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posted by Obscurity98
Megan's Dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
Megan's Dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
-Before Harley died:
-ft. Willow and Becca, Megan, and Harley
-Artemis and Zatanna don't exist here.
-our BFs are also featured.

Megan squealed as she climbed into Roy's car. Conner followed her. It was against Harley, Robin, Wally, and Roy's will to go to the mall, but Willow and Becca finally dragged them into it. Wally and Willow went on their motorcycle and so did Robin and Becca. But Harley Megan and Conner piled into Roy's car.
Roy huffed, "i can't believe i have to go through this."
Megan squealed, "Yes! i haven't been to the mall in ages! I can't wait."
Harley put her hands to her ears, "Oh god Megan, please shut up! I so didn't want to come!"
Conner said nothing but rolled his eyes.

They arrived with Megan bubbling with excitement, Harley grabbed her shoulders and shook her, "MEGAN! Calm down honey! You look like you're gonna explode," then turned to Conner and Roy, "we better get inside before all we have is Megan smoke!"

They met Wally, Willow, Becca and Robin at the entrance. Roy glared at Becca and willow, "So what are we doing here exactly?" Becca and Willow exchanged glances and smiled. Harley groaned, "AW MAN! not THAT smile!"
Becca laughed and started explaining. "We have made up a Mall Madness Challenge!"
Willow went on her cue there, "Us girls are gonna go and buy everything we want our Boyfriends to wear and the guys do the same for us!"
Becca's voice chimed in, "at the End of the hour, were gonna head over to the mountain and show them off!"
Willow,"And choose the most embarrassing things you can find, cause we wont go easy on you!"

The first look they got was from Roy,his eyes bugged out, and mouth hung open.
Robin's eyebrows looked like they needed surgery.
And come to think off it, Wally caught some flies.
And Conner did the one thing he did best, stare and said nothing. Most likely screaming his head about the absurdity of the whole idea. Harley however said it out loud.
People in the mall paused to watch the scene. Roy's face flushed. Conner tried to hide his face, and Becca and willow only stared at her calmly. Becca smiled, 'Oh Harley i'm sure you remember a few nights ago, you know, with.." Harley cut her off, "OKAY fine whatever i'll do it."
Becca and willow high-fived and announce,d "OKAY! everyone get ready to run and find your hubbies clothes, NOW!"

Becca grabbed Harley Wrist and Willow grabbed Megan's and pulled them away. And ran into the nearest men's department store.

To the Guys:
"I am not going in there." said Roy hands across his chest. Conner nodded, "Me neither." They stood in front of the Victoria Secret store, and Robin rubbed the back of his neck, "I can't believe were actually gonna do this." Wally shrugged, "Might as well get it over with." And walked right in. The guys glanced at each other and reluctantly followed wally in.

To the Girls:
Becca looked at one rack and called them over, "What do you think girls? Should we get a few?"
Harley winced as she saw the assorted colored speedos. Then she laughed, the image popping into her mind. Harley quickly said, "get green for Conner, Red for Roy, Black for robin, and Yellow for Wally. God i am just dying thinking about what they look like already." Becca Megan and Willow laughed, and traveled on to another clothes rack.

To the Guys:
The sales woman gave the guys a weird look, "Guys i think you're in the wrong store." Wally shook his head, "no no, our girlfriends sent us on a mission to find clothes for them to display it's supposed to be funny or embarrassing or something like that."
The woman nodded, "I see, then i have just the ting for you." She led them to a section called, "Mission Impossible." Hanging on the nearest rack was a metal bra and black metal panties.
Roy cracked up, "People wear this stuff?" The lady nodded, "its crazy but they know, i think your girl should have this one." Roy grabbed the set and stuffed it into a shopping bag and kept laughing.
She led them to another shelf.

To the Girls:
Becca looked at one of the windows and smiled, "Girls this is the place." And willow Harley and Megan looked up at the shop sign. It said Hawaiian apparel.
Inside Willow pulled the first thing that caught her eye. "COOL!" it was a hula skirt and coconut set. Megan smiled, "OH i can so see Wally in that!" Harley Ran over to rack five, "OH look at this! Palm tree boxers! Becca find me a pair of Coconuts. I have to see Roy in this."

To the Guys:
"I still can't believe we went in there!" Roy sighed as they got their things and left Victoria Secret. Robin smiled, "What i can't believe is that you actually looked like you were having fun in there." Conner and Wally cracked up at the truth.
Roy rolled his eyes but smiled any way.

Robin suddenly pressed his face to a shop window, "HOLY Plastic! Look at all that! plastic everything. you think i can fin Becca some thing in there?" Wally pushed open the doors and smiled, "Only one way to find out."
They stepped in and Roy pulled a necklace from its place, it was long and very, very thick. He threw it at Conner, "Here, have Megan wear that." Conner went red, "what?" Roy laughed, "yeah, we'll all get one for our girls. Robin go find us some cloth skirts, that only, well." Robin smiled back wickedly, "Say no more!" and he and wally ran off to find the right kind of showy hooker skirts.

