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posted by niadk
Patience is a virtue my fellow Delena shippers and I felt the need to write that article, because I see a lot of DErs feel dissapointed after the last episode. Let me start by saying that I also felt that the writers "let me down" and I was really pissed off once the episode finished because I expected some development in their relationship. The thing is, that after I calmed down I realised that I shouldnt ask for something more, now. What I mean is that for me Damon and Elena's love story IS the story of that show. I honestly feel that the whole show is based on the development of this relationship. Those two must over come many, many obstacles in order to be together with the bigger and more important the relationship between Damon and Stefan and the "perfect" relationship between Stefan and Elena. By making SE so "perfect" they make the love between Damon and Elena even more EPIC in my opinion. If Stefan had slept with Katherine, for example, many people will give DE a "free pass" and honestly I dont want that. If Elena chooses Damon, although she is in a "perfect" relationship with the "white prince", that will only mean that the love she is developing for Damon is the only one true love.
By making SE "perfect", the writers are showing us how strong and unique is the DE love story. Because Damon is definitely NOT the obvious choise.
Now, I see a lot of DEers asking for DE to be together already. I really, REALLY dont want that. Most of us think that a "triangle" means "Elena will have a relationship with Stefan. Then Elena will have a relationship with Damon. Then she will be alone for a while, until she will choose between them. But it doesnt HAVE to be like that.
Damon and Elena being in love with each other and struggle with their feelings, fighting to stay away from each other is really what I am looking for. Because true love doesnt come easy. SE is "easy". It is the obvious choice and THAT is what makes DE even MORE special. I am sure we will start to see Elena's POV from now on. She will start to realise that her feelings for Damon are stronger than she wants them to be.
And something more. A lot of people say that the DE scene in 2X11 was "nothing". I dissagree. DE seemed to be back on track. Their scene remind me of their relationship at the end of season 1. So it WAS important for us to see, that they are BACK on track.
Anyway the reason that I wrote this was my friend's (Asena) POV about the SE/DE relationship. Asena is a hard core Delena shipper AND the voice of reason for me...
So just read her and you will see what this was all about...

"You know I was thinking, 1.5 years and it feels SE got no real development, because Stefan is so stagnant. They are not like a living, breathing couple but more like a piece of the setting. Maybe THAT is what KW meant when he was talking about how the show is grounded on SE's relationship or something like that, way back in S1, pilot time... lol. They are part of the "setting" in which DE's story is taking place and serve the function of being the biggest obstacle, the question being "will Elena ever love Damon more than she loves Stefan?" which is why they don't really change or move forward or anything, they are this non-real supposedly ideal couple out there, their status reminded to viewers by lines like "I care about Damon but love Stefan" but the real effort, storywise, goes to DE and their buildup as SE just stands still where they are. Broken up and reunited from time to time to give the false sense of "action" to their fans but nothing ever changing, nothing ever improving, nothing ever moving forward. How CAN it? They were part of the "initial package". They came onto the screen as a "couple", no build-up, no explanation, nothing. Just forced onto people. Even named "epic" on just the 2nd episode. "Words" is all SE has. We are told they fall in love, we are told they are epic, we have Elena saying it will always be Stefan. But we don't really see it play out on screen, we don't know why it is so. The story for that is not really given. I mean "they keep reuniting so they must love eachother for reals" is not an explanation, that alone does not prove a couple is special and are meant to be - it just means they are on repeat, because there is nothing else to do with them, as there is no real substance to them. Because IMO their isn't really special. It is just a given in the setting of the REAL story - DE's love story..."
And I can't help but be reminded of the exchange between Caroline and Elena when Elena was wondering if she should pursue Stefan or not. To encourage Elena, Caroline told her it was simple- "Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy." and they get it on... "That's deep" said Elena, condescendingly. And then she gave in, got out and sought Stefan out, as a means to get back into the teenager life of fun after her parents' deaths have brought her down and out of it completely. And THAT is how the "epic" love of SE really started. That is how they became a couple. Simple. Lacking depth. As it was never meant to be deep or complicated and was just a "girl meets boy" cliche arrangement. For it was never the real story, it didn't need to be told more than that.
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Veronica ordered them to stop in front of a stake. In the center there was a big pole where they were being tied onto.
“Where’s Elena?” Damon begged to know.
“She’s with her brother” Veronica replied.
“Don’t hurt her. She’s sick” Damon appealed.
“She’s just a girl. It’s not her fault she’s the doppelganger. She wouldn’t hurt a fly. She’d sacrifice herself for her loved ones anytime” Stefan tried to reason with Veronica.
