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posted by Robin_Love
Artemis could feel the worry inside her. Everything seemed to go by in slow motion as she, Willow, and Adam snuck into Cheshire's house. It was easy, considering Adam knew the codes and where she lived. Closing the door behind him, Adam motioned for the girls to go ahead.
“Open a window and find the cure. I'll warn you if she comes. If I see her, get out through the window and run.”
Willow and Artemis nodded, looking around the simple apartment for the cure. Artemis knew it was in here; Cheshire had them everywhere. But how was she able to hide it so well? Artemis was looking in drawers and...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Standing on the Gotham City rooftops, I could hear everything, and see everything. God, it was beautiful up here.
"Nudge, keep a look out for Riddler and Joker." Fang loomed overtop me.
"Why are those too even working together anyway?" I sat on the edge of the building swinging my legs back and forth. Aqualad, Superboy, Robin, Kid Flash were on the opposite building looking for Harley Quinn and Poision Ivy. While Fang, Artemis, M'gann, and me are looking for Riddler and Joker. I sighed and put my head in my hands. Sirens blared in the streets below.
"Fang, I think I found them!" I hopped from...
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posted by Robin_Love
Megan floated between the five team members. She sat cross legged and her eyes were closed. Her mind was linked to all the others and was studying their vital signs.
Connor seemed fine, just unconscious and a little frustrated he had been taken down so easily.
Kaldur was peaceful, allowing whatever happened to run it's due course.
Wally was hectic, his heart beating a little too fast for being at rest.
Robin seemed fine, inner turmoil over how Becca was doing. Expected.
Becca was pained, everything crying out to slow down and rest. She was fighting.
The pain they felt was making Megan cry. She...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Becca, you are hiding,” Nightress announced.
The young warrior stiffened.
“Your hurt at our betrayal has opened wounds that we should have stayed away from. Ones you wanted kept secret. But they were torn apart by our disobedience. So you came to have us suffer. But Becca, you are the only one truly suffering.”
Becca froze for a full minute before she reacted. She pulled out her escrim sticks and ran at Nightress. The blind warrior simply created a dark abyss and closed it again when she had the young girl trapped.
“Nightress!” Willow exclaimed.
“Calm down,” Paura said. “Becca...
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posted by Robin_Love

Okay. Crazed romance! Pick two characters or more who you would NEVER think would get together at all! BUT one of them MUST be an OC!!!!!!! Just because I have this weird craving for them. IDK. So there it is.


Adventure one-shot concerning your LEAST FAVORITE character. Can be OC or actual YJ.


Okay. Your FAVORITE couple. Cave in. Those two are trapped. DRAMATIC ROMANCE SCENE!!!!

Please comment if you are taking on one OR more of these challenges! I hope you'll enjoy thinking about the stories if you don't participate! Thanks!
posted by Robin_Love
Robin's Point of View

I lay next to Becca on her bed. When I put her down, she wouldn't let me go until I agreed to stay with her. I knew her well enough to know she was scared, that she needed me. So I stayed. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling every shake of her body. Her head was buried into my chest, although I'm not sure if she was asleep. But she quiet, telling me she just wanted me close. And I was willing to hold her. My emotions were running wild. Hearing that the one you love, the other half of you, is going to die within two weeks is traumatizing. But she wanted it. She wanted...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Aero wheeled in a containment that had danger signs all over it, growling and anger came from within it. It roared angrily as Aero threw it in a container. he sealed it and turned to Steel, " now we must ask what father wants to do with this unique beast" Aero said with a smirk, Steel smiled evily and the two left the room leaving the beast that only wanted to be called normal. the beast stopped roraring and growling in anger and finally sat back showing its grey eyes and brown fur, it was a wolf or so you think... thats only what it was. The wolf wimpered and settled its head in its paws,...
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posted by Robin_Love
Evy sat on the couch, watching some random program. Becca sat next to her, but Becca was playing cards rather than watch T.V. With a sigh, Evy turned it off, turning to her friend. Becca ignored her, continuing with her game. A mischievous glint lit in Evy's eyes and she sighed loudly. When she was ignored again, she sighed, leaning on Becca's shoulder. With another sigh, she placed her head on Becca's lap. Becca pursed her lips, trying not to give in to her laughter. Looking down at her friend, Becca released her laughter.
“What is wrong with you?” she asked.
“I'm bored!”
“How can you...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca sat back in her chair, thinking. Her wall monitor flashed with images from inside and outside of the mountain. Everything looked safe and indeed it was. But she was worried. Someone was getting information. Someone was watching them. How? She had upgraded the security by a thousand. Cameras had been placed into every corner, every nook, every room. And several more covered the base outside. She had also hacked her way into Robin's cameras. The whole mountain was wired to her computer. So how had someone been able to watch them, hear them? A knock sounded on her door and Becca pressed...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca walked into the kitchen. Conversation seemed to stop and she looked at the three heroes that weren't humans in the room. Artemis was there too. She came to stand in front of them.
“I need to apologize to you guys.”
Becca took a deep breath.
“I'm sorry you had to see what my temper can do. I've already talked to Wally and also with Willow. Both forgave me so I know I can talk to you. I can be very protective of the ones I love. As I proved today. But that only happens rarely. Most of the time, I have it under control. But hearing someone sound broken drives me into a fury. A mode in...
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posted by robinluv14
I sat in the midst of the scattered conversations. Off to the side, Batman, Superman, Red Tornado and Green Arrow were eyeing me suspiciously, while Aqualad, Red Arrow and Superboy were discussing the validity of my story. Artemis, Miss Martian and Zatanna were sitting on the couch chatting up a storm. Kid Flash was in the kitchen with Flash. Eating. And Robin was sitting next to me, being protective like an older brother should.
After everyone had heard my side of the story, they agreed to let me out of the room into the living space. But it was no more comfortable than it had been locked up....
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Batman was still sticking with his decision on kicking Willow off the team, the thought it would be a bad idea to split the team up again so he kept Secret Six at the mountain now. Andrew didnt tell anyone what him and Batman had talked about earlier, and everyone was wondering what it was.


