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Zane and Anders started to move out from the den in search of the other two brothers. "So, do you have any sort of idea of where they are?"

"Well, when we left we all followed each other for a distance, then we separated because of problems between us started to boil up."

"Like what exactly?"

"You remember Janet right?"

"The cute little Alpha you used to see all the time?" Anders winked at him, "Yeah, I remember her."

"Yeah, they started to say things like she's going to kill herself without me and stuff like that. I just couldn't deal with it."

"Well, you did leave her a float."

"I know, and I wish I could take it back but..."

"But what?"


"No, tell me."

"Well, do you remember the stories that dad used to tell us about when mom and dad were lost and they had to ride a train and all that to get back to Jasper?"

"Well, we never had any adventures like that," Zane started to let his head hang, and held back his tears because he ddin't want Anders to see him cry, "I mean, mom and dad had their trip back home, you and Faith got lost that time in the woods, Ryker and Ema got stuck in enemy territory, and Blaze and Julia went on their big vacation trip together. Janet and me never had any of that. You and Faith, Ryker and Ema, Blaze and Julia, and even mom and dad got to howl together at the moonlight howl rock, but me and Janet, never had any of that. Even then I still got yelled at for being late when I wanted to do stuff with Janet."

Anders hatred for Zane suddenly turned into sympathy because he was right. Him and Janet never really got to be together like Anders, Faith, Ryker, Ema, Blaze, and Julia did. They never really let him hang out with them because they were Alphas and he was an omega. That's also the reason why he never really got to see Janet either.

"Well, you got to understand, you were an omega."


"Well, omegas and alphas aren't supposed to be together."

"It was the same situation with mom and dad then it was with me and Janet....She's an Alpha, and I'm an omega. Mom was an Alpha, and dad was an omega."

"Ok Zane, back to the last time you saw our brothers."

"Well we were sitting around out new den."


"You think we lost them Ryker?"

"Yeah, if I know Anders, he is too lazy to follow his big brothers out here." Zane replied panting.

"Nice, hey grey boy?" Blaze called.

Zane sighed then turned to Blaze and said, "What brother?"

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? I mean I'm sure Janet is just going to love knowing you left her."

Zane snapped and whipped around and looked his brother in the face, "You shut the hell up about her Blaze you have no idea what the hell you're talking about!"

"Hey it's not our fault you're the only low level omega in the family."

"Blaze I'm warning you, don't try me."

Ryker put his arm in front of Blaze, "Come on Blaze, and don't be like this to him. I mean he is still our brother."

Blaze pushed Ryker out of the way, "No! He's an outcast. He's a worthless piece of shit omega. He has no business being in our family. He is a disgrace."

"No he isn't Blaze, just leave him alone."

"It's fine Ryker, I'll kick his ass later."

"Wait, you kick my ass? Boy you couldn't kick your ugly girlfriend's ass let alone mine."

Zane finally snapped and turned and jumped on his brother and started to choke him. " ALRIGHT NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME PAL! I don't need any of your shit. You are the one that told us to come with you. You could've just left by yourself but no! YOU'RE TOO MUCH OF A COWARD TO GO BY YOUR OWN DAMN SELF!"

Ryker rushed over to pull Zane off of Blaze, "Guys guys guys, lower the anger please. Come on, for me."

"Get lost Zane no on needs you here." Blaze told Zane.

"Fine! But see how long you last without me."


"Wait a second. You actually pinned Blaze?" Anders asked astonished.

"Yeah why? Is that such a surprise to you?"

"Uh yeah, because you're just an omega."

"Daddy went through alpha school a long time ago so that he could protect mother better, and he taught me a couple of things."

"Dad went through alpha school?"

"Yeah he didn't tell you?"


"Well a few days later I went back to check on them and Blaze had left and Ryker was the only one left in that den."

"What happened to Blaze?"

"I have no idea."


Zane entered the den and noticed his brother Ryker sitting sadly with his head down in a corner of the den.

"Ryker? Is that you?" Zane asked.

"Zane!? What...What are you doing here?" Ryker replied.

"I was coming to check on you and brother...but, I noticed he wasn't here."

"Yes, he left a few days ago," Ryker said holding back his tears, "It was all my fault."

"No it wasn't."

"How do you know?"

"I...I...I just do."

"Yeah whatever." Ryker said leaving the den, "Just leave me alone."


