Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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posted by woofbark
Okay. I'm going TRY to be thorough, and express my reasons in a clear way. If there's something you think is wrong or incorrect, feel free to debate that point.


The plot of the book is like the structure of a building-without it, the book is moot. Both HP and T have simple plots (Girl falls in love with a vampire, boy discovers he's a wizard).

However, HP (In my opinion) is unpredictable, whereas Twilight is very predictable.
In fact, (I swear this is true) I had a person who'd never read the Twilight books before, watched the movies, and had barely known the series existed, read book one of Twilight. (Just book one!) I then asked them to predict how the series would end. They guessed:

"Edward and Bella willl get married and have a baby by accident. She'll turn into a vampire, and then the baby will cause some sort of dilemma. There will be a fight and the Cullens will win."

I was flabbergasted! (What an amazing word, flabbergasted is!) They'd just predicted the basic plot of Breaking Dawn!

However, I don't think anyone who hadn't read the books or watched the movies before could have seen it coming that Quirrel was working with Voldemort or Harry was the final horcrux. The answer to the mystery wasn't slammed in your face, but subtle hints were given throughout the book. Who knew the fact that Quirrel fell over during the Quidditch match had such great signifigance? The answer to each mystery is astonishing and unexpected yet believable because JKR was giving us hints the whole time.

POINT B. The answer to each "mystery" in Twilight is slammed in our faces by chapter Six. Let's see:

-Edward is ice cold
-He is absent to school on sunny days
-He has incredible speed and strength
-He CASUALLY REMARKS ABOUT THE SMELL OF BLOOD in the chapter of Twilight where Bella faints during blood donations

-Jacob is "out with the boys" the day strange large wolves are being sighted
-Bella sees a wolf that reminds her of Jacob

-A vampire has entered Bella's room
-Clothes with her scent on them are gone from the house
HOWEVER, Bella doesn't piece together the fact that a vampire probably took the clothes with her scent on them so other vampires can track her until about four (or is it seven?) chapters later.

Hey, in Harry Potter, the solutions aren't jammed in our faces. We don't get scenes of Harry wondering if he's the final horcrux before it is revealed; nor do we get passages where Ginnny is seen walking as if she's possessed down the hallway carrying a diary with a red substance on her clothes before it is revealed she's being possessed by Tom Riddle. Subtle clues are what we get. Ginny "looking fearfully from him to the diary" seemed insignificant in the scene where Harry hexes Draco in the hallway.

The clues are so subtle, the hints so hidden, that the solution is surprising, yet, when we look back at the clues, we think "I should've known." That never happened to me while I was reading Twilight, because what Stephenie Meyer considers "clever foreshadowing" I consider "revealing the answer to the mystery eighty-seven pages before incapable Bella Swan figures it out."

POINT C: Foreshadowing

In book 4 of the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore requests "Arabella Figg." Not much is thought of it until book five, where we remember that Arabella Figg is the old cat-lady who lives across the street from Harry and is actually a squib. Mundungus Fletcher makes a special appearance in book 2 ("Mundungus tried to hex me while my back was turned..." says Mr. Weasley) before he comes into play in book 5. In book 1, Harry remarks "Bane reckons he should've let Voldemort kill me....I suppose that's written in the stars as well." Turns out, Voldemort does "kill" Harry in book 7. JKR knew, from the first book, how the series would end. For that, I give her props.

Other foreshadowing: The centaurs remark that "Mars is bright....unusually bright..." Mars was the Roman God of war. A bright Mars means war is evident, and a battle does break out some years later. Quirrel falling from his seat as Hermione conjures the blue flame, Dumbledore's eyes "gleaming with triumph" when he discovers Voldemort took Harry's blood, the victim of the creature dying in the bathrooom, Professor Trelawney predicting Harry's death, Aunt Petunia saying "I heard that boy telling her about them..."(The boy turned out to be Snape, not James). I could go on and on.

"Clever foreshadowing" in Twilight:

Jacob is becoming peculiar and is gone the day that strange wolves are sighted...Bella's life is saved by a wolf which reminds her of Jacob. Stephenie Meyer does not think the answer to the mystery is evident yet, and continues to toss us extremely un-subtle hints, making it overwhelmingly obvious Jacob is a werewolf several chapters before the so-called "mystery" is solved.

