Young Justice Club
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"So this is how humans die?"
"So this is how humans die?"
"Daddy, make her okay again!" Lian begged, but even she knew that wasn't possible.
Megan's hands were over her mouth. "Poor Jenny..."
"And she was only 17," Robin added. His head was bent down in a formal gesture. His tracker started beeping rapidly, and the Air around us was swirling. "I'll call the League."
Superboy walked cautiously toward us, minding the Kryptonite. "So this is how humans die?"
I nodded, tears falling on Jenny's face. "But she didn't deserve to. I should've been the one who died."
Artemis patted my back awkwardly. "Don't take it too hard on yourself. Things happen."
I pressed my ear to her chest, hoping for a beat, but there was nothing. She was long gone.
"Here comes the League," Aqualad said, looking at the sky.
I looked up. Superman's red cape was easy to spot amongst the clouds, and Green Lantern brought other superheroes with his ring.
I didn't care much to mention the others. Superman landed on the ground, horrorstruck.
"Do you have any ideas on who did this?" he asked in a monotone voice.
"Clown guy!" Lian exclaimed, looking at the body.
Batman, Erica, and Red Tornado landed with GL, and Erica ran toward us.
"Oh God," she touched Jenny's forehead. "Oh Draco Spiritus, ubi es?"
"What?" KF asked, speeding toward us.
Erica sighed. "We've no hope. The Dragon Spirit should've called her by now." She wiped a tear from her eye.
Batman was suddenly behind her, and she flinched. "We'll have to take her in for an autopsy. That's all we can do."
Aqualad and Superboy brought a stretcher from the bioship, and placed Jenny on it. They strapped her in, and brought her back to the bioship.
"How are we gonna tell her family?" Megan wondered.
"We don't have to," Batman put in. "It's all over the news already."
"But it's a ghost town," Artemis said. "There can't have been any cameras around..."
"Yes, but since the explosion involved Kryptonite, anybody within a five-mile radius could hear it."
"Victoria will be heartbroken," I sobbed. "First her mom, then Jenny..."
There was an awkward silence after that. One by one, all the superheroes, including the team, found their own way to Gotham City.
Lian and I were last. I stared down at the death site of the Avatar, then walked away.

Christopher, Annaliese, Victoria, and a gray-haired man walked through the hospital doors. As soon as Vicky spotted the body, she burst into tears. Annaliese followed suit, whereas Chris just stood there, wide-eyed.
He and the gray-haired man knelt by the body, and I saw them making little prayers.
The team surrounded the family, or what was left of it. Megan hugged Jenny's sisters in a comforting way.
I walked toward to Chris. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault."
He bit his lip, hiding tears. "Don't blame yourself. We all know it was the Joker."
He looked so much like her. He had the same facial structure, the same brown hair. It was as if I was staring right at her, but I knew it was someone else.
The only difference between them was their eyes. He had dark brown eyes, while Jeannette had beautiful silver ones.
The gray-haired man caressed her cheek. "I should've been there. I haven't seen her for a month, and when I do, she's already dead."
I recognized him as their father. He had the same silver eyes like Jenny.
Chris stood up. "Dad..."
"Go call the funeral home," Mr. Thomas said in between tears.
Chris nodded, then left the room. I felt a little tap on my shoulder, then turned around.
"Let's go," Aqualad muttered. "Let them mourn her alone."
I nodded, then followed the team out of the room, leaving the family to cry over the loss of their Jeannette.
I found Chris in the hallway, talking into his phone, probably calling the funeral home.
"I'm not lying," he said into the phone. "I'm Chris Thomas, her brother."

I couldn't bring myself to comfort him, so I just walked down the hallway.
"Let them mourn her alone."
"Let them mourn her alone."
posted by Robin_Love
Becca, Gothic Princess
Becca, Gothic Princess
Becca looked up as her mother went out the door. She whispered to one of the guards and then reentered the room. Becca gave her a look but Kendra just smiled coyly. A second later, a girl about two years older than Becca entered the room. Her long blonde hair fell to her knees, her eyes as red as a spring rose. She was dressed in a blue gown, similar to that of her mothers.
The two hugged and Becca looked up into Fiore's eyes.
“How did you survive? I thought he killed you!”
“Anton is great with weapons but my magic is stronger.”
Becca's eyes teared up again as her...
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posted by Robin_Love
The silver haired warrior took care of the girl in her arms. Her blue eyes roamed over the girl, searching for the mark. When Becca moved her head, Luna saw the lightning shaped birthmark on Becca's neck. Luna stood still for a minute, getting over the small dizzy spell she had received. She walked into the force field, happy to leave the deserted mountain plains and enter the lush kingdom hidden from any eyes. Luna walked into the castle at the far edge of the kingdom. Her ability to teleport made the trip faster. When she entered the golden gates, a murmur went through all who saw the girl...
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posted by Robin_Love
“It is time Lunarithia. Retrieve her.”
“Yes my lord.”
“Guard her at any cost.”
“Yes my lord.”
“Bring her home.”
“Yes my lord.”
“Let no one harm her.”
“Yes my lord.”
“You were trained and became top of all your classes. Now I am sending you out into the world of humans. Retrieve your young master. At all costs.”
“Of course my lord. I will obey.”

