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kaikai57 said about Pentatonix
Hi You don't know me except to say, I am a fan! I have twin god daughters who are 13 years old. One of them, Phoebe is the fan. I don't have much I can give her for Christmas this year ( her mother can't get her anything) hard times have fallen on us. I have been diagnosed with cancer for the third time and fear the worst. They never (my god daughters) never ask for anything. I want to give them both something "special" from me that we can share together. I am in Seattle with them now. Posted over a year ago
kaikai57 commented…
Please help me get tickets to see you in Seattle Washington on Feb.20 and surprise her for Christmas. I know it is alot to ask but please there are very few positive role models for them and you seem to be it for my god daughter. over a year ago