POINT D: (Point D, Point-d, pointy!) Twilight's plot line is unoriginal. Stephenie Meyer is always trying to base her books off greater works in order to make it seem better. To further drive the point home that she thinks her books are just as good as the works of literature she bases them on, Meyer makes countless references to these works. In New Moon, Romeo and Juliet is either quoted, discussed, or mentioned 23 times. She's recycling old plot lines; she takes an old book, adds a sparkly vampire or two, lowers the quality of the writing,and changes the title. So many people have written about forbidden love; there have been countless vampire romance novels; there are so MANY Romeo & Juliet stories out there.

HP, on the other hand, has an original plot line. It's not based on another book. JKR didn't try to pretend that her works were better than classic books; she didn't recycle an overused plot line.

PART II:Characters
If plot is the structure of a building, then characters are the walls and floors: the plot is bare and pointless without them.

POINT A: Hermione vs. Bella (Female lead)

Hermione is a strong character. Not strong in the sense that she can beat a vampire in arm wrestling, but emotionally strong. Ron, her love, leaves her. She's upset. She cries every night, but pulls herself together so that she can save the world. She doesn't whine or complain when she has lots of homework, or when people are prejudiced against her because she is muggle-born.
Bella is not a strong character. Edward, her **love** leaves her. She goes into zombie mode, cries for four months, and makes NO effort to move on. She whines and complains whenever she can. She gets a new car and whines because it's old and whines because it's loud. She gets friends that she shouldn't have and whines because they like to talk to her and whines because they like her and whines because Mike is a puppy dog and whines because Eric likes her and whines because none of them look beautiful like Edward and whines because she gets birthday gifts and whines because she gets to marry Edward and whines because she has to do math and whines because everyone loves her but one person.

Hermione is independant. She knows that she doesn't need a man to run her life. She fights for her freedom, for her rights! She supports Ron and Harry; she always provides the clue that solves the mystery. Her spellwork saves their lives many times; she never hides behind Ron as he fights for her. She gets angry when Ron returns, after causing her such strong emotional pain in DH.

Bella NEEDS a man. Everything she does she does to please a guy. When she wakes up, she puts on nice clothes so that her boyfriend will think she looks nice. She rides in her boyfriend's car to school to make him happy. She gets good grades in school to please Charlie. Then, she goes out with Jessica or Angela to please Charlie. Then, she goes over to Jacob so he doesn't feel left out. She lets Edward drive her home so that he doesn't feel concerned for her safety. She cooks and cleans for Charlie. Then, she stays up to talk to her boyfriend to make him happy, and then falls asleep because she knows he likes to watch her sleep. After Edward causes her heartache and pain, she welcomes him back with smiles and rainbows and unicorns!

Hermione has hobbies, interests, and goals. She reads, writes, knits, campaigns for equal rights, and wants a career in magical law enforcement. She wants to get a good education. She is a three-D character. She also is aware that.....that there are more important things in life than kissing your boyfriend.

Bella has no hobbies, interests (besides Edward) or goals (besides being with Edward.) She doesn't play sports. She's not serious about school, she never really studies. We get one scene of her reading a book, so that's not an interest either. She has no goals; she doesn't want to go to college, and she doesn't want any kind of job. She's not three-dimensional; with no goals or interests she doesn't seem like a real person. She doesn't care if everyone around her dies, as long as she can make out with Edward.

Hermione has depth. We know her background; we know her parents were dentists and they loved the idea of magic. We know she tries her hardest to learn all she can. We know her parents don't let her use magic on her teeth and all she gets are sugar-free sweets. We know she reads over the summer. We know she loves her parents, because she jumps through hoops to keep them safe. We know that people are prejudiced towards her for being muggle-born, and that she wants everyone to have equal rights.

All we know about Bella's past is that Renee and Charlie broke up and now Renee's dating Phil. That's pretty much it. She has no real background. She has about as much depth as a sock puppet with eyes drawn on it in sharpie marker.

Hermione is not a Mary Sue. She has flaws, like a real person would. She's bossy and can be quite conceited. However, she is still a good person. She campaigns for house-elf rights. She sacrifices her love for Ron to save the world.

