Edward and Bella Club
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posted by lozxtitchx
Ever since I’d become aware of the fact that Edward was a vampire I didn’t know what to think, was I to be scared? Or was I to be relieved that he could contain his thirst for my blood?

He’d told me the very next day that his family knew that I knew their secret, Rosalie wasn’t happy, she thought I would go and tell everyone and they would all be found out, Edward put her straight, Rosalie didn’t like me and I didn’t know why, she didn’t even know me, she probably didn’t like the fact that I was coming between her perfect family. They were perfect, in every sense of the word, perfect in looks, perfect in trust, perfect in presence and just perfect in everything.

The woods and the forest adjoined to the school was mine and Edward’s meeting place, on the days that he pretended that he went rock climbing when really he was hiding from the sun, nobody knew what our secret meant to me, not even Edward and that was something that hurt because he couldn’t understand just how much he meant to me, been able to confide in someone who wouldn’t judge me meant to me, even when I hadn’t done anything wrong people always used to find a way to judge me and I thought moving to Forks was going to be the same, how wrong was I?

‘’Happy birthday’’ Edward whispered in my ear as we walked to his car that night, I didn’t know how he had found out, I hadn’t told anyone.

‘’How did you know?’’ I asked, shocked, my eyes wide
‘’Let’s just call it a hunch’’ Edward replied smoothly before shutting the passenger door to his car with me inside.

I knew I wouldn’t win so I just left it, but I would find out one day how he found out.

That night I was at Edward’s home, everyone had welcomed me into the Cullen home with open arms, except for Rosalie, it was my birthday and they had insisted on doing something for me, as soon as I walked in I was greeted by Esme and Carlisle , Edward’s parents, they hugged me separately and I followed them both into the living room with Edward’s hand wrapped securely around my waist.

The living room was plush but cosy, two big black sofas you could get lost in sat against the back walls, opposite on the front wall was a big screen TV and below stood a cabinet, filled with pictures and vases, Esme had the greatest taste in everything; clothes, furnishings, I was in awe of her sometimes, no in fact all the time. Stood in front of the cabinet were Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie, the first three looked happy to see me and they greeted me with a hug while Rosalie just stood there with her hands balled into fists by her sides, I didn’t want her to hug me if every time I was in her presence she was like this.

I sat down on one of the sofas and was ambushed by Alice, who had a stack of presents in both her hands, Emmett stood behind her with even more, I don’t know how Alice didn’t manage to drop a single one when she landed on the sofa beside me, I opened each one carefully, not to cut myself since there was the slight fact that I could be eaten if I did.

Among the presents there was a book of poetry from Esme and Carlisle, a CD player for my car from Emmett and Rosalie which Emmett was fitting as I unwrapped the last remaining gift, it was from Edward, I opened it to find a box, I opened the box carefully and pulled out a silver necklace, engraved on the back was Edward and Bella, Forever and Eternity, tears welled up in my eyes as Edward carefully removed the necklace from my hands and moved my hair away so that he could place the jewellery onto my neck, when the clasp was done he pressed a soft kiss to the nape of my neck and moved my hair back to where it was to begin with, as he came to sit beside me the rest of the Cullen’s exited into the kitchen.

‘’Thank you’’ I said tearfully
‘’Your welcome’’ Edward said as he wiped away my flowing tears with the pad of his thumb, he brought his hand up to caress my face and I smiled weakly into the palm of his hand, he’d seen me cry many times before but whenever I had cried before it had always been because I felt either in danger or I was upset, I was joyously happy and yet again I was crying, for no reason, I should be smiling.

The adjoining door from the kitchen into the living room opened again and there stood the Cullen’s, this time Emmett had rejoined them, stood there with a birthday cake, which Esme had obviously spent so much time making and creating in Carlisle’s hands, he put it down on the coffee table in the centre of the room and lit the candles with a small lighter he took out of his pocket, it wasn’t like the normal birthday party, they didn’t sing, they just let me blow out the candles, when I had done so and made a wish as Alice reminded me Esme removed the candles and cut the cake, into eight square pieces, I have to admit the cake was delicious, all of Esme’s food was, everything she made was the right texture, consistency and she never got a thing wrong.

My birthday had come around on a Friday this year and fortunately I was staying at Edward’s house, Charlie was away on police business in Seattle and didn’t know how long he was going to be out of town, he didn’t want me in the house on my own, I would have been safer at home on my own, but I didn’t mind, Edward would protect me if anything went wrong. Charlie had only told me that there had been some sort of ravage killings in Seattle, nothing else, this was the time when I went home to collect some clothes early in the week before he left, I was scared and had confided in Edward but he told me not to worry and that he would be there to protect me, I knew he was telling the truth but it was still natural to be scared wasn’t it?

Monday came ever so quickly, I was in Bio when I got the news, whatever had been doing the ravage killings in Seattle had got Charlie, my father was dead, the principal had taken me out of lesson and I walked back in, white as a sheet, I collected my things and walked out again, without saying a word to anyone, I somehow managed to find the energy to walk to my truck but couldn’t find anything to start the engine, I just sat there, in the deserted car lot when there was a sound that made me jump, it was the passenger door opening and Edward had followed me, he would have been able to keep up with me even if I had driven off, he was fast, as fast as a cheetah.

‘’ I know about Charlie, I don’t know what to say’’ Edward said pulling me into his soft embrace

He didn’t have to say anything, just sitting in his comfort calmed me, I hadn’t cried, not a tear, we just sat there quiet until the end of the school day.

Some extracts taken from New Moon and some from Eclipse.

What’s going to happen to Bella and Edward’s relationship? What will happen to Bella now Charlie’s gone? Will she have to move back to Jacksonville with her Mom? Will she want to leave?

Comments appreciated as always.
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