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Bloody Fingers

“Ugh, I should have braided my hair. It’s all over the place, in my face all the time!”
“Sir, do you mind rolling the windows down? The lady would like to feel the wind in her hair.”
“Nein, nein! Es ist in Ordnung!” the girl assured quickly. She gave the brunette a glare for his teasing, and they both burst into laughter.
“Your German is good,” Callaghan commended.
“I had a tutor,” the teenager explained. “He taught me Earthling languages that I couldn’t pick up on the streets of Elam like I could the Demonic dialogues. German, French, Latin, Greek—in the five years he taught me, I even picked up his American accent when speaking English. It made it easier as a courier, to be able to read messages and…overhear conversations.”
“Ah, yes, a regular double-O 7…or Mata Hari~” He gave her a wink that made her stick out her tongue at him, and their laughter once again filled the back of the cab. She looked towards the city lights passing outside their windows before glancing back to ask where he was taking her for dinner. The girl caught Callaghan staring at her and blushed. “What?”
“You’re eyes, they have this…sparkle when you speak of your home. Tell me more?”

Home? If there were a feeling for it, she thought first of pain, from every time she had lost it. Like losing her brother, being sent away by her father, even escaping Elam…pain as intense and real as the metal cutting into her wrists.
Ana groaned and let her head fall back to stare up at the manacles digging into her skin as they supported her body weight. She knew she was lucky to only be a mere 90 pounds, or else supporting herself in that way would have caused her lungs to have collapsed already. Enough prisoners had been tortured by her sister in that fashion for her to know that much. Her bare toes just brushed the floor, not enough to relieve the strain in her arms, but the cold stone sent a shiver up her spine. The only thing between her and the cold was a thin hospital gown. Something else, too. Her entire torso felt constricted by the familiar bondage of bandaging, but the screaming in her shoulders was too much to consider other bodily injuries left from her fall through the glass ceiling and into the pool. The teenager struggled, turning, making the chains jingle. The thin metal sliced her skin, drawing blood to trickle down her arms.
Ana froze as voices pricked her hearing. They echoed down the hall and grew closer. The girl found herself digging her claws into her palms before even considering the plan; she clenched and clenched, gritting her teeth to keep from crying out, and rivers of blood flowed from her palms, through the manacles and down her arms. She hung her head and allowed herself to go limp just as the young voices arrived outside of her cell.
"You know, she's smaller than I thought she would be."
"Right? Everyone going on about how dangerous this one is--"
"Mein Gott! She's bleeding, a lot!"
"From her wrists? What are you doing?"
"I'm going in there! If she bleeds out, Magnus will kill us both! Stand watch, I'll fix this."
The metal door swung open with a squeal. The first of the youthful guards entered the cell, a black uniform with a white arm band, stepping quickly forward to inspect the prisoner. He opened his mouth as the girl raised her head to meet his eyes. Her forehead slammed into his, and his body crumpled to the ground. The second of the guards heard the thud and entered to investigate, hurrying over to his partner when he saw the unconscious body. He stood quickly to get help, turning to the door, but his retreat was stopped as two strong legs wrapped around his neck. The guard choked, his windpipe collapsing between Ana's calves and thighs; when he passed out, she held on tightly enough that his weight slipped her blood-slickened wrists free of the restraints. The girl thrust out her hands and threw her momentum forward as she released the falling man and she used it to summersault into a crouch.
A full second to catch her breath and still no alarms. The young woman sighed as she stood and bolted for the exit with the knowledge that escape from these people would only be so easy once. Sprinting down the hall on silent bare feet, she searched frantically for any sign that she was above or below ground, in the city or the country side, Germany or elsewhere. More voices, another pair patrolling the halls, made her skid to a stop and spin around, speeding back the way she had come. Another patrol ahead forced her through a door into an unmarked stairwell. "Thank you God," she breathed as she raced up the stairs. Ten flights before there was only one left, what looked like a roof access. Hoping for the ground floor, Ana burst out of the stairwell. She slowed, searching the quiet hall for a way out, and froze when her eyes found Callaghan. He was visible through a glass window, laying down. The man was still beneath a blanket, bandages on his arms and visible upper torso. Really, the only sign of life was the beeping of a heart monitor and wheezing of the machine breathing for him.
Ana gasped and put her hand to the window as if she could reach him that way. The soft thump made the second occupant of the room look up. His wavy dark hair was touched by gray, and the corners of his eyes were scratched by lines from years of squinting as thick texts, but the man had the same honey irises as his son. Those eyes were full of sorrow, but narrowed in recognition, and hardened with fury. Ana pulled away from the window with another gasp, only to find a pair of guards on either side.
Without a thought, she slashed at the first to advance. He fell, clutching at his esophagus as red sprayed from his throat. Ana felt wind on her back and ducked, the man rolling over her back and to the ground. A quick punch to the nose sent him into the fetal position with a muffled yelp as he covered his face. Two strong hands grabbed her shoulders, but Ana pushed back and lifted herself into the air. Another attempted to grab her feet, but she kicked a foot of claws into his soft stomach. The momentum carried her back and she flipped over her captor. He turned to grab her, then froze with a gurgle and collapsed. Ana froze, panting, his still beating heart clutched between her fingers. She looked to the window, where here bloody handprint seemed to warn the man within to stay back. He returned her gaze, calmly. The girl let the heart drop with a sickening squelch and sprinted back to the stairwell.
The alarms were blaring now, the lights painting everything as red as her soaking hands and feet and gown and skin. Footsteps thundering after her up the metal stairs, she reached the roof, the freezing night air. The Spree river was alight with the port lights, the restaurants and hotels and ferry. Ana pumped her arms as she ran, across the roof, to the end, and over the edge without hesitation. The freezing water pierced her skin, turned her skeleton to ice as she disappeared into the dark harbor. But at least the river might wash the blood away.

