Avatar: The Last Airbender Club
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posted by zanhar1
Azula was honestly exhausted. She should not have run off like that, and was in the middle of mentally scolding herself. The whole thing was completely straining.

Even with Cheng’s help, the amount of stress she’d put on her body that night was overwhelming. She was just so used to bring able to do whatever she pleased, and with little effort.

By the time the pair reached home, Azula ached all over. Particularly in the lower back region.

She thought about complaining to Cheng about it, but she figured that she’d already given him enough of an earful. So instead, with a wince, she eased herself down onto the nearest sofa—in a laying position and stared at the ceiling.

Cheng re-entered the room with a steaming cup of tea. He set it on the coffee table next to her.

She muttered a thank you and rolled onto her side. But that wasn’t very comfy either so she ended up on her back again shortly after.

Cheng found a seat on the end of the sofa. He placed one hand on her belly and with the other he took her hand. “You alright?”

“Yeah. Fine.” Azula replied. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the truth either.

“You going to talk to your brother?”


“He was worried you know.” Cheng pointed out.

“Good for him.”

“Do you want to get to bed?”

“I’m not walking all the way up the stairs.” Azula declared.

“I’ll bring our blankets down here then.” Cheng decided. He kissed her forehead and headed for the stairs.

“See if P’Li is sleeping. If she’s still up she can come down here with us.”

Cheng nodded.

Azula sat herself up and took a sip from the cup of tea. She then returned it to its place on the coffee table and lie back down, hands rubbing in small, soothing circles around her tummy.

Cheng returned to Azula’s side. “She was asleep.”

Azula nodded.

“But your brother isn’t…”

“I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” Azula said with a dismissive wave.

“Please, Azula, talk to me now.” Zuko appeared on the stairwell.

“I’m not going with you Zu-Zu.” Azula said without consideration.

“We don’t have to talk about that yet.” Zuko sat down.

“Then what are we going to talk about?”

“I don’t know. Normal things. How is your family life? How did you meet them? Why’d you name her P’Li?” Zuko posed a few questions. “I shouldn’t have just went ahead asking for favors. I really didn’t even ask how you’ve been.”

“I’ve been wonderful Zu-Zu. As I said, things a great here, not much happens, but I like it that way. So many things used to happen all at once, this is refreshing.” Azula sat herself up again.

“I told him a little bit about how I met you.” Cheng pointed out.

“So I’ve realized.”

“Well why don’t you tell the rest of the story? I’d like to hear it—I’m sure it’s a lot more fascinating than Fire Nation political affairs.” Zuko laughed.

“It is.” Azula answered with a self-satisfied smirk.

“Well then, let’s hear it.” Zuko prompted. “Beginning to end.”

It was nearly sun up. She’d been up all night. She could still hear Zuko calling out to her, begging her to come back, claiming he wanted to help her.

She didn’t want help. Epically not from him. This was his fault. And so she took off into an all-out sprint. Azula didn’t know where she was going or why. She just wanted to leave. Perhaps to outrun her own mind.

It was a pathetic attempt really. Azula couldn’t possibly run away from herself. But she hoped to God that she’d run into a spirit of some sort that could take away the pain…that the Forgetful Valley would live up to its name and take away everything that’d happened to her since the comet.

She’d hoped for too much.

She’d instead, hit a dead end.

It was foolish on her behalf.

A move so impulsive that Azula had sealed her own fate. Even if she could find her way out of the Valley, she’d have no food nor money to buy it. She didn’t even consider that when she’d run off.

So she kept moving forward. At least she could find food in the jungle. At least she could find water…

Azula kept running until day became night again. By which time, she’d collapsed.

It was a cold night, and she had no means of sheltering herself. So she simply curled herself into a ball and shivered.

Shivered and sobbed bitterly to herself, feeling as though she couldn’t do much more. No amount of fire could fix the mess she’d gotten into, she couldn’t burn her way out of this one and there was no one to control or yell at but herself.

And she couldn’t even manage to control herself, much less other people.

