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Summary: Blair Waldorf is a young, beautiful, 18 year old, dark haired girl who was raised in California by her New Yorker parents. As a little girl she used to visit her grandparents in the Upper East Side, and she remembered having friends there. Now she graduated from high school and went to college, Yale, only to find there people who she no longer remembered existed. What will happen?

Chapter 3: Blair: your friend Nate

“KNOCK. KNOCK” someone was at Blair’s dorm door knocking, and it was only 6 am, meaning Blair was still asleep, enjoying her sleep after last night partying like crazy with Serena after Chuck and Nate left to hook up with some girls. Serena was the most fun girl Blair had ever met, she taught Blair how to do shots and introduce her to what seemed to be joints, although secretly Blair did not enjoy that part so much.

She was getting off the bed, her eyes still slightly shut, she opened the door but there was no one there. She rubbed her eyes and looked down, only to find a letter from the Yale dorms office addressed to her. She had no idea what it meant, maybe her roommate didn’t exist after all, or maybe she had an accident and couldn’t come back… Aside from Blair’s wishful thinking nothing was clear, so she picked the letter up and ran to her bed, sitting on the edge, and opened the letter.

Miss Waldorf, we here by inform you that you have to leave the dorm 35 on block A by this afternoon and move to dorm 28 on block B, due to some misunderstanding from our part.
We’re sorry about any disturbance. Thank you,
Yale Administration of dorms

“What the hell? Shit, I like it here now” she groaned. She liked this block, it was the first one and it had a view. What now? Was she supposed to carry all her stuff herself? All alone? Would she have to share a new dorm, or was it all for herself? The thoughts were all a priority to Blair, but she needed to act quick, after all she didn’t want to be kicked out by force, she was Blair Waldorf, for crying out loud. So she called her friend for help.

“I can’t believe they’re throwing you out, how rude is that?” Serena commented, shocked. “I tell you B, you should report them”, they were packing all the things that Blair already bought to make her dorm feel like a home. She had so many things, all designer of course.

“I know S, and this was so last minute, I’m so sorry for making you cut class… Truth is I had no one else to call, you’re my only friend” Blair smiled while her friend was holding in her hand Blair’s bed clothing, they were 100% silk. “Careful with that” she added. “But you know what? Now I’ll get to live in the same block as you do, maybe this is all for the best.”

“Yeah, that’s my girl, always looking at the bright side. Last night was fun huh? I loved it, who knew you were such a wild child?! Anyway, now we can even party more” Serena said, putting the last piece of sheets in the last box.

“I loved last night, I loved trying shots, normally I’d go with a dry martini, but that was so much fun… And I owe all to you, imagine if I hadn’t met you? I’d be a bore” she laughed, and picked up one of the boxes, while Serena carried another. “But a bitchy one”

“About that, you and Chuck seemed to be pretty comfortable around each other, finally someone to stand up against him… I swear, living with him for 5 years under the same room wasn’t enough and now he’s here too. I can’t believe I actually slept with him” she confessed, they arrived at the new dorm and Serena put the box on the floor, looking tired.

“Wait, what? You slept with your obnoxious step-brother? And here I was thinking you were virgin Mary” she was actually surprised to see a different side to Serena. She sounded so pure and fun, not the type of girl who’d slept with her step-brother, who happened to be a sick sex driven freak, according to Blair.

“For starters I wasn’t always the do what’s right kind of girl, actually I started that about 1 month ago, before I met you, and decided to stick with that. And… Chuck has always hit on me, one time I was so drunk at the kitchen of our parent’s hotel, he tried his luck and it happened…” she shrieked her back.

“Wow, Serena I did not know that side of you… I like it. So was it a one time thing? When was that anyway?” Blair asked excited, her life was never like that, the being drunk and sleeping with whomever. And to her unhappiness she was eagerly excited to find out how that rude manly boy was in bed. She bet he was good; at least he looked the part. The boxes were all on the floor of the new dorm and they were sitting on the dirty couch.

“Actually it was a two time thing. Humm, the first time was a year ago and the last time was before we got here. Don’t even ask, alcohol can make one do some pretty crazy stuff like walk into your step-brothers bedroom all naked and jumping on him just because you haven’t gotten some in a long time, because a certain person does not show any interest in you.” Serena said it very quickly, almost jumping from the couch in anger.

“S…” Blair pulled Serena down, and calmed her. “You’re rambling. Are you okay?” she was starting to get worried, this was certainly not the Serena she thought she knew, this girl could be even more messed up then Blair herself, and somehow that comforted Blair, knowing she was not alone. “Maybe you don’t want to talk about this, but… maybe whoever he was, he wasn’t worth it… I mean sleeping with Chuck, do you even like him?” she asked curiously. She couldn’t explain what gotten over her, she needed more about him.

“Ewww, he’s my step-brother, rebound drunken sex was all that was… And you’re right he wasn’t worth it, and I don’t want to talk about ‘him’. Why are you so interested in Chuck and me?” Serena asked after grabbing a diet coke from her purse, she liked to always be prepared for thirst.

“Me? Interested? No! I was just curious, the only guy I’ve ever slept with was Michael, and he’d been my boyfriend for 2 years. I was just wondering, Chuck just seems so… experienced, I was just curious.”

“Well I don’t remember any of the times, but I kind of think he was good. But changing the subject maybe I could hook you up with someone. What do you think?”

“Whom? Chuck? There’s no way in hell..” Blair was babbling, but Serena interrupted.

