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posted by TempeGeller
I wanted to start that this is the final part of the hunger games chapters. Not of this story. There will be another story around the rebellion and the 75th hunger games. It will be called at Winter's end. I'm going to make a lot of things around this story, and I hope that you will all see it. I love writing for this story. Looking forward to the winner, you did not expect this!




Chapter 8: The winner is….

Day #4

Santana, district 12

As the night sky turned pure black, Santana stared at Brittany's sleeping form. Part of her thought she was lucky to have Brittany so close. A soft music started to play, that was the very thing that woke up Brittany. She sat up and hang closer to Santana, almost out of fear. She hoped that Blaine was still alive. The pictures were ready to appear on the night sky. They were in order of the district, starting with one and ending with 12.

District 1: Mike Chang

District 3: Emma Philsberry

District 4: Sebastian Smythe

Tina Cohen-Chang

District 6: Artie Abhrams

Rachel Berry

District 8: Mercedes Jones

District 9: Jesse St. James

District 10: Sam Evans

District 12: Noah Puckerman

"Oh thank god." Brittany whispered as the pictures disappeared from the night sky. She turned to Santana, who seemed a bit sad. The dead of Puck had hurt in her in a way. She cared for him more then she thought. "Poor Puck, poor Mercedes."
"Poor Tina..." Santana added. "Poor Rachel"

Brittany stared at Santana. She was right, Rachel always seemed a nice person. Tina was the one she actually admired for her honest opinion/ Something most people wouldn't say necessary. She was the only one that spoke about the sick nature of the games and the poor people in all the districts. They gave all this money to the games, money that could be given to the poor. Too stop a rebellion. Yet, a rebellion could be stopped by taking care of their lower district, of all their districts. Brittany was sure that less violence and no games would calm down everyone. People like Shelby wouldn't need to be there, but it was president Heart and his stupid rules that called for rebellion. In district 11 people were killed for taking food. In district 12 mines were dangerous. Brittany wanted to talk to Santana about the 10 deaths. Yet it seemed rather hard.
"There is our blood bath…" Santana whispered. "Our own bloodbath. We must be rather original for not having it on the first. I think this will be legendary…"

"Santana!" Brittany stared down. "So who's still around?"
"Blaine, Quinn, Kurt, Becky and Will." Santana replied "And the two of us. 7 people are left and only one of us can keep standing. Isn't that nice?"
"Well, what stops us from finding the edge and escape?" Brittany turned to Santana. "I mean in theory we could just walk out."

"Do you think we could just walk out?" Santana raised an eyebrow. "There's something on that edge, it has to be. I mean how could there not be. I mean if there wasn't people would walk out all the time…"
"Not if they didn't find the edge." Brittany spoke "Look…"
"If we get near the edge, they will find a way to send us back." Santana spoke "Fire is the perfect way. Rocks anything. Trying to find the edge could be a death wish."
"Than not…"Brittany stared down. "What's your best plan?"
"Honestly, survive." Santana spoke "If I can make sure that I kill everyone, in the end you would just need to kill me and you win. That is my plan."
"Good plan, Santana." Brittany spoke "It's not. I mean Santana my plan was counting on us both surviving. Your plan counts on one of us surviving."

Santana got quiet. Yes, she wanted to both of them too survive. A future with Brittany was something that didn't scare her at all. Yet, that was not a possibility. One or both of them needed to die. That was the sad truth. It was either way Brittany or Santana. So Santana decided she preferred herself dying. Brittany wanted them both to life. She didn't understand the rule 'only one survives'.
"Brittany only one…" Santana stared to the floor. "Only one lives."
"Well, than it won't be one of us…" Brittany spoke "Since I won't kill you and you won't kill me."
"Santana, you can't ask me to kill you." Brittany went on. "There has to be, I mean Quinn has big plans. Why don't we find Quinn? Maybe her plan involves not dying…"
"The girl she loved died…" Santana spoke "I guess here plans aren't that big."
"Maybe it's part of the plan you know…" Brittany sat down. "I mean maybe she has find a way around everything. Maybe…"
"There's no way around anything…." Santana spoke "This ends with 23 dead people and 1 person who's alive. Not any more or any less. You have to know that!"

"Maybe Quinn…"
"Maybe Quinn is a girl who thought she had a plan." Santana spoke "Yet by her reckless nature made her cocky, the person she loved died. Rachel died, Brittany. I think her plan went wrong…"
"But what if Rachel is pretending to be dead?"
"You can't fake getting killed." Santana spoke "The loud bang comes when the heart beat stops. The heart beat stopped, Brit. Rachel Berry is dead. I'm very sorry for her family and for Quinn. She's not alive somewhere waiting for a revolution to start. Or going to start her own war. Rachel Berry and all of the others are really dead!"

