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Am I the only one who is absolutely HATING Miracle Day so far? It seems to be Gwfucken's show instead of Jack's! There seems to be so little of Jacks. What the hell is up with him no longer being immortal? That sucks! The sex scene between ugly Rex? and the doctor made me gag! And they even destroyed Jack's sex scene by ending it with a so called pining phone call to Gwfucken. Even though Ianto was mentioned BRIEFLY. . that call gave the impression that Jack wanted to be with that cow!! How sad! Posted over a year ago
JFMF commented…
you're not the only one... I think the same. over a year ago
JFMF commented…
and I miss jack and ianto's relationship like crazy... it feels like the series isn't complete without that chemistry =( killing Ianto was the worst decision they made over a year ago
iloveposiedon commented…
i agree for it being jacks team and show hes not in it much and why is rex suddenly immortl it seems to be about everyone but jack and he is one of the only reasons i watch it (well their is other reasons but im trying to make a point) it should be called 'CIA-and-Gwen-club-with-mentions-of-jack' over a year ago
alwayschanging commented…
I really miss Janto it really made the show for me! They we're adorable. over a year ago
Thank the gods that I bought all 3 series of Torchwood on dvd. I get my Jack fix daily!! And I'm definitely recording the 4th series when it comes out next month. I hope it good enough to watch. I would give money to switch out gwfucken for Ianto anyday! Posted over a year ago
Taomerline said about Gwack VS Janto
I can't believe they chose that actress to play gwen. I can't decide if it's just that she's so googly ugly or if it's just the character that is disgusting. I omit her from view when I'm watching my dvds, and I skip her name when I'm reading fanfiction. I despise her character. She's such a shameless sleazy slut. She has NO integrity or dignity. She 100 times more immoral than Jack could ever be. There not even any screen chemistry between them. There is with Ianto!! Posted over a year ago
Taomerline said about Jack and Ianto
I'm really nervous about the new season of Torchwood. I don't know who Jack's lovers are going to be. I just hope I can stand it ... it better be hot. It would be such an offense to Ianto's memory it there's no real chemistry on screen. And apparently there will be some type of actually bedroom scenes?? or so I read... Posted over a year ago
I'm still crazy over david tennant as the 10th doctor. I'm trying to let the 11th doctor grow on me, but I'm not that keen on amy pond ... yet. Posted over a year ago
totaldramafan96 commented…
i love Amy Pond! C: and the 11th doctor......but i also like the 10th doctor C: over a year ago
zzz38 commented…
I didn't like Matt Smith when the series began(I was still upset about David Tennant leaving, but now he's grown on me over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
i agree!! david tennant forever!!! and rose the best female companion by far!! over a year ago
Taomerline said about Jack and Ianto
I love watching and reading about Jack & Ianto's relationship. I can't say loud enough how much I HATE the character of Gwen. I wish they had killed off her character instead of Ianto's. I can't believe she's going to be in the new show. Thank the gods for fanfiction. Because Jack and Ianto's relationship will NEVER die there. I miss Jack's great coat. I miss him teasing & tormenting Ianto. Miracle day had better live up to the hype. If not, I'll be real real real sad! Posted over a year ago
totaldramafan96 commented…
I want Gwen dead too x__x and i was Lanto was still in the show! :C dam it!............WHYYYYYYYYYY DID HE HAVE TOO DIEEEEEEEEEEEE! :'C over a year ago
purpleninja3714 commented…
same, i mean gwen was like rubbing rhys in ppls faces but sleeping with owen and still trying to take jack of the AMAZING ianto jone :). Thank got to fanfic too !!! over a year ago
mega1234567 commented…
whoever posted that they dont like gwen,i disagree over a year ago
Taomerline said about Edward Cullen
I can't help it ... I still prefer the books to the movies. There's SO MUCH that's been left out of the books. Still my favorite scene in the movies is edward & bella's dance at the prom. When he says is it not enough to live a long and happy life with me ... that whole gazebo scene is beautiful. The wedding looks stunning in breaking dawn. I looking foward to seeing it played out. Posted over a year ago
What would the world be without Captain Jack Harkness? It would be dull, dreary, lonely, desolate, sad, meaningless, depressing, dark ... Posted over a year ago
Benzaiten commented…
laughless.... over a year ago
totaldramafan96 commented…
it would also be weird x_x over a year ago
SELI-chan commented…
They're missing out on so much over a year ago