry, I’ll never tell anyone, I’m a Rokurokubi, which is also a type of demon, we demons should stick together” Said Mia. “Rokurokubi? I think I’ve heard of that type of creature, you come under the category of nocturnal, right” Said Opal trying to calm down. “I’m so glad you’ve heard of my race, that makes me so happy” Said Mia trying to hug Opal. “Opal has a vast knowledge of creatures from the other world” Said Alec. “Then you should do great in ‘Monster Protection Class’...
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posted by BellaSwan636

"Your girlfriend called. She wanted to talk to you," Jason said.

I pushed past him and grabbed the phone. I punched in the correct numbers and Serena picked up on the first ring. She sounded as if she'd been crying.

"Are you alone?" she asked.
"Yes," I glanced at Jason's retreating form. He was going to basketball practice.
"It's important," she said, hesitantly.
"You can tell me," I said, patiently.
"God, I'm scared," she whispered.
"Of what?"

Suddenly, she screamed into the phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's moving," she whispered again, sounding panicked.
"What is, Serena?" I probably...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
Hayden p.o.v
I sat there staring out into the cold city, one of the quirks with flying is you can go anywhere. I sighed and lay down; the floor was cold at the Empire state. “Why would I try to kiss her?” I asked myself. I shook my head. “You’re an idiot Hayden” I told myself. She didn’t have feelings for me after 3 days what the hell was I thinking? I asked myself again. Did I even have feeling for her? I mean I’m an angel I can’t do the things that most human boys can do. I sighed and got up; the sun was starting to come up, not that anyone in the underworld slept. I looked...
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Billy’s p.o.v
“I can’t believe girls got a ghost hunt” Rocco mumbled. We were all bummed the girls always got the good cases. “Yeah, I heard it’s about a guy who had scratched on his back” Max said. I sighed. “What cases do we have?” I asked Caleb looked down at his computer. “A girl says that her boyfriend was on a hiking trip and he hasn’t called or communicated with her since last week” he said. I rolled my eyes. “Do you think there’s anything to worry about?” I asked them, they all shrugged but Caleb nodded. “Even if there isn’t we have to help her anyway”...
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posted by DietCokeGirl
This is written about the perfect silence only found in the dead of night, and the feelings it inspires.
The title comes from the description a friend of mine gave when we were stuck in the middle of nowhere at midnight and I found it sort of beautiful.
Enjoy (I hope) :)

Weighted air and winking stars,
darkness draped, tension wrought.
This night, this hour, is ours.
Silence chimes unspoken thoughts
that choke my mouth.
Silver moonbeams in glittering outline
surround you, and in our youth
this night, this hour, we intertwine.

I'd love to hear what you like or hate.
Thanks for reading.

This one is pretty short but I've been so busy, hope you like it comment and tell me what you think.

Elena’s POV
I woke up to find the curtains being draw open and Stefan gone. Every thing seemed a little fuzzy. I could see a figure walked towards me. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes.
“Good morning sleeping beauty.” Damon spoke softly. When things came back to focus I saw Damon half dressed, wearing just a pair of sweats.
I ran my fingers threw my hair pulling it out of my face. “Where’s Stefan.” “Not here, in fact it’s just you and me. Hungry?”
He got up and headed for the...
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Katherine’s POV
I leaned off the wall smiling. “I can tell that you didn’t miss me.” I said turning to Stefan my smile fading.
I turned back to Damon smiling. “I can’t tell much if you miss me with all that ‘I love you Elena.” I glided my hands over his perfectly sculpted abs. His shirt so thin you could feel every little curve.
My fingers moving up his stomach one by one. “You seem to love Elena so much, have you ever wanted to tasted her blood, because I know I’ve been dying to.” I said running my thumb over his lower lip.

Damon’s POV
From the moment she spoke my body...
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Elena's POV

"Why don't you sit down and we can talk." I was pressed tightly up against the counter. "No need to be scared." Katherine was smiling as she took steps towards me. "Katherine this is between Damon, Stefan and you not me." Katherine tilted her head and shook it tell me no. "Honey this is about you."

Damon's POV

"How the hell could you do that? Damon I asked you to do this for Elena." Stefan was furious. I just rolled my eyes. "Your just upset because she may also have feelings for me to, just like Katherine."

Stefan sat there shaking his head. "Don't you get it Damon Katherine never...
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So, I am alway on the look out for writing contests with inspiring prompts for me to enter. I got really exited when I found this one:
link because I had an idea for it right away. I spent all afternoon researching the Battle of Little Bighorn, because I wanted to set it in the aftermath of that battle, and writing it, instead of writing a biography of William Blake that I was supposed to be doing for school :P. then, when I went to go submit it, I figured out the people wanted me to sign up for a membership to their website for $6.75 a month to enter the contest, which I don't really want to....
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
17: Wheel in the Sky

Dying is not what most people think it is-nothing flashes before your eyes, there’s no white light or what have you. The only thing I felt was pain, the blood flowing through my shirt and fingers, making them sticky and beginning to form a coat on my clothes. I couldn’t see much beyond the few feet in front of me, the sun had long such set and darkness had fallen on swift wings. There was one sound: my blood pulsing like it was right in my ears. Eventually I made it to the grass hill where I fell, too weak to walk another step.
While I lay there, certain I was destined...
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"You know... I'm not...the one you love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
"You know... I'm not...the one you love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
There have been so many things that have happened to me in the past, present, and future, that I have had a hard time remembering them all. For a vampire, that would seem unbearably stupid; I mean, we live forever, so our brains should be more adept at handling the hardcore memories. At times I actually thought I remembered my childhood, or even WWI if I took a deep thought into it. But no, the only thing that came into my mind as clearly as the darkness that surrounds me now is this:
Chloe's eyes.
Chloe Cassalani, the one person I knew from the start upon meeting, was a threat to me. The instant...
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