"Brit, that's just the way it is." Santana turned around. "Deal with it…"
"So you don't believe in a silver lining?" Brittany turned to her. "Don't you believe in anything?"
"I believe in you." Santana smiled "You are my silver line, so now I am ready to die. Only if I know that you can go on living. You have your whole life in front of you. You don't need me."
"What do you think will be left of me after all this?" Brittany turned to her. "Nothing. No one will ever be the same after this, their lives will be haunted by the blood of others. You will never be the same after this, I won't be surprised if I take on drinking after this. I will drink away the pain, until it gets so bad that I drink myself to dead."
"Brit…" Santana paused "Don't say that."
"Can we at least try to find Quinn?"

"First we make camp." Santana replied as she moved forward.

Quinn, district 11

Usually Quinn was seen as a bright spirit in her town. She tried to be optimistic even when life was at its worst. Well, that was about a year ago. When you become a mother in this world, you would remember that her name would be in there in twelve years. Quinn was sure the people wouldn't recognize her anymore. She had a large scratch on her forehead. A big but on her lower stomach. A deep cut in her lower leg that she had covered with some leaves. All of that wouldn't kill her. It was her broken heart that worried her the most. Maybe Tina had been right, maybe it was the truth.

Quinn moved on, her emotional pain overpowered her physical pain. So she was sure that she wouldn't feel her leg. She hadn't lost that many blood for a deep cut. She should consider herself lucky, but nothing about this situation was lucky. This whole situation was considered miserable. She stared at the sky. The night had fallen, yet she hadn't stopped walking. Why would she stop? She was sure she would be unable to sleep. Than her mind went to the remaining ones. Who should win? Her heart went to Brittany or Santana. Yet their heart would be broken by one of them dying. Will had lost his wife. A part of her rooted for Becky. She wouldn't lose their significant other. Not a part of her thought about the plan that most definitely had failed.

She thought about Rachel, her smile. Her bright beautiful eyes. How she missed everything that made Rachel beautiful. Quinn thought about Shelby, the torture that was going through her must be hell. She had lost a daughter. The shared the same pain. Now she thought about her beautiful daughter Beth. She had to return home for her. She simple had to. Yet the pain around Rachel was to fresh to make her need to survive take over. She was going all the stages of grieve at the same time, yet the acceptance seemed different. It seemed she accepted her faith. Her…

She moved a bit away.
"Stop right there, little miss…" a weapon was pointed to her. Quinn rolled her eyes as she took her arrow and bow and kicked the weapon from the dark strangers hand. Quinn smiled.
"I would say, you don't move." Quinn laughed "We're only 7 left, I should kill you here right now…"
"Just leave him be…" Another voice sounded from the darkness. "We're just like after all Quinn…"
"You're…" Quinn put the bow away. "Kurt."
"And Blaine…" The other man stepped from the darkness. "I'm so sorry about Rachel."

"Yeah, it's too bad." Kurt stepped closer. "I'm sure we could have been BFF's and live together."
"That's…" Quinn smiled "Something she would have liked. She was a good person."
"How did the others die?" Kurt spoke "You know the bloodbath?"
"I lost the group…" Quinn spoke "I wasn't there…"
"I bet it was Becky." Blaine spoke
"With the blow pipe." Blaine smiled "At least that is what they say she uses as a weapon."
"The blow pipe…" Quinn smiled "Right…"

"What's so good about this blow pipe?" Kurt raised an eyebrow. "It's just as deathly as something else. I mean you can kill from a distance. I fear that little monster."
"She's not a monster…" Quinn spoke "She just wants to get home to her parents. Give her a break, she's 12. She's just 12 years old."
"I don't think a 12 year old ever won the games?"

"I wouldn't put my money on Becky." Kurt spoke "I think it's going to William. You know. I think he's a smart guy. He makes sense as a winner."
"True…" Quinn stared down.
"What were those big plans you were talking about Quinn?"