Becca wasn't too happy on fighting Poison Ivy again. But what made it even worse was the fact that Ivy had it out for her. So hanging upside down while on of Ivy's plants held onto her ankles was definitely on Becca's list...
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Eclipse stared into X-23's eyes, anger flow through her in waves. "X-23 why?" but talking wasn't what she was there for, she striked at eclipse. Elie ducked and rolled to the wall before 2 silver claws where stabbed inches away from her face. Elie grabbed her arm and threw
X-23 across the room, she landed with a thud.
"Laura I don't want to hurt you, what do you want from me?" Laura got of the floor and started to run towards Elie and tryed to punch her, BLOCK! She tryed again, BLOCK yet again laura was no match for elie. But a swif kick to the lungs and elie was down and started to choke......
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca poked her head out from her hiding spot. With a quick look around, she motioned for the others to follow her. They crossed the yard without a single hitch. But trying to get inside proved harder than ever. Becca pulled on the door.
“Hurry!” Erin whispered.
“It's stuck!”
At that moment, bullets rained down towards them.
“Hide!” Becca yelled.
Splitting up, they dove for cover. Kitty climbed up one of the walls, taking two guards out of their posts. Paura hexed them with one of her fear tricks, causing two more to jump down. Nightress cloaked herself in darkness, rising the air until...
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Eclipse waited in the mission room, pacing from time to time but no one showed up. She started to walk out the room "If I imagined that alarm I will have to get Emma Frost to check my mind" suddenly she she was flung back and hit a wall by a large explotion. COUGH COUGH COUGH she waved the smoke out of her face and but still couldn't see. Smoke filled the corridor. She pulled the hood from her cloak over her silky brown hair then suddenly the green and silver outlined cloak turned invisable, she was on stelth mode.

Creeping around the corner she layed her back on the wall, all without making...
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posted by Robin_Love
Her fingers moved. Her body was waking. Her mind was still fogged up but she could still think. Things had been undetected. Her mind had stopped working for who knows how long. She tried to open her eyes and stretch her body. But she was still chained. And the needles were still numbing her senses. She had no idea how she was doing this. But she guessed it was because her soul had matured while put in another. Her soul that had not come back yet. Soon. She told herself. She was feeling cramped and trapped. Not a smart idea for whoever had put her in here. She smiled underneath the helmet and...
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posted by Mariannebier
Eyes of Artemis
Dick’s POV:
He let a small laugh escape through his mouth. He knew it was Artemis and maybe she knew he was Robin. But it was a tiny chance he looked at her, standing in the crowd talking to Rachel a senior year. He smiled. Artemis was in good hands.
Artemis POV:
“Thanks” She putted the papers in her bag. “tomorrow a need them back so don’t forget them.” “Got it.” Artemis answered. Rachel started to talk “Well, let’s start then, We are now in the hall of the Gotham academy.” Artemis looked around, everybody was to their lessons except a few. The hall itself was made of grey, silvery stone. The wall reflected the blue sky and she thought of the strange boy. “Are you coming or not?” Rachel stood in the giant stanchion. “I’m coming.” As she walked to Rachel remembering the mysterious laugh.
posted by Helen_Wayne
We arrived to the door of Kyle Mansion and I was as nervous as if you have to jump to a pool of 55 m. Down from a wall of 100 ft. Finally we entered...
She came I saw her, she saw me, then Batman and Robin (of course they were on their costumes) I thought she would be happy to finally see her daughter but externally she was madly angry but in the inside she was happy I really don't know how I did it but when I look at her eyes I saw her thoughts and something must happened to my eyes 'cuz I see a light reflect on my sunglasses and Dick jumped back a bit.
I was scared about what she would say...
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" No! no!" Robin shouted as his charatcer in superhero brawl fell to the ground and died. Wally yelled and screamed in his victory, " I win i just pwned your noobs!!!", everyone started to grow tired of this, so everyone tried to beat him but lost, everyone except Red Arrow, he didnt really enjoy video games he just thought they were for little kids. Everyone asked Roy to try and beat Wally but he said, " I dont want to play stupid child games", but that all changed when Wally started making chicken noises at him. He grew angry at it, " fine but im warning you once i kick your sorry butt to...
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posted by Robin_Love
The door to the cell opened and Becca looked up. The guard motioned her over and she walked out. He shoved her and pushed her roughly down the hall. Becca grunted and fisted her hands. She was going to restrain herself. But she didn't know how much garring she could take. Becca was lead to one of the stations set up to meet people. And her best friend sat on the other side. She grabbed the phone and spoke into it.
“Willow! What are you doing here?”
“I'm here to see you. BM told me! I'm working with Jade but I wanted to see how you were doing.”
“I'll be okay. But it's getting hard to...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Wally opened his eyes everything was blurry, his vision cleared and he sat up slowly and looked around where he was, the Mount Justice Infirmary. He immeadiatley clutched his head as pain started, then he felt his head, he looked beside him to see Artemis, and to his other side Gravity Boy. " So i see your awake" a deep voice was heard, Wally looked over to the door and saw his uncle. Wally smiled a little the rested his back on the head rest of his bed, " do you know what happened?" Wally asked as his uncle came over to him and pulled up a chair next to his Nephew, " well you were knocked...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Rylan! Alisa! Look! Look what's here!”
Both girls turned to the youngest of them. She was running and waving a piece of paper in her hand. She ran right through the testing ground, flipping when she almost ran into Artemis. Jade ran over to her friends and the everyone took a break to see what had gotten Jade so excited. Rylan took the paper and Alisa read over her shoulder.
“A carnival?” Alisa asked.
“Yeah! Can we go? Pleeeeaaase!!! It'll be our very first one! Please?”
Rylan looked over at Alisa. They seemed to communicate without words and the two looked at Jade.
“Sorry. We can't...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" Becca! Becca! no no!" Dream Catcher screamed out before her eyes opened and she sat up as tears filled in her eyes and Andrew held her up so she could sit up, " Andrew.... i-is she..", " Gone...." Neon Nature replied not even caring she called him Andrew. Tears streamed down her face and she hugged Andrew tightly, squinting hard trying to make the tears and terrors go away. " We have to find her" she moaned as she still lay in Andrews arms, "if not W-Willow.... she'll..", " shhhhh its okay....its okay.." he whispered in her ear as the tear drenched girl still lay in his arms. " Wait what...
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-The Future-
-The Future-
"Well predictor? You got my attention so use it" snapped William. He man stepped out of the dark and 2 soliders stood behind him, he sat on the metal chair and looked at Predictor. Predictor was a mutant who could locate people from the past, present and future. He could tell what would happen to them, he sat in the dark of the light bulb and looked at William. "I have seen the triplets you need, they will be born on the 24th of December at mid-night." predictors words echoed around the room. William leaned forward "where will they be born?".

