Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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posted by TeamSiriusBlack
    Ok, well I’m getting pretty tired of people saying that Bella and Edward’s relationship is love. It’s not. It’s just lust. Let’s look at the clues:
-She sees him and thinks he’s gorgeous.
-He likes her smell.
-He’s a vampire.
    Now, before I start writing about these points, I would like to compare the relationship to that of Snape and Lily. Yes, they have never gone out but they didn’t need to. Snape met Lily when they were little. He probably thought she was pretty and developed a crush on her which bloomed into love. When Snape found out she was dating James, he was angry. He tried to hex James numerous times, but failed, maybe because he was too upset or because James is an excellent wizard, you pick. But then tragedy struck. Lily and James die. Snape was horrorstruck. He promised Dumbledore that he would turn spy for the Order of the Phoenix (which is a group against Voldemort). When Harry, James’ and Lily’s son, goes to Hogwarts, he protects him. He may hate him with a passion because of the stunning resemblance to James, but he protects harry nevertheless. That true love: Loving someone until their death and the beyond.
    She sees him and thinks he’s gorgeous:
    That’s basically what happens in Twilight. Bella sits with her ‘friends’, who she constantly uses, and they talk about the Cullens. Bella immediately thinks the one who the most ‘handsomest’ out of them should be her boyfriend, even if he is rude and there are other suitable choices for her to go out with. That’s lust. Bella only likes Edward because he’s handsome (read the books for 20 other synonyms of beautiful). It’s not a crush, which would be too immature for the ‘mature’ Bella Swan, because she knows nothing about him. Snape knew some things about Lily. She’s a witch. No one in her family is a witch or wizard and Snape knows most of her family. Bella just knows that his (Edward’s) brothers and sisters and that he’s adopted like the rest of them. Oh, and not to mention, he’s handsome!
    He likes her smell:
    That’s the only real reason Edward likes her. She smells very good and he can’t read her mind. That’s it. He breaks into her house and stalks her because he wants to know why he can’t read her mind and, of course, as any normal being would do, smell her. Meyer excuses that as Edward just wants to see someone sleep and finds Bella interesting. She excuses that as love. Wrong. Snape did not do that, which he could’ve since he knew magic. Instead, he introduced himself, started to hang out with Lily, and became her friend. Edward did not do that. He was rude to Bella, went to see her sleep, and then talked to her.
    He’s a vampire:
    You have got to be kidding. He sparkles in the sun and does not eat humans. Bella only found that out by leading Jacob on, which becomes a problem in the future. She then feels that she has to keep the secret and not tell anyone that Edward is a monster who would likely kill a person before leaving. Instead of doing the latter, she dates him! Yep, he’s a