Quinn stared down. Her big plan was something she didn't want to talk about. She wanted to make sure that more people could survive. Yet Rachel had died. So her plan had failed. The rest of the plan was vague. She couldn't recall a lot of things that happened the past days. Even things that had to do with the plan. Pain caused a sort of short time amnesia. She turned away from Blaine and Kurt.
"Do you have a camp?" Quinn turned to her. "I mean we could return to our base camp…"
"No, our camp is near." Kurt smiled "There's enough room for you."
"Thanks." Quinn smiled
"so you have a daughter?" Blaine turned to Quinn. "I hope this is not a trick to kill us in our sleep."
"No not at all…" Quinn smiled "And if it was I wouldn't admit it. I want to survive for her. Yet, I want the world to change for her too. In twelve years they could pick her name out of that cup."
"I know…" Kurt spoke "Someone should take action, the world is ready for rebellion. There's just no one to lead it. They need one word. One word to unite a war."
"More people will die in that war…"

"Isn't it worth it?" Kurt spoke "They're going to keep this games going. They're killing people who speak up. Look at Shelby, Rachel's mom. And when they can't make people shut up, they cut out their tongs. This is something…"
"I don't think we should do it with violence…"
"If you do it words, you end up losing your tong." Quinn replied "Violence is the only language they understand. I wish they could…"
"Quinn, all they need is 1 person to spark a rebellion." Kurt spoke "Tina's speech send them in the right direction. Now everyone has to be brave enough to take a chance."

Samuel, the capitol

The games were always his favorite part of the year. People trying to kill each other was something he really loved. In his mind they disserved this. There were people around him, Marley was close to him too. She was giving comments to games. In the beginning they seemed to be too quiet. People were able to build decent camp sides. Yet to some parts it seemed like they were blind. He stared at the screen. Who did he think was going to win? He thought it would be Becky, she was super vicious for a girl of her age. He had never seen such a cold blooded killer. Somehow he wanted to keep her in the capitol. No send her home. If she won, he was going to do that. After all, he called the shots around here. He was the boss.
"Hello, president Heart." Jake stepped next to her. "How do you feel about this games?"
"A game with the bloodbath on the fourth day." Samuel spoke "This games will go in history as the most creative games. People will buy tickets to this arena. It will be more popular than the others…"

"It is a game full of surprises." Jake spoke "Too bad this Rachel died. She had marvelous power the capitol could use to keep their power."
"Too bad…" Samuel smiled "Becky is also quiet the little devil."
"And Brittany with her mind reading." Jake smiled "She could be an amazing way to figure out rebellion. I mean…"

"So how are things going in the control room?"
"Our system dealt with attacks from the outside." Jake spoke "We are trying to track the computer, but whoever is doing this is not a newbie to it. I'm sure they were able to enter our data. They tried to insert a virus to crash the system."
"Did it work?" Samuel glared at him.
"Off course not…" Jake spoke "Our systems are protected against any virus. No primitive thing can destroy them. They came awfully close. We lost a few camera's for five seconds. They were online after that. Nothing was damaged. Plus the protection field is not connected to our software. I mean if it were, a power failure would mean the tributes would be able to run."
"Well…" Samuel smiled "So do you have anything planned for the big finale?"

"Well, something big." Jake smiled "Something scary. Lots of fog and monsters. I'm planning to do it tomorrow night. The games have taken to long, I want to cause an end."
"Good idea, the day after tomorrow is the national holyday of Panem. It would be amazing to keep the show than." Said Samuel in a high tone. "After all, the games were never this short."
"They sure were…"

Jake turned around to see that Marley had taken off for a moment. It seemed that she had gotten thirsty and nothing interesting would happen in the next few minutes. Slowly Marley turned to Jake.
"So will the show be tomorrow?" Marley spoke "So I guess a date is not possible?"
"The day after tomorrow, okay?" Jake smiled

Jake returned to the control room. Or at least to his computer in the front. They were very high-tech computers. They all had touch scream, even some kind of hologram in the middle of the room. There was a big plan of the games. They could bring anything up there, a trap they were going to use. This games they hadn't interfered much. The romances kept them busy. It was more of soap opera with super natural powers. Were there more people with super natural powers? How could they find them? It would be interesting to find all the people like Rachel Berry and Brittany Pearce. Jake turned to the map. No one had died in the last 5 minutes. Quinn, Kurt and Blaine were together. Will was still hanging around the river, where he had built an electric trap. That was what killed Finn and Lauren. They were about to get him and stepped in the trap. Will was a smart man, turning potatoes in a deathly weapon. Jake was impressed with that. Yet he knew for sure that it wouldn't be Will that won. Becky with her blowpipe was the most deathly. Part of him believed that Quinn and Becky had to have a secret ally. Why would someone hand a weapon to their enemy? It was smart and it wouldn't make her look like a bad guy. He was sure that Quinn thought her big plans were surviving. She was a manipulator that made Rachel Berry believe she loved her. Yet Quinn's heart was completely cool. There were clubs of the capitol, 2 of Quinn in fact. One was called Quinn Fabray, cold hearted bitch. The other one was called: Faberry for the win. It was led by the same person that started: the flower Rachel club.
Most people that counted Rachel would win, were disappointed by her loss. Mostly because they bet a lot of money on it.

