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posted by Canada24
Steve Jobs (Ian): So buy the iPhone 5... OR I'LL #$%^ YOUR #$%@ AND @#$%$ YOUR @#$%!.. (smiles)

Ian: (evilly) Here you go Mom! (giggles evilly)
[Ian's Mom eats the donut and starts choking]
Ian: Die mom! (laughs)
Ian's Mom: (coughs) Just a sprinkle.
Ian: (visibly upset) But you're supposed to DIE!
[Ian starts crying]
Ian's Mom: Oh, honey, honey, you can try to kill me again later.

Anthony: So I woke up super-glued to the toilet seat. And the toilet was filled with poop. I mean FILLED, like 10 people just decided not to flush. I started gagging so I flushed the toilet... and then it started overflowing with me still glued to the seat. So there I was, glued to the toilet and being hit with wave after wave of other people's poop.

Ian: (smirks) Dude, you're totally gonna lose this one! Burritos are made out of, OK - one: cement, and two: Donald Trump's old skin!
Anthony: Yeah, but I tried both of these things, and they TASTE JUST FINE!!

Anthony: Let's do.. the skissors!
Ian: What?
Anthony: (points at Scissors) These skissors!
Ian: "Oooh, you mean the skis-órs? YEAH! LET’S DO IT!!

Anthony: Let's go, burrito! Come back to me!
[Anthony throws the burrito, which comes back, soaring straight over his head and keeps going]
Burrito: (voiced by Ian) SEE YOU LATER, F*GGET!!

Anthony: Anyway, what about the abilty to hear your dog's thoughts?
(Anthony is sitting on a couch, eating a hot dog. A dog stares at him)
Dog: Hey, give me the hot dog! Give me the hot dog! Hey give me the hot dog! Give me the hot dog! Hey, give me the hot dog! Give me the hot dog! JUST GIVE ME THE GODDAMN HOTDOG!!

Anthony: How about the ability to turn into water?
(Ian takes a glass of water and drinks it)
Anthony: NOOOOOO!
(Camera pans to Anthony)
Anthony: That's my water!

Anthony: Yeah, but what about the ability to detect when your friend's feeling really akward, 'cause you've been sitting on his lap this entire time.
Ian: (was sitting on the lap the entire time) Why would you ever need that power?

Anthony: (enthusiastically) Dig me a hole to China, burrito! [starts digging] I wanna see some Chinese people!
[After a short while, Anthony stops digging in confusion, and then unearths a blue vase. The Merchant from Resident Evil 4 appears]
The Merchant: Greetings, stranger! What are you selling?
Anthony: This is...this is a vase!
The Merchant: Ahh! I'll buy it at a high price! [Gives Anthony money in exchange for the vase]
Anthony: (excited) Oh! Eleven bucks?! WOO! YEAH!

Reporter: (about Smosh) We're reporting live on how an emo-hair loser and bowl-hair reject managed to get so many views on their stupid videos right in this house. (gets attacked by zombies)
Anthony: (not realizing it's them) Man, I wanted to make fun of those stupid-haired losers!

Ian: I'll bet your churro can't be a pink frosted sprinkled donut!
Anthony: Oh, yes it CAN!
Ian: Oh, Yeah!? No it can't because your churro isn't pink, it isn't frosted, it isn't sprinkled , and it's definitely not PINK!
Anthony: Well maybe if I ca-
Ian: Well yeah?! yeah?! so you know what? F!#K YOU!!

Narrator: It's been 13 hours, how do you feel now?
Jim: Must keep working, must never stop working, must always work, I love to work!
Boss: Jim, go home, everybody already left.
(Jim turns to his boss and screen turns red)
Jim (demonically possessed voice): NOT RIGHT NOW CHIEF, I AM IN THE FRICKING ZONE!!
(Jim turns back to his computer and keeps typing)
Jim: (normal voice) I love work I am going I will keep on typing If I stop typing I will die *laughs maniacally*

Narrator: 15 hour energy, because taking care of yourself with a proper diet and sleep is f**king stupid!

Dickle: And if you don't believe the Potter Pill will work for you, just listen to these satisfied customers.
(the customers are seen dead)

Dickle: It's even FDA approved.
Dr. Peacock: (has a gun over his head) This product is FDA approved.

