Alpha and Omega Club
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The next day I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and got ready. I had to be at my bus stop by 8:00 a.m. 7:50 rolled by and I put my shoes on, and lifted my heavy ass backpack onto my shoulders.
“I’m leaving Humphrey!”
Humphrey rushed down. He jumped into my arms and gave my a nice long kiss. His tongue was soft and sweet. I put him down and opened the door.
“Uriah wait!”
“I want to say something.”
“Go ahead.”
“I love you.”
I smiled, “Oh I love you too!”
I hugged him and headed out. It was probably about 7:56 by the time I headed out. I was about half was down my street when I saw my bus stop at the end of the road.
“Shit I gotta run!” I yelled.
I ran to my bus. Janet, my bus driver is very lenient when it comes to the kids being late to the bus stop.
“Thanks for waiting,” I said.
“You’re welcome.”
She drove off and soon arrived at my school. I ride bus number 1, but at one time it was 7. 31 and 4 were actually already at the scholl with 19 trailing behind us. I came to my friend Nick and sat down.
“Hey, Nick, Humphrey is living with me at my house. We made out! How do you feel about that?”
“Humphrey’s not fucking real fucking fucker!”
If I knew my friend Nick, he probably said the F-word 100 times a day. He was a small kid too, but by his actions, he seems like a bully.
“Screw you!”
At about 8:40, five minutes before school started, my other friend, Shane arrived.
“Wassup,” I greeted
“Hey,” Shane said.
“Humphrey from Alpha and Omega is living with me at my house.”
“I’d wonder about you, but it’d take up too many brain cells.”
I always loved when he said that. First and Second period passed and I came to my third period which was Spanish. My friend, Mark sat next to me in in that class.
“Humphrey is living with me at my house,” I said.
“I haven’t heard you say anything smart.”
“You remind me of Shane.”
“Am I as boring as him?”
“Good point.”
“I hate how Humphrey is blue!”
“I hate Humphrey and blue is my favorite color.”
“Ahh! I got the message.”
The rest of the day past and I got on my bus to go home. Humphrey was impatient and was freaking out. He started to get in a motion that looked like he was mounting the ground. I came through the door and he rushed to me and jumped into my arms.
“Oh man! I missed you much! Don’t leave me like that again! I don’t think I can handle it!”
“I have to do that every day Monday through Friday.”
Humphrey fell to the ground.
“I don’t love you anymore. I’m out to find someone else.”
I thought for a minute or two.
“Humphrey, maybe you can come with me.”
“I can? Thank you!”
“Tomorrow you can sneak out with me.”
“Cool! So, your parents aren’t going to be back for a few hours, we can do anything.”
“Yeah. What do you want to do?”
“Can we pay some video games?”
“You want to? Do you know how to play?”
“I’ll guess.”
“Alright, we’ll try.”
I put Halo Reach in my Xbox and we started playing. I also showed him how to play.
“I’ll go easy on you. This is your first time playing.”
Humphrey killed me before I could take one shot.
“Woah! Ok, I’ll go a little harder on…”
He killed me again.
“Ok, I’m going all my skill.”
He took me down even with all my skill.
“I don’t know how you’re so good!”
My parents got home the night passed nice. That night, Humphrey and I laid together again.
“Hey Uriah.”
“Do you think we could go a little further with our love?”
“You know, stick and pot.”
I still was puzzled. Humphrey showed me the sign.
“Oh that! Ooh! That’s a big advancement, as much as I’d love to I just don’t know.”
Humphrey gave me his begging face. He wanted it.
“Alright, lets go!”
I started kissing him first. There wasn’t anything coming yet. He rolled on top of me, however, he fell asleep before he made one thrust.
“Umm, Humphrey.”
He didn’t answer.
“We can sleep like this tonight.”
The next morning, Humphrey got up with me.
“I’m heading to work goat!” My dad said.
“Bye dad! Love you!”
My mom also was out to work.
“Alight, it 7:50. I usually leave about this time.”
“Ok why do we leave so early if you school starts at 8:45?”
“I have to be at the bus stop by 8:00.”
We walked to the bus stop. I drew a lot of attention. Not only that, but I also got more respect.
“Hey Uriah, who’s the wolf?” Sydney, a girl that like to mess with me asked.
“This is Humphrey.”
“Hi! I like you!”
“That’s so creepy!”
I kneed down. When I kneel down, he’s a bit taller than me.
“Dude, you can’t say stuff like that.”
“Of sorry! Hey what bus do you ride?”
“I ride 1. Sometimes it’ll be 7 though.”