"Who did you bet on?" A man next to Jake asked him. "Sugar?"
"Most people voted for Sugar…" Jake spoke "For some reason Becky has the least persons betting on her. Will doesn't have all that much either. That's why I bet a bit on him. I mean I could win big if he wins. We're so lucky that we were able to bet too. Plus sponsor the tributes."

Marley, capitol (The bloodbath of the fourth day)

With the dawn of the fourth day, Marley stood up. This games were different from the rest. The ten people of the first day hadn't died. Only 5 people had. And after that the deaths were slow. Jake had joke many times that the relationships entertained the people. There was something interesting about love that was not going to end well. The capitol eat from the sweet love stories. They were so different. Seeing Brittany think about Santana, if she were alive. Blaine and Kurt getting to know each other. Would Quinn confess her feeling to Rachel? Sometimes she wanted to make a voice over of what just happened.
Marley had to admit that Rachel Berry was actually a very pretty girl. Well, so was Quinn, Santana and Brittany. She was not surprised that people were wearing shirt for their couples. They called their couples. There was Britanna, Klaine and Faberry. Selling shirts of the couples was working better than any of the other hunger games. There were even people who wanted to give the couples a romantic dinner. And part of Marley knew that they would get those at day 5. If they were alive that day.

People dressed up like the tributes. They fought together and saw the tragedy as the most entertaining thing ever. People who dressed up like Rachel wore flowers in their hair. Even though Rachel didn't have any flowers in her hair. Marley was sure that a part of Samuel hated them being so popular. Yet.
"You have to come…" a man said. "I think something is about to happen…"

"Something is always about to happen…" Marley smiled "What is about to happen?"
"Becky spoke about a trap." The man said. He turned to Marley and smiled for a minute. "It's about to get interesting. Don't you think so?"
"Very…" Marley turned away.

To be honest, Marley wasn't that big fan of the hunger games. She made her money with it, but she didn't really care for the games. It was a good source of money. A source she couldn't loose. Since there was nothing else she would do. There was also the scary truth that she wouldn't make it out alive if she talked back. Like they said, you weren't able to have an opinion or even a whispered one. Jake was a fan of the games, he never hid the fact that he liked the punishment the rebels got. In his book rebellion was the biggest crime. In other words freedom of speech in a violent way. Yet he never took a step out in the lesser districts. He never left the comfort of his capitol. Marley had been there on the victory tours. Sometimes they needed an interviewer. And then they would call her. She had been in all the districts, she was aware of the poverty. Aware of the crimes going on in the city. She was aware of everything. Even their opinion on status. Some people were simple made to be used, that's how you got eternal glory.
The truth was that she had a secret affair going on with more than Samuel. It was a friend thing. She would hook up with anyone the president would ask her too. To get information. That kind of stuff, it wasn't that she liked it. She could just not get out. Jake knew and he said that it was for the freedom of the people. Seeing Rachel Berry hurt her, she had an ability. Just like her. It was the only thing that she had kept a secret for years.

No, Marley was not able to see the future or make plats grow. She couldn't even move time or read minds. Her power was more practical. She was able to create fire from her hands. Sometimes she fought the urge to use her power in an active way. Lighting a candle would be easier, yet she couldn't risk being exposed. She didn't want to become a weapon. So she took the slavery pushed upon her. It meant that she could do the job she loved.

Sometimes she tried to calm herself by saying that the districts deserved it. And her mind was fully convinced of it for the time the games lasted. She could push anything from her mind. The games were heaven for her, no other work but reporting the events. Amazing to someone that lived in the hell that was the capitol. To the outside it seemed perfect,. Yet to some people it was the hell in Panem. An invisible hell, the districts were known to be bad. Yet the capitol was seen as the perfect place. A place where you should stay. So during the short period of time she was able to change her opinion. She had to get through the interviews.
"So what's going on?"
"This group is heading towards this so called trap. Becky maintained a blow pipe given by Quinn."
"The big plans girl?" Marley stared at the screen. "there's something about that girl."
"Yeah, she's a money making machine." The man smiled "Well, Puck, Sam, Emma, Jesse and Artie are heading for there. Why they take wheel chair boy is something I can't understand. Plus it seems that Mercedes is heading there too."
"Are you serious?" Marley stared at the screen. "Shouldn't they change their route?"

