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posted by SilverWings13
The smoke filled the air like a choking fog; the alarm blared loudly enough to deafen. He had been in the office once before, when he had snuck in for preparations for this day. The walls were the same sterile white, bare except for a map that hung on the corkboard, bright with red pins. There was glass scattered across the floor now from the one-way window of one wall. The desk was on its side. He hurried over to the wall with the map where keycards hung from a hook. He stood on his tippy toes to grab them. When he turned to run back to the others, he saw the foot sticking out from behind the desk.

Ice ran down his spine as he approached carefully. Glass snapped under each step, barely audible over the alarms, but he could feel it under his white sneakers. He peered over the desk to see the man laying behind it. His body was resting on its side where it had been thrown by the explosion. The white coat showed no signs of blood, but the man’s face was paler than the boy had ever seen it beneath his greying beard and hair. The boy held his breath, unsure if the scientist was breathing, until the man’s eyes snapped open. The child gasped but felt frozen as the man lifted his hand weakly toward him. His eyes pleaded with an unrecognizable humanity.

“Go… son,” he rasped before his eyes rolled back and his hand dropped limply.

Alek sat up with a gasp. The pounding in his chest filled his ears so loudly that it took a moment to make out the girl calling from the doorway. “Papa?” the girl called again from where she leaned in the doorway in her yellow flowered dress. Her wide, trouble blue eyes were his; her soft coffee skin and black braids were her mother’s.

“Yes, princess?” he asked, quickly schooling his features into a smile.
“He says you need to hurry,” she told him quietly, the same concerned look in her eyes.
“I’ll be right down, Noëlle,” her father promised. She lingered a moment before she disappeared. Alek rose from the bed and hurried to dress despite the heaviness in his head left behind by the nightmare.

When he reached the bustling kitchen minutes later, an excited bark cut above the clamor. Alek smiled as the sandy-furred puppy ran over, tail wagging. “Good morning, Cicely,” he greeted, all horrible thoughts dashed as the grinning pup shifted into the cheerful child. He scooped up the blonde little girl so that he could walk again and gently returned her to the play mat on kitchen floor. Her baby brother giggled up at the man and waved his tiny fists in greeting. Alek chuckled and straightened to find his daughter smiling at him from her place at the table. “You have jelly on your face,” he warned her, earning a small squeak of embarrassment before Noëlle wiped her chin with her napkin. He hurried to kiss the top of her head and plucked a roll from the table, earning a grumble from the old woman at the stove.

“I apologize, Esther, no time for a sit down breakfast. I will see you all tonight,” he called. “Love you, Noëlle! Don’t be late for your lessons!”

The young man stuffed his feet into his boots and snatched his coat off the hook before barreling outside into the whirling snow.
“About time,” his cousin grumbled from his place huddled against the cabin. Alek held back a laugh at the other man bundled in a puffer coat with a thick navy blue scarf wrapped around his neck and a matching beanie yanked over his dark curls.

“Marcus, you look perfectly in your element,” he replied. Marcus scoffed. “Not all of us have fur for this weather. Let’s go already.”

“Do you know where you’re going, exactly?” In answer, the warlock clamped his hand on Alek’s shoulder. The white world spun. When it righted itself, the men stood side-by-side in a small, dark room illuminated by several glowing screens. One of the men sitting in front of the screens glanced up, then stood with a cry of surprise. Marcus waved his hand, throwing the burly guard crashing into the screens. Sparks flew, blinding the other guard just enough for Alek to wrap his arm around him from behind. He held the guard against himself until the latter went still, then Alek dropped the unconscious man to the floor as he glared at the warlock.

“You dropped us right inside?” Alek hissed. Marcus brushed off snow from his shoulder and his cousin’s bewildered reaction in the same motion. “You said we were tight on time as it was and, you overslept.” Alek growled under his breath as he turned to what was left of the computers. After a few keystrokes, the remaining screens went dark. Marcus’ eyes bruned with a blue flame as he yanked open the door. Alek jumped through the door, shifting before he hit the ground. His claws clacked against the floor as the snow-white wolf sprinted down the hallway, following his nose toward the scent of blood.

The people who ran blindly out of doors in panic were pushed aside by the beast barreling down the hallway. A few others startled as the warlock suddenly appeared right beside them before he disappeared again, popping in and out of existence. He followed the wolf in that fashion until they reached the steel double-doors. Marcus tried the handle, and when it refused to budge, waved a hand to unlock them. The bolts slid back with a muffled clack. The doors were heavy to haul open, and almost as soon as he did, multiple deafening pops! detonated on the other side.

