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I found this amazing post. It's from my girl xDriftAway90x AKA Kat. Again, this girl never ceases to amaze me with how similar her and I think alike in terms of Damon and Bamon on the show. Here is her post. Just amazing:

"wow i dont know what to say anymore. you know bonnie is my girl and i hate when someone disrespects her so of course i was upset about what damon said and yes i do ship him with a stake until he is good enough for bonnie. but despite what he said, i do think he cares about bonnie. and i dont think that line would have even been spoken at all if viewers weren't meant to question it. because throughout the entire episode, it seemed like he genuinely cared for her and then when he came back, he got pissed off because elena slapped him and he started acting up. when damon gets mad, he does and says things that are rash and that he doesn't necessarily mean. i'm not trying to defend him. he deserves everything he gets handed to him but i think that his actions in the episode proved that he does actually care for bonnie. when damon overheard bonnie telling jeremy she had a 50/50 chance of surving, he made sure she knew he heard. why? why would he care at all if bonnie heard him because if he didnt care at all for her life then it wouldn't have mattered if he did overhear her and jeremy. and then when jeremy and bonnie were dancing he went right up to them and cut in and bonnie KNEW that was what damon came over to talk to her about. and he was asking her if she was really go through with giving her life for elena and he said "good" because he has respect for her and he admires her resolve because damon is the exact same way with his resolve to save elena, he will do anything, just like bonnie would. and then he asked her "all that power, is there any way to increase those odds." meaning damon KNEW that bonnie had the power to save herself from dying. HE WENT OVER THERE TO HELP HER. to tell her she didnt have to die. and this was BEFORE he knew klaus was in alarics body meaning he wanted bonnie not to die before he even knew that she would have to die THAT NIGHT. then when damon found that klaus was in alarics body, he asked bonnie if she was still willing to do whatever it takes. HE GAVE HER A CHOICE! HE ASKED HER IF SHE WAS WILLING TO DIE THAT NIGHT!!! if bonnie said no, he would have respected her decision. bonnie knows what she is doing and she will make the choice to die whether or not damon encourages her and damon giving her a choice means that he would only go through with it BECAUSE BONNIE WILL GO THROUGH WITH IT no matter what he says so he was trying to help her. then when she died, he knew that she would come back but still he looked sad when he looked down at her. he was conflicted seeing her dead. he stroked her face, he closed her eyes. NO ONE WAS THERE. he didnt have to pretend to care. THAT WAS ALL ON HIM. he didnt just dump her body. he carried her and put her gently in his trunk. BUT THE THING THAT GETS ME. damon CALLED jeremy and told him to meet him there. damon made sure that jeremy was there for bonnie when she woke up. why would he do that if he didnt care about her? he honestly didnt need to do that, but he did. having bonnie fake die will not only help elena but it will also increase bonnie's chances of survival if klaus thinks she is dead. he doesnt WANT her to die but he accepts the fact that realistically she very well may have to die, but damon would not let her do that if it was not HER CHOICE. but he knows bonnie WILL DO IT FOR ELENA. he's not encouraging her to kill herself, he is supporting her and respecting her decision and doing what he can to help her. so i'm sorry mina but as much as damon's line pissed me off i REFUSE to believe that he does not give a tiny shit about bonnie. words are words but in the last episode, i saw damon treat bonnie as an equal and he was a support for her and bonnie TRUSTED HIM WITH HER LIFE. and that means something to me. it's important to me that bonnie has someone she can trust like that. she even lied to jeremy but damon? she told the truth to damon. because she knew he would UNDERSTAND her and why she had to go through with it. she fully trusted him. so maybe i might not be too fond of damon but i'm gonna go down with my ship. always. thats just how i feel about it.

firstly, it was damon who made sure jeremy was with bonnie when she woke up. when jeremy ran over he said "hey i got your message." that was something that was unnecessary on damon's part, but he still did it. and i'm sure that putting bonnie in the witches burial house is the safest place for her because she is closer to where her ancestors are. they will protect her. as for damon not coming over and saying anything, he made sure bonnie knew that he heard what she said. you will notice the look on his face when he said "evening" to bonnie and jeremy. and damon went over to bonnie and jeremy when they were dancing RIGHT after he danced with elena. the same song was playing. damon LEFT ELENA ALONE to go and dance with bonnie. so i dont see how he wasted any time in talking to her. plus, he needed to talk to bonnie ALONE because he knew she was lying to jeremy. as for the part you said about him supporting her rather than trying to stop her, this is where we will have to disagree based on our own morals. because i LIKE the fact that damon supported her and didnt try to stop her. damon GETS bonnie. he knows bonnie will do whatever she has to do to protect elena. it doesnt matter WHAT DAMON DOES OR SAYS OR HOW MUCH HE TRIES TO STOP HER, he KNOWS she will die for elena. he UNDERSTANDS this. bonnie is an equal to him. he respects her decision instead of reprimanding her for her choice. and that is what she NEEDS. she needs someone who will support her. by jeremy telling stefan about what bonnie was going to do, he put both stefan and elena in harms way. he shouldnt have tried to stop her. it is BONNIE'S CHOICE. he has no right to stop her from doing this. if it was me, and i could save your life, even if it meant losing mine, i wouldn't want anyone to stop me and i would never let anyone influence me otherwise. rather than damon trying to stop her, he tried to save her in his own way. why do you think bonnie TRUSTED damon enough to tell him the truth about what she was gonna do rather than jeremy, her own boyfriend? as for what you said about would he save bonnie if klaus wasnt possessing alaric, like i said, he tried to help bonnie BEFORE he knew klaus was possessing alaric so that argument is invalid. i'm all for people giving damon a hard time because of his actions but this is one of the times where i genuinely feel like he doesnt deserve the hate."

added by samjhart
Source: sana4eva
added by Chazzyxo
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/charlottelouisexo/4596624363/
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Source: paireisdestiny.livejournal
added by samjhart
Source: skysamuelle @ lj
This story happens in an alternate universe where TV-Damon and Book-Damon switched places. PG-13 for some violence and sensaultiy.

    A very powerful witch, watching Damon’s nasty behavior in Mystic Falls, decided to do an incredible spell, and sent him to Fell’s Church. However, there’s a price for such interference in the natural order of things. The Damon from Fell’s Church had to be taken to Mystic Falls.

    Bonnie Bennett - 1

    Bonnie was feeling lonely. She was alone at home in the Halloween. His father had traveled...
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added by samjhart
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added by BeautifulLover
Source: Ennaira
added by BeautifulLover
Source: Ennaira
added by samjhart
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added by damongirlfriend
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added by BeautifulLover
Source: Ennaira
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added by darlingbear
added by samjhart
Source: FanForum.com
added by skysamuelle
added by samjhart
Source: skysamuelle @ lj
added by samjhart
Source: skysamuelle @ lj
added by samjhart
Source: to the artist!
added by samjhart
Source: samjhart/deathly_smirk
So far, Damon's concept of love is always been that of 'a quest' where he had to work in order to win against an opponent.

He fell in love with Katherine when he already knew that Stefan had serious feelings for her, even if he was reluctant to act on them. We can assume he started flirting with her and competing with Stefan as a game, and it later turned in something more intense because Katherine was so different from any other woman he had met and he felt stifled by the life he had.

Katherine was his escape from a life he did not want, and most especially from the life his father wanted for...
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