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posted by CoaxochYJ
Cuz I thought it would be fun! 35 stinkin ways!

1. Poke her in between her wings, then run away cackling maniacily.

2. Hug her, then say "Oops, I thought you were someone else." then walk away.

3. Take away her teddy.

4. Take away her over-sized sweashirt.

5. Say she looks an awful lot like Brittany Spears with her blonde hair.

6. Rub her stomach, then say "Ooooooh!"

7. Dye her hair. She will kill you. Period.

8. When she is sleeping, write tomorrow's date on the back of her neck with sharpie, then point it out later.

9. Poke Devin, then Fang, then her, then say "Looks like Darth Vader had kids..."

10. Insult one of those close to her.

11. Dress up like an Eraser, then pop out from behind something, and scream, "IM GONNA GET YOU BIRDIE GIRL!" (You will get seriously hurt, use with extreme caution)

12. Ask her if Darth Vader was her grandpa.

13. Tell her she can't do something.

14. Poke her in between the wings, then run away cackiling.

15. Call her small.

16. Glue her wings together.

17. Poke her, then do an Evil Laugh and run away.

18. Walk up to her with a clipboard, then ask her how long it took her egg to hatch.

19. (Aimed at guys) Walk with her, then when Fang and/or Devin passes by, say out loud so they can hear you, "But seriously, I think we should use a condom next time."

20. Make her a smoothie, and when she asks what you used, say, "Fang, Devin, and Lexi." and watch her do a spit take.

21. Tell her you left your flip flop on a cloud, then ask her to get it for you.

22. Compare her to Batman.

23. Ask her if her real mom is an extremely obessed fangirl.

24. Tell her Ciel is dead.

25. Ask her what a cloud feels like then when she tells you what it feel's like run away screaming "THE EXPERIMENT SPEAKS!!"

26. When you pass her, say, "If you look to your right, you will see the Avian American child that successfully made it passed age ten." rub her arm, then put a microphone up to her mouth and ask her what moisturizer she uses.

27. Whack her with a frying pan.

28. Pet Bella, then scream at Mel that the Rottwieler is dangerous.

29. Glue a syringe to her face, then say "Well, Griffin found the glue again..." ((*Laughing* Oh jeez! *Settles laughing and puts on a serious face* Humor from my book.))

30. Take away her hairbrush.

31. Stab a wall with a kitchen knife, then squirt ketchup around it, then scream "LOOK! IM JUST LIKE MEL!"

32. Jumps on her back, then ask her to give you a magical piggy-back-ride to Heaven.

33. Tell her Fang fried, then ate Bella.

34. Tell her Ari is her biological brother. for the grand finale...

35. Touch her wings.
posted by SilverWings13
The dreamy melody filled the room. She could have continued playing forever, tapping each key to sing a specific note. But like all great things, the seemingly endless Claire de Lune was nearing its end. She played out the last measure, holding the last note. She waited for it's last breath to fade before lifting her hands from the keys. "How was that?" she asked, nervous of the response she would receive.
"Excellent, Emily." Emily Weston, formerly known as Project Immunity, turned on the piano's bench to face her teacher.
Jasper sat forward on the couch, his head resting in his hands; his eyes...
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posted by -BelovedRobin
Pixiv Id 403191
Pixiv Id 403191
Name: Alucard Fair
Alter Ego: 96
Age: 26 (For Baker’s story)
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde, sometimes mistaken for silver.
Distinct Markings: The tip of his left ear is bitten off.
Height: 5’10”
Martial Status: Single
Birthplace: He forgot b/c his family moved a lot
Current Residents: He moves about.
Relationship with: No one, but he is obsess with Aria Leonhart
Foes: Whoever is his target and whoever is “keeping him and Aria apart.”

Meaning behind “96”:

Well I’m using 96 as a representation of characters from the Japanese language. Im Japanese reads as 9 (ku/kyu)...
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posted by AislingYJ
I decided to make a few minor updates to Aisling's bio.
Name: Aisling Carter
Alias: Dimension
Age: 15
Occupation: Hero
Affiliations: Kaos (former), Young Justice Team
Appearance:Aisling has a solid build, and she’s about 5’8’’ and still growing. She has short, wavy dark brown hair that she wears in a messy ponytail, blue-green eyes, and freckles.
Civvies: Aisling wears a purple or gray hoodie sweatshirt, baggy black sweat pants, and black vans.
Costume: Aisling wears a purple domino mask (like Robin’s but it shows her eyes), a purple sequined shirt, green pants, combat boots, and elbow-length...
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posted by AislingYJ
24 hours later
Her bare feet pressed down into the trampoline floor, sending her flying into the air. She bounced in place, then dropped to the floor in a sitting position. “Seat...” she muttered to herself as she sprung back up. On the next bounce, she dropped to her knees. “Drop.” When she hit the ground again, she was flat on her stomach. “Belly...” She popped back up to her feet. “Flop!” She grinned triumphantly, and began circling the outside edge of the trampoline, occasionally doing a roundhouse kick or an elaborate dodge against her invisible enemy. After circling a few...
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posted by Robin_Love
She threw herself against the wall with no results. Her breathing was labored and her body ached.
“Give it a rest. You'll damage yourself more.”
She turned to the voice. The red head leaned against the far wall, playing with a deck of cards.
“We have to get out. I can't stay here. WE can't stay here!”
“Eh. Just relax. Come play with me.”
“What?! No! We HAVE to get out! We have to warn them! Have to save them!”
“Becca calm down.”
She looked to the only other occupant. The dark haired angel was floating, meditating.
“Devin, we need to get out! Think about Dick! The team! Think...
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posted by FeverYJ
Name:Dee Fy