Marcus ducked as a bullet whizzed past his arm. The rest of the bullets froze in place as they hit an invisible wall thrown up where the door had been a moment before. The warlock cursed as the shooting filled his ears another minute before the guns on the other side clicked emptily in near-unison. The warlock heaved a sigh and let the shield drop. The bullets rained to the floor as the wolf leapt at the gunmen. The floor was littered by blood and bodies before the last bullet had pinged off the floor.

Marcus looked up at the sound of boots thundering down the hallways. “More are coming. Hurry!” He turned to slam the doors shut and waved a hand to lock them back into place. His cousin hurried to the wall where a panel was mounted. After a few seconds, the room flooded with light, momentarily blinding them both.

When Marcus blinked the spots away, he froze as they met wide, terrified eyes behind a glass wall. The clear wall looked into a white room, like a sterilized cell. The warlock was entranced not by the cage, but rather by the child staring at him.

The small being on the other side of the cage was only four feet tall in loose-fitting pajama-like clothing. The pants and sleeves were long, but what was visible of the child’s skin was covered in iridescent-grey scales. Its head looked human except for translucent, white fins sticking out of the side of its head like ears. A third fin arches over its head and wilted to the side like a mohawk without enough gel. The child’s hands pressed against the glass had frosty white webbing between its fingers.

    “Alek,” Marcus breathed, “that is not a wolf pup.” When no response came, the warlock reluctantly ripped his eyes from the amphibian child behind the glass. He saw Alek a few yards away and realized that the cages spanned a short hallway.

Marcus suddenly remembered kittens in a pet store behind glass, with half of the cage open for customers to gawk at. Except rather than kittens, the next cage held a thin boy with black, bat-like wings and fangs that he bore at the warlock. The girl huddled in the next cage was surrounded by vines sprouted with flowers, as if she had created her own garden to protect herself. Marcus thought the cage after that was empty until a tiny blur flew at the window, and he realized what looked like an orange moth was in fact a tiny fairy with the wings of a Monarch butterfly. The warlock reluctantly kept going to the next, where, finally, a wolf pup huddled beneath the cell’s bench with its tail between its legs. “Here he is!” he exclaimed, but looked over to see his cousin gazing remorsefully into the last cell.

Marcus leaned over to see though the glass into the next cell and immediately wheeled away, covering his eyes. The image of the pale body splayed on her back on the bottom of the cage with blood dripping from her eyes was burned into the back of the warlock’s eyelids. He felt the eyes of the other children on his back and slowly turned back, avoiding the last cell.

“We should go, Alek,” he said quietly. The alarm and his shock at the sight of the amphibian had drowned out the pounding on the door, but it was deafening now. “We should save the ones that we can.”

Without a word, his cousin went to the door to his right and opened it. the handle snapped clean off, though he hardly seemed to notice. His movements were stiff and lethargic, as if the snow-haired young man were walking quickly through a nightmare.

Marcus followed him to the other side of the wall of cages. He walked past the first door with the dead child and put his hand on the second, willing his reeling mind to focus on the mechanics beneath the metal’s surface. After a frustrating few moments, the door clicked open. The tiny Monarch butterfly flittered out of her cell and stopped just in front of Marcus, close enough to see the young fairy’s pale but relieved face. “Thank you!” she exclaimed in a squeak, then demanded, “Now help the others!” The warlock smiled despite the death hidden in the next cell and went on to do as the fairy said.

After a couple of minutes, he had blocked all of the doors. It took gentle coaxing from the boy with the bat wings to convince the wolf to emerge from his hiding place and change back into a short, gaunt little boy with tired dark eyes and freckles across his nose. The children huddled together and glanced toward the unopened cell. Without him saying anything, they all seemed to guess about the last girl’s fate. “We should go,” he said suddenly. “Alek—”

When he didn’t see his cousin right away, Marcus cursed softly, then apologized quickly at the fairy’s shocked gasp. He hurried to a wall with a long mirror and the open door beside it. He stuck his head inside the small office. “Come on! We have to go!”

Alek didn’t seem to hear. He stood frozen with his back to the wall where the mirror proved to be a window on this side. In front of him was a desk, and behind it, a map of the world. It was large, faded, and studded with enough red pins to stick every country on the planet at least twice. Marcus grabbed Alek’s arm, but his cousin yanked out of his grasp. He went instead to a metal filing cabinet against the wall, which he yanked open, the lock audibly splintering with the force.

The warlock gaped at the erratic behavior until an explosion rocked the room. The children screamed and ran into the room. The fairy dove under Marcus’ hat and nestled into his hair as the others huddled around him, clinging to him. “ALEK!” he demanded.

“This is my father’s map!” his cousin shouted, so loudly that the children cowered closer to the warlock. “These papers have his signature!” Alex whirled, files clutched to his chest. He froze at the sight of the tiny prisoners, and the wild look dissipated from his eyes to leave behind a mournful gaze.