"Then he left and I never saw him since." Zane said looking at Anders. Anders just looked down astonishment in his eyes. "Hey, but we'll still find him Anders, so don't look so down."

"It's not that we wont find him that is making me upset."

"Then what is it?"

"It's the fact that it is very extremely hard to make Ryker in that kind of state, so what the hell did Blaze do to make him like that?"

"Maybe you'll have the chance to ask him."

Anders just nodded and continued walking. The thoughts of his brothers and his childhood started running through his mind like a hypersonic jet. He tried to not think about them but they kept nagging at his thoughts. No matter what he thought about, it always leads him to times at the valley with his bothers. "Why did they leave us?" He whispered to himself.

"What you say?"

"Huh?...Oh nothing."

"Come on what you say?"

"Nothing...Just keep your mind on where you're going and mind your own business."

"That's what I've been doing the past two miles."


"Okay okay Mr. Bossman."

Anders sighed at the good feelings of the silence. This made him think even more about his childhood, and how he came to be like this.

Authors Note:

Well guys I hope you have enjoyed Alpha and Omega: The Brotherhood thus far. I would like to announce that I have a new girlfriend and she the best thing ever :) She makes me extremely happy. I'll try and see if she can get a fanpop so you guys can meet her. Her name is Faith, and I also thought that was kind of cool, because my main character's(Anders) girlfriend's name is Faith. So this Chapter and Chapter 9 is dedicated to Faith. My girl forever <3. I also would like to apologize for the length and language used in this chapter. I just thought that ever book had one long chapter and this one should be the one because it is called memorIES. Thanks for reading Alpha and Omega: The Brotherhood. Hope you enjoyed and Read all other sxyomega stories!
added by UriahA
posted by SentinelPrime89
Humphrey, Kate and the pups were running up the snowy mountains. The same snowy mountains that Humphrey and Kate had trekked before.
Behind them, Stinky and Claudette were playing in the cold white powder. They were having a good, fun time unlike Runt who continued to stick close to his mother and father. Stinky noticed this throughout the day even as he right now was occupied with his sister. He called out to his little brother, "Runt! You wanna play?"
Runt paid no mind to his older sibling. Humphrey watched down at him, Kate doing the same.
"Go on, Runt. We're making good time. You can go play...
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as y'all know i loved Alpha and Omega 2. it re-captures the spirit of the first movie (which is my all time favorite) and it does it perfectly even though the ending felt a tiny bit rushed. looks like i'm not the only one who says that, critics do too. i mean, this movie has a 60% in Rotten Tomatoes, which means mixed-to-positive and that critics agree it was a fantastic sequel.
yea, i admit that they needed 2 work a little more on the animation and the ending, but A&O 2 was great in almost every other way. great plot, great story, great voice acting, it had humor, it had heart and lovable...
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posted by westernunit-211
Hey what's up guys this is my first idea and I hope I do very well on it so here I go and enjoy!

I decided to include my own team and myself into this article to see how it goes, hope it works out.

Here's the difference, I'm not going to be a wolf. I've had a few imaginations on how this might work.

Counter Attack!
Day1 07:34 hrs
Dare Dogs 212
Frost's Safe house
Jasper National Park, Canada

Frost was at the briefing den with "Poet", "Sandman", "Rocket", and David. David is Frost's only son. Frost had David two years ago with his mate Stacy an Alpha wolf from Alaska. She died when David...
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posted by TheChriZ1995
A/N: Wrote this awhile ago for and decided to add it on here.

Summary: Kate is out doing a solo border patrol until she comes across a new born pup left alone in the woods. She doesn't know how it got there, but decides to bring it back to her parents and see if they know what to do with it.

Kate's POV

The day was like any other, the late afternoon sun was shining brightly overhead and clouds marched along the sky. Summer was in full swing meaning everyday was pretty much the same, hot and sunny. I didn't mind the heat, in fact the only time it did bother me was if I was running...
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posted by AlphawolfAlisha
Here's one of best comedy I've come up with so enjoy this first episode and please tell me what you think and feel and please leave comments below thank you! Steve-o is voiced as Humphrey.

Starring Humphrey, Kate, Garth, and Lilly.

Scene 1: "The water slide prank"

Humphrey: "hey this is the water slide prank and i'm going to prank on my mate, Garth and Lilly on this fake scenery". (goes and sets up the fake scenery) Humphrey: "okay we are set and now we must let them walk into this scenery right here and see what happens". (runs behind a bush and watches them walk to the fake)

Kate: " hmm this...
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The Life of Cap
Chapter 16 - Who are you?