"People love this kind of traps…" the man smiled "Look at it, this could be our blood bath. We need one. That would make the games unique."

Marley stared at the screen. The group walked to their deaths with a certain confidence. Almost like they knew something. Something about was going to happen to them. Marley stared at the trees were Becky was waiting for them. There was a big net that could fit all of them. Part of her thought it would be so nice to warn them. Yet she couldn't. She just stared at the evil happening in front of them. It took them fifteen minutes to reach the trap. Mercedes didn't change direction either. Marley slowly sat closer to her mike. She knew she would pop up in the screen when the people met. She just knew it. As the net pulled up she popped up.
"Wow, we didn't see that one coming." Marley smiled "You see Becky has some kind blow pipe with darts. Quinn has gotten it to her and is has been dipped in poison. We should just wonder what Quinn is up too. And what this will do to Faberry. And she takes the blowpipe and…"

At that moment the sound of 6 bangs was heard. Marley stared at the bodies that were no longer moving. These deaths hurt real people. People who cared for them deeply. She had to keep her emotions inside her. Right than the picture changed to Tina and Rachel. Mike was somehow following them, and for some reason Becky was moving in that direction as well. There was a small screen. She saw how Rachel fell down, how the roots kept her from crashing in the river. How the last of her power wanted to save herself. Yet death was something that couldn't be stopped. Rocks fell down the river. And then Quinn's outburst of anger towards Tina.
"I guess this is the end of the row from Faberry…" Marley smiled "Who turned out the most popular in our poll. Followed by Klaine and Brittany. We see people care less about the actual couple Will and Emma. Since they can't get more than one percent of the votes…"

It wasn't long before that Tina died. Quinn moved on in anger. She showed it by kicking leaves. Anything that could move. After a few miles she fell down and cried. Rachel was really important to her. Even if there was no way the both of them could survive. Yet, she wouldn't be surprised if Samuel decided to let them both win. As long as it would be his choice. It would make the people love them. Two people winning, especially when they gave love a chance.
Quinn made a scary sound as she pulled her arms closer to her body and rocked herself. This was dangerous, with the other tributes walking around. Deathly as they were. Quinn knew that after a fifteen minutes and stood up. She returned to her confident self or at least the confidence that was remaining. Quinn was a good actress, she could shield her pain from anyone. Yet for only a few moments they were in the open. Yet now five minutes later she seemed the same person. Like nothing had changed, yet inside she was dead. Without Rachel, Quinn was no longer there.

She moved on, following her nose to find Sebastian. She was smart after all, she knew where he would be heading. So Quinn moved to the beginning point the place where the platforms were. And that damn cornucopia. Something she reminded as the day of yesterday. That is where she found Sebastian.
"Ladies and gentleman…" Marley spoke "Here follows the epic fight between Quinn and Sebastian. It's a fight between two strong leaders. Two people who have winner all written over them. Let me tell you that a heart broken woman can be especially lethal."
The fight took a few minutes. First Quinn seemed to be weaker. She got a lot of cuts and bruises. Marley believed that the pain had gotten back to her. Something she didn't want to happen.

"See, I heard we got your girlfriend…" An evil smile appeared on his face. "I was so sorry that I couldn't be the one to kill her. She was after all weak…"
"She was stronger than you…" Quinn hit him in the face. "More brave than you and she had respect for life. You my man have respect for nothing. Not even yourself."
She put her hand around his neck and snapped it. It didn't take long for him to fall to his knees. Dead. Quinn stared at the floor and moved to the camp. She filled her back with the remaining food. She didn't look back as the hovercraft was coming for Sebastian."

"Wasn't that awesome?" Jake stepped in the room. "Wasn't it?"
"10 people dying is kind of sad Jake." Marley spoke "I mean look at poor Quinn."
"She wanted Rachel to die." Jake smiled "The whole breaking down, love thing is an act. She won over heart, got sponsors and became part of a Faberry ship. People will love her years after the games. I mean why would she give the blowpipe to Becky? Why would you give someone the murder weapon? She and Becky will be the last two standing. Than Quinn will kill Brittany and she will be the winner, mark my words."
"That blowpipe…" Marley raised an eyebrow. "something is off with that blowpipe…"

"nothing is of with it."
"She asked for a plant, no one in the capitol even knows. Yet, Quinn knew it." Marley spoke "She stole the blow pipe from Brittany and handed it to Becky. Why wouldn't she gave the bow and arrow? Darts are less lethal."
"They are poisoned."
"I don't think we have Quinn's plan revealed. She's a good actor…" Marley smiled "Not as good as you think. I…"
"Are you subjecting that all of those tributes killed with the blow piper are still alive?" Jake laughed "That they're waiting for each other to start a rebellion. That is nonsenses. Don't let Samuel hear that crazy thoughts. They couldn't defy the capitol…"
"What if they are?" Marley turned to him. "Alive I mean?"

