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July 23, 2009 by Heather
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Zac Efron’s girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens is featured in the current issue of Parade Magazine!

The July 26th issue has a great interview with Vanessa. In it, she talks about how she deals with all the gossip about her and how she’s handling life on her own since moving into her own house.

When asked about the nude photo scandal from 2007, Vanessa reveals: “That’s why I’m extremely guarded. I really do try to watch everything I say. Because one little tiny slip, and it’s like the world is coming to an end! It is hard. I do always have a wall up. But I feel by doing it, I keep myself safe. I try to live my life, do what I want, and just let everything else follow along. I try not to read the blogs or what people say about me. Because that’s what brings everybody down—no matter what you do, you’re always going to have haters.”

She also talks about keeping away from the paparazzi, and how she deals with them when she can’t dodge them:

“I keep my head down. Usually I’ll run around in hoodies, and I’ve got this massive head of hair, and I throw it all in my face so that nobody can see me. But if I want to do something, I’m going to do it, and if people recognize me, the fans, then great. They’re the reason why High School Musical is what it is, and they’re the reason why I’m here, so I’m thankful.”

Check out the full interview with Vanessa, including a few more pictures, at!
Vanessa Hudgens does her own vacuuming. She also washes the dishes and waters the plants--and hates every minute of it. But since the 20-year-old actress and singer moved into her own house a few months ago, she says, "I feel like I need to earn my right to have a home. It's nice to be spoiled, but I want to be able to know that I can do it."

It's an unusual point of view for any 20-year-old, let alone one of the stars of High School Musical, the Disney TV movie that spawned two sequels and has been seen by more than 255 million people worldwide. But then, Hudgens seems to be a singular young actress--self-possessed, friendly but correct, and completely unpretentious. Take her choice of meeting place: We're sitting at an outdoor table at an L.A. greasy spoon--one where Hollywood movers and shakers wouldn't be caught dead. "It's nice," Hudgens says, shrugging. "Just relaxed."
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In a move he apparently believes might actually come off as concern for his kids, Jon Gosselin announced Thursday on "Larry King Live" that he wants his kids off the TLC reality program that made his family famous.

"Guess what? I want my kids off the show," Gosselin told King in a rant that included how he wasn't given the motorcycle TLC promised him if he displayed "good behavior."

"I really have to be a father here. I can't be a kid, I have to be a man," Gosselin said about his decision to hire a lawyer and bring production of the reality series to a halt.

Maybe the former star of "Jon &...
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