Arthur and Gwen Club
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posted by sportyshuie

Lancelot found Gwen exactly where Agravaine had said she’d be. She was standing in the main hall, her back to him and hands crossed neatly against her chest, looking out the window. She was in deep thought and didn’t flinch when he neared her. He maintained his distance between them but still made his presence known as his shadow covered hers from the side.
    “Lancelot?” Gwen called out as she realised his presence but didn’t turn around and head for the door like she had done before. Instead, she remained and smiled at him.
    “Not heading for the door?”
    “I beg your pardon?”
Lancelot smiled. “Since you’ve been having this urge to head for the door each time I pay you a visit, I’m quite surprised you didn’t today.”
    “Oh…” Gwen said, biting her lower lip and shaking her head, her curls shaking along. “I’m sorry for my behaviour Lancelot. I understand my… rude actions have caused unnecessary hurt to you. Believe me it wasn’t my intention.”
    “You have no need to apologise, Gwen. It was I who caused you all the troubles. If only I hadn’t behaved the way I did, perhaps you wouldn’t have been in such a disturbing situation. And I came by to apologise for all my weird behaviour towards you.”
    “But I should have at least given you a chance to speak, rather than making my own conclusion and running away. It didn’t solve anything.”
    “Well, now that I am here as well as you are, maybe we can start all over again.”
    “I like that… start all over again.” she smiled. Lancelot smiled as well.
    “So, tell me Gwen. How are you?” he asked, crossing his hand.
    “Distraught… unsure… and certainly happier to see you” she replied and tried to feign laughter, but it didn’t work out as planned. Sighing at her failed attempt, she turned back to the window. Lancelot’s forehead wrinkled.
    “Something’s troubling you, Gwen?” he asked, his voice lowering into concern.
Gwen remained quiet and kept watching out. Her heart raced as she thought how her feelings for him have deepened all of a sudden. She couldn’t think of Arthur the way she thinks of Lancelot. To be honest, she hasn’t thought of Arthur all afternoon. It was Lancelot who filled her thoughts all day. And the moment he approached her, her heart skipped a beat. Her cheeks flushed and she felt all wobbly. She needed great strength to keep standing and when he spoke, she felt herself drifting off into the music of his voice, not quite paying attention to what he said. Only when he stopped did she realise what she’d done!
    “Gwen!” he reached out and shook her by the shoulder.
    “Huh! Oh… I am sorry. What did you say?”
    “What is wrong with you? You haven’t been in your right mind since I came back. Have I done something wrong?”
    “No! Of course not, Lancelot. You have done nothing wrong. I’m afraid it is I who have done the mistakes,” Gwen said and looked down. Her fingers twirled tightly as her breath came up rapidly. Her heart was thumping against her chest as she wondered how she would tell him about her feelings for him. What will she say? How will she begin? How will he react?
    “Gwen?” Lancelot held her by the shoulders and turned her around so that she could face him. But she didn’t. She kept looking down as she was afraid to meet his eyes. The soft warm eyes have always given her hope, like the time she was captured by Hengist and was doomed to die. It was these pair of eyes which had given her the courage to hope, to believe there could be a chance of freedom, a chance to unite with him. And it was the very eyes which told her how much he cared for her as she had given him the reason to live. They both had been happy then. If only he hadn’t gone away. If only he hadn’t decided to give her up. Things would have been much different now. If only.
    Lancelot reached and lifted her chin so that he could look at her face. She obeyed and slowly, she looked up at him.
    “Have I troubled you so much that I don’t even deserve to look at your face, Gwen?”
    “Lancelot…” she trailed and found no words followed. Her words choked at her throat. There were so many things she wanted to say yet, she was afraid.
    “I’m sorry Gwen. I shouldn’t have returned. I have caused you nothing but pain and hurt. And I wish not to cause trouble in your relationship with Arthur.”
    “Lancelot please…” Gwen reached out and grabbed his hand, clasping in her own. “Do not torment me with your words! If only…”
    “Gwen… please tell me what is bothering you? You seemed distracted and I don’t want to think I’ve been the cause of that!”
    “Yet you have, Lancelot! You are the one… the reason for my distraction and the reason why I am finding quite hard to think of anything else but you!” she blurted out, slapped his hand off her chin and turned around, unable to confront him anymore. Lancelot was stunned by her sudden revelation yet he remained calm.
    “Gwen?” he called out softly, restraining himself from reaching out to her.
    “I think I made mistakes Lancelot! Mistakes which have driven both of us apart and kept us grieving in pain.”
    “What are you saying Gwen?”
    “I think… I…” she trailed off again. How will she tell him that she loved him!
    “Gwen?” Lancelot circled her. And when she tried to look away, he cupped her chin and restrained her there, his eyes meeting hers.