"It's not possible…" Jake laughed "You're dumb to even think that."
"Do you sometimes doubt this whole games?" Marley turned to him. "Just a bit?"
"It's not a punishment anymore. It's not to show power." Jake spoke "It's a beautiful tradition that we should keep. This is a sport."
"Not to show power?" Marley rolled her eyes. "These games show nothing but power!"

Day #5

Jake, Capitol

"Have you heard?" Marley sat down next to Jake. "Shelby Corcoran has suffered from a heart attack last night. Poor woman watching her only daughter die."
"Poor woman?" Jake rolled his eyes. "The dead she got was too easy for her anyway. She should have ended up worst. She should have been tortured. You don't say anything bad about this…"
"Don't you think the torture as a mother was enough?" Marley turned to him. "Every mother would chose physical pain over losing a daughter. Believe me. It's not because you don't…"
"Marley, Shelby is a criminal…"

"she spoke." Marley turned to him. "She told people what was on her mind, if that is criminal. You have committed bigger crimes than that. For 5 years you've watched people die, Jake. Doesn't that get to you? Don't you feel anything…"
"I'm doing my duty…" Jake smiled. "As are you…"

"Our duty should be to ourselves, Jake…." Marley spoke "Not to the capitol. Sometimes I want to get out of her. Check what's over the sea, find other lands. There has to be a better place than this. I …"
"You can't go anywhere…" Jake spoke "You'll be killed…"

"Is that caring I detect or just a sick note?" Marley turned to him. "I think the second…"

Jake was in love with Marley. He loved her, it was just that he loved the capitol more. It was his land, the thing he should be loyal to. He was firstly loyal to Samuel, than to himself, his family and maybe Marley would fit somewhere last in that row. Yes, he didn't see Marley as family. Why didn't he see Marley as family? Because she wasn't. He would jump in front of a bullet for the president. He would leave Marley to die. That was the big difference. In the end the emotion love was not something Jake knew. His parents were rebels. He moved away from that. He became a hater or his own parents. Calling anything they did for him a crime. He moved from district 11 to the capitol. He hated it there and swore never to return. Jake was a twenty five year old man, who would go to the hunger games if they asked him. Yet it was never a surprise he had gotten.

He returned to the platform. To killing people. He might has lost Marley, yet nothing seemed to care. He didn't care what they did to her. If he truly loved her, rebellion would be the first thing on his list. Yet his loyalty to the capitol was anything but not disturbing.

Quinn, district 11

Quinn woke up early. She woke up Blaine and Kurt. She picked her bag up and gave them some of the food that was still left.
"We have to get going." Quinn replied "7 people are left. If we want to find an alliance to get to Becky, we have to move fast."
"Quinn's right…" Blaine spoke "Plus we should go find Brittany…"

"you're still worried about her?" Kurt smiled "Well, off course you are. After all, she's one of your friends. So Quinn, can you tell us now what those big plans are?"
"There not big anymore…" Quinn smiled "I had something in mind, yet…"
"So you just give up?" Blaine turned to Quinn. "You don't look like a quitter to me?"

"The big plans died with Rachel." Quinn pulled the bag up. "Blaine, Kurt. We must get going. It's going to be a long journey. I don't know how long…"
"I know losing someone you love hurts…" Kurt turned to her. "But were you just going to save Rachel? Isn't that selfish?"
"My plan was nowhere near selfish." Quinn spoke "But it's…"
"Quinn, you can…"
"Chose the blowpipe…" Quinn rolled her eyes. "Always choose the blowpipe. And something else, don't fall down! Your body can only handle so much damage. Wouldn't want you to come back?"
"Come back?" Blaine turned to him. "Are you worrying about our corpses?"
"That's all I say…" Quinn rolled her eyes. "I've said too much already…"
"So your plan includes pretty corpses?" Kurt turned away. "You are sick!"

Quinn stood up. She noticed that Kurt and Blaine followed her, she believed they were disgusted by the things she had told them. So, she didn't say anything anymore. Blaine stepped nice to her.
"I think you should go home…" Blaine spoke "For your baby."
"Oh how old is she?" Kurt turned to her. "Is she cute?"

