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Grow up was all she heard
Grow up was all she heard
The mental tortures continued Melody, Nate and Jaivus were all haunted with memory of their past, but now it was time for Phif and Ashley to joint them.
Phifi's Telepathic Torture
Phifi heard whispering in her ears, but she could not make out what was being said. She slowly open her eyes, she blinds a few time. There she lie in the middle of a spot light with everything else in darkest. Phifi raised her brows in confusion then she slowly made her way to her feet. She turned her head from side to side but all she saw was dense darkness. The ten year old hugged herself as she moved around in the light. "Hello?" she calls but only echoes reply, "Hello?" she calls again but nothing answers. Suddenly the very light that shone on her existence goes out leaving her in the dark. She clicks her finger to produce fire but was no use.
She begins wandering in the dark, her shoes echoing behind as she walks in the pitch-black. Murmuring begins again but still she is unable to recognize a single sentence. She continues to roam through cautious and in fear. Suddenly she feels weight rush by her, unthinking she reaches out and grads what seems to be someone's clothing. She kept a firm grip on the clothing but it managed to pull away and within seconds the little girls feels a fist connects with her jaw.
"How's there?!" She shouts groaning in pain.
Suddenly a ghost like person walks past her, Phifi calls out but it doesn't response. She rushes to the person and looks at them seeing its Martina. Martina continues on and out of the blue she opens a doors Phifi stood and watch what Martina was going to do.
"Koda I thought I told you to talk to that brat before," there stood Koda Phifi's protector.
"I did."
"Then clearly it didn't get through to her 'cause she still acts like a child."
"I believe its because she is a child Tina."
"Koda we're on the break of war she can't afford he a child get her to understand that." With that the room with the two vanished.
"Is this why I'm here for a reminder!" She shouts, "Cause I knew that already they drilled it into my thick skull!"
Another ghost-like memory of hers played out sending the same message 'she needed to stop acting like a child she needed to grew up'. She falls to her knees.
"I get it!" she shouts again," I've tried and tried.....a..a..nd look I've grew up I don't cry..c...rying is for babies." she stuttered waving her finger in a warning way.
"So don't tell me I haven't!" she bit her lip, "Don't tell me I haven't!" She screams from the top of her lungs.
Then suddenly whispers began say, "Grow up!", "Stop being a child!" They repeated and echoed in her ears She blocked them but they grew louder. Phifi felt a burning pain in her heart it felt like a mixture of rage, sadness and hate thumping inside. She wanted to let it out but all that did was tears and screaming

Honesty laughed at the little girl to him she was pathetic and so was the others. He started with Ashley hoping that she too would have something in her mind that scared or hurt her to the bone. But his laughing and hope disappear when he entered the blue-hair's mind.
He laid there on the bed staring up at the ceiling, somehow thinking that staring at the white paint and patterns would give him the train of thought he was looking for. He blinked when he watched Aryess walk in out of the bathroom wearing a pink spaghetti strap night gown that ran just above her knees and let in a deep breath staring back up at the ceiling with his steeling grey eyes. The golden glow that the lights gave off suddenly flicked off into a blue moonlight glow from the open curtained windows. Aryess slipped into the bed next to Bentley and turned to her side resting her head with...
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posted by Robin_Love
Here's the updated bio for the team. I had to look it over and decide who stays and who goes. Sorry if you disagree. I just had too many.

Secret Identity: Unknown
Alias: Terror
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Shape-shifting, controls fears, can control minds, can take away/give fears, illusions, able to enter other minds when people sleep.
History: Terror was born in Mew Orleans, Louisiana. He was raised in an abusive family. His father, who was always drunk, would beat him. His mother had died giving him birth. Terror had two other siblings; Sylvia and Mat. Mat had been killed in a car accident. Sylvia...
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posted by Robin_Love
He walked down the hall to her bedroom, passing his own in his wanting to get to her. The door was open when he walked in, but the girl on the bed was not the one he was looking for. She looked up when he entered, an apologetic smile on her face.
“Is something wrong?!” he asked.
“No. Not exactly.”
“Where is she?”
“She's fine. She just had to get out for a bit.”
“Where is she?”
“California, I think.”
He blinked, the words catching him for the first time.
“Wait you mean she's not here at all?”
“That's right. She wanted to wait for you, but said she was getting too restless....
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"Get your men back!" Blaze yelled as he trotted out the gateway of the abandoned maximum-security prison. The captain of the squad signaled the 50-or-so men of his betalian to retreat from the entrance. The heavily-armed soldiers positioned themselves behind the barricade of cars as the earth began to shake beneath their boots. A howl derived from Hell erupted from the dark, a first of anger and bloodlust. Blaze leapt onto the hood of an SUV just as the creature charged from the exit tunnel of the prison.
The monster could have been mistaken for a rhino, accept it was 11 feet long and shrouded...
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posted by Blitz359
Meh. Found on internet. Thought I should share.
Meh. Found on internet. Thought I should share.
So yeah, I'm not dead. Been really busy.