After a certain point she’d decided to stop sulking, at least long enough to give herself some warmth. The fire she’d bent for herself wasn’t much heat, but it was something. It would have to do.

Azula had awoken several times that night. Mostly because she’d thought she heard something; in which case she bolted upright, ready to blast whatever it was with fire. More than half the time it was all in her head.

And her head had a way of obscuring things. So much so that she had to dim the fire down so the shadows would cast in such an eerie way. So much so that even the wind rustling the leaves was a bad omen or an evil spirit in the manifestation.

And so Azula gave up on trying to sleep. She sat there huddled up against a tree, hugging her knees closely to her body.

It didn’t take very long for the hunger to set in. Azula had nothing other to do than focus on the dull ache. She hadn’t eaten the morning before, she was too preoccupied. She regretted it with every fiber of her being at that moment.

She longed to go find something to eat but she’d have to wait until morning. She may have been crazed enough to dash into the jungle, but she wasn’t dumb enough to explore it at night.

Azula was about to go back on that one. She had stood herself up—flame in hand to light the way—when a flash of light hissed by. It was followed by another and another.

Her head was spinning as fast as the spirits.

She closed her eyes and told herself that it was all in her head. She tried so hard to believe herself. But she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t fool herself. Her hallucinations had a very different feeling from this.

The spirits circled about for a few more minutes. Lingering around Azula. Observing the invasive woman. This was their home and Azula intruded in.

That first night—the first of many—was the hardest. After a week or so she’d grown used to the sounds and the shadows. They were no longer a threat.

Nor were the spirits, she knew they were there, but she grew used to their presence… Just like she’d grown use to the hunger pains.

The spirits almost seemed accepting of her now.

One of them had even led her to a small creek, by which grew an abundance of fruit.

It was there that she’d built herself a makeshift shelter.

After another week, Azula had worked up the nerves to explore the jungle deeper; she’d followed the creek eastbound. About a half a mile down, the creek came to a stop near the mouth of a cave.

The opening was narrow, Azula had to drop to her knees to get in, but she did it nonetheless. Upon crawling through it was rather roomy. Azula could stand with ease—though she could still reach up and touch the ceiling without much effort.

It would do fine.

Though she’d have to do some walking whenever she wanted food.

After a while, Azula had lost track of the days completely. They all just seemed to blend together. Day and night nearly became one in the same. Slowly it all seemed to fade away. Time had no meaning. Nor did memories.

She soon cast them aside. Words were also rather meaningless, with no one to talk to. So they were also pushed aside to make room for new skills.

It just happened so slowly Azula didn’t even realize it.

added by hetalianstella
Source: Tumblr
posted by Disk
Hey, guys; sorry about the long wait! This is a sequel to The Moments Ahead. Hope you like it!

It was a cool night just outside of Ba Sing Se. Aang and his friends were camping outside the walls, under the stars.
"Ahh!" Aang let out a short scream as he shot up from his sleeping bag.
"Aang...nightmare...Katara...fix it..." Sokka murmured sleepily from his tent.
Katara sat up and sighed. "I'm going..." She and Aang weren't in tents; they insisted they sleep outside.
Katara walked over to Aang. She knelt next to him. "Are you okay?"
"N-no," he whimpered, still scared. "But I will be...go back...
continue reading...
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Tumblr
added by 101musastella
Source: deviantART
posted by RegisterAgain
5. Dock/Xu/Bushi

I loved Dock/Xu/Bushi from the moment he appeared. He looked like he would have an awesome personality. I know he only appears in the episode "The Painted Lady", but he was still ranked 5 for me. He has an awkward, crazy personality as of having three in one. I loved it when his third personality, Bushi said this line: "Dock's a crazy!". And he's all three, so he is crazy.