Ian: What the hell does GPS stand for!?
Anthony: I don't know, it's just a cool combination of letters that don't mean anything, like USA.

Anthony: Let's take a stab at your mom with my dic- (shows book) -tionary!

Ian: Why did you tell your grandpa I'm gay?
Anthony: Cause he was old and it made him happy!

Ian: What was that noise!?
Anthony: I don't know.. You should go check it out by himself, where nobody can hear you, and without bringing any form of weapon, just take this (gives him flashlight).
Trevor shows to be extremely protective of those he cares for. He threatens ANYONE who disrespects them. And his anger of Brad's death show's he truly did care about the man.
But Trevor is ALSO impetuous, vengeful, psychotic, unhinged, unpredictable, untamed, infamous, sociopathic and prone to violent outbursts and destructive rampages - in the second trailer he smashed an unknown person's head into a bar counter and was then seen setting a house on fire and walking out of the area without a care in sight. He does everything in an awful and relentless manner, (much...
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The Majr: Gentlemen… we… are Nazis!
Nazis: Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
The Major: And we… Will have war!
Nazis: Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
The Major: And we… AND WE… *sneeze*
Nazis: Gesundheit! Gesundheit!

Doctor: But Major, now that they know of our plans...
Major: Ah, Herr Doctor, but that is the plan~! Now that they know our plan, they will plan around our plan, and so we shall in turn plan around the plan that they are planning around our plan!!
Doctor: ...Your brilliance knows no bounds!
Major: And regardless... We have one advantage that they sorely lack... ZEPPELINS!

The Major: Ah, if...
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posted by Canada24
There's a certain part of Eminem that most would call me the same as.
Marshal is famish for having a very dark humour, much like myself.
But in this one, he manages to take it a step to far, as he's barely even singing, really just screaming.
Eminem, thanks his many talents, makes us believe he might of actually done this (witch he doesn't, Kim is his X wife, an it was just "wishful thinking"). Eminem is never the killer he is in his songs, it's just his humour. He's probably pretty nice, who really know..


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It started with my 3 year old son screaming in his room in the middle of the night. When I came in to check on him he was in hysterics. Tears ran down his little cheeks as he cried about how the Boogeyman had frightened him. I let him sleep with my wife and I for the night, thinking it was just a bad dream.

The next evening he didn’t even want to be in his room, but I convinced him that the Boogey Man was just a figment of his imagination. I was awoken once more by his screams. I rushed to his room, to find him in tears again.

On the third night I set up a camcorder in his room, in order...
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MAN: Young man? You trapped in the Seventies? Nobody says "young man".
What else you gonna say? "Fresh"?
LAZLOW: Look--whatever, homeboy. Listen. Tell me what the kids are into. I gotta connect with the kids. Not my private parts, you know, but--that's for online--but, what are you out doing?
MAN: Yo, I'm delivering weed.
LAZLOW: But, you--you're only like thirteen.
MAN: Exactly. I won't go to prison.

GIRL: Yeah, um, oh, my God, am I on the radio!?
LAZLOW: Do you not realize that? This is a microphone, stupid!

Alan McClean: Speaking gives an atmosphere of fear!.. Waterboarding gives an atmosphere...
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posted by Canada24
"HOLLY FUCK! IT's FUCKIN BURNING!.. The whole place!... I've got to go in! I've got to get something!" Roman cried, seeing Dimitri and Burgarini have literary burnt down Roman's apartment, and Roman tried running into it, but Niko held him back.

"Leave it, cousin! This place is gone" Niko replied.

"THEY FUCKIN BURNT IT NIKO!... Do you know how long it took me to get a place of my own!? You got off the boat and I was here for you... I had NOTHING!.. nobody!.. I worked my way up from the fucking dirt!"

They reach Roman's taxi business only to see it has ALSO been burnt down, further angering Roman....
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Why is canada a safe country?
"Cause the mighty king Goose gives us food to eat. And perverts say please ad thank after each rape..