    “You love me?” he asked. At first the word failed to hit the note. Gwen stared at him pointlessly. And as it begun to sink in, she realised what was asked. But she was afraid to answer.
    “Do you love me, Gwen?”
    “Lancelot… I actually…” words were really getting hard to come by.
    “It is a simple question Gwen. All I need is an honest answer from you.” he asked. Gwen sighed and closed her eyes. Lancelot was right. He deserves an honest answer from her. For all the pain she had caused him, he at least deserves one bit of honesty from her. She reopened her eyes.
    “Yes Lancelot. I love you” she finally said. Lancelot released her and stepped back, his features darkening.
    “Gwen? Is it true? But I thought you have always loved Arthur? How… I don’t understand?”
    “Neither do I, Lancelot! Trust me when I tell you my perception towards our love took a whole new turn today. I thought I loved Arthur, too, but something stirred in me and I realised it was you all along whom I loved and not Arthur! I don’t have any feelings for him at all. I can’t think of him the way I think of you.”
    “And the mistakes?”
    “I should have chosen you instead of Arthur. I would have deprived you the hurt you’d been hiding in your heart all this while… I caused you the pain, Lancelot. I drove you away, making you live a miserable life when you deserved better.”
    “No, my love… you didn’t have a choice. I never gave you the choice. I walked away from you, remember? I wanted you to be happy with the man you love and never considered what was in your heart. I was selfish and I regret that now. I thought you’d been happy all this time.”
    “And so did I… until you came back and started courting me. Believe me, Lancelot, it was those moments which gave me hope that we can be together. Your profound affection towards me proved your sincerity while your unshakeable hope of our reunion finally convinced me. It was then I decided I need to confess.”
    “Gwen…” Lancelot reached out and clasped her hand. Gwen smiled while he brought it to his lips and kissed it.
    “What about Arthur?”
    “What about him?” she asked as he stepped closer.
    “How will you tell him about us?”
    “To be honest, I never thought of that at all. My thoughts were completely spared for you that I haven’t given much consideration to that.”
    “Maybe we should now,”
    “I don’t think Arthur will understand, Lancelot. He loves me dearly and wouldn’t hesitate to harm you if he learns the truth.”
    “Then let me talk to him. I will make him understand.”
    “He will kill you! Are you out of your mind, Lancelot? No… let me talk to him. He will listen and I will make him understand. I can’t break his heart, Lancelot. Not like this and especially not with you in the picture. I need to be careful with what I say and that will reflect on how acceptable he is on the matter. It will take time and I need you to be patient.”
    “I will wait a lifetime for you, Gwen, if that’s what it takes for us to be together.”
    “Thank you, Lancelot,” Gwen said with another smile.
Outside the main hall, behind the door, Gaius stood quietly and watched the scenario in horror! Someone tapped his shoulder from the back. He turned around. Agravaine’s face was drawn and he was looking at Gaius in shock as well.
“What’s going on?” Agravaine asked his voice lowered yet harsh in anger.
“I am not sure myself, my lord.”
“Not sure Gaius? Look at them! This is disgusting; it’s a shame for Arthur and Camelot!! She is engaged to Arthur and will be the future queen of this kingdom and is this how she should be behaving? This is treason!”
“My lord, maybe there is an explanation for all this …”
“She is holding hands with a knight Gaius! A knight! What other explanation do I need to convince myself she had betrayed all our trust!!” Agravaine snapped.
“I know Gwen since she was a child, my lord, and she would never commit to such a despicable act. No, not this girl. And Lancelot isn’t the man who’d betray his king. No, I have good thoughts on him and knew him well. There is something else at play here, a foul play. We need to investigate this before concluding our judgement”
“Gaius… for all the respect I have for you, sometimes it pains me to admit how lame and conventional your methods are. We need immediate reactions not pathetic investigations. Gone are the days where my brother-in-law would seek your advice before judgments are made. This is a new Camelot and we have a young, intelligent king. A king who needs to make quick decisions so that his subjects would realise how strong a king Arthur is and will become. And what better way to prove himself than to judge a person close to his heart.”
“But sire, Gwen is …”
“I’ve seen and heard enough, Gaius! I may not know her as well as you do but I don’t hold any grudge against her or the knight. I gave my blessings to Arthur when he approached me about Gwen and believe me, Gaius, it pains me more than you think to reveal this to Arthur. But I need to do what I must. As his uncle, I’ll feel his pain but as his advisor, I will stand by his decision”
“Sire, please… let’s consider this before we tell Arthur. You said it yourself, as his uncle you feel his pain. Haven’t you seen their love? It will break them both, sire. They are still young and in love. It will shatter everything they believe in, it will lead them both to madness! Please, my lord! I am begging you to investigate this. There is something very wrong here, I can sense it. Let’s not be hasty in our judgments sire, please!!” Gaius pleaded.