Author: Well I'm out of Idea's :( So I might stop the series here. It took me a week to think of this one so. If *IF* I make another one then it might be in 2 weeks or so. If you guys have Idea's and you want to share message me.     As Rick made his way to Jasper he started getting hungry. He looked around and seen a turkey, so he crept up on the turkey. He was right behind he inched forward just two steps. Then pounced on the turkey. And bit into his neck instantly killing it.

Once he finished off the turkey, and he wondered...
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posted by SnowFangXi
Hi everyone I just got this from my editor...
More will be added to this. But we will have to wait till he's done with the rest...

Anyways without further ado here's the editors edition of chapter 1!


By Snow Wolf



It was a beautiful day in Jasper National Park. The sun was out and the radiance of the green grass shone in the bright morning light. A gentle cool breeze flowed through my fur, making my coat sway from side to side. The storms had been brutal the past two days but no matter the weather, nothing was going to ruin this perfect day.

I was playing...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Wolf Hunters Attack!

Nick: *sees a portal open* Eh?

*a Purple Creature with Silver Claws walks through*

Nick: Who are you?

Maku: I am Maku, Five Star Wolf Hunter!

Nick: Why are you here?

Maku: *Sees Astra* That!

Astra: Nick...i'm...

Nick: Yes Astra?

Astra: I am pregnant!

Nick: Really?!!

Astra: *nods*

Maku: I must destroy her!

Nick: I won't let you! *Slashes Maku*

Maku: *jumps*

Nick: I won't allow you to! *fires a Ki laser at Maku*

Maku: *guards*

Nick: I must defeat you!

Maku: *grins and fires purple laser at Nick*

Nick: *it goes through his Arm* Ow!

Maku: *slashes Nick*

Nick: *dodges and lands in river*

Maku: Finally!...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 10: Pascal vs 0! (part 1)

Announcer: Now it's time for the finals to start! For our first fight, Pascal versus Zero!

Pascal: *gets in photon Armor*

Zero: *becomes a Horse-like being with a white mask* Now Pascal...

Pascal: I will destroy you...

Zero: I doubt that...

*battle starts*

Kate: *in the audience* Go Pascal!

Humphrey: Pascal you can do it!

Zero: I said i doubted it... *summons a Dragon-like creature* Aberconway, destroy!

Aberconway: *blasts fire at Pascal*

Pascal: *slashing it, destroying it* This is it?

Zero: Of course not! *summons a Ram-like beast and a green Falcon-like beast* Eale,...
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On November 26 2012, the US Government infested the water systems of a town called Oghan Mash, Lowa/America, with a virus appearently called Trixie.

The victims of this virus may protray zombie like behaviors at times, and often look like them. But they are NOT turned into zombies, instead something possibly worse. The victims of Trixie become LITERARY insane. They forget everything about themselves, (one guy burned alive his own family after being infected).

In the end of it all, Oghan Mash was liturary destoried in a massive explosion.

However.. Trixie wasn't.

After nearly 2 months of traveling...
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posted by TimberHumphrey
The next day, Winston comes running to the den, urgently.

Winston: Kate?
Kate: Hi, dad. Good morning.
Winston: Where's Humphrey?
Kate: He's back there.
Winston: Humphrey!
Humphrey: Winston! Sorry about that. I didn't here you coming
(Winston just sighs)
Kate: Dad? Is everything alright?
Winston: I didn't think so. Hunter's outta his cage!
Humphrey: WHAT? But i thought he was...
Winston: Not anymore. He killed Hutch.
Kate: Oh my god!
Winston: Yeah, Hutch's dead!
Humphrey: That dirty bastard!
Lilly: (Comes running to them) Is everything okay?
Humphrey: Hunter's outta his cage. He killed Hutch!
Garth: What? That's...
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Chapter 6: Fight above the Winds "the dilemma"

(Orion's finding)

