Arthur and Gwen Club
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posted by Theogirl
Guinevere stood in the doorway of their shared chambers silently contemplating her husband. He stood staring blankly out the window, unaware of her observance. The young princess was considering the best way to approach and comfort him. Knowing him as she did, she was aware he would attempt to convince everyone, including her, that he was fine. But she knew better than most what it meant to lose a parent. She had endured both her mother’s death and that of her father.

No one was ever completely ready to say goodbye and Gwen knew Arthur was no exception to this. Yes his relationship with Uther had been complicated. They had many issues, most remaining unresolved due to the elder’s declining mental state, but he was still Arthur’s father and the only parent he had ever known. For better or worse they were all each other had for a long time and now he was gone. Yes . . . she knew that feeling well.

The king of Camelot had faded into infamy in his sleep but before he departed he had at least given his son some solace in the form of an antique carved box that held some of his mother’s personal effects, including some letters the former queen had written. Arthur had been overwhelmed when Uther presented it to him just two days before he passed away, almost as if he knew his time was short. His desire to give the prince something he’d longed for—a piece of the mother he had never gotten to know—touched Gwen almost as much as his son.

Yet either from lack of time or nervousness, she knew he had yet to look upon the notes. His peace, though, appeared to come from having access to them more than indulging in them. His harmony, unfortunately, was once again thrown out of sorts by suddenly having his father gone from him with the added realization that he would soon be crowned king in his stead.

Though she personally had little love for the former king, Guinevere loved her husband immensely and knew he loved his father despite his flaws. This knowledge propelled her to want to comfort him and help him prepare to step into shoes he still seemed reluctant to fill. Finally she stepped further into their chambers and gently closed the door.

The sound alerted him that he was no longer alone and she watched as he attempted to wipe away, what she was sure were, tears before his visitor could make it to his side. Gwen was determined, however, not to let him bottle up whatever he was feeling and so after quickly closing the distance between them she softly spoke for the first time, “Arthur.”

His shoulders appeared to relax some when he recognized her voice but he made no move to turn towards her so she tried again.

“Arthur, please do not hide yourself from me.”

Her quiet plea was enough to finally get him to turn, exposing his red rimmed eyes and heart wrenching countenance. Instinctively, Guinevere raised a hand to his still slightly damp cheek and tenderly stroked it.

“My Love . . . I am so sorry.”

His stoic facade crumbled so suddenly it caught both of them completely off guard. Without a word he engulfed her in his warm powerful embrace before she heard and felt quiet sobs rising from him. Never had her husband been one for emotional displays but she found herself being secretly thankful that he felt he could be this vulnerable with her. She easily decided to just let him grieve without comment. He needed this and as his wife she felt it her duty to make sure he received all that he needed.

So for a long while the young couple stood in the midst of their room simply holding, caressing and consoling each other until finally Guinevere felt her husband’s breaths even out and he slowly began to withdrawal from their clutch. He used one of his hands to wipe at his tear stained face. Gwen studied him and his actions and could sense he was also preparing to retreat from his moment of what he would view as weakness. His own gaze strayed from hers as softly he began his retraction.

“I’m sorry . . . I shouldn’t have indulged . . .”

Gwen, though, firmly cut him off, “Don’t do that. I am your wife. If you cannot be open with me than whom?”

His saddened blue gaze found hers again and he appeared tempted to say something more but before he could she continued, more gently this time.

“You do not have to always be brave and strong, especially not for me,” she paused and framed his face in her hands before continuing, “I want you to be able to lean on me when you need to, alright?”

Arthur sighed lightly before giving a slight nod of his head and responding, “Thank you.”

She smoothed a thumb across his lips to pause his words, “There is no need.”

He placed a soft kiss against the same digit before gently replying, “There is. I know there was no love lost between you and my father yet you are willing to hold me while I grieve him.”

“I do that for you. Always for you. No, Uther was not my favorite person but he was my king and your father. Without him Camelot would not exist and neither would the man I love,” she returned with a warm smile.

Arthur reciprocated her smile with a small one of his own, “You are so amazing.”

She blushed at his words before quietly replying, “As are you and I know, as I have always known in my heart, that you will make an excellent king.”

