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dimitri_ said …
I would love to see your list of most handsome animated males if you can make up one, I've never met anyone on Fanpop with such similar taste as mine ^^ Posted over a year ago
anjastt9 commented…
I'd love to make one! over a year ago
anjastt9 commented…
1. Shang, 2. Dimitri, 3. Aladdin, 4. John Smith, 5. Denahi (Brother Bear), 6. Phoebus, 7. Kocoum, 8. Cassim (Aladdin and the king of thieves), 9. Dean (The Iron Giant), 10. David (Lilo and Stitch) over a year ago
dimitri_ commented…
Cool, we have the same top 2 :D Denahi is so cute, I almost put him on my list. over a year ago
anjastt9 commented…
Lol, I was beginning to think that I was the only one who found Denahi attractive. I'm glad to know that someone else also thinks he's cute! :) over a year ago
hatelarxene said …
What do you not like about Hercules's hair? Sorry, just curious and bored. Posted over a year ago
anjastt9 commented…
No problem lol. :) I think it's more of his sweatband that I have a problem with. over a year ago
hatelarxene commented…
Oh, yeah that sweatband... ew lol. I think his chin looks super weird haha over a year ago
anjastt9 commented…
I didn't mind his chin lol, but I think he was more adorable before he became buff. over a year ago
hatelarxene commented…
I think he's ugly either way... lol. I still think he's awesome, though over a year ago
Maria7Potter gave me props for my comments
Thanks for adding me back! Posted over a year ago
anjastt9 commented…
No problem! :) over a year ago
pinkmare gave me props for my comments
thanks for the add back :3 Posted over a year ago
anjastt9 commented…
You're welcome! :) over a year ago
pinkmare commented…
^^ over a year ago