“Alek,” Marcus prodded quietly, holding out a hand. “Whatever this is, we’ll figure it out. You’re not alone in this, but it’s. Time. To go.”

Alek finally nodded and shifted the files to one arm to take Marcus’ outstretched hand. Just before the soldiers entered with guns raised, the warlock teleported the entire group away from the prison of horros and back to the village covered in snow.
posted by SilverWings13
Never Alone part II- Stakeout

SilverWings kept her eyes trained on the warehouse. It was blazing hot, and she had long abandoned her leather jacket, hiding it in the tall grasses. Her eyes flickered to her partner, who squatted patiently in the weeds, keeping eyes on their target.
Silver sighed, frustrated by the empty silence, "Looks abandoned."
"Another dead-end?" Thirteen wondered.
"Gordon Tin, third name on the list," Silver said. "This is the address from the data-base." She felt her spirit dampen. The first two names on the list had led to empty apartments. She was certain she had memorized...
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He has a partner and her profile will be up shortly-

Name- Caleb

Alter ego- Target

Age- 17

Grade- Junior

Allies- Night/Day

Personality- sometimes cocky, proud, protective, older brother, teasing, doubtful, sometimes thoughtful, careful, loving.

His ability-

He is the only meta in his family though he doesn't use his powers often mostly just to disgruntle his younger sister. He can great gusts of win and small tornado like things for a few minutes but never a full out one. He is also intelligent. he knows how to rile his opponent up enough to make them make a mistake. His name it self makes some people...
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"Noëlle, come inside! Dinner's almost ready!
Michael returned to the pot filling the quant house with the aroma of beef and caramelize onions. He ladled soup into the ceramic bowls, sprinkled in croutons, and smothered them both in Comté before setting the bowls in the oven. When a pair of bare feet was still absent from the kitchen, the man turned off the oven and went back to the kitchen door.
"Noëlle?" he called again. "Mon ange!" No answer came from the flowered front yard or the marsh lakeland at the bottom of the hill. Instinctively, Michael grabbed his scabbard belt and darted out...
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posted by Robin_Love
Reyna Jackson
Reyna Jackson
Name: Reyna (Ray-na) Jackson
Alias: Hyde
Occupation: Translator; vigilante; student
Powers: Siren Song, Levitation, Abnormal strength, Wings, Mermaid
Weaknesses If she expels too much power, she will pass out. She is not invulnerable to weapons. She can only levitate herself for short periods of time.
Skills/talents: She is fluent in sign language, English, and understands animals.
History: Reyna was born the daughter of a human man and a mermaid. Her parents met young and married. As time went on, her father, in his search for scientific recognition, started to go mad. He used his daughter as a...
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posted by SilverWings13
I'm pretty sure no one's actually reading this, but college stuff is stressful af and writing about murder is much more reasonable therapy than actually committing murder, so...

Happens right after link

Città dei Canali

Ana kept a firm hand on her brother's arm as they walked away from their escort. Every time she glanced sideways at the blood covered man, he returned her gaze calmly. His composure was meant to be reassuring, but it chilled her to the bone to see such a relaxed reaction after the macabre scene he had created. Eight bodies, cut to pieces by bullets, stabbed to death by daggers....
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posted by SilverWings13
Previous parts (I finally named the series to keep it organized because duh):
pt 1: link
pt 1.5: link

Deals After Midnight

Only pools of moonlight streaming down from the clerestory windows offered guidance down the long hallway. Callaghan's boots clicked loudly against the polished floors, making him tense at every step. He nearly jumped out of his skin at the whisper of air that signaled movement to his right.
"Fancy meetin' you here," purred the feral cat that had materialized by his aide.
"What do you want, Casey?"
"I just wanted to ensure my favorite big brother returned with his prize...which...
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posted by Robin_Love
He resisted the urge to look back. His usual unwavering demeanor was not with him as he walked away. She was on her own from here. It wasn't fair; but neither was what awaited them. He wanted to protect her from it, shelter her from the pain that was to come. But that wasn't his role to play anymore. He grit his teeth and took the last few steps into the one place everything left. No more voices. No more fear. Nothing but him and his demons. They hissed and mumbled amongst themselves. He shut his eyes and concentrated. From here on, he'd be tested to his very limit. Everything would be lost....
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posted by Eclipse-YJ
It should only be 2 parts left after this one so stay tuned :3


-Optimist or pessimist? Strangle she is an optimist just in a very pessimist way (if that makes sense XD)
-Introvert or extrovert? Introvert but not in a shy way, in more of a distant way

-Talents (hidden or not)? Plays the piano, good story teller and if you can get her to she not half bad at singing. She helps Zero dance too as she's good at remembering dance steps and her gymnastics helps.