I awoke in the morning to a ray of sunshine shining into my den. I stretch. I trot to the entrance of my den and look upon my pack. I look down the hill and see Rebecca, a beautiful wolf that I was deathly in love with, I wasn't sure if she loved me too though. "Hey Ori!" She yelled. I blushed when she said my name, she was a black wolf with blue eyes and a hint of silver in her fur. "Hi Rebecca, how are you?" I ask. She walks up the hill. "I'm good how bout you?" "I'm ok" "that's good" she smiled. "Hey umm Rebecca... Do you, I...
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posted by darkwolf546
Silver alpha ) john (john) oh god what's up silver (silver_alpha) hey what happen to that picture in irac with that cammel I meen your girlfriend (john) haha this signature is a mistake (silver_alpha) no mistake john that I earned I no when to get out (john) you no we could always used another mean green fighting machine (silver_alpha) shit I ain't built like you john ugly. Slow. Soft. (john) oh we have to make some tough calls especially that last one we all wish your men made it we go your expired clear the shelves staff Sargent (silver_alpha) everything I no is in here john...
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Humphery kept walking in a angry manner. He came up to an empty den and walked in and layed down in the back of the den."wow you just cant hold your self in huh".he said to him self.

Meanwhile back at the sean, Lilly is laying down next to what is left of garth, crying like a waterfall.
After about 15 min the sean grew cold and everyone started going home, but kate stayed and walked to the tree or what is left of it. She takes a closer look at the marks, when she did she fell back and was shocked at what she saw.
"No! It cant be!"she looked at the marks again and it was what she thought. She...
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posted by blainebittinger
Humphrey was walking by himself thinking about his future. "Man," he said. "I need a girlfriend."
"I think she's here," said a voice. Humphrey turned and saw Sweets beside him. "Sweets," said Humphrey. Sweets came and sat near Humphrey.
"Well," Sweets said. "How are you Humphrey?"
Humphrey looked at her and he quickly looked away blushed up. "Man," he said. "I can't look at her, she's to cute.
Sweets gave Humphrey a lick on the cheek and she said, "Humphrey why don't we go to the Moon Light Howl tonight,eh?"
"Sure," Humphrey said. Sweets gave him another lick and then she left. Humphrey went...
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This is a side story to my series of alpha and omega life after the movie stories.

It is summer in Jasper park, Canada. Jake and Amber are playing with there friends Blitz, Leslie, and Marie. In the middle of a game of tag Blaze comes out of the bushes. "Hey Blaze." Says everyone. "Hey guys." Responds Blaze.

"You know tonight its a full moon and the midnight howl right?" Asks Blaze. "Whats the midnight howl?" Asks Amber and Jake. Blaze looks at them then says "It is where you find your love and go up to the peak of there (Points at the mountain.) and howl with them to let everyone know about...
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It is spring in jasper.All the alphas were out hunting with the once rival pack.Not Humphrey and Kate nope they were watching over the pack.Humphrey was laying down thinking about what he has gone through in the last week.Espeacilay about what he did to mate with Kate.

Then he thought to himself "It was worth it.He got the girl of his dreams.The one he would love forever."Humphrey walks over to Kate and says "Kate I am glad your dad let us mate.I am happy I can stand by you and love you." Kate looks at Humphrey and smiles.

Kate says "Oh Humphrey I am glad to.I am happy to not have to hide my...
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posted by trueshadowwolf
this came in a dream once about spirit heart... in his life time i took a real little peak of it. it was about his family. he had 2 pups...a wife... but thier names were unknown. just spirit heart. spirit heart and his wife were having so much fun. but then... some wolves came by from the pack. thier pack...arnt really friendly... spirit heart was a alpha. but... he wasnt that quite powerful. one wolf was above his rate... and was pure evil... i keep wondering... is it the bad wolf... from the "TWO WOLVES CHEROKEE STORY" is it possible that he exist. impossible. then the rest of the pack came up to his family. then they murdered his pups, then they raped and killed spirit hearts wife. spirit heart was very upset. he tried to kill them... but he was too weak. then... they strangled spirit heart.... then killed him.... and that... was the story of spirit heart. and spirit heart was letting me look through his eyes... like i was him... it was crazy...
posted by Canada24

Humphrey and I continued walking towards the mountain, Paddy and Marcel mentioned. Humphrey kept asking if he could carry me again, and every time I told him I was fine, he would always look disappointed, as if there was something about caring me, that he enjoyed. But wasn't thinking about why. I was too busy asking if my feeling last night, were true, was I falling in love with Humphrey? It was a very strange thought, I never expected myself to be feeling. But I decided I was thinking too much, and shook out of it.

We continued walking for quite a while. Neither of us said...
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