And there it was again. The way she could always seem to read him and know where his true thoughts lay. Yes, he mourned his father’s passing but in truth his biggest worry was what was to come. His coronation would take place the day after his father’s interment and he was petrified of the implications. Though he had been prince regent for a while now, there was always that hope that his father would recover enough to retake his place but now . . .

He gazed down into his wife’s knowing warm eyes and marveled that she knew him so well. To know he would be apprehensive about his new role. She again showed him why she was his beacon through any darkness.

“You always have so much faith in me. I still do not understand where it comes from.”

Her smile bloomed as one of her hands slipped from his face and came to rest on his chest just above his heart.

“Because of this. When you listen to this, trust in your heart you, Arthur Pendragon, can do amazing things. I have seen what you are capable of when you let your heart be your guide. Going on a perilous mission to retrieve a cure for Merlin, helping to defend his village, standing up for your people against unfair taxes, bucking centuries of tradition to allow commoners to become knights. . . “

“Taking a former servant with the noblest heart I know to be my bride,” he quietly concluded.

Guinevere modestly nodded to his addition before carrying on, “All these things convince me that my faith in you will never be misplaced. You will make Camelot even more grand than your father could have hoped and by doing so you will honor him and do your kingdom proud.”

Another small smile flittered across his face as he gently corrected, “Our kingdom, my future Queen.”

Guinevere’s eyes widened as she herself had been deliberately ignoring what Uther’s death meant for her status as well. She was preparing to take on a new role as well. One she was more than a little unsure she was ready for. The first hint of laughter from her husband snapped her out of her mild panic and she returned her focus to him and noticed the look of mild amusement etched on his once stoic face. At least some of the heaviness had been lifted and she lightly replied in kind, “Indeed.”

Then with a tender beam, she softly added, “I know it is not the same but you have me, Elyan, the knights and even Merlin.”

Arthur playfully scoffed at the last one to which his bride replied, “Oh, stop it. You know Merlin is like a brother to you.”

This time he simply rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, the point is that you still have a family, unorthodox as it may be. You are not alone in this,” she tenderly concluded.

The couple then stood quietly contemplating each other for a long moment before Arthur thoughtfully raised a hand to her cheek and gently caressed it.
“You always seem to know exactly what I need to hear.”

Gwen’s smile faltered slightly as she softly replied, “Not always.”

She had been debating since Uther’s passing how and when to bring up what would become another life altering experience for both of them. With so much going on she was unsure if now was the time for such news. Her husband, however picked up on the seriousness behind her words and instantly inquired about the change in her demeanor.

“Guinevere . . . something is troubling you?”

His wife did not answer right away causing him to press, “Guinevere? Are you worried about your future role?”

She bit her lip and sighed. She would not lie to him. She couldn’t.

“Yes. But that is not where my mind is just now.”

“Then where is it?”

Guinevere looked into his troubled eyes and began to curse herself for adding to his worries. Weakly, she tried to backtrack, believing it was best left for another time. Besides a big part of her was worried what she had to say wouldn’t be fully embraced in the current circumstance.

“I am unsure if now is the time for such discussion. Your father and the coronation should be our focus right now.”

Arthur, though, was having none of that. She had obviously piqued his interest and he pressed her, “If there is something you need to tell me, do so.”

Gwen sighed again before reluctantly yielding, “You remember how I have been so tired lately and generally out of sorts? We both chalked it up to me getting used to my new duties.”


“Well, I finally felt so disoriented by it that I went to see Gaius and after his examination he informed me I had a specific condition that was causing all these changes.”

Her husband face displayed his anxiousness, “And?”

Guinevere was still hesitant to get into this. The last thing she wanted to do was add to her husband’s stress but as she looked into his now worried blue eyes she knew she would have to share or risk doing just that. So with another light sigh she moved to take a seat on their bed and patted the space next to her.

With a gentle smile that belied her nervousness, she said, “I think you might need to sit down for this.”

“Guinevere, please just tell me. Are you sick? Is there something wrong Gaius can’t cure because if so I will go to the ends of the five kingdoms if I have to find someone who can, “he began to ramble with panic evident in his tone.

Gwen held out a hand to him and cursed herself again for not just keeping her mouth closed until after his ceremony.

“No, Love, that is not it. Please just come and sit with me and I will explain.”

Arthur finally did as she asked engulfing the proffered hand in his and holding on to it as though doing so would keep him from losing her. She studied his handsome face for a long moment, still marveling that someone like him loved her this much. He was so concerned about her well- being. Gwen could only pray her news would be a blessing and not impairment to that.