Age: Looks 16, has been living for 506

Status: Villain (demon of death)

relationship to team: None

Appearance: tall, auburn hair reaching her back. red eyes. Lustful

Personality: angry, seductive,reclusive, backstabber, witty, brave

She can willingly kill the person she is touching, sucking their energy. By staring at any living thing,for a long period of time, it will eventually die. Her bite can turn people to dust. No immortality but has lived a long 500 yrs. Experts in Toxins, poisons, and has an arsenal of a whip, two daggers, and a pistol concealed in her...
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posted by AislingYJ
So this is part 1 of Broken Wings. Just to recap, this takes place 20 years after Season 1. Aisling and Jackson, in addition to most of the former team, are on the Justice League. They have 3 kids: Lily aka Midnight Streak who's 12, Chandler aka Coda who's 11, and Annabelle aka Firefly who's 9.
Five Hours Earlier:
“What is it?” Lily asked, a faint yawn in her voice. The three kids were gathered in the living room, in their pajamas, slumped over the couch. Their parents were standing in front of them, blocking the TV, much to Chandler’s displeasure. He was laying on his back, his feet propped...
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posted by Robin_Love
She walked along the edge of the beach, the slight breeze running through her hair. The sun was starting to set in the distance. The water tagged her toes, racing to get away and then running back again. Birds chirped a few harmless melodies from their trees, serenading her. The peace was effective and calmed her worried thoughts. She found a grouping of rocks and sat on one. The winds gentle fingers pushed the hair away from her face, sending a shiver through her. She looked down and her eyes flashed orange. Fire sparked to life. Her eyes turned white-blue and the wind grew stronger at her...
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posted by AchillesYJ
So it isn't the best title in the world. Oh well...

Adrian sat on the rooftops, brooding over the girl he’d met a couple days ago... or was it weeks? On the outside she was peppy, bubbly, and beautiful, but inside he had the feeling she was hiding something. Beneath that curtain of black hair and that domino mask was her secrets and real feelings. Anger and darkness was something she wanted to cover, and years of experience had given Adrian a small hint as to what she was doing.
Said boy turned, the single blue strand dancing into his eyes once more. There she was, the girl...
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posted by SilverWingsYJ
Questions I, Princess Ducky the Ninja Rebel, came up with questions for Loki, A. K. A. Beloved_Robin the Magnificent, to ask Charmante Rio, The Diva. Out of curiosity, I asked SilverWings. Yes, there are 13.

1) If you could dye your hair any color, what color would it be?
Dark blue with silver streaks! Do they have silver hair dye?
2) How will the world end?
The world's going to end? O_O
3) Favorite catch-phrase?
I am the guardian of the innocent. (Stop laughing, Nic!)
4) Sports car or private jet?
Motorcyle! It's harder to crash...
5) Leather or snake-skin?
Dragon scales!
6) What's you war cry?
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posted by Robin_Love
She sat on her bed, thinking about all Devin had told her. She missed Lizzie to death. But if Devin was right, they would need to keep a low profile. From everyone. A knock on her door broke her troubled thoughts.
“Who is it?”
“Just me. I need to talk.”
Becca answered the door. She let her guest in and sat in a chair. She watched him pace for the space of several seconds before asking the obvious.
“What's wrong?”
“Frak ti des?”
She blinked, sighing.
“Why do you want to talk in shadow?”
“Meta fo ly.”
She nodded, answering. ((For you I translate!))
“What's wrong?”
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posted by SilverWings13
Another Year One-Shot

SilverWings ducked under the ball of fire as it flew toward her. It collided with the wall, throwing sparks, but she had already rolled to the side.
"Yes, please!" Another fiery projectile came at her. She dodged it easily, ducked under a second, and cart wheeled to avoid a third. She paused a moment to catch her breath, but leaped up as a final sphere shot at her. The flames licked at her heels and smashed into the brick wall.
Silver stumbled as she landed, breathing hard. Shutting her eyes, she rested her hands on her knees and leaned all her weight on them. A chuckle...
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What was the last thing you ate?