To the Girls;
Megan pulled out a suit and asked, "You think Conner should get this?" Becca pulled at it and shook her head, "Megan, get only the Jacket not the shirt nor pants." Willow added, "and see if you can find an boxers." Harley popped her head form one of the rack behind him, "How bout Pink Boxers? And they have heart on them too."
All four girls glanced at each other and made sure to get them.

To the Guys:
They walked in the mall and suddenly heard two girls laughing, Coming out of a store on girl said, "I cant believe you even actually bought that!" and they turned a corner. All the guys glanced at each other and raced for the door.
Conner gasped at all the clothes in the store OLD RADICAL: DRESSES. They were Gothic and old fashioned. Conner grabbed a blue dress that poofed at the waist and and had two pink draped on each side of the waist. and had huge puffs at the shoulders and a big pink bow at the neck. And her torso was held by a black and purple girdle.
Roy grabbed the one next to it, and it had a same kind of girdle but for the chest area and it was yellow. Its skirt length reached the knees and was spiky with blue, and so were the sleeves but those were and a big green flower at the neck.
Robin bust out laughing, "those are pretty weird cool, we have to get some."

To the Girls:
Becca looked at her watch, "Girls the time is up! Lets head to the food court we'll meet the guys there. Harley Call Roy and tell him its over, and time to go home."
Harley pulled out her cell and dialed. "Roy hay babe, times up head over to the food court will you?..okay see ya guys there."
She smiled at her friends, "man i cant wait to see this!" Willow put her arm through Becca's and Becca through Megan's and Megan's to Harley's. And she walked laughing all the way to the food court, ignoring the rude stare from people and the weird feeling of girly-ness.

To the Guys:
"we have to head back, tot he food court." Roy said slipping his phone back into his pocket. He held his two bags precariously as did the other guys. And headed back in the direction they came.

All together:

Megan stuffed the last bag into the trunk of Roy's car. "Got it in!" she called to Roy, and he started the engine, and Megan climbed in quickly. Harley and Megan exchanged glances, that made Conner and Roy do the same, the girls' looks were making them worry. Did the guys not go hardcore enough?

Roy drove, both excited and worried. What had Harley chosen for him? would he actually go out and wear it infront of his best friends, and his girlfriends BFFs?

At Mount Justice:
Harley threw a bag at Roy, "put on this outfit first. And remember only wear whats in the bag u cant wear any thing else but whats in there." Roy clutched the bag and stepped into Harley's personal bathroom to change. All of them heard Roy gasp then groan. Finally some few minutes later Roy emerged, hiding his face behind his hand. Harley smiled and howled with laughter, but only after Robin Wally and Conner did.
Roy sighed and seconds after showing off, he ran back into the bathroom.
He walked out fully dressed now and threw a bag at Harley. "have fun babe." and sat down in her spot.
Harley proudly took the bag and stepped into the bathroom. They heard Harley shriek, ""WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS!?" But then the sound of metal escaped, and Harley cursed, "*** this thing, it pinched my nipple!" This got her friends into a roar of laughter, But the guys laughed hardest, they knew what Roy had told her to put on.
They heard the door knob turn and Roy called out, "Flounce it Babe!" and Harley did just that!
She stepped out the metal clanking at every move, and the bra had pointy cups which she shook for good measure. Roy doubled over, Robin and Wally threw them selves back ward, and the girls pounded their fist on the floor.
Harley stood there, hands on her hips, "yup go ahead laugh it out." She turned on her heel. and left to the bathroom. She heard Wally call, "I HAVE A CAMERA HARLEY!" she rolled her eyes, "oh good wally for your free time right!"
Wally turned a few shades red and everyone burst again in laughter.