Every time I get masterbate, I get angry and throw my turtle against a wall"
"I don't think your masterbating in the RIGHT way"

Halloween falls on a Friday the 13th this year for the first time in 666 years. I’m totally stabbing someone.
"You two huh?"

The devil has five letters and so does weed:
"Good for you, here's a lollipop"

Why are Americans stupid?
"Cause they are close to Canada"

Why are ALL Americans obese, stupid and religious?
"Because ALL Canadians like hockey"

Is America planning to invade Vancouver?
"No, that's Japen"

Do they have trees in America?
"Coarse not"
How do I become sarcastic?
"You answer questions such as THIS one"

My house is on fire, what do I do?
"You get off the fuckin computer and go outside!"

Can you get pregnant from watching porn?
"Only on wednesdays"

Every time I drink alcohol I feel sad.
"Your not drinking ENOUGH of it!"

I was having sex with my sister and got a cramp in my leg.

Why are babies ugly at first?
"YOU try living inside a woman's vigina for so long!"

How do I become a Justin Bieber fan?
"You take a large blow to the head. Maybe jump off a cliff as a start."

Is is normal to be in love with your dog?
"... You need help"...
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Trevor has been described as a difficult person to deal with, extreme, impetuous, vengeful, psychotic, unhinged, unpredictable, untamed, infamous, sociopathic and prone to violent outbursts and destructive rampages.

Although Trevor is this kind of person, he has shown many times how needy he is for love and care. He tells Michael repeatedly how much he mourned him, to the point that he got a memorial tattoo with Michael's name on it. As he was being confronted by Floyd and Debra, he told them how much he wanted to be with them. His relationship with Patricia was also a display...
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posted by Canada24
West: It can give the most ordinary of intelligences a remarkable insight.
John: I'll give you insight -- I'll show you what your guts look like.

French: Ya, keep on talking there, Irish! In about 15 more seconds your whole world's gonna turn black!
(John Marston walks into the barn)
John: What's up, boys?
(Welsh and French let go of Irish and turn to face John)
Welsh: Fuck off, boyo. This don't concern you!
John: When a man with a sing-song voice tells me to fuck off, it always concerns me, boyo.
French: Look here, this paddy bastard stole our gun. Tried to steal our horses. Law is clear on...
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best known for his role as voice actor and motion capture artist of John Marston in the 2010 video game Red Dead Redemption.
Rob Wietoff Nominated 2 or 5 times for performance. And honestly I'll be pissed he HADN'T been.
The voice is everything.
And Rob's voice really makes John's sarcastic, ill tempered, murderious personality a true delight..

an American actor, voice actor, singer and musician who has appeared in television shows such as Sex and the City and Law & Order.
In the game world he is famish for being NIKO BELLIC. And was nominated several...
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posted by Canada24
Niko: (bangs into someone) Only in this country do they let blind people drive!

Niko: (sarcastically) God bless this city!

Niko: [when drunk and hailing a cab] Yellow car!

Vlad: Oh, that's funny. You know, for a damn yokel you're a very funny guy.
Niko: [laughing] Yes. And for an annoying dick, you're really an annoying dick.

Gracie: [as Niko kidnaps her] I'll scratch your fuckin' eyes out!
Niko: Scratch my fuckin' balls, bitch!

Niko: (car bangs into him) OPEN YOUR EYES!!

Niko: (points gun at citizen) What!? It's just a gun!

Niko: (shooting) COME ON! Test me! TEST...
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posted by Canada24

Ditto: Chrysalis! Their still not cracking yet! Can I just beat it out of them already!?

Twilight: Why can't I move!?
Diito: (sadistically) Because Chrysalis felt that just a caged room wouldn't be enough for someone like you.. You 'deserved' something more special.. Don't you feel honored, love?
Twilight: YOU MONSTER!
Ditto: (takes this as compliment) Hawhaw. Thank you..

Ditto: Ya, that's right! Things are gonna be different for now on! No more Celestia! and, no, more, you!

AB: Please let us go! We have family's!
Ditto: ......... Family... Oh yes.. Of COARSE you have a family!...
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posted by Canada24
"(singing) I just want to be with my fruit!"

Guy: What you doing with it anyway?
Christian: You know. It's probably one of those things you SHOULDN'T ask about.