What was the last thing you drank?

What's the best thing you've ever bought?
I have no idea!

What's the worst thing you've ever bought?
A hobo's sock... Don't ask!

What's the best thing you've ever been given?
Love- and then I lost it...

What's the worst thing you've ever been given?

What are your future goals?
Living long enough to experience my future!

Describe your bedroom?

What's your most embarrassing moment?
Not sure which is the worst!

Who do you consider the most beautiful...
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Merce, Mercy, Bells, Bellie, Bell

Where do you live?
Wherever I want!

What's your age?
Physically 16, mentally 5!

Hair color?
No matter what anyone says, I am a orange-head-- NOT a redhead!

Eye color?
Blue-- Depending on the light!

5'6 or 7" ??

Shoe size?
8.7452839287314201 and a quarter!

Date of Birth?
The past irks me... So, I'm not quite sure! Sometime in February maybe?

What's your star sign?
I have no idea what that is!

Fire. All the way!

How many siblings?
2 twin brothers- Deceased.

How many pets?
2- A rock and an iguana!

Tea, traveling, swimming, having fun - And...
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posted by Obscurity98
-On my Wall post i mentioned i had a weird encounter with Superboy, here it is!

Conner remembered the fist time they brought in Harley Mei. He thought Mei was a funny last name, and then it was weird. because Roy was with her, he rarely saw the Old side... protege of Green Arrow. But he knew Roy had a thing for the new girl. You could tell.
Conner glanced her way, and something definitely bothered him. Was it because she was new? That Roy was attached to her? Oh no, it was because Big Blue (superman) had his arm around her shoulder. He'd seen the look on Superman's face once before. But it wasn't...
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posted by SilverWings13
Maddex Howard (civvies)
Maddex Howard (civvies)
Hauntings part V-Allies

"So you're saying Gordon Tin was dead when you got to his apartment?"
"Actually, he was alive. They were talking when I came in."
"They were talking?"
"It sounded more like arguing. Gordon was yelling when the assassin shot him."
"How did you get in the apartment? Did you have a key? Pick the lock?"
Batgirl stepped in next to Robin. "What were they arguing about? Did you hear anything about the Key? The Weapon? Was there any mention of-"
Nightwing cleared his throat. "Why don't we give Mr. Howard a little break. Let him rest."
"Nightwing," Robin contradicted, "he's a witness...
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posted by Robin_Love
She sat alone in her room, listening to the song coming from her boom box. She hugged the stuffed bear to her chest, trying not to burst into tears. This day was one she had dreaded for months. She bit her lip as the music filled her senses. A light knock sounded at her door.
“Go away!”
Her command was ignored and Trevor walked in.
“What's up kitty Cat?”
“Leave me alone.”
He glanced over her and softened.
“What's wrong?”
Cat looked away, afraid she would burst into tears. Trevor came closer and sat beside her.
“Why so upset? Talk to Trevor.”
She smiled a little as his British accent...
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Mount Justice 6:00pm
Kaldur, Robin and KidFlash were at KidFlash's room. They were finding something 'formal' for Kaldur to wear and since KidFlash was the only one out if the three of them to be around the same height as Kaldur they were going to hunt down there.
"Uh, could you for once clean your room? It reeks plus its so messy!" Robin exclaimed, picking up one of KidFlash's dirty clothes with a pair of kitchen thongs-he did not DARE touch it with his own hands.
"Well, dude, quit with the chatter and lets start searching." KidFlash said, tossing a already used shirt at Robin's head.
Robin glared...
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Ravage Part III 5

Chapter Twenty:

Artemis grabbed another guy and slung him to the ground, but didn't kill him or wound him badly. That was her motto. Few followed it. Even few escaped her.

Artemis was weary from battle. It was all she had been doing for the past two days; too afraid to sleep, too afraid someone would murder her and she would never see Wally again. 

Or Sam. Or M'gann. Or any of her friends. Everytime she thought of them, she wanted to cry. But to cry in this arena would be to show weakness. And she wasn't going to let that happen. 

She had gathered three people she trusted with...
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posted by The_Writer
Ravage Part III 4

Chapter Nineteen: 

Revenge sludged through the thick red mud. His outfit was black outlined in fiery red. A few people had tried to kill him thinking he was from the Harvest.

Just like the guy now, trying to grab him through the mud.

Revenge grabbed him and bashed him on the shore. The guy was dazed. Revenge hoisted him up by the neck.

"How many have you killed today?" he asked.

"Five little pieces of slime. Got the little brat Artemis on the arm as well." the guy grinned wickedly.

"You killed five people, impressive." Revenge grabbed the guy's body and held it above him. "Now guess...
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