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posted by MafiaYJ
Babylon followed closely behind Adrian's black robes with a serious face, her eyes baring holes into his skull, "Adrian, Ive been becoming extremely violent." she stated flatly.
"Oh have you?" Adrian replied as he looked around absently at the hall and the doors that lined them, some with ominous light and others temptingly open.
In annoyance Babylon moved her way to block his path, her hands on her hips, her stance showing obvious emotion. "Adrian! Im serious! I threatened to experiment on my friends, to kill them even. Im getting far more violent then Ive ever been. Why? Why is this happening?"
Adrian eyed her wearily and sighed pushing past her, "I suppose you must know."
Babylon marched on after him, trying to keep pace with the now fast moving Watcher, "Know? Know what?"
"You've been poisoned." Adrian said dryly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Babylon froze in her tracts as Adrian kept walking, "E-Excuse me?"
Adrian's sigh was once again audible, as he suddenly stopped but did not turn to face her, "I- We have poisoned you Babylon, my sweet."
Babylon's voice cracked, "I-I I dont understand-"
This time Adrian turned to her, her looked deep into her eyes with his golden green ones, his voice was almost hypnotic, not his own, "The prophecies, the Fates. Its all be decided my dear. And the time must come for you to fulfill."
Babylon's face twisted in anger, "Fulfill! FULFILL!" She stepped forward and slammed him into the wall, "You come to me to tell me I am a plaything of the Fates while I threaten those I care for!"
Adrian smiled and laughed "Yes, I am, dear. You are one of the few who will stand alone on this wretched place. You must fulfill what has been made for you."
Babylon shouted, her grip tightening over his arms, "IM THREATENING TO KILL THE ONES I LOVE AND THIS IS ALL YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME! THAT I MUST! THAT I WILL!"
"Calm yourself child! You are the only capable one! You must, there is no denying it! You must kill them all! All of them. If you love them or hate them. You will wipe them out. That will be your goal. And the poison will never leave you until you and those of chosen are on only ones left standing."
Babylon broke into tears as she shook him "Why! Adrian! Why have you done this to me! ADRIAN! I thought you cared for me! at all, at alL! And You send me to deliver the souls of those I love to Lucifer!"
Adrian frowned now, deep down it really did hurt him to do this to her, he'd grown fond of the Demoness, "Im sorry my dear, I truly am! But you are the City of Ruin! The Fates have long been awaiting for you to finally reach that point, where we would be the last ones. That youd do it without us having to! But we saw far along Babylon, we pushed as far as we could see and the humans were still there. And thats when we knew! You are Babylon, and as much as you can you dont! You were never going to annihilate them!
Babylon stumbled away from him breathing heavily, "You- thats all they want! You're doing this to me! YOU!
Adrian took a step towards her, "Yes! I am, my Sweet City! For once we had to interfere. We had to make sure you were going to do it! And now you have no choice.
Babylon roared, "NO CHOICE! THEN THE FIRST TO DIE IS YOU!" She ripped off her gloves at she tried to grab at him wildly and tears ran down her face.
Adrian easily grabbed her arms and held them tightly away from himself, "I m so sorry my dear, Babylon. I am so sorry."
Babylon wailed and choked on her tears as she sobbed, "How can you let this happen, Why would you!!"
Adrian whispered, "Im so sorry." And he pushed her to her knees and stepped back, "Do us proud my child."
Babylon shook as her watched him go, and blood flowed down her cheek instead of tears.
posted by Robin_Love
She stood with her back to the wind, looking around. This was the place she'd found herself. After eight years, she now stood looking to the place she had been living for awhile. She crept through the chain link fence, much like she had before. The place gave her the chills, but this was worth it. It was time to relive it and start healing. Her past was sorrowful, but it was time to face it. The small lot was covered in tall, dying grass, with various odds and ends of whatever people through over the fence. The house was more of a shed, rundown, and boarded up tightly. But there was enough...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Only few chapters left ;)

Fang's eyes opened, the male blinking rapidly before looking around. He shifted and winced, gripping onto the sheets. "Easy there." Chris said from the chair, smiling before standing and making his way over to the chair. "How you feeling?" He asked, sitting on the bed. "Like I died." Fang grumbled, looking at the IV's in his arms. "Still have your dry sense of humor.. So touch the IV's and I will knock you out." Fang gave his brother an annoyed look before sighing. "How long?" He asked, tilting his head to look up at Chris. "Give or take 6 months. It's probably take...
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posted by khanna266
A local park in Gotham city
9:00 pm
"Y'know a pretty girl like you shouldn't be out here alone." Cross hears a familiar voice behind her as she's sitting on a park bench and turns her head.
"Hey Dick,"she says and turns her head back around,
"Hey. You hungry?" he holds a bag of chips in front of her,
"Hm, basic lays. My favorite." she smiles and grabs one
"Yeah, people just don't appreciate their simplicity." he says with a smirk as he grabs one.
"What brings you out here?" she asks,
"I could ask you the same thing. Shouldn't you be back at Mount Justice? Sleeping in your room that is." he tosses the...
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posted by khanna266
Thursday 12:00 am
Saudi Arabia
"We've been out here forever Jake are you sure they're attacking here?" Daniel speaks through his communicator.
"Yes Daniel I'm sure." Jake responds to him aggravated. Just then Mirajane and Rin walk out.
"Keep down!"he tells him and they see what Rin and Mirajane are doing.
"Too bad the others couldn't make it cause this is gonna be hella fun." Rin smirks evily,
"Yep. Sure enough." Mirajane adds and drops a big brown box on the ground. She then opens it and a bunch of machine guns and grenades drop out of it. Jake's eyes widen to the sight of all of them.
'What the...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING: Every article regarding Scotty's past is completely void unless they are reposted with updated information. Thanks!