Bella IS a Mary Sue. She has no personality flaws; she is INTENDED to be perfect! She's beautiful, and kind, and graceful and OH SO SELFLESS! She's the best-est girl on the planet! Fact is, she's so Mary Sue-ish she's a cariacature. Bella finds out a mad, revenge-seeking vampire is seeking her so that Bella can be slowly, maddeningly tortured. Who knows what the vampire will do? Slowly rip each limb off? Use the Cruciatus curse? Slice random chunks of her body with razor sharp teeth? Terrible torture! But oh-so-seflish-Bella thinks "What about Charlie?" Truth is, if you were facing slow and torturous death, even a generally selfless person will worry about their lives for a while. No real person will worry about the guy next to them when THEY are the ones in real danger.

Hermione is self-less. She sacrifices her love for Ron to save the world. She sacrifices her education, which she values so much, to save the world. She pushes on, going on daring missions; the fate of the wizarding world is more important than her life.

Bella is not self-less. She has a choice-Stay with Edward and make yourself happy....or leave Edward, and make everyone around you happy. Instead of sacrificing her love for the safety of her friends and family, she decides to make herself happy. Anyone who dislikes her is a Q#$(@#%! because she is more important than anyone else.

Hermione wins by KO.

POINT B: Harry vs. Edward

Like Hermione, Harry is strong. He endures torments and troubles-like having to walk to his own death-in silence. He is forced to leave Ginny, who he loves deeply, and though he's troubled and upset, he doesn't give up on life.

Edward leaves Bella. This was his choice. He complains to her, once they are reunited, that he had to "FORCE" himself to exist. He NEEDED an obsequious person to compliment his sparkles every day.

Harry has hobbies, interests, and goals. He plays quidditch, wants to get a good education, and participated in a dueling club. His goal in life was to become an auror.

What are Edward's hobbies, interests, and goals? Well, he doesn't rigorously practice or seem very concerned with vampire baseball, and he doesn't seem to read much. He plays the piano, but so does everyone else in the Cullen family. He has absolutely NO goals. You see, a real person has hobbies, interests, and goals. Since novels are supposed to mirror reality, fictional characters should have hobbies, interests, and goals, too.

Harry is brave. He fights against all odds. Knowing he's going to die, he stands up and tries to defend himself. He risks his life to save Sirius, and almost gets himself killed saving Cedric's body. He fights battles knowing he may die or lose; he stands up to Voldemort even when there's no chance of survival. THAT, my friends, is bravery.

Whenver Edward prepares to fight, he always knows he will win. "Don't worry....this will be easy." Edward tells Bella in Eclipse. Wow, way to add suspense, assuring the reader that everything will be all right. The only battle Edward was reluctant to join was the one against the Volturi. Why? Because he knew he was going to lose. Does Edward ever stand up to someone much more powerful than him, who could kill him in an instant? Does Edward ever risk his own life? NOPE.

Harry is selfless. He cares about his friends. He risks his life to save his godfather in OOTP and Ginny during COS. He also walked coolly to his own death in order to save the world. That is selflessness.

Edward could use those powers of his to save lives. However, he only wants to save one person:Bella. If it was Eric about to be killed by the van, would Edward has saved him? No. All he cares about is keeping himself happy and content. Bella makes him happy, so Edward keeps her alive. Eric doesn't affect him, so Edward would let him die.

Harry wins

POINT C: Ron vs. Jacob (Friend of main character)

First off, we know a lot of Ron's past. We know he's the youngest boy in a large, struggling family, and that he's always being overshadowed. We know he's poor, and his brothers can be teasing and mean, and that he's deathly afraid of spiders. We know his dad is a little loopy (he collects plugs!) We know he's a pure-blood and lives in a towering, leaning house. He has a background, a past, and we know much of his family.

All we know of Jacob's past is his mother died in a car crash and his father named Billy is in a wheelchair.

Ron wins...................

Luna vs. Alice: Odd character

Luna is tough and strong. Her mother died, but she still looks at the world in a positive way. The odd creatures she thinks up are amazing; I want to see what the heck a "Blibbering Humdringer" is. She's imaginative, and a real dreamer, she accepts the impossible. She's still a strong fighter and she's independant.