"1." Quinn smiled "Incredibly cute, they wouldn't let me carry a picture. They were scare I was going to paper cut them to death."
"You can't carry a picture?"
"The ink could poison anyone…" Kurt said "Plus the paper could be toxic."
"Well, they could have printed it for me…"

"I'm sorry about Rachel…" Kurt took her hand. "I believe she was a sweet girl."
"She was beautiful." Quinn got tears in her eyes. "She was life, she wouldn't let anything in herself be turned in to darkness. She wouldn't take someone's life. She was truly the best of all of us. Every one of us could be turned in a murderer. Rachel, she was pure good. Nature. She was willing to die to keep her hands from ever touching blood. Yet, I kill…"
"You have to Quinn…" Kurt stared at her. "You didn't have a choice…"

"I killed Sebastian out of revenge…" Quinn's tears stopped a bit. "I was mad with him, he is everything that killed Rachel pure nature. I think part of me wanted to proof that I took a life, to honor hers. The truth is, she didn't want me to kill ever. She wanted me to give life, not death."
"You're not like him, Quinn." Kurt turned to her. "You think you aren't like Rachel. You aren't a monster. We've been pushed to do this, none of us wanted to be here."
"Well, if I didn't come…" Quinn stared at the ground. "I would never have met Rachel. I wouldn't be able to survive without knowing her. Knowing her is the best moment of my life. I would rather die today knowing Rachel, than life without her."
"She's right?" Blaine took Kurt's hands. "How much this games were my biggest fear, they did bring me to you. Part of that makes me lucky. Without this…"

"Blaine, Kurt…" Quinn turned to them. "I promise that life after this will be good too… I promise…"
"There's no life after this?" Kurt watched the early morning sky. "That's just it…"
"Sometimes you should just trust me…" Quinn smiled "This girl's big plans may be working right now. The blowpipe, the best way to go."

Becky, district 7

She didn't feel good. She was left all on her own, with a blowpipe that she had found in the forest. She was one of the 7 people remaining. Victory was coming so close that she could almost taste it. She moved softly through the woods. Did she feel guilt? Yes, Becky wasn't a monster. The need to get home was rather big. She was only 12 years old, not old enough to die. Yet this would stay with her forever. Her friend had died on that first day. She had lost her childhood on the day she killed her first. It was a first no one would be proud of. Well, maybe the careers saw it as a accomplishment.

This wasn't the truth for Becky. She was innocent when she took off. And now she felt her hands were tainted by the blood of her fellow tributes. When she went to sleep, screams was all she could hear. Not that there were much of that. Why had she turned in to this?

It hurt her to see Rachel Berry die. It hurt her to see Quinn Fabray in pain. She moved the blowpipe up when she saw two figures in front of her. She shot. Two times, the two loud bang announced a dead. Slowly she moved closer. To see their faces. She wanted to know who she killed just now. What she saw was a surprise. It were Brittany and Santana. Two tributes that fallen deeply in love. And she had cut their love short. A tear moved over her cheek. She had done this.

3 to go. Then she would be the winner. Only 3 people and she could return home. It came so close that she could taste it.
Becky moved on. She believed that with 5 people the end was coming near. The finale act mostly happened with 4 people. They brought them all together. And she could feel that, the sun was moving faster than other times. Night would fall soon. How would they drive them back? Water? Our maybe one of those feast meals? It was murder waiting to happen. Maybe she could hide, kill all of them out there. Yet that wasn't that good idea. What was going on with her?
Becky turned to the sky. She hoped for a quick end. This didn't have to last too long.

Kurt, district 8

"Those were two shots…" Blaine reacted "Brittany!"
"It could still be Becky and Will." Kurt reassured him. "I'm sure Brittany is save with Santana. Trust me, these two are strong. We will be together soon."
"The chance exists that one of them died…" Quinn turned to them. "We have to be honest guys. The finale can start any moment now, there's only 5 people left."

"You don't have to be that negative…" Quinn rolled her eyes to Kurt's word. "I feel we should spend our last hours in peace. I think it's the last day!"

