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posted by HaleyDewit
Source: wikipedia

Prudence Halliwell

Prudence Halliwell, more commonly known as Prue, (October 28th, 1970 - May 17th, 2001) was the firstborn child of Patty Halliwell, a witch, and Victor Bennett, a mortal. She is the older sister of Piper and Phoebe, and half-sister of Paige Matthews. Prue's birth power was telekinesis, which allowed her to move objects with her mind. On March 24th, 1975, she was visited by a future version of herself. In November 1975, after two of Prue's sisters had been born, their grandmother Penny bound their powers to keep a warlock named Nicholas from killing them and stealing their powers. The memory of having had powers was erased by their grandmother. Six months after her grandmother's death, they regained their powers, becoming the prophesied Charmed Ones - the most powerful witches of all time. As the oldest of four sisters, Prue was regarded as the most powerful and fearless, and occasionally named a "Super Witch". During her life, Prue had to balance her destiny of defeating the forces of evil in San Francisco with taking responsibility for her sisters and leading a normal life as a successful business woman. Though she was tragically killed by Shax, the personal assassin of the Source of All Evil, in her third year of being a witch, Prue's character and skills ensure that she will never be forgotten, and it is hinted that she watched her sisters from her afterlife, though she did it silently and unseen.

Childhood and growing up
In high school, Prue was a very popular A-list student, President of the Student Council and a cheerleader. At some point, she also became rebellious, but it did not stop her from learning how to be responsible and protective of her family. She longed to be a professional photographer when she was young, perhaps as a psychic echo of her past life in the 1920s as one of Penny's aunts. At seventeen, the boy she thought she was in love with attacked her, incurring the wrath of an indignant Grams, who, according to Piper, presumably used witchcraft to make the attacker disappear from reality. When she was twenty, she got into a car accident, and blamed herself for hurting Phoebe, who was hospitalized after the accident.

When they went to college, Piper and Prue moved into an apartment together in North Beach. Prue took up History, and was a serious student, but still became popular. Later on, when their grandmother Penny became ill, they moved back to the manor. Prue became engaged to her boss Roger and she asked Piper to be her maid of honor. About this time, Penny took a picture of the three of them together in front of the manor. Penny planned to use a potion to strip the sisters of their powers permanently, which was against Patty's wishes, but Penny died before she could do it. It was also revealed that, in the days of their early childhood, the sisters had a pet dog named Rasputin, but lost him. Years later, when Phoebe cast a Lost and Found spell, Rasputin came back, but they did not get to keep him.
Prue, being the oldest sister, saw herself as the maternal figure of the household when her mother died; she was conservative, cautious and disliked surprises, and it was often left to the middle sister Piper to mediate between Prue and Phoebe, whom Prue regarded as immature, irresponsible and unpredictable. Although they still had occasional disagreements, their relationship improved a considerable deal over time, enabling the three sisters to stand united in spite of their notable differences.

Powers and Abilities
As the first-born witch, Prue's powers were most strongest of all four sisters. Prue came into her power with a mixture of shock and anger at her sister Phoebe, whom she blamed for her introduction to the Craft. Out of the four sisters, Prue struggled with her powers and her destiny the most, especially when dealing with her mother's past and death. When Prue finally embraced her destiny, she did so with all of her energy.
Prue originally had the power to move objects with her mind (telekinesis). Since anger was the trigger accessing her power, Phoebe intentionally pissed her off to make use her power and learn to accept her destiny better, by pestering on her headache, mentioning her ex-fiancée Roger, and finally talking about how she felt about their father and Phoebe herself, this provocation caused her to move every medicinal supply in the section as though her power expressed her emotions in her place. Her telekinesis was originally focused by squinting her eyes at her target; later, she learned to channel the ability through her hands, though she did this once in the first episode where she got angry at Roger. She held her hands in the air whilst she was walking away from him and closed them together as if strangling an imaginary neck. In response, Roger's tie tightened to the extent that he had to cut it off with scissors to stop it suffocating him. In the same episode, she demonstrated the ability to channel her telekinesis through speech, as seen when a jug of cream automatically slided its way towards her when she asked where it was. However, she never performed such a feat again.

After she learned to channel her powers through her hands, she was able to move objects sometimes out of her sight, as demonstrated in "Chick Flick" when she turned off a movie screen player in another room. She was able to deflect magical attacks, something she never did when she was still channeling the power through her eyes.