Predictor put his hands to his head them back on his lap again"White-water village", William sat back in his seat took a breath "what will there powers be?". "The first triplet, Katia will have wings as black as night and can fly as fast as the wind. The second triplet, shanelle with be the most powerful sorceress in the world and the last triplet Eclipse has the key points for the weapon-x project
posted by Robin_Love
Becca pulled against her chains. Her arms were tired but they couldn't move; they were chained above her head. She growled in frustration. Just because she was trapped didn't mean she had to be in favor of it. Every pull of resistance just put more pain on her. The metal bands were cutting her skin and causing her to bleed. The dank and moldy smell was causing her to become weak. Becca went limp for a minute, catching her breath. A smooth, deep voice spoke.
“Becca. Good to see you.”
Becca pulled against her restrains again, crying out when she felt the results.
“My dear, don't hurt yourself....
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posted by Robin_Love
“What happened?! Why'd the communication get cut off?!”
Jade looked away from the inquiring bird, tears in her eyes.
“They got her.”
Silence filled the mountain. Minutes stretched on, each lost in their own shocked thoughts.
“We-we have to go after her!” Robin exclaimed.
Jade shook her head.
“The Blade doesn't keep prisoners Robin. I'm sorry.”
“You're wrong, Jade.”
All eyes turned to a girl who was sitting on a low beam above the doorway.
“Devin,” Artemis whispered.
“What'd you say?” Robin asked.
“Jade is wrong. Becca is still alive. She is of use to them. The Blade takes...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Rylan! Rylan! Look at what I did!”
Rylan turned to look at Jade. She was proudly showing her friend the finished assignment she had been told to do. Rylan smiled at the younger girl.
“Very nice Jade. Go...see if Miss Martian wants help in the kitchen.”
Jade nodded and headed out of the room and towards the kitchen. Rylan shook her head, exiting the mountain. She felt the heated sun on her back, allowing a warm breeze to fly past her.
“Oh Jade. If only I could help you. I wasn't programmed to change you, just watch over you. How childlike you've become in their precence. If only I could...
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"Oh my god. look at this one!" Wally pointed to Robin once again there was a username about Robin
"robins-gfriend" Wally said laughing.
"How long you two been going out?" He teased.
"Hey, I have more more fans on my page then you!"
"Do too..."
"Yeah you only have 20 he's got 37." Artemis said ending the arguement.
"Well, how many fans do you have?"
"13..." Artemis mummbled
"exxxxusseeee me I didn't quit hear that??"
"Hey look at this picture." Robin said bringing up a user know as Mclovin_69.
The user icon was picture of Wally holding Artemis.
"When did that happen?"...
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Alter ego: Jamie Paige Tyson
Age: 16
Aliases: Rosa Volpe, Foxy Jamison, Lady Megera
Known Locations: Manhattan, The Shadow’s HQ, Happy Harbor, Italy
Powers: enhanced senses and strength; those of a female fox [a vixen]
Can shape shift into a vixen of any color
Has telepathy
Personality: strict, mysterious, polite, logical, quiet, mischievous
Appearance: Red hair with white bangs, amber eyes, pointed teeth, wears orange leggings, orange strapless top with a design that goes up the top of her chest and around her neck, orange boots, orange gloves with retractable claws and an orange domino mask...
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