Name: Scott Nathaniel Clancy, or “Scotty”
Alias: White Lightning
Occupation: Hero
Age: 19
Appearance: Scotty's stature is around 6'1, earning him a muscular, but lanky status. His snow white hair hangs around his face, the bangs over his face are shorter above his eyes, but meet at a point between them. Despite being able to control weather, Scotty is quite pale. Every now and then he'll dress in dark clothing, but is usually found in flannels and...
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posted by Robin_Love
Tara with glasses
Tara with glasses
Okay this is another updated bio. I have only a few more after this (remember it doesn't include the Resistance form or the Outsiders team). Along with other news, Dylan's personal story series, Journey, is cancelled. I have a new story in mind that makes more sense to the timelines I've written and I will be starting that soon. If you haven't read Dylan's bio, his character update is posted so please read and enjoy guys! <3

Name: Tara (pronounced Terra) Almaraz
Alias: Midnight
Occupation: Minor, hero
Powers: acrobatics, agility, speed, flexibility, force fields, weapons, handcuffs
History: Tara...
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posted by Robin_Love
Alix "Alice" Penn
Alix "Alice" Penn
So..duh, I'm updating characters. I'm only posting the ones that will be used more than 85% of the time. So I'm cutting out a good amount of them....BUT I will post bios if I add a cut-out oc to a story so you at least know who they are. Oh and the Outsiders team and those in the Resistance league are not included in these updates. I'll do those separately or one-shot it or something. But you'll still see those two groups. So don't panic.

Name: Joan
Appearance: brown hair and dark eyes
Alias: Arc
Occupation: Hero
Skills/talents: Sword play, combat, agility, can handle extreme situations
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posted by DiscordYJ
((Idk what I'm doing, but I'm doing something and I'm going with it.))


The word was a shotgun blast to a stained glass window that stood tall above the ceremonial hymnals sang below. It was as if the shards rained down and stuck into those holy notes pinning to them to ground like a crucifixion. But here not even God could save them. No power was strong enough to wipe away the blood, sweat, tears, and death that clung to them like the plague--festering and leaking with pain and suffering, hoping to be coddled by the affection of someone that would only be killed hours later. Nothing could...
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posted by godmor
( yes the title is a play of words on the saing, Don't poke the bear.)

The Shepard house 20:00 (8:00 pm).
Twan stood infrond of the frond door, about to pull his keys from his pocet when he heard a group of people running his direction. He tryd to turn around and look who it were.
But as he turn he felt a sharp pain in his back, unable to tun in time the group came closer, as they reached him he felt the same pian al over his back, he recognized it as the feeling of knives plummeting in his back, he tried to ficht them of, he drew his pistol and fired a few shots, He felt his legs becoming weaker,...
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posted by SilverWings13
The child clenched his jaw and pumped his arms to gain speed. He suddenly changed course so that he was running with the wind and snow at his back rather than against it. But the predator was gaining, closer and closer and closer and the boy had the wind knocked out of him as something lunged and collided with him from behind.
The two tumbled down a slope and came to a stop on the bank of a rushing river. The child tried to get up, but the one who had jumped at him was know pinning him face down. He was unable to move except to turn his head out of the snow to breath. He tried to cry out for...
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posted by SilverWings13
The snow beginning to accumulate on the ground made it harder to pick up his feet, but the boy ran against it as fast as he could. The two guards assigned to him noticed quickly and took off after him. But Michel swept low and collided with them to knock them off their feet. The winged-man rolled on the snow before springing to his toes. Assault rifles fired at him, but Michel raised his wings to shield himself and the bullets ricocheted harmlessly. When the guns were unloaded and clicked to signal a need of more bullets, the insurgent took the opportunity to take to the sky again.
The seven-year...
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posted by DiscordYJ
((SO this is all taking place after that Deception series I wrote(and never finished but I am writing an epilogue to finish it off). Anyway. Like R_L said this was a mutual agreement. Couples break up. It happens. I would like to thank her for being so awesome and calm about it. ily. anyway this is Blade's side))

She paced back and forth in her own apartment. The light outside had disappeared as if giving up on her and leaving her without any support in this decision. The darkness had shrouded the den, not a single light in sight. The curtains had been drawn and all light-switches cut off. She...
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posted by KatRox1
((Found this while browsing my computer… Not sure if I've already posted this… BUT WHATEVS))

She sat slumped at the mahogany desk, elbows propped onto the edge and hands kept together holding a pale picture frame. Her auburn hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and her freckles became even more obvious with only the light of a three-wick candle in the corner of the desk. A pained smile was formed on her face, and stained tears to match.

