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"My heart is broken and free "

Maria Adamchuk

7 Days

After last year not known to anybody violinist and singer, won the "Eurovision", his life changed dramatically. He is constantly on the road, but manages to do repairs recently bought the apartment, and he still has time for the complex romantic relationship! About his life today Sasha told reporters "7D" while walking on the sacred places of his favorite Oslo.

"If you look at my work schedule, you can easily find out that over the past year, starting with Moscow's Eurovision" and until today, I was only four days off, including Christmas and birthdays. Thick, of course, but I like to think that the concerts - it's not hard work, but hobbies. It turns out that whole year I was doing things I love, and if so - why do we have extra rest? It's cool - at first to work out on the stage, then two hours of signing autographs (incidentally, another one of my hobbies). Last year I traveled almost the whole of Russia, was in town, which are not on the map, not really. And the Russian language its tightened, new words appeared: "cool", "cool", "cool" and some others, I will not say it now "- smiles Sasha.

During the year, Ryback increased not only his vocabulary. Material well-being of the singer, too, of course, improved, and the first thing he bought himself an apartment. "A small apartment but in a prestigious district of Oslo, here I really like. Repairs have not yet finished, although I have a lot of money invested in it. If your money is transferred - about 400 thousand rubles. Oops! Judging by your face, I said something wrong? It's not a lot for repairs on Moscow's standards? But I have a flat that is not very big. However, in one interview with the Belarusian press, I was wrong and about how many rooms in my apartment, replied "Seven" - decided it had to consider bathroom with bath, kitchen and balcony. This caused a considerable stir, people immediately began to estimate how much I earned for the year to buy a 7-room appartment in one of the most expensive capitals of the world. But in fact my room only two. Now I will not show them to you, repair finish - come. "

Asked when he will live independent life, the singer smiled sadly: "You know, I have a feeling that I will never live independently. I'm an artist, and this, among other things, means that around me day and night, swarming managers, assistants and have a lot of the right people. That's nice, especially now, when my team all entirely friends and associates and are very pleased to go on tour. But sometimes you need to be alone, but this is just not possible in recent times. But in general, to be honest, I'm not very eager to move into his own apartment, I live comfortably as now - with my mother, I am accustomed to: all is cleaned up, cooked.

When I got home at midnight I sit quietly and watch TV. The main joy in my life now - this series, I can watch them around the clock. The most favorite - "Lost" (pity, that ended) and "24 hours". There heroes are constantly changing, something overcome, grow internally, evolve, I like to follow their development. Fortunately, I now have a bit more time to watch TV: We decided that we will not give too many concerts. The more performances, the lower their usual quality, but I would not want to lose the quality for the quantity. "

There is a life another important componentof in Sasha's life in addition to concerts and serials : the relationship with the girls. On this topic he can talk endlessly, but at the moment - only with the light sadness: "My life entered a new phase, I now need to be almost always around the girl that I love, but who does not love me. This story began long ago, we work together and see each other very often: she is - one of three violinists, whom you always see around me on stage. I was in love with each of the three, even wrote three songs about my love for my new album can be listened to. And when I did not pay my current love any attention she just was blazing towards me. And then I suddenly said to myself: "What I'm lucky, such a girl loves me, such an angel, why am I wasting time!" - And began to court her. Here in Norway there is a saying: "To follow as a tail. So, I was such a little tail, sometimes I even canceled concerts to go to the movies with her. And suddenly she tells me that she does not love me anymore. She said, when you were free and independent, when you had other girls, I liked you, and now you have become a sort of boring, sorry. This recently happened, I'm still a little stunned and can not imagine how I now travel with her on tour. Although, I confess, I like this situation still more than the previous one, which ended by my fault. When six years ago I had a relationship with my previous girlfriend, Ingrid, I'm in a moment realized that she becomes uninteresting to me, I looked at other girls and told her that we had to break up. It was much harder, I felt guilty and responsible for the break-up was entirely on me. And here I did all I could, I was told: "Goodbye" - and my heart is free. Broken, but freely. However, despite the sad speech, Sasha does not look depressed, he gladly embraced fans who literally would not let him pass for the entire walk in Oslo. Moreover, the day after our conversation, he appeared in public with a new girlfriend named Sara, and even introduced her to reporters. "In my life was a lot of happiness, and I think it is time to give it to others. And if I can get my songs, autographs, photographs and words to make a happy ten, hundred or a thousand girls, it means that my life was successful ", - says musician about his behavior.
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