A/N: Ha, get it, heart wrenching? Coz she wrenched a guys heart out? Haha...ha...
posted by Blaze_YJ
Name: Blaze Burnett

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: blonde hair and dark blue eyes ( eyes can change colour depending on mood)

Personality: she is very strong willed and powerful, she often enjoys sparing but seems to be very stubborn when she needs help or is in danger.

Powers/ Abilities: she can teleport ( but usually fails) she is very handy with her sword and has many skills in combat .

Past: when she was young, her mother died being stabbed by her father and she was abused by her father for many years, she ran away and was set off on her own until she was found by flash and was recommeneded to jooin the team.

( hope you like it i worked really hard and think i did a good job)
posted by Robin_Love
Oh yeah! My creativity strikes again!!!!

The sound of a gun and breaking glass pierced through the night. The sounds of a struggle were clear for anyone close by. Meaning only two. He stumbled backwards, taken back by the blow. It didn't last long. He kicked, punched, dodged, did all in his power to keep the other one down. His cape shadowed his every move. He was a figure in black, manipulating every thing with his tactical brain. He threw the other one against a wall, watching as he fell and knocked over a few trashcans. He was breathing heavily but prepared for an attack. Nothing. He laughed...
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posted by The_Writer
(I'll have pictures later)

"No results in police database, google--"

The large computer chimed. 

"One result..." Sam muttered, opening it. A chill ran down his spine as he read the two words. "Turn around"

He spun, grabbing his sword and pointing it at the figure in the shadows.

"Come out." he said.

The woman walked out. Now that she was standing still in front of him, he could get a better look at her. 

She was tall, that was for sure. She wasn't bad looking either, but the tattoos ruined it all. They covered her left shoulder and arm as well as her right hip and leg. Blackness swirled around the...
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posted by anime-niac
Korran's POV

I decided to go out and find a place to draw as there hadn't been anything huge happening in the cave for days now. I put my sketch book and pencils into my bag and walked out of my room shutting the door behind me. As I walked through the cave I noticed how deathly silent it was and shivered at the feeling of loneliness that tugged at my heart. It had been like this for days and I was still diturbed by it, I summoned my shadow beast Amoria in hopes that it would dull the loneliness. We walked out of the cave heading into town hoping to find a peaceful place to draw. I stuck to...
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added by Eliasse
added by The_Writer
posted by Robin_Love
I’ll add his OC Bio underneath all this. He’s one of the Outsiders, just one I don’t always use.

Full Name: Zeth Parker
Nickname: Z, Zay
Reason or meaning of name: Gift of God
Eye Color: Green
Hair Style/Color: Brown, short
Height: 5’ 7”
Clothing Style: Modern
Best Physical Feature: Eyes

Your Fears: Being found
Your Guilty Pleasure: Warm Fires
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: People you can’t trust
Your Ambition for the Future: Is to live an option?

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: Must...sleep
What You Think About the Most: My old master...
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posted by MafiaYJ


Full Name : Katyushka Matryona Pavlova; Katyushka Dmitrievna
Nickname: Mafia, Cad, Yushka, Yona, Nana, Kat
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Nyda, Russia
Birthday: April 22, 1994
Currently living in: Based in Gotham; constantly traveling
Species/Race: Human
Ethnicity: Russian
Occupation: Formerly, assassin
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Social Status: Unknown