“No, I’d never do that to you. But I was thinking Natie, I mean he’s a real catch, maybe you’d hit it off, he already seen you naked, how bad can it be.”

“What?” Blair asked in surprised. “Nate and I? You think so?” Blair was trying to picture it in her head, Blair Archibald… it did sound nice, but all of the sudden another name came to her head, Blair Bass, that sounded… perfect, why was that? She asked herself before shaking her head, what Serena took as a yes to the date.

“Great, I tell him to pick you up at 7, this is going to rock” Serena hugged Blair in excitement, leaving the brunette confused.

As Serena left, Blair decided to get a closer look at her new dorm. It was all dirty; dust on the furniture, the couch all dirty and to her surprise one of the rooms was already takes, meaning she had a roommate, and a messy one it seemed. She entered the room and decided to go through the girls stuff, she found her clothes lying on the floor, grey skinny jeans and a Dolce black tank top, and at least she had taste. All of a sudden Blair felt bored and decided to go get ready for her ‘not so hot date’; sure Nate was sweet and handsome and really, really hot… Oh wait, why am I complaining, Blair thought to herself, Nate is everything she could ask for, after the big break up with Michael; she could at least try, and Nate was such a nice guy.

“Blair, are you there” Nate said, while waiting for her outside and knocking at the door.
Blair was looking like a goddess, she was wearing a Diane von Furstenberg green mini dress, revealing her legs and a little bit of chest. She was hoping someone would see her looking like that and maybe make a dirty comment, she didn’t know why but his comments made her feel… sexy and inhibited, less Blair.

“Hey Nate” she kissed him on the cheek, noticing his surprised look by seeing her looking so hot.

“Blair, you look wonderful” he kissed her back. “As usual” he whispered on her ear. She giggled and gave him a kidding slap on his shoulder, grabbing her jacket and leaving by his side.

“So, how was your day? We haven’t spoken since you’ve seen me naked and Serena introduced us.” She started, sitting on the restaurant table.
“My day was… normal. Chuck had another girl over, his conquest from last night and I watched tv and went to class. I’m sorry about yesterday, but I couldn’t stay and leave Chuck to go hunting alone, I’m his wing man” she smiled and signaled the waitress.

“I’ll have the filet mignon” she asked, not letting Nate speak. “Oh sorry, you were going to order… My bad” she giggled, causing Nate to stare at her smiling.

“I’ll have the same. Thank you” the waitress left. “And how was your day?” he asked.

“My day was weird; I got transferred to a dorm in block B, number 28. And now I have a roommate I’ll meet later when I get home, and I’m on a date with the guy who saw me naked, and is friends with the guy I can’t get out of my head, even though he’s a total pig towards women.” Suddenly Blair went numb, did she really say that out loud? Oops!!!

“Wow, that straight forward, normally I don’t get that from girls…” she was so nervous about what he was saying, she didn’t want him to be mad, she liked him, he seemed to be fit for a friend. “You like… Chuck?”

“I… I… can’t believe I said that out loud, I’m so sorry if I tipped you off in the wrong way. It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s just that… I like you, and I’m enjoying talking to you… but Chuck, he makes my blood run faster, you know? He makes me be less… me. And I don’t even know him, I met him yesterday… and look at me… I’m babbling, it’s like I’m getting the Serenaflu.” She said grabbing her napkin and breaking it apart looking at Nate than the napkin, then at Nate again.

“Blair” he grabbed her hand. “It’s fine, I like you too, you’re a great girl, and maybe Chuck isn’t the best choice, but you’re heart has no brain. If you like him that’s cool, but you can’t expect him to like you back. But, if you want, I can help you…” he smiled, getting a smile from her too.

“Really? You’d do that for me?”

“Of course. After all, we’ll be friends right? But I don’t want you to get hurt, okay? I’ll just see what I can do”

“Nate you’re so awesome. Just don’t tell this to Serena, she… she slept with him and I just want her to be my friend, despite the whole Chuck thing… Just get that I totally hate him, but I kinda like that I hate him… I don’t know”

“It’s fine, she doesn’t have to know right away. And everyone knows she and Chuck had sex, he’s Chuck all Manhattan had sex with him… Besides Serena loves… Okay, I’m not supposed to go on. Let’s just eat” he covered his mouth with food, and seemed to want to change the subject. What the hell were he and Serena so secretive about? And why does everyone know the step-brothers had sex?

TBC… Hey next chapter = CHAIR SCENES. Ahahahah, I hope you’re enjoying this BTW comments are appreciated, they make me write much faster.
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added by lilie2
I'm am so completely frustrated with GG right now. No TV show that I've watched can beat GG on speediness with story arcs and plot lines.

I watch this show with my friends. And every monday we ask ourselves, "why are we still watching this?" The show is so poorly pieced together right now.
Maybe we're hoping for a turn around, where the story unfolded over a couple episodes and not within the 40 minutes of an episode. Here's to hope I guess.

Now for my rant on "Remains of the J":
+What kind of break up was that Nate?
"You should have seen this coming"? Was that really Nate saying that or the...
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Now both Nate and Chuck haven't really done the best job when it comes to Blair. Personally, being a blair lover, I am not really fond of how chuck nor nate have handled their relationships with Blair. After watching this weeks episode (3/23/09) I've noticed a sudden competition between the two guys that I haven't seen before.
At first when chuck interfered with Blair and Nate, the passion that was suppose to be in Nates face just simply wasn't there. Nate, as we all know, wasn't really into Blair for he just needed to help his father. In the last episode Nates coat was at Blairs when chuck...
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added by Fredericko007
added by Fredericko007