Becca knew why Willow couldnt focus, she was scared and worried and that was one thing that made her powers fail. Becca was showing Willow some fighting techniques, Becca threw a kick at her and Willow shreiked...
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posted by KatRox1
(Yes, I decided to write it from a different perspective!! Tell me if I should continue with it or go back to Sydney's point of view! sorry if its short!)

Corey and Blade still couldn’t believe what Sydney had just done. She ran off, without a word. The two of them had just entered the building through the back door, now in a small room with no light. “Do you have a flashlight?” Corey cautiously asked. Blade felt around in his utility belt and pulled one out. He clicked it on and first scanned the floor, coming up on 4 pairs of feet. “Oh. My. G-“ Blade slapped his hand over Corey’s...
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posted by Robin_Love
*Becca's Mind*

Becca could feel pain all around her. Everything was blury and the hurt was almost unbearable. She slowly opened her eyes, fearing what she would see. She was greeted with an inky blackness. There was no light, yet she could see. The darkness, she could almost touch it. Chills ran throughout her body and she moved onto her knees. She looked around, hoping someone would appear. But nothing happened. She closed her eyes again, pain striking from every side. It was almost nerve wracking and she cried out. When next she opened her eyes, an amber light swirled around her. Flashes of...
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As the memory shifted, we kept absolutely still. I made no move to comfort Robin, probably because I was feeling so nauseous. Robin was still on the ground, staring intently at the floor. Our surroundings changed, and we were suddenly in a street alley, where the little boy from the last memory was being chased by a cop. He was holding a box of donuts in his hands, struggling to get to his shattered apartment.
"Stop right there, kid!" yelled the officer. I couldn't believe that the little boy stealing was actually Robin, the Boy Wonder.
Emerging out of the darkness came a familiar hooded figure....
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca woke up slowly. After teleporting them somewhere, Sam had covered Becca's mouth with a sweet smelling cloth. She had no idea where she was or why her arms hurt so much. She raised her head and suddenly knew. Her arms had been tied above her head, her wrists tied tightly together. She pulled against the chain but couldn't move. Her feet had been strapped to the floor. She would have teleported or used magic but she sensed an evil spell over the place she was being kept. Attempting escape could cause her harm. Fear filled her heart and she wanted to cry out. But she kept silent. The door...
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posted by Robin_Love
“I changed?”
“Yes. You grew weary and bored. You became tired of constantly saving me. You stopped caring the night Sam entered. And I don't blame you. I've not been easiest to be with.”
“But you agreed to us breaking up!”
“What was I supposed to do Robin?! Force you to stay in a relationship you got tired of? I don't play games. You knew that. Everything was for real. And I let you go. I'd rather never see you again than see you when you don't love me.”
“I have to go.”
“Not yet.”
Robin grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him. Becca looked up at him, fear and...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Aero gasped and woke up in a dark room tied to a chair, he looked around and Artemis and Aqualad came up to him, Aero looked at each of them angrily, " what is this! let me out of here!" he shouted angrily struggling, he stopped and gasped looking around for his bow and arrows, " looking for this.." Artemis said holding his bow out infront of him, " we want answers.." Aqualad said going up to him next to Artemis, he smirked at them, " not in a million years you cant break me" Aero said with an evil smirk on his face. Artemis and Aqualad exchanged looks at eachother.

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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 4-

"Artemis, Wally. Scout ahead." Robin whispered.

"You are joking, right?" Wally asked.

"Of course, you two would blow the mission over the color of the sky." Robin said. "Babs, you and Artemis take point. Wally and I will provide cover."

"Got it." Batgirl said. "Lets go Artemis."

The two females dashed from behind cover to a truck on the other side of the parking lot.

After a moment, Batgirl motioned that the area was clear. Robin and Wally dashed out and headed for the two girls.

Wally tripped halfway across and knocked over an empty barrel. It clanged to the ground and Robin froze. Suddenly,...
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posted by Robin_Love
She looked at him, eyes darkened and sad.
Her voice was weak and her hands were shaking. He fell to his knees, unable to stand anymore. He embraced her tightly and she gave him a weak squeeze. He pulled away to look into her eyes.
“Robin...I'm not going to make it...”
The words made his heart thunder and tears rose in his eyes.
“I'm not going to live much longer...”
“B-but you're all healed!”
“Yes. But the dark magic was too much. I may have disposed of Anton, but he has disposed of me too.”
“What?! NO! NO!! I won't let you die!”
Becca gave...
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