Astral Projection
As her powers developed, she later learned the skill of astral projection, the ability to project her mind from her body in a tangible state on the physical plane. In this state, Prue becomes unconscious while her mind projected into a concrete body. This power is triggered when she wants to be at two different places at the same times. Prue's astral-projected self is identical with herself except that she doesn't have her power of telekinesis. It is probably because all her telekinetic powers are fully employed in either keeping her two selves separate, or keeping her astral-projection self solid.

If Prue had lived, it is possible that she might have mastered the skill of still being able to use her telekinetic powers in astral-form. In Just Harried, her astral form began to manifest a will of its own to express the desires that she had kept inside her.

Basic Powers of a Witch
Aside from her teletinetic and astral projective powers, she also had the basic abilities of a regular witch, i.e. spellcasting, potion making and scrying. Although she was never quite as good at these skills as her two younger sisters.

She invented her first spell in Murphy's Luck (Season 2) when she provided a protective spell on a girl named Maggie Murphy, who was bestowed bad luck by a darklighter.

She acquired the skills of potion making throughout her years as a witch.

Possible Power Advancement
Advanced Telekinesis
In an alternate future, Prue's power of telekinesis advanced to the degree where she could use it to project potent energy blasts capable of massive destruction, as seen when she unintentionally blasted the entire wall of an attic with just a mere wave of her hand.

Although, this future didn't go as experienced, since Piper's 1st child was a boy, and Prue didn't ever get a higher position at her Job since she chose Photography instead. And another reason why Prue's Telekinesis probaly wouldn't advance in the first place is because she never practiced it in spare time or atleast shown control over it like her Grandmother Penny Halliwell.

Additional Powers
After Piper cast a power switching spell, she gained a Phoebe's power of premonition. She used it to track down an innocent named Daisy. After she was saved, Prue and Phoebe switched their powers back. (Love Hurts)

After casting the power switching spell herself, Prue gained a Darklighter's Touch of Death, however she used it to ultimately incinerate him; she commented that she never had to feel so much hate to activate that power. Before he was completely destroyed, Prue used the spell to switch back Phoebe's power. (Love Hurts)

Prue and Piper become telepathic after casting a spell 'To Hear Secret Thoughts'. Prue becomes convinced that her friend is a warlock after seeing him in two places and believing that he blinked but finds out that Jack has a twin brother named Jeff. The spell eventually wore off after she discovered the truth. (They're Everywhere)

When Prue was turned evil, as effect by unconsciously performing a marriage with a warlock named Zile, she was granted the traditional warlock power of blinking, and her telekinesis appeared to be stronger. This enhancement of power was removed after she and her sisters broke the bond that tied them to evil. (Bride and Gloom)

Prue accidentally acquired the power of empathy. She was trying to help the demonic hit man Vinceres, who was posing as a vagrant, and while trying to remove his empathy Vinceres passed it to her. She was almost destroyed by all the overwhelming emotions she could feel from others. However, with the help of Father Thomas, Prue was able to channel all the emotions she could sense into her telekinetic powers. In her battle with Vinceres, she was able to perform spectacular martial-arts feats that surpassed even those of Phoebe, who had more than two years of training by that time. The battle ultimately concluded with Prue astral-projecting into Vinceres' body, forcing him to feel all of the emotional baggage she'd been carrying. Vinceres was unable to handle it (since demons are unable to feel human emotion) and blew up; he'd long been thought to be invincible. By vanquishing Vinceres with this power, she was freed from it. (Primrose Empath)

Romantic life
In high school, Prue dated a man named Andy Trudeau. In college she dated the captain of the football team (who later trains to be a demonized human), Tom Peters.

Something Wicca This Way Comes

In her twenties, Prue met a man name Roger (her boss at the Museum of Natural History). They were engaged sometime later, but Roger kept coming on to Phoebe secretly, then claiming Phoebe was after him. Prue believed Roger but still broke off their engagement and later quit her job to get away from him.

Andy Trudeau
Something Wicca This Way Comes - Deja Vu All Over Again

Once Prue came into her powers, she invariably became involved in criminal cases involving murdered, missing, or otherwise harmed innocents. This led her to reunite with her childhood sweetheart, Andy Trudeau, who had become an Inspector with the San Francisco Police Department. Their feelings rekindled and began dating once more. The relationship was turbulent as Prue's secret witchcraft caused a lot of difficulties. She was regularly late or a no show for dates and appointments with Andy, much to his frustration. Eventually, Prue cast a truth spell on Andy without his knowledge, whereby 24 hours later, he would remember nothing from the past day. She used this to tell him the truth about herself to see if he could accept it. The answer was unsure, but leaned to the negative, and she eventually called the relationship off.