The phone rang for what seemed like the millionth time. Its ringtone sang out in the darkness of the room, and the phone clattered against the dusty wooden tabletop as it vibrated.
Hey, it's Richi. The phone sounded out as the call went to voicemail. I'm not available right now, but leave a message and I'll get back to you ASAP.

"Rich!" the voice yelled as the message was recorded. "I know you can hear me! Where are you?! Why haven't you called back?! Please, the three of us are worried. Come back already. We're sorry."

Message recorded. You have 30...
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posted by Robin_Love
She turned away from the clear glass, walking towards the door. She had known this would happen. She had to warn him against the previous plan. The door opened and they stood face to face. He examined her face.
“We've been found out?”
“Just him then.”
She nodded, even though it wasn't a question. He scowled and raked a hand through his hair. She watched him calmly. He took several deep breaths then spoke again.
“We need to clear out of here.”
“And do what?”
“He has already been....revealed. We can't risk that of us.”
“He won't tell.”
“Perhaps not. But she might figure...
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She smirked running her hand down the nape of his neck leaving a burning sensation with her touch, he winced but refused to show weakness, she let out a small sigh staring into his eyes that refused to look into hers. " Cmon cant just look at me...." she muttered seductivly, he hesitated and finally glanced at her with a glare. " Why are you doing this...." he muttered out, " doing doing so much already...." she muttered with a smirk in his ear letting the heat hit his ear like the heat of sitting too close to a fireplace that you could never get away from. " Doing...
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posted by Robin_Love
Red eyes
Red eyes
“How did it work out?”
“Just as you predicted.”
“Good. Just keep her away from the nosy crew. Before long, it will be time.”
“Don't order me around!”
“Of course not. It was merely a suggestion.”
“Keep your patronizing for your master.”
“Testy, aren't we?”
“Keep your end and I'll keep mine. It would be a shame if hey found her so soon. After all your hard work that is. To keep her hidden.”
His face turned to a frown.
“Yes it would.”
The knock at the door brought them to look at the solid wood. He turned back to his guest.
“You better leave.”
“Of course.”
He turned...
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(( this is just to ploloug micht be shirt, but there will be more parts coming))

Twan walkd truw Gotham on the way to Xerran's house, when he was alomst there he saw and explotion and his brother being trowe out of a first floor whindo by the power of the explotion.

Xerran! he yelt as he ran to his brother, xerran's fur blacken like charcole by the explotion, bleeding alover frome littel wounds coused by scrapnal.
Twan lookd aside fore a momend seeng a part left over frome the bom. Peinwien *he growed* thad fat bird when to far, this time.
he lookes at his brother.
But first this.
He swung xerran...
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posted by Robin_Love
And I am not even finished yet!!! UGH! XD

She flew down the steps, knocking the two guards away.
“You sick fools!”
Her hands worked on the collar, eyes glaring at any who approached. She snapped the collar off the girl's neck, working on the chains next. Kuran stood behind her, watching. When released, the girl clung to her, whimpering in fear. Tara held her close, protecting her shivering body.
“Why such an interest, Tara?”
She turned to glare at the vampire king. Her blood was boiling and she stood with the girl in her arms.
“You dare to bring someone so close to me into this trouble?!...
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posted by InfinityYJ
The days when she’s with her friends are the hardest. Because there’s something wrong, and she knows it, but a force is keeping her from telling them. So she’s quiet, silently choking on the words she’ll never say. “Don’t trust me. Don’t come near me. I’m sick. I’m not who you think I am.”
But she can’t say it, and they can’t hear it.
And that’s when she knows she’s really, truly, alone.
So when they ask her if she’s alright, she nods, and they know it’s a lie, but they don’t say so. “Leave her to her thoughts,” Aisling might say. “She keeps her secrets...
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His eye's narrowed into her's. A lively fire was sparked once again, and it settled right in her eyes lapping around.

It only ignited when rage pulsed through her veins, and Mrs.Blade has a lot rage.