They had, after all, only been married a few months. There was so much both still had to learn and adjust to and now there would be something else added to that mix. She was finding it decidedly difficult to find the words and her anxiousness was having a clear effect on him. It was Arthur, this time, attempting to soothe his young bride as he placed his free hand upon her cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb.

“Guinevere, I too want you to feel like you can say anything to me. Please just tell me, no matter what it is.”

She took another quick moment to absorb his touch and words before she pushed past her nervous stomach and quietly stated, “Do you know that when you say my name, I am completely defenseless.”

He gave her a small smirk as his face inched closer to hers and he softly retorted, “Well, in that case . . . Guinevere.”

“I’m with child, Arthur,” was her sudden declaration.

Almost instantly, she felt his hand drop from her face and the warmth of his breath, which had seconds before had been caressing her face, depart from her. Her eyes immediately went to his face and for the first time, maybe ever, she could not read the expression there. His face was a blank mask and instantly she regretted sharing it this way and in this moment.

Straightaway, she began to try and back track, falling back into the stammering young handmaiden she had once been.

“I shouldn’t have said anything. Not today . . . not when you have so much on your plate already. I should have waited for a more appropriate time. I am so . . . “

But before she could finish her thought, she felt her husband’s full lips colliding with her own. At first it was just a delicious press of contact but he soon moved his lips more sensuously against hers and despite her confusion, she gave in accepting his kiss and returning it with equal vigor.

His hands were now in her hair pulling her closer while Gwen held on to his wrist and forearms to keep her balance. When the pair was finally forced to take in air, his hold remained steady and with his forehead resting against hers, he gently chastised, “Never apologize to me for something so . . . wonderful.”

Gwen gave an uneasy smile, “You’re not upset?”

“Upset? Why would I be upset when you have just given me the greatest gift I could have ever asked for? I’m going to be a father.”

“Yes, you are,” she quietly returned with a less tense smile.

Arthur’s own smile grew, “How long have you known?”

“Just a few days. I’d been trying to think of the best way to tell you but with everything that had happened recently, it just never seemed like the appropriate time to broach the topic.”

“Why now then?”

Guinevere’s lips trembled slightly and she bit it to still it before replying, “Seeing you so upset about what you’d lost, I was kind of hoping, I guess, that the news might help you see all you still have.”

He shook his head and marveled anew at the beautiful kind spirit sitting before him. Her compassion, love and understanding continued to overwhelm him. He leaned in a stole another soft, quick peck of her lips before saying, “As long as I have you and now our child at my side, I will never forget that my gains always outweigh my losses.”

This time Gwen was able to give him a more genuine smile, “I’m glad.”

The couple stayed that way for a bit longer before Arthur finally released her, only to take her by the hand and bring her to her feet with him. Then with all the enthusiasm of a child with a new toy, he began leading her towards the door. She put on the brakes before he could open it and asked, “And just where are we going?”

“To share our news, of course.”

“Arthur, wait. Think about this. We have a burial and two coronations to deal with right now. Do you really think piling baby news on top of all of that is best?” she logically replied.

He stared at her for a moment but made no move to respond which prompted her to continue.

“Gaius suggested that we wait a bit to announce him or her just to be cautious. There will be plenty of time to share but for now,” she paused and brought his other hand to her still firm midsection, “can we just enjoy this as a couple?”

Arthur looked from her beautiful eyes to his hand now resting on her stomach and then back to her eyes as he smiled lovingly, “Do you know that when you look at me that way, I can deny you nothing? “

His words again brought a blush to her face but her moment of coyness was cut short when she watched him, surprisingly, lower himself before her. Her eyes widened as he then lovingly rested his head where his hand had been moments before. The moment of quiet reverence for what they had created together, in love, overwhelmed her completely.

To have this man, her husband and soon to be king lower himself before her in such a way and wrap her in his strong embrace spoke to her soul like few things have. Her hands gradually found their way into his soft, flaxen locks and she closed her eyes against tears that were now threatening as she heard him softly whisper again to her abdomen.

“I’m going to be a father.”

Guinevere’s tears ultimately refused to be denied as she tenderly leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on the crown of his head before quietly answering, “A brilliant one.”
Born To It
Born To It
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