Prue and Andy
As their awkward encounters at crime scenes, victims and witnesses' homes increased, Andy's suspicions became aroused. It was revealed that he had considerable circumstantial evidence of the sisters' occult activities and their involvement in numerous cases. Eventually, Prue had no choice but to admit to her involvement and explain it. While Andy was skeptical, it was eventually proven to him that Prue was not working against him, and he eventually came to understand the true complexities of the relationship that went sour with Prue. However, once it looked like Andy and Prue might get a chance without the magical problem, Andy gave his life to save Prue and her sisters to ensure the good work they do continued.

After Andy's death, Prue did date a few people, though none were extremely memorable other than the possible Jack Sheridan or the mortal crime boss Bane Jessup.

Brendan Rowe
When Bad Warlocks Turn Good

Sometime after Prue broke up with Andy, she helped a half-blood warlock named Brendan Rowe and so fell in love with him before he gave himself into God and became a priest, and their relationship didn't go any further than a kiss.

Jack Sheridan
That Old Black Magic - Awakened

They met during a TV Auction where Jack snatched away Prue's auction. He later found interest in Prue and transferred to Buckland's to get closer to her. Although she hated him, she began to warm up to the person and they became good friends, and eventually started a short relationship before she discovered that he wasn't meant for her and ended their relationship the same day she quit her job.

Bane JessupBane Jessup
Ms. Hellfire & Give Me A Sign

When Prue went undercover as the assassin Ms. Hellfire to find out who was behind an assassination attempt on her and her sisters. Eventually, she discovered that the demon Barbas had hired Bane to kill the sisters. Bane then hired Ms. Hellfire to complete the job. Prue started falling in love with Bane, but had to have him arrested for conspiracy to commit murder once the entire plot was discovered and Barbas was destroyed. Bane Jessup appeared again trying to get Prue to help him clear his name. The two never saw each other again after this.

Short-lived Relationships
In season 3, she never had any real love interest, but rather shown romantic attractions to a few people, and dated some of them, Sean, Micah/Mitch & Justin Harper.

Bride and Gloom

Sometime later she was kidnapped by a warlock named Zile. Prue unconsciously got married to him by the dark priestess, Dantalian. Because of this dark bond, Prue became temporarily evil and turned against her sisters. When Zile was vanquished by the Charmed Ones, the evil hold on her was released.

Professional Life
Museum of Natural History
Something Wicca This Way Comes

When the show first started, Prue worked at the Museum of Natural History in San Francisco, which she has worked since after college, where she met Roger, who became her boss and later her fiancé. After breaking up with Roger, she came into her powers and quit her job at the museum.

Buckland's Auction House
I've Got You Under My Skin - Awakened

One week later, she received a call from Bucklands Auction House as an ancient artifacts expert. Prue noted that her areas of expertise are dated from Mingh dynasty to a Mark McGwire rookie baseball card. However, the auction house was infiltrated by two powerful demons named Rex Buckland and Hannah Webster who were plotting the demise of the Charmed line; after vanquishing them, Prue continued to work there. It was at the auction house that she first used her astral projection powers.

415 Magazine
Murphy's Luck - All Hell Breaks Loose

After a year and a half at the auction house, she quit to use her free time to figure what she really wanted to do. Eventually, she decided to pursue her dream and joined 415 Magazine, where she became one of their top photographers and was finally able to fulfill her childhood dream before she died.

Charmed Life
Prue seemed to have magical troubles, even with non-magical beings. She was kidnapped by former gangster Bane Jessup, to help him fend off against the Ordo Malorum. Prue had found herself romantically attracted to him, as did he in her.

On another occasion, Prue started having recurring dreams of a dangerous man named T.J. that hung out in a nearby bar, without knowing that her astral form was being used by her repressed emotions to get away from her responsibilities. After a murder outside the bar was blamed on Prue, the police started to look for her. At Piper and Leo's (Leo being her brother in law) wedding, the police came after Prue, and T.J. crashed the wedding on a motorcycle to rescue her. Phoebe talked Prue into getting herself together and Darryl, Leo and Cole found the real killer.
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