Quinn was proven right as a thick layer fog came from the ground. Quinn, Blaine and Kurt started to run to the spots that weren't covered. The mist hid all kind of things. They could hear things make strange noises. Quinn started to run even faster, she was followed by Kurt and Blaine. She could see Will appear near to them, but he didn't even try to hurt them. She believed he wasn't in power here. Yet he wasn't save where he was either.
Quinn moved forward until she reached the beginning. Here she was again. She was no longer the same Quinn. Quinn who was standing on the platform of district 11 wasn't a murderer. She was. Quinn that was standing there, would have told Rachel how she felt. She didn't. All of her wanted to return to that moment. To stare at Rachel's beautiful eyes. She moved everything away. For a moment she turned back to see the mist. Becky was also arriving. She heard two shots.
"Kurt! Blaine!" Quinn yelled. With those words darkness took over.

Will, district 3

Will heard the last three bangs. The mist disappeared and he knew that they were saved from the actual monsters in the mist. He stared at the three bodies from Quinn, Kurt and Blaine. He had to be smart. Becky was using an actual blow pipe. It was something that could be lethal for him. Very lethal. He slowly moved in the cornucopia He hid between the boxes. There was no way, Becky could see him from the inside. Yet she knew that he moved her. The plan was to steal her weapon and kill her with it.
He didn't want to give her a painful dead, she was still rather young. He wanted to go home to his sister and his niece. Becky in his opinion didn't have something to return to. So he kept standing there. So much went through his head. The dead of Emma, the deaths he caused. And the death he was going to cause in a couple of moments. Killing Becky would make him the victor.

Yet it brought a double feeling in him. Was killing a child wrong? He was after all 22 years old. He only went to the games, because of the brother sister thing. He wouldn't have been here, if Sara hadn't been 17. Part of him wished his parents had never give life to Sara. If she hadn't been on the planet. He wouldn't have been here. Yet he couldn't know. The factors are so different. He loved his sister. He would never switch her.

He heard footsteps coming closer. Her knew she had to be near to hit him, so he pushed the boxes softly, so he could move away from two sides. He was invisible to the eye. If she'd seen him it would be too late. Soft footsteps came next to him. He jumped up and pulled the body of Becky closer. He pulled the blowpipe from her hands. There was only one dart left in it. He took it in his hands. Should he do it? Should he take an innocent life or put the dart in himself? Should he make Becky the winner? How innocent was the murderer? It was than he reminded that he was a murderer too. 3 people. The same amount Becky had just murdered.

He made up his mind as he pushed the dart in her shoulder. She fell down as a limb doll. She was lifeless. Her eyes didn't have emotion. Part of him whispered to him that he saved her. Yet he would go on as a murderer. The capitol had made that from him. It took the love of his life. It took everything. He was nothing of what he had been.
"The victor of the 74th hunger games: Will Scheuster."

Day #5

Will, district 3

Will couldn't sleep that night after winning the games. Moving back to that room was so hard. He tossed and turned. Sleep wouldn't come to him. He could hear all the people. All the tributes. Was this the price to being a victor. Not being able to be yourself. The next day he was expected at 3 for the show. Standing in the elevator with Dustin was weird.
"Where's Carl?" Will turned to him.
"He disappeared." Dustin spoke "Word says he was trying to start a rebellion…"

"What?" Will turned to him. "How? Does my sister know?"
"Sara? No." Dustin spoke "Will, she's given birth to a beautiful daughter. She's nowhere to be found, the capitol believes Sara and Carl were responsible for an outburst in district 3. When Emma…"
"My sister is not a rebel!" Will turned to him. "Don't…"

"Carl had to disappear. Sara is gone." Dustin spoke "Even Samuel is talking about it. She took her child Willow and left. She doesn't know you're alive. We don't know where she went. She could have gone underground. Will, district 3 is not the same anymore. Shelby isn't the only one that is a rebel. I think Sara is not going to survive…"

Will turned away from Dustin. Carl was dead, Sara had a baby, Sara was missing and he was a killer. Could this day get any worse? He moved to the stage and sat down next to Marley. Looking at the footage was horrible. He didn't want to see the dead again, yet he was forced too.
"So how does it feel to win the games?" Marley smiled
"It's not like nothing I ever expected…." Will looked down. "It's something…"

Samuel, Capitol

"We got rid of Car. The victor of district 3. His girlfriend Sara is still missing. She took the child and headed for the border. They haven't been seen ever since." A man said. "District 3, even the lower district there are uprisings. Something has changed. There's a rebellion rising…."
"Then we'll nip it in the butt…" Samuel smiled "Let's just say the 75th hunger games will be remembered. The rebellion will be gone…"

"You think…"

"I'm sure…"


A lot more in the next part. Don't stop reading because your favorite is dead. There are surprised. There are always surprises. :p
Santana and Brittany go over the seating plan for their wedding.
season 6
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season 3
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added by BlairChuckFan
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added by ForeverEternity
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