“And what do you expect me to do, Gaius? Stand aside and watch that girl make fun out of my nephew? He loves her and she is taking him for granted! I will not let that happen, Gaius! I gave my word to my sister that I will protect her son and I intend on keeping my word. I will tell Arthur about them,” Agravaine said, whirled around and was about to leave when Gaius walked past him and raised his arm, stopping him short.
“Sire, please, let’s not be quick in jumping to conclusions. Arthur will be broken and as his uncle, you wouldn’t want that, do you? Let me speak to them. Find out what has happened and why are they committing such an act. I will get Merlin to…”
“Gaius stop!” Agravaine snapped, cutting off the physician hastily. “If you still want to stay in Camelot and serve the king, I suggest you stick to what you do best. This is an affair you need not meddle in. As the king’s uncle, I will take care of this issue and see proper actions taken. I want you to say away from this and tell that boy of yours to do the same as well if… you both still want to live here.” Agravaine said eyeing Gaius wickedly. “Do I make myself clear?” he asked. And when Gaius didn’t answer, he pushed the old man aside and walked past him, stopping a short distance from Gaius and turned back, his lips curling into a smirk. “If you still insist in putting your nose when it doesn’t belong, Gaius, I will personally see that you are removed both from the council and Camelot… for good!” And with that he turned back around and headed out.
Gaius stared after him but his heart ached remembering the words uttered by Agravaine. Worst, his mind was now in berserk. What is going on between those two? Why is Gwen behaving irrationally? And Lancelot? Arthur will be returning soon and if Agravaine was to tell him, Gaius dared not think what might erupt. Perhaps there is still time for him to end this before Arthur found out. He must put a stop to this. He couldn’t be bothered with Agravaine’s threat for all he could think was Gwen and Lancelot. He will put himself in this matter whether Agravaine likes it or not. Gaius was about to turn back to the main hall when a servant came running to him.
“Gaius, the king has returned from his hunting trip” the servant informed.
Gaius swallowed and cursed his luck. He nodded to the servant and watched him go. Still looking at the main hall, he though quickly. ‘Merlin!’ he thought and immediately set his foot towards the main square where the hunting party had just arrived.

Arthur climbed down from his mount and nodded at Agravaine who was standing at the stairs, waiting for him. Agravaine smiled and nodded back. Arthur pursed his lips and looked over at Merlin. Merlin knew what that look meant. Arthur was surprised. Surprised why Gwen wasn’t here welcoming them back like she had always done. Gwen would only give this moment a go if there was something else equally important for her to attend to. But this wasn’t like her at all. Busy or not, she had always made a point to be here whenever Arthur leaves or arrives back to the castle. Merlin shrugged his shoulders to Arthur and noted the disappointment in the king’s face. Yet, Arthur didn’t reveal his dismay and carried on as if it didn’t matter who welcomed him back. Merlin and the knights climbed down from their respective horses and waited for the page boys to steer the horses back to their stables. Merlin collected Arthur’s weapons, satchel and other things and followed the king as Arthur climbed up to meet his uncle.
    “Arthur… I was waiting for you.”
    “That can wait Agravaine. First I need to meet Gwen.” Arthur was about to pass Agravaine when the latter grabbed his arm and restrained Arthur. It surprised both the king and Merlin.
    “This can’t wait, I believe,” Agravaine’s tone was deep.
    “Agravaine, do you know whom you are speaking to!” Arthur’s annoyance showed and he wasn’t afraid to use this tone to his uncle, regardless how older the other man is. Behind them, Gaius arrived, his face worried and concerned but stopped short when he noted the king was conversing with Agravaine. Quickly he hid himself behind a large pillar. But Merlin spotted him and Gaius waved for him to come over. Merlin looked at Gaius pointlessly and another wave from the physician got the young wizard climbing the stairs in a hurry and heading to him.
    “I’m sorry Arthur. I’m sorry. I thought…” Agravaine released Arthur’s arm and bowed his head in shame. “I thought being your uncle gave me certain family privileges but looks like I had to wait in line like the others to have an audience with my own nephew.”
    “Uncle…” Arthur was feeling guilty now. He didn’t mean to hurt him when he spoke harshly a while ago. It just came off him instantly, in the thick of situation. He placed his hand on Agravaine’s shoulder to assure him.
    “I’m sorry too, Uncle. You have helped a great deal and will never forget what you’ve sacrificed. I’m sure Gwen will understand if I meet her a bit late. Now, tell me what urgent matter you wished to discuss,” Arthur asked. Agravaine looked at Arthur and bit his lip.

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