Body Build: Muscular, some curves
Height: 5’5
Weight: 144 lbs
Skin colour: Warm Ivory
Hair style: To her shoulders to chin, depending on when you catch her, always down.
Hair colour: Red
Eye colour:...
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added by MinaBloodlust
posted by SilverWings13
It was her brother's idea of apologizing. Every time Ana left for an errand, or to go for a run as she had done two hours ago, she returned to find a new contribution to the ancient two-bedroom cabin. Yesterday it had been a pile of dry firewood, the day before a repaired kitchen window. She had considered tossing the logs into the freezing river or shattering the window with a stone, but despite her anger, those resources allowed her to stay in the dilapidated cabin away from the castle where her brother lived like the false prince he was. The freezing mountain side was unfamiliar territory...
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posted by SilverWings13
Name: Callaghan Ivan Rurik
Reason or meaning of name: Callaghan like the royal O'Callaghans of Ireland, Ivan for Ivan the Terrible of Russia, and Rurik because my mother's last name is more valuable than my father's.
Species: Warlock
Eye Color: Honey in the sunlight, midnight in the shade
Hair Style/Color: Short and dark with blonde highlights
Height: 6' even
Clothing Style: Flannels, t-shirts, jeans, and my glasses
Best Physical Feature: Everything (his humility)

Your Fears: Bats... Big, flying rats *shivers*
Your Guilty Pleasure: All night movie marathons...
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posted by SilverWings13
Note: Happens simultaneously as link

Hounds on the Bridge

The girl blinked quickly as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight while the white portal she had stepped through faded from existence. A warm Mediterranean breeze rustled her untidy red curls, carrying the scent of the sea. As much as she wanted to run through the narrow streets until she was panting for that sea salt sweet air, there was no time for such leisure. Her concern was for someone who had been left behind in the city by mistake.
Before she could even wonder about the trio that had meant to accompany her, her eyes found them. Though...
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posted by Robin_Love
Jessie Bennett
Jessie Bennett
Name: Jessie Bennett
Alias: None
Powers: Healing, combat
Occupation: Doctor
Weakness/Limits: Unknown
History: Jessie Bennett came from a long line of pure-blood healers. Her race is unknown, despite how human she looks. Her given name has been forgotten. She came to Earth much like the Man of Steel. But she was found by a traveling caravan in an Arabian desert. She grew up among them and immediately took a fondness to medicine. By accident, she found out her inhuman abilities when she was five. Almost immediately, she was sent away, to America. She spent almost a year in a facility, learning English....
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Hi, life has been busy, sorry, kthnxbai

Chris' eyes widened as the weather began to spiral out of control, his grip on Alex tightening even more. "You're too emotional to even try and restrain him.." He swallowed and his eyes darted to Tobias who was tending to the speedster. "You three get out of here!" He handed Alex off to the two males, blowing into his hands afterwards. "Jaime!" He called out, slowly making his way through the blinding snow. Scotty snarled, snow and wind spiraled around the fox as he made his way over towards Cadaver, shoving Erasers aside and pushing his way through,...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Before work
Before work
I lumped the two new ones in together because I didn't want to spam with articles.. My older characters will be out later. (:

Name: Fletcher Caverly
Alias: Was formerly known at Catalyst
Occupation: Was a hero, now is a scientist who secretly assists the YJ team.
Age: 25.
Appearance: Brown hair that usually hangs in front of his eyes, however when he is working it is usually pushed up in the front. He has dark green eyes and is unusually tan for someone who doesn't go outside much. He stands at 6'2 and is fairly thin.
Powers/skills: Fletcher is able to speed up chemical reactions with his touch,...
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posted by SilverWings13
Note: For anyone not up to speed with my one hundred and then some OCs, the small child = Alek, the hero/ Tara's boyfriend/ that guy who was practically Ary's brother but you all shipped them anyway. Dr. Felis is the bad guy and Aleksander's father, though Al doesn't know that until he's older. It'll make more sense later.

The sun remained high in the sky, yet the air itself was practically frozen. Each breath promised a renewal of biting frost to the lungs and an exhale of smoke as white as the snow clinging to the grass. The men in black that marched toward the cliff were as silent as the...
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added by killer24
Source: Google image
added by Robin_Love
posted by DiscordYJ
Name: Catalina Azure Liberty

Alias: Cobalt

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: French/American

Species: Half Spirit

Civvies: Varies

Costume:Doesn't have one.

Powers: She can make things die and cause things to live.

Apperance: Long blue hair with a light shaded streak down the middle of her bangs. She has fair skin and green/blue eyes.

Personality: Quiet, Content, Calm, Scared, Sad, Alone. But she also is annoyed easily and untrusting. (ONE WORDED RESPONSES)

Abilities/Skills: She was a gymnast, so she can do flips and tricks, and she is some-what skilled with knives, blades, and swords.

Background: Catalina...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Ashley in civvies
Ashley in civvies
Events of before and during the fire.
Ashley had just finished with a mission. Jaivus was her temporary bodyguard by Kaya's orders, he had just picked her up from her phone booth in her blonde wig with blue jeans and shirt
"Let's get ice-cream." She says with a thumbs up. He didn't answer but rather turn and continued walking down the road. She rolled her eyes and ran up behind he pulling his hoodie down. Jaivus turned to her exposing his sapphire eyes.
"You really are annoying." He replied, in a low tune walking away from her. She walked briskly pass him grabbing his hand.
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