(Things like her fighting styles and knowledge over weapons is what I class as a skill not a talent)

-Extremely skilled at: The piano...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Alexandria (Alex) Douglas-Michels
Alias: Nudge
Age: 18
Occupation: Hero
Appearance: Alex has natural blonde hair and blue hair, standing at 5'8 she has snow white wings with small brown freckles. While they aren't nearly as big as Fang's, they are 13 ft across. Alex is always found is some sort of leggings or skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie. The blonde has always been insecure of her wings and keeps them well hidden to produce the image that she is "normal".
Powers/skills: As mentioned above, Alex has white wings and they are used for flight. She is also an expert hacker with the ability...
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posted by godmor
(Afther reading the blade bio update, i got the idea to redo this bio, template whit tanks to Discord)


Full Name: Twan Shepard A.K.A. Gunfire
Reason for name: Beceas his parends gave him the name, and gunfire beceas thad is were he is most known fore.
Nickname: Kiddo, old man Boss, Mister Shepard
Reason for nickname: Kiddo is wat Harley Quinn calls him beceas she took care of him early on in Arkham Asylem and acted kind of motherly over him, and the nickname stuck, she is also the only person alowd to call him Kiddo, he gets mad if anyone els does it, Old Man is wat Tess calls him often...
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posted by MidnightMadness
The name is Rouge (Roo-je), like the color, not Rogue like the mutant girl from the X-Men. Just clarifying.

Name: Coral Styles-Kane
Alias: Rouge
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Can change the color and length of her hair; trained in combat; handy with a gun and sword
History: Coral was named for the color of the hair she was born with; a bright red. Her mother raised her as a single, hard working mother. Her father had left before she was born. When she was four, Coral was kidnapped. When she was found, her mother enrolled her in self-defense classes. Coral doesn't seem to remember all the details that...
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posted by MafiaYJ
She ran her hands over the wrinkles in the bottom half of her dress, it was grey and light brown mix of a 1800s dress. She tugged on the long sleeves before picking up her umbrella. Babylon almost jumped out of her skin when she heard a knock on the door of her room. Ethan's voice came from the other side, "Come to the ball room Babylon." Babylon stiffened and nodded to herself, grabbing part of her dress to keep her from tripping, and opened the door, heading down stairs. Her hand felt hot against the contrasting cold of the stair rails. Elegant eerie piano music filled her spacious house....
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hey! I usually don't make articles like this,but i just wanted everyone to know I'm so very grateful for them.So whoever reads this even if I don't know you thank you so much,because even if I don't know I bet you've touched someone life too.I would love to thank MafiaYJ, Robin_Love,,McLovin and soooo many more you have all been a very important part of my life. I don't know how to show you how grateful I am.I would like to give you all a virtual hug and virtual basket of your favorite type of cookies. You are all so freaking awesome! I'm so grateful God gave me ya'll as friends.I love you...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name:Devin Grayson
Alias: Arhanghel
Powers: Flight/wings, “Divine power”
Occupation: Undecided
Weakness/Limits: Demon chants/weapons, high demon authority
History: Devin used to be a simple girl who lived with her parents and brother working in a circus. They worked the high wire and were known for their acrobatics. She was only a little girl when she died, due to some mysterious poison in her blood. She was born again as a little cherub; a baby angel. While a cherub, she was stolen by a demon named Teague. He used her for his own sadistic pleasure and abused her, though not sexually. He would...
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posted by SilverWings13
Names: Pollux and Castor

Ages: both 17 (twinzees!)

Species: demigoddesses

Birthplace: Egypt, along the Nile River

Appearances: As identical twins, the girls share the same darkened-bronze skin, round features, and coal-black curly hair. Pollux’s eyes are a cloudy white mist like the marine layer, while Castor’s are two starless night skies; their pupils are slitted like those of snakes. They have fangs that can extend from and retract into their gums. Pollux's venom paralyzes and kills; Castor's numbs pain. Also, they both have reptilian tails as long as the girls are tall. The tails aid in...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Crane sat next a elderly woman, his legs crossed as he listened to her talk. The male chuckled and shook his head, sighing softly as he leaned back in the seat he was in. "Times have really changed.." He said softly and looked out the window of the nursing home. "That they have.. Such a shame you weren't around to face that change. Everything was thrown at you once, wasn't it?" She asked, pulling up the covers a bit more.
"In a way it was.." He said and chuckled again, shrugging. "I'm slowly staring to cope, I've been struggling a bit though..going from the forties to the twenty-first century...
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added by SilverWings13
Source: Google!
added by Eclipse-YJ
added by SilverWingsYJ
Source: Comic vine
added by DeltaYJ