Alice.....well, we know she was in an insane asylum, but that's all we really know of her past. She has no odd beliefs or weird sayings. She never fights; it's only the men in Twilight who go out to battle.


Point Whatever: Dumbledore vs. Carlise (Wise guys!)

Dumbledore suffered trauma in his youth; half his family died before he turned 20. He made mistakes, and grew wiser because of them. He's a mentor to Harry; he teaches him what he needs to know to defeat Voldemort and provides him with help when he needs it. He has hundreds of books and machines he's invented; he is a very learned person.

We're told Carlisle is very wise and learned, but where's the proof? He hasn't invented any new machine or made discoveries of any kind. He doesn't mentor Edward or help him on his quest to be with Bella.



Bella Swan is a self-insert character. How does that work? If an author writes "Bella sat down to breakfast" but does not describe the elements of breakfast, the reader who eats fruit loops will understand Bella Swan to be doing the same. If Stephenie Meyer does not describe what Bella does all day after school, the reader (subconsciously) inserts details from his or her own life to fill the gap. THat is why people think they can relate to Bella Swan.

Part III:Views Presented and Morals

POINT A: In Twilight, the pretty people are put on a pedastal and worshipped by every character. Renesmee is a thing which goes out at night to eat innocent animals though she prefers human blood but that's OKAY because she looks beautiful. Edward is a mass murderer/serial killer and he enjoys the flavor of an endangered animal's blood but that's FINE because he has a "granite nose." Who cares about Eric, the valedictorian? Brains don't matter, beauty does! Only nice-looking people get to be good guys.

In Harry Potter, no one is really extremely gorgeous. However, that doesn't matter! They don't need good looks to save the world! Also, none of the main characters have intentionally killed a human being.

Also,(this ticks me off) All Twilight characters are stereotypes. Bella happily cooks and cleans and thinks about her boyfriend while her manly father watches the game and polishes his gun. All blondes are #@$#%y (Lauren, Rosalie) Come on!

Fleur's blonde, and she's no idiot; women go out into battle. Females and males fight side be side; it's not always the man who goes to work and the women who washes the dishes.

Twilight promotes the idea that your first "love" is your true love, and if they leave you it means they love you. It promotes the idea that thinking someone's "hawt" is love.

In HP, relationships fail. Harry and Cho got in a relationship; however they later broke up. Ron and Lavender's love was much like Edward and Bella's:obsessive and skin-deep-this relationship is not painted as love, but as the lust that it is.

I'm going to continue later.....
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Source: fuckyeahstarkidpotter.tumblr.com
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Source: Google. :D
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posted by one_a_kind4ever
In my last article I got some comments that stated that I didn't support my opinion so I will try again.

Harry Potter is definitely going to be a story that people are going to be telling 50 years from now. Harry Potter is a fun filled story taking place in a wizarding world as many of you know. Over the past couple of years it has been argued that Twilight is better. Us Harry Potter fans disagree because a 17 year old wizard who defeats a dark lord is WAY better than a sparkling 107 year old vampire virgin. I respect the fact that Twilight has fans as well that like Twilight for reasons we...
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Not sure what to title this exactly:P

Anyways this was a comment on some forum here I cant remember and I liked it so decided to post it as an article. It was by Lumos_Maxima I believe.

You have Robert Pattison play Edward - we had him play Cedric. He even admitted to enjoying play Cedric more than Edward ;)

You have Jacob and Edward - we have Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini.

You have Bella Swan - we have Bellatrix Lestrange who could Avada Kedavra your Bella any day.

You have Jacob Black - we have Remus Lupin who is the real werewolf here. Jacob isn't even a werewolf, he's a shape shifter.

You have...
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posted by june13
we all knowed hermiones was one of harrys friends anyone who did not know her know her for a know it all over the years at hogwards she larned not to worry want everyone says about you and want you are in book five six and 7 we was showed want she could do that was not spells and every thing esl love she fell hard for one boy that was her freind ron and some us thougth that i =t was going to be harry or nelive over the ages she had kids and they turn out to be smart and good at hogwards to and we all thought that she would end up somewhere esl on the road
added by TeamSiriusBlack