4. Sokka

Sokka's friendly, upbeat, and funny with a clumsy streak. Sokka is just like Stella in Winx Club, they both always try to cheer up their friends. Sokka has an extreme interest in weapons, and...
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added by BB2010
Source: deviantart
Okay I was reading on wiki about the new legend of korra episodes okay and sokka married Suki and they had a daughter called Sukia and she's a kyoish warrior I think they call her Cheif Sukia so it isn't sokka sorry tokka fans I'm also I big fan of tokka to sad face :( but I don't know who lins father is yet I'm guessing its Ohev or Duke so maybe there's hope... Not for tokka fans thou...but these people called Dragon men are after korra. And asmai and mako break up and mako and korra r cuter n ever:) but she's on a journey to master the spirt world and stop these people trying to Kill her and her friends to...and Aang appears to in a couple of episodes and lots of flashbacks it's really fun the episodes should come out in a couple of months (my guess) this book is called Sprits you wanna know anything else n inbox me fan me or wiki yourself..
added by BB2010
Source: deviantart
by Avatar: The Last Airbender
northern water tribe
book 1
avatar: the last airbender
legend of korra
sky bison
added by zanhar1
Source: kitsuk8
added by zanhar1
Source: ssophoo
added by shadowsonlygirl
the last airbender
posted by avatarluver990
lol you guys are porbably gonna kill me cuz im uploading a new fan fic when I should be continuing that other fan fic I made XDD. Well, im sorry XDD but I've actually uploaded this on my dA and I thought you guys might like it too ^^ Sorry if later on in the story it resembles to TLOK(The Legend of Korra), I'm NOT trying to copy the story, but in fact, I was inspired by it to create this fan fic...so sorry :

Water, Earth, Fire, Air.

    Ever since I was a little girl, my grandfather would tell me stories about my ancestors, the proud people of the Water Tribes. He said that...
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Its been a long time since we last saw the avatar gang. I really loved them. And saw who they really were. Micheal has suffered a lot ever since Kayla left. But the good thing is, He realized she saved him for one reason, that she loved him enough to die for him.

I'm in high school now, and It's pretty cool. Micheal is still on the basketball team with Eli. Sam joined the swim team and I have volleyball of course. I love my life now, even if I am the Avatar. The Gavin family are our family friends. We consider them second cousins. Thats why they came camping with us for our family Reunion.

And best of all, I've mastered all elements. I hadn't seen Hayden in while. Turns out she got new neighbors. They have this crazy daughter she babysits all the time named Takani. And Micheal got new neighbors too. One of them is named Kayla. She has a little brother named Dishi.

And she's a fire bender.

posted by greenstergirl
"Thats not possible! A person can't have two elements!" My mother said while staring at the baby. His blue eyes seemed to change back to the original color he had before, brown.

"I think it might be possible. But why did his eyes change color?" Sam asked confused while tickling Dishi's tummy.

All of us were stumped so we left to go back home. Katara and Dishi needed to rest.

At home after we all went back to bed I went over to Aang's house for air bending practice. The outside walls were painted a pretty tree green and there were lots of different colored flower beds surrounding the house. I...
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posted by avatarluver990
Sorry it's been so long guys! I had a lot to do, terribly sorry! Anyways, I hope you like this chapter ^^

Part 5: Zuko

Damn life. I hate this damn life. I wish I was dead.

But instead, I got a scar...cursed kharma
My parents got divorced, and with my luck, my dad got custody of me and my sister, Azula. So my mom had to move far from here.

I haven't seen her in six years.

So far, my life has been a living hell. My sister's a bitch, and my dad's a monster.

Yay me...

How I wish I was someone else...oh how...

I was walking home from school, my sister was a block ahead of me, her friends, Mai and TyLee,...
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by Hello Future Me
Netflix's Live Action Avatar: The Last Air Bender chances the dynamic between Aang and King Bumi, but is it for the better?
one key relationship
The Avatar will return, with AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER renewed for Season 2 and Season 3 at Netflix. To tell the cast -- Gordon Cormier, Dallas Liu, Kiawentiio, Ian Ousley and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee -- star Daniel Dae Kim...
avatar: the last airbender
t react
season 2 & 3