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posted by KatiiCullen94
Edward gone again
Edward gone again
6 Months later. . .
(Tanna is around 11 months and bella is about 8 months pregnant)

"bella, your killing me... how is this working? this is a full human pregnancy, with a half vampire child? Again, you amaze us vampires." Carlisle replied puzzeled. i think he was started to rethink whiether he is actaully good at his job....
i felt a sudden jolt, within me... a kick. a sighed and smiled. Carlisle's face brighted once he saw. His hand brushed my now "massive" stomach.
He chuckled as he felt it again.
"Carlisle, do you know when Edward comes home. i need him for the birth.. this is his baby Carlisle, why did he leave? " i looked down, feeling overwhlemed by jsut his name.
Edward left months ago, apprently to search more on about "this monster of his" he told.
But he refuses to talk to me.. only to Carlisle. I beleive sometimes he just doesnt want a baby. Or he just doesnt want me.. but i only think of the past and assure myself thats not true.
"No. Bella , he hasn't mentioned it.. I asked him all the time,, but he just hangs up, the last he said he was in the Brazilian Forest." Carlisle, now holding my hand tight, and his voice mellow.
a welt of tears grew up and swelled over my eyes.
"He doesn't want-"
"MUMMY!" Tanna squalled throught the door with her new found feet. Her voice like a pixie, so adorable, she was innocent in every way.
Alice trailed behind her holding her hands upright, keeping her balance, her guardian angel.
I still hadnt told Alice to be her Godmother.. But i wanted to do it with Edward here, and with Jacobs permission. Along with sams with him being the Godfather.
Tanna had spoken her first word only jsut the other week, She giggled an adopted Edward chuckle and replied in "Mummy". My heart melted into her hands.
She was still small, but larger then the other babies, what with her "father". Her hair now bounces with her unco-orindated rythem. im so cruel to have passed that on.
i quickly wiped my eyes to hide it from her. But i knew Alice saw. it wont surprise me if she mentions it later on.
i leaned in to lift Tanna. She grapped the air, enthuised.
i tugged her on the top of my belly which was indeed as hard as a rock . she sat on top of it. like her own personal chair. My back ached in spasmisms..
i groaned. And gave up and sat back in my chair. Leting Tanna get comfortable.
"Thank you Alice, for taking her from my hands, and this new dress.. its gorgeous Alice, but you spoil her. Thanks."
"No problem Bella" She blushed. "Well, the dress was on sale and thought what her dark skin it would look jsut perfect"
The ivory dress, decorated in elligant flowers, it was a design that made you wonder why they made it for babies...

"argh!" i turned to see Alice cluthing on to the door handle, struggling, but with a bright smile on her small porclein face.
She was seeing something that she had been waiting for.
"Alice! What do you see?" Carlisle, angryily curious, i knew he was thinking the same as me. Edward.
"It's Edward! He comes home tonight! Finally! He is Happy!"


i waited eagerly in the lounge room, if my back diddnt ache i would be jumping, hitting the roof in my anxiety, but i had Jasper focusing on my mood, to reduce stress for the baby, bless jasper.
Tanna, layed on the floor playing with her new toys. It's funny how everything Tanna owns is "New" or "Just a present".
I Just sat and stared at her, my child.
She felt my glance on her and turned to look at me. she mumled "Daddy?"
The Only words she knew. Mummy and Daddy.
She hasnt seen Edward in what 7 months and she still remembers .. how does that work?
She squirmed with a fat frown crease in her face, pants, wanting to be held.
I struggled to get up and hold her better. But Emmett beat me to it.
Emmett loves Tanna, to the core. she is his little runt, his nucklehead, his niece.
"Its ok Bells," he smiled.
"Come on bubs we will go outside and wait for Daddy?, yeah?"
i wanted to follow, i diddnt want to wait in here. it made me despressed.
"Esme, if you dont mind" i offered my arms up, she just laughed at me.
"You know, your like a baby too!"
she jolsted me up quick, leaving me shocked.
A massive pop pierced through the inside of my womb.
"ohh" i clutched onto Esme's arm for support.
"ohh Bella , down look down" She warned witb alarm in her voice, she frightened me.
i sensed a trail of wet down my leg. rust. oh.
My heart thumped.
"DADDY!!!!!" i heard throught now fuzzy ears.
But it was too late i was out of it.
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Source: edwardandbella.net