24 actually came and picked us up. Mr. Mike, the driver of 24 is a substitute for the busses. He’s my personal favorite.
“Hey, Mr. Mike!” I greeted.
“What’s goin’ on?”
I sat in the seat right behind Mr. Mike. I sit there when he drives and when Janet is driving. Mr. Mike saw Humphrey get on and stopped him.
“Woah, wolves aren’t allowed at school.”
“He’s with me,” I said.
“Did you get permission?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“Ok, sorry, go ahead.”
“Humphrey, this is Mr. Mike. He is a substitute bus driver, but he’s my personal favorite.”
“Hi, Mr. Mike! I’m Humphrey.”
“Nice to meet you.”
We came across the railroad tracks.
“Oh, also stay by my side. The campus monitors might harass you along with the other kids.”
“Why the campus monitors?”
“They’ll say you don’t belong here.”
“Oh, why?”
“You know what? I gotta get a pass from the counseling office.”
“Ok, go ahead.”
The bus pulled into the school lot.
“Bye Mr. Mike.”
“Have a good day.”
We nearly got to the counseling office, but we were already harassed by a campus monitor.
“This wolf can’t be here. He has to go back to where he belongs.”
“I’m going to the counseling office to get permission to bring him.”
“You have to get permission ahead of time. I’ll let you do it this time, but next time he has to be taken.”
“Ok, thanks.”
We came into the counseling office.
“That wolf can’t be in here.”
“That’s what I came in about. I want to get permission to have him at school for the week.”
“He needs to be interviewed first. We can’t have a random wolf come in here.”
“Ok, thanks. I’ll wait in here.”
About 15 minutes later they came out.
“It’s a positive. He can be here for a week.”
“You need to sign this.”
I signed the paper and Humphrey got a pass. It was about 8:30 and I came to Nick.
“This is Humphrey.”
Nick was speechless.
“Nice to meet you.”
“He’s fucking real!”
Shane came and saw Humphrey.
“It doesn’t take as many brain cells to think about you as I originally thought!”
“I told you I wasn’t crazy.”
The bell rung and we went to first period with Mrs. Dailey.
“Hey, Mrs. Dailey, the counseling office told me to tell all my teachers that my wolf friend, Humphrey, has to sit in a desk around me. I have a pass.”
“Ok, he can sit in the empty desk in front of you and behind Keyshaun.”
“Humphrey this is my Social Studies teacher, Mrs. Dailey.”
“Hi! Nice to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you too!
Humphrey sat down in front of me. My friend, Alex, (It sounds like I have a lot of friends but I really don’t) saw him.
“Oh wow! I’m sure that’s just a guy in a costume.”
I laughed hard, “Dude, this is really Humphrey.”
“Alex sit down, the bell’s about to ring,” Mrs. Dailey said.
“Ok, then.”
The bell rang then the morning announcements came.
“Where’s that voice coming from?” Humphrey asked.
“That’s just the PA speaker.”
Humphrey met my Science teacher Mr. Scholz, and Spanish teacher Mrs. Coleman. During lunch, My English teacher, Mrs. England came.
“Hi Uriah, lovely day isn’t it?”
“Yup it is.”
Mrs. England continued talking to me in a motherly voice.
“Is that some other family member I should know about?” Humphrey asked.
“No, that’s my English teacher,” I said.
“She’s really mother-like. When do we have her?”
“The next two periods.”
“Is she like that in class?”
The lunch period ended and we went to English. Humphrey easily thought Mrs. England was creepy. He met my P.E. teacher, Mrs. Silva and last he met my Math teacher, Mrs. Carpenter. It was a good day. I can’t believe he loved the whole day. Mr. Mike was sustituting again on the bus.
That night we got to bed. I set my alarm to 5:50.
added by BeautifulKate
added by BeautifulKate
added by BeautifulKate
added by BeautifulKate
added by Chidori1334
added by BeautifulKate
added by BeautifulKate
added by BeautifulKate
alpha and omega
added by TimberHumphrey
added by Chidori1334
added by TimberHumphrey
Chapter 1: A Tale is Told
Humphrey, Kenya, and Adam put together all their stories to tell the tale of what really happened. Marcel and Paddy are sent back to Winston to let them know they're fine, but they return with grave news.

Chapter 2: Return to Jasper
The group, along with Adam and what remains of his pack, return to Jasper with Humphrey on the logboard as he's still too weak to walk far. Towards the end of their journey, however, an unexpected situation restores a long forgotten friendship.

Chapter 3: Omega Hostage
Upon their return to Jasper, the group was ambushed by King's wolves who...
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added by AlphaGirl55
added by AlphaGirl55