There was a knock at her bedroom door. She quickly and quietly tried shoving the picture into a drawer, but accidently leaving a corner of it sticking out...
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posted by MidnightMadness
Lady Ellissa of Cambridge
Lady Ellissa of Cambridge
This is my first thing. I hope you guys like it :S
Used a mix of information from different things.

Name: Lady Ellissa of Cambridge (Ella)
Alias: Kalika
Powers: When she touches a person, she puts them in a death-like coma, stealing memories and sometimes powers, skills, or character traits.
Occupation: Mercenary
Age: Unknown

Name: Donna Rose Tyler
Alias: Kalika
Powers: She has none, but has trained in karate.
Occupation: Hero
Age: 15
Donna was only a regular girl. She was trained in the ways of karate and gymnastics since she was little. Her father raised her on his own, her mother having died...
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posted by BladeYJ
Based off these lovely beasts
Based off these lovely beasts
The Four Daughters of the Apocalypse

Name: Travesty
Age: No one knows
Hair: Black
Eyes: Eccentric Blue
Height: 5'11"
Relations: Oldest of the four sisters
Costume: A maroon dress that matches her blindfold.
Weapon Choice: She's in charge of killing one's who deserve to be punished or meet their end--the least evil of the four.
Personality: She's quiet, serious, stoic, and has not mercy
Weakness': Birth/Life
Background: Unknown

Name: Alayla
Age: No one knows
Hair: Long and Red and Black
Eyes: Ruby red
Height: 6'0"
Relations: She's the second oldest of the four
Costume: A black and red dress,...
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posted by KatRox1
*unfolds paper* “What character from ANY book/movie/show would you bring to life if you could? One only!”

Only one? *twirls hair* Well, that sucks, because all the people I would take out of stories wouldn’t be the same without their partner-in-crime. ‘Ya know? Batman’s not the same without Robin, ketchup isn’t the same without mustard.
*laughs* Yeah, but… Um… I don’t really know now. I’m trying to think of that one girl from that book- her boyfriend was killed and then she can communicate with his ghost… *blinks and sighs* I probably just named 30% of all teenage girl books....
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posted by Robin_Love
Lorelei, the River Queen
Lorelei, the River Queen
Took the advice given. And I did need one you go.


Name: Lorelei
Alias: None
Powers: Hypnotics and water
Occupation: Villain
Weakness/Limits: Unknown
History: She is the embodiment of water, the ancient goddess of the Rhine river and the seas. She is The Lorelei. In German myth, Lorelei was said to be a strikingly beautiful distressed maiden with locks of gold who sat upon the rock awaiting the return of her lover. Her unfaithful lover never returned, so she threw herself off of a cliff headfirst into the water, leading her to death. According to the legend, Lorelei’s spirit...
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posted by khanna266
Ashton had just finished training,and so he decided to try to talk to a few people."Hey Jaime and Ari congratulations on your engagement,"he congratulated them,"Thank you!"they thanked him.He then passed by Elliot,"Hey Elliot I heard you might be getting a recording contract!"He said with excitement,"Yep!I really hope I get it!"Elliot replied back.Then he saw NightWing,"Hey mate how you doing?"he asked,"i'm doing fine thanks"he replied and thanked him. Ashton then left the room and went to the kitchen.He opened the fridge,and got a carrot and started walking around eating the carrot.Then out...
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posted by SilverWings13
When Whisper was shot by a bullet meant for me... I didn't need footage of it to remember the nightmare that's haunted me these last couple of years. There was so much smoke and so many bullets, the fighting, the chaos. I never saw Whisper's shooter, had assumed it was a random soldier who wanted to kill us intruders. But there's a camera that shows an angle I didn't have that night.
"It was Duke. Just before the camera was destroyed by the blast, Duke steps out from the horde of soldiers, wearing one of their uniforms. He raises his gun, aiming at me. He was finally about to get his revenge...
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posted by SilverWings13
"A few months after Whisper and I started our studies together, 2 new individuals were introduced to the group. Subjects 105 and 106. No one took a second look at them, not until they made themselves know. Castor and Duke were both from the outside world. They had been brought to our prison together and forced by my father to work as partners. The only reason they cooperated was because he told them what was to happen with Whisper, me, and the rest of the children. They were supposed to be our knights. As a pair, they were impossibly strong. Too erratic and fierce to be leaders as Whisper and...
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