Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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I've noticed that alot of members have been saying "Oh yeah, she went crazy over just a boy she only just met. She went a bit over the top, overreacted."

Well this is how I see it. I know I am going to get shit for this, but perhaps this will give you a little more open mindness.

Personal experience: I acted the same, I did everything I possibly could to see him. I tried to commit sucicde, I look back and think .. I was so young, you survive after it.

But Bella was older and what they had was ALOT different to a NORMAL relationship. They were physically made for each other. Which is very powerful and changes your whole life. She changed her life around for him, because she knew this is her life, and she loved it.

She lost her lover, her best friend, her supporter. That one person that made her feel like she was worth everything. Not only did she feel lonely, but she blamed herself. He made her feel good about herself. Plus, the fact that he couldn't read her mind and the fact that she was HIS human who's blood is their one and only,that special once in a lifetime blood. That italian word. Depicted that their were one match.

It was obvious that she was made for him... AND it was gone... You don't how much you love something/one until it's gone.

He was her soul mate, yes.. But she lost alot more, her future, her plans. She hit rock bottom because she was left with nothing, she had to design a new future, new plans, like she had to start from scratch. Her future had been snatched away from her. She was practically feeling, what's to live for when what you were made for is gone? Which is fair enough.

People never fully heal after their "soul mate" or forever partner leaves or dies.
Well it's sorta differnt if they just turn around one day and say, "I don't like you anymore, and your never going to see me again"
Which adds more depression onto it. Bella would've been better if she had seen him every once and an while.
And even in the book , she was constantly stating that with him gone and all the evidence of him gone, it was as if he had never existed in the first place, and that she had dreamt it all.
Therfore questioning her own sanity. That screws with your head, making you doubt everything you do or say, making yourself wonder if you were just saying shit and people are judging you.
That's a hard concept, did you dream the best time of your life. That's heart shattering..

She had no-one to hug her better,( in the early days) to talk to her/
- Charlie was too scared to talk to her.
- Her school friends justs diddn't give a shit, they were too caught up in their own affairs.
- Her mother stresses her out more.
- Alice had disowned her in the process.
- Jacob was there, but he was trying to hit on her which made her sad,( another additon) because she was hurting him everytime.

Which also contributes to depression, knowing that nobody cares or that you are alone in this sad period.

In relation to her just meeting him...
Well twilight was set in 2005, ( I can't remember what month) But she was in her junior year (Year 11) and in New Moon she celebrates her 18th Birthday, and she was 17 in Twilight... depending on wheither which month twilight orginated but that gives them a year to a six months considering shes graduates in Eclipse.
She haddn't just met him but rather dating for a few months give or take.
Also knowing that you are going to spending the rest of your life with this man makes your connection with him soo strong that it doesn't matter how long you've been with him.
Love doesn't need time for reasoning.
If its real love, then it doesn't matter.

This was her love, give her a break. This happens more then you can imagine....

Sorry for the errors guys, I hope you can read it still, I went over it but I know myself too well.
Sad and lonely Bella.
Sad and lonely Bella.
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: IsaBelle@Squidoo
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: American Library Association
added by Luna7
Source: The internet.
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: Summit Entertainment
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Source: Tumblr
posted by potteralltheway
I have actually read both series and liked Twilight okay, but Harry Potter rules for me!

First, the so often brought up topic... love, or lack thereof. Harry Potter consists of all sorts of love: family, parental, romantic, friend. Twilight consists of pure lust. Now for the evidence! Mrs. Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix Lestrange because Bellatrix nearly killed Ginny, her only daughter. The Weasleys all look out for each other, and even Percy apologized in the seventh book. They joined together in dark times, happy ones, sad ones, and when Fred died. You might say the Cullens show family love....
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I'm going to start doing articles like this because I think it's fun and I just wanna see who thinks one character is better than the other.

Before you guys start, let me tell you my opinion. I think that Bellatrix is the better villan because she's mean, crazy and cruel but also happens to have good fighting skills, even though I hate her for hurting Hermione. She's also not afraid [potterheads correct me if i'm wrong] to kill others. She pretty much has the ultimate personality and guts that Villaness's have.

Those are my opinions. Now... feel free to add yours!! Enjoy:)

Alright, I have already dissected one very common fallacy invoked by some Twilight fans and a few Harry Potter fans as well, the Edward-fallacy. I shall not discuss that one but instead I will be moving on and examine another common fallacy invoked by some fans, using what I believe is the two most common forms of it.


Firstly, let us examine the logical reasoning behind "You are just jealous, therefore your argument is invalid".
It is invoked when any fan post an argument and employes this...
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first off i would like to say that i used to like t but everyone ruined it.

hp is so much better because its about friendship and standing up for your self it shows fear and judement and kind and tenderness which in twilight its just about useing people to benifit you and doin iti mean in twilight, it takes edward and bella what a week to fall in love it takes ron and herimone over 7 years and harry starts to relize he loves ginny after 5 years! and not to mention hp is fun for everyone some people might be afraid of the fact of a man eating vampire watching them not knowing when there going to attack out of hunger. so when you "twilight" fans find some real evidence that twilight has any real moral to it let me know cause i really like to know wat you think. or just comment on this article PEACE, sy-sy
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