“Shut up, both of you. She’s responsible for Tyler’s transition to a hybrid. It’s a good thing he was the only hybrid ever created”...
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Elijah walked through the woods. After some bickering with Rebekah they had agreed it would be safest if one of them, Rebekah, would stay behind and man the headquarters, while the other, Elijah, would go back to Esther’s grave.
He removed the stone and climbed downstairs. Two coffins were still closed. Elijah walked to the coffin that stood on the left side of his. He opened it and revealed the body of his oldest brother Finn.
Elijah slowly removed the dagger. While Finn slowly regained his life force, Elijah walked to the only closed coffin left. He opened it and gazed at the undead body...
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Elena was lying fast asleep, much to Damon’s relief. Something really wrong was going on out there and Damon dreaded the moment he’d have to tell Elena. She already had so much pain to go through, he didn’t want to make it any worse.
But Damon knew Elena had seen right through him and when she’d open her eyes she’d demand to know what was going on and he wouldn’t be able to lie again.
He took his coffee and brought it to his lips, when he felt a sharp, burning pain in his head. His cup fell on the floor as he moved his hands to his head. He fell on his knees as he screamed.
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Bonnie turned to Keith. “Have you ever been in this house before?” Keith nodded heavy. “Okay, find me five candles and something to lit them” Keith ran off to fetch those things and Bonnie walked to the cupboard. She opened the drawers and searched them until she found a piece of paper and a pen.
“What are you up to?” Matt asked both curious and fascinated. While Bonnie wrote something down she explained.
“Months ago I put a curse on Damon to keep him in check. I could follow his every word and move”
“Yeah, I know”
“It turns out there are some leftovers from that curse”...
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Veronica dragged Jeremy downstairs and threw him on the cold floor of a basement. Jeremy screamed and held his leg. As he tried to pull the arrow out, Veronica started pacing up and down.
“You lied to me” she muttered agitated, with a feral look in her eyes. “I asked you straightforward if you were a medium and you lied to me in my face” She walked to Jeremy and looked down on him. “How long has your aunt been spying on me? What does she know?” Jeremy didn’t answer and thus she kicked his wounded leg. Veronica raised her voice above Jeremy’s cries. “How long?” she repeated...
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Matt tried to get the front door open, but failed, while Bonnie tried to call someone. When after her sixth attempt no one had picked up, she had to fight the urge to throw her cell into the wall. She turned to Keith. “Can you try the phone, please?” she asked a little irritated. Keith was just sitting there, being useless. Keith stood slowly and walked to the phone. He picked up the horn, but heard nothing. “The phone’s dead” he noted, sounding not very surprised. He walked back to Bonnie. Matt had gone upstairs to see if he could open one of the windows.
“Maybe we should stay...
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Though visiting hour was long over, it didn’t stop Stefan from sneaking into Elena’s bedroom. Elena had fallen asleep shortly after Bonnie had left. Stefan had expected Damon to be in the room, but Elena happened to be alone.
Stefan walked to the bed and sank down on it. Elena, sensing his stare, opened her eyes and frowned.
“Stefan?” she asked sleepy.
“It’s okay. Go back to sleep” Stefan hushed, regretting he woke her.
“No” Elena moaned and she sat up difficult. “I’m up” She cast him a faint, tired smile. “I’m glad you came”
“I had to come and see you, but I didn’t...
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“How are you holding up?” Bonnie carefully tried to make a conversation. Elena rewarded her with a furious don’t ask stupid questions look. “You know, I’ve been trying to communicate with the spirits. Maybe I can persuade them to help you”
“No, thank you. I think you’ve done enough already” Elena replied cold.
Bonnie looked down and thought about leaving for a second, but then lectured. No more running, no more hiding. It was time to own up to her mistakes.
“Elena” Bonnie started, looking up again. “There’s something I’ve wanted to tell you ever since I was released...
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Damon and Elena were lying on the bed, Elena’s head resting on Damon’s chest. “I believe we’ve been here before” Elena mumbled.
“Hmm” Damon confirmed. “Do you remember what you said back then?”
Elena relegated on the bed and closed her eyes. “I said I wouldn’t leave you, that I would stay with you until the very end”
“You should know that no matter what happens I’m not leaving you” Damon promised softly. Elena felt a teardrop on her head, but she didn’t look up. “Promise me you won’t either”
“I promise” Elena whispered and she pinched Damon’s hand....
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