Jimmy: Let's go do this (loads gun)
Christian: Wait, is that real gu- JIMMY!!

"That is the blackest thing I ever heard in my life!"

Jimmy: Oh shit. What do I do?
Christian: Blame it on your dad..

"look everything's chill.. We'll chill!"

"My night was differently tighter than yours!"

Jimmy: Why are you holding a camera?
Christian: I'm taping.
Jimmy: No your not. Your on FaceTime.
Christian: Look. Just let me have this.. I'm bored as fuck over here.

"(crying) yo, I'm like, gonna kill self!... I just watched that fashion show.. And I realized... I'm never gonna have a girl who's that sexy.. I mean.. How are they all so perfect!?"

posted by Canada24
I push my fingers into my...
It's the only thing! That slowly stops the ACHHHE!
But it's made of all! The things I have to TAAAKE!!
Jesus, it never ends!! it works it's way inSIDDDDE!
If the pain goes on!

you don't always know where you stand!
Till you know that you won't run awaaaay!
There's something inside me that feels!
Like breathing in sulfurrrrrrr!

And the rain will kill us all!
Throw ourselves against the wall!
But no one else can see!
The preservation of the martyr in me!

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Dash: I'll explain... A thousand years ago, when Celestia banished Luna from Equestria and sent her to the moon, she was charged with three tasks. She originally was in charge of raising the sun, and showering the land with rainbows. But, with the moon being an additional task, she had to hand down the responsibility of rainbows. Celestia entrusted the Pegasi of Cloudsdale to make the rainbows for her from them on. For the first dozen years, we were given powerful unicorns to help create Spectra. Spectra is pure pigment, pure color. Everything is full of Spectra, but you can't just harvest...
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#1: SPIKE:
It's fair to say.
When I first became a brony. Spike was the one I liked.
Even though Twilight was always 'kinda' liked by me, she wasn't relatable till she became an Alicorn (take THAT alicorn haters).
Pinkie was no more than an ear bleeding annoyance until BABY CAKES.
Dash was 'kinda' cool. But I thought she was boy till episode three, where Twilight confirmed it was a girl.
AppleJack reminded me too much of Alberta.
Rarity reminded me of all the girls that ever rejected me.
Fluttershy was 'okay' I guess.
Point being.
Spike was the only one I could relate to. We are both sarcastic about...
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Scootaloo: (brings over the crusaders) Check it out. I rebuild Connor's universe portal
AB: Ohh.. But that's what brought that Dragonowitiz creep.
Scootaloo: Relax. I brought it too a 'different' ponyville universe.
AB: Are you sure this is safe.
Scoot: Sure. What's the worst that's out there.. (turns it on)
(before long a bunch of bat heads fling out of the portal)
Scoot: What the hec-
Brutaloo: *reveals herself dramatically* ... Huh, so that portal 'dose' lead somewhere..
Scoot: Um... hi.
AB: Hey. You must be the Scootaloo of that universe.. Are you any similar to 'our' Scootaloo?.
Brutaloo: Depends.....
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I don't have much to say about this guy..
But he's awesome...

What's not to love about a british guy screaming at traffic and well.... Everything..

They became so popular on SNL.
They have their own internet series.
And they probably began the "like a boss" meme..

#2: SMOSH:
I love these guys.
Don't even know why.. :)
But they became one of the highest paid youtube stars. Annual Earnings: $6.7 million.
the Smosh channel has more than 20 million subscribers and 4.6 billion video views.[4] The Smosh team has expanded to include others...
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posted by Canada24
Everybody who touched or held the diamonds besides Niko, Luis, Tony, Jerry Kapowitz and GTA Online Protagonist have been killed. Ironically, Jerry Kapowitz was not involved with them in any way, and never even knew of their existence, but was eventually the one to have them for himself.

Sometime before the events of the Grand Theft Auto IV saga, The Cook had stolen the diamonds from Ray Bulgarin. He then smuggles the diamonds by hiding them in cake batter, and brings them into Liberty City inside the Platypus, which is also bringing in Niko Bellic.

Eventually, Anthony "Gay Tony" Prince, his boyfriend...
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