The two were at a stand still, who would make the next move, he spoke with poison dripping off his words,"Ahh, and yet you're right once again, let me correct myself for all I do in your eyes are wrong."

Her lips curved into a frown even more,"How dare you! Assume I think I'm right all the time! I do not! You're the one who knows everything! Mr.I-Can't-Even-Tell-My-Wife-My-Real-Name!"

Ice met fire,"You...
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*runs and hides* PS if you haven’t read them yet, here’s the link, link, and link.
Fin held back a scream as she tore her eyes away from the creature’s gaze. She felt the fire engulfing her fists and arms begin to weaken, and she strained to intensify it. I’m not scared she told herself. I’m not scared. I’m not scared. I’m not scared.
A piercing scream reverberated through the training room, which had fallen dead silent. The hollow sound echoed back and forth until it faded to a low hiss, buzzing in Fin’s ears. Another scream, this one louder,...
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posted by Robin_Love
They stood opposite each other, the table between them. They could hear the others moving around outside, but neither looked away.
“You have to go back,” she said at last.
“Not without you.”
“You know I can't! My duty is to them, to these people, to this mission. And you can't stay. Your fire is no match for the challenge, the magic, that lies ahead.”
His fist pounded on the table and she jumped, surprised at him. He had always been more suave, more wild, than heated though she knew it was there.
“Damnit Bec! Why?! Why, for once, can't you just think of yourself?”
He moved around...
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posted by GlitterPuff
Maxine grabbed a root beer from the fridge and plopped herself down on the couch, dreading the event that would take place in Rene’s apartment in a few minutes. The red head came out of her room in leggings, a sweatshirt, and boot slippers, then picked up the bowl of popcorn in the kitchen and set it down on the table in front of the couch. She went to the DVD player and put in their first movie: Finding Nemo. Maxine groaned when she saw the movie choice, making Rene giggle as she went to her spot on the couch. Just when the movie was about to start, Amara came out of her room in footie pajama’s...
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My Little Rene!!!
My Little Rene!!!
Rene ran through the zeta, her head bleeding in the back, leaving a dark red streak on the back of her neon yellow T-shirt. Zack sat on the couch and looked up at her, smiling.

    “Zack?” she said a little shaking.


“I don’t feel so good…” she said with her voice trailing off as she fell onto the ground. Zack quickly caught her before her head hit the ground. He held the back of her head and then pulled his hand away, looking at the red heads blood that dripped off his hand. Zack turned her over and saw the trail of blood on Rene’s...
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posted by BloodyMascara_

*Shrugs* Cheer, cry, be happy, sad, angry, dunno.
Too much drama, feelings feelings feelings, this is all gonna be fluff, so if you need the point of this article, skip to the bottom.

Love you guys, really do, but this drama is toooooo much.

So, me and my OC's are going on a... vacation.

You can still post on my wall, IM, inbox me, ect.

Just takin' a break from the club.

And if I'm a depressed emo faggot to you, not your fault. Stuff has happened, I should be fine in a bit.


Fly on~
-Raven, gone.
posted by Robin_Love
Because I don't do this near often enough.

Her feet pounded on the cement as she ran. Her breathing came out fast and hard, but she couldn't stop. He was following her and was not to far. She was normally not one to run, but she had no choice this time. She ran by, people giving her odd looks or just watching. She didn't stop for anything as she moved. She looked up. She was almost there; almost safe. She could do this.
She saw something running up beside her. She put on a last burst of speed. She was almost to the door when she was tackled. Two strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling...
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posted by Mclovin_69
(( Silvers P.O.V ))
It had been two months since the death game had ended, many people praised me but it made me feel worse becuase i knew i didnt deserve it, i wasnt the one who risked everything for those players life like another had. I walked into the building opening the glass door and stepped inside pulling down my hood from my winter coat. I walked over to elevator and pressed for the up button waiting for it to open, and stepped inside pressing the number twenty and waited as the elevator doors closed and i went up. The doors opened and i stepped out walking through the wide hall way...
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posted by Robin_Love
Orion the vampire
Orion the vampire
Tara wrapped the Japanese themed robe around herself. She tied it tight, making sure nothing showed but her legs and neck. She slipped her black boots on then buckled her weapons belt around her waist. She slipped her gloves on and pulled her hair back in a tight bun. Slipping the sunglasses in place, she looked around for any other things she would need. She added the katana's holster to her and looked at the blade. It didn't weight too much, but it was sharper than any other weapon. Her deadliest and most enchanted. The blade caught the light and the room faded away.
Instead, she stood in...
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