Willow stood up after Harley came out of the bathroom, and threw a bag at Wally's head, "Try these on lover boy." Wally grabbed the bag and zoomed in the bathroom then out again withing a matter of seconds. in fact willow only blinked before he came out.
His face matched his hair and his skin matched perfectly with the yellow speedos.
Conner groaned, "Don't tell me you got all of us a pair!?" The girls could help but laugh, wally zipped away and back again, full dressed. He smiled and threw a bag at willow. "fine make a fool out of me, try this."
Willow stuck her tongue out at Wally but did as told. we heard her rustle through the back and then squeak, " I cant believe you! " and then came out. She wore a bra and panties, but it looked like she wore nothing, it was her perfect skin color. She frowned at Wally who laughed along with every one else. She finally laughed a but herself,and went back to change.
It was Becca's turn and Robin handed her a bag with a wicked look. Becca smiled and pranced into the bathroom. When she put it on, she gasped, making everyone laugh even before they saw her.
She stepped out and like Harley shook her chest for no reason. It was like a regular bra but it had cotton bunny tails on each cup and then one in the back of the underwear. Robin whistled and The boys fell back laughing the girls did the same, Harley's face was red from laughing, Megan went on gasping for breath, and Willow doubled over.
Becca grabbed the beg that held Robin's clothes and whacked him with it. and then went to change. Robin and her switched seats and he went to change. He shouted at Becca but finally came out, he wore the hula skirt that Willow had found and got for all the guys, and the coconut bra. He rolled his eyes behind his shades. "You have lost your mind Becca." And disappeared. Megan handed Conner his bag and giggled slightly, Conner looked nervous.
Harley whistled as Conner walked to the bathroom. "I can t wait to see this!"
Conner grumbled something half inaudible. And came out face crest fallen. He wore the jacket Megan had found and the little pink heart boxers. Roy didn't bother holding back and leaned on Harley's bed for support. Conner glared at him. Harley whistled again, "SEXY! right Megs!" Megan batted her eyelashes innocently.

Soon enough Roy handed a bag to each girl, "go change into these. your gonna pose at the same time. So go to different bathrooms." The girls glanced at each other. But did as Roy said.
As they left the room the guys were already laughing.

Harley changed in her bathroom, and the girls changed in other ones. Finally the girls reappeared, walking stiffly. They wore the thick necklaces and the long belt like sashes the covered their nether regions. Harley snapped at them as she stepped out, "You are disgusting perverts." Roy walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, "Aw shut it babe you look great." Harley pushed him away and flew back to the bathroom, and just before shutting the door, "what ever turns you on honey." Willow and Becca laughed and walked out too.

Finally the guys were told to do the same and they walked out to change as each girl handed them a bag. willow giggled at the thought. ""I cant believe we actually got them those." Becca smiled, "This is so camera necessary." Megan laughed, "I cant wait, this is so exciting." Harley poked at her, 'You just want to see your pretty boy in costume don't you?" Megan swatted her away but laughed anyway.
Just then the boys returned humiliated. Becca snatched out her phone and took pictures as quickly as possible. Some how she did mange to get a good picture of Wally. They wore panties an bras and a lot of jewelry, and high heels.

The girls laughed their head off. "I cant believe were doing this." sighed Wally. Roy snapped, "Whose idea was this any way?" It set the girls into more laughter.
Robin cried, "OH YEAH! uh-hu laugh! Go try these on!"
So the girls did. As they came back, they twirled around, not looking one bit embarrassed, "They are actually some what cool." said Harley. Her dress was pretty cool, and so was everyone else. (one ones pictured below.)
The guys stared at them, "You like them!" snapped Conner. Megan smiled,'Yeah they look cool."
They guys groaned, so their big plan failed, they still had one thing left to do. "PICTURES!'shouted Wally and chased the girls down taking pictures as they fought them off.
The girls finally got caught and re dressed. And Becca smiled at Willow and Megan and Harley, "Make sure, you get the guys to re-put on the speeedos then take some pictures, i have another challenge in my head.' Harley smiled wickedly, "I can just imagine what Batman would think, Robin speedos, and the girls took off back to Harley's room to get the pictures off Becca's phone.

Harley's dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
Harley's dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
Willow's dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
Willow's dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
Becca's Dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
Becca's Dress from OLD RADICAL: DRESSES
added by EclipseYJ
And now, an Exclusive Sneak Preview from the latest Installment in the Red Revenge Saga

This is not a fairy tale.
There are no happy endings.

Allies Fall,
Enemies Rise
Friends Return


"Go! Go!" Robin yelled, tossing down smoke grenades. They exploded and the bullets went in all directions. Wondergirl deflected the projectiles as she and Robin ran across the room. 

"Keep down." Robin ordered, throwing bird-a-rangs over the top of the crate the two had ducked behind. The duo heard several distinct thuds and then more screaming.

"Move!" Robin yelled. The two leapt, taking down thugs...
continue reading...
added by SilverWings13
Source: Monte!
added by MinaBloodlust
added by SilverWings13
added by MinaBloodlust
added by MinaBloodlust
added by Robin_Love
Source: (C) to owner
added by Mclovin_69
added by DiscordYJ
Source: ((OMG HE IS SO GOOD))
added by SilverWings13
added by Robin_Love
added by Robin_Love
added by SouthYJ
Source: to whoever drew this I THANK YOU!!
added by Obscurity98
Source: google
added by Obscurity98
Source: ME!
added by AislingYJ
Source: The fabulous internets (plus a little photoshop "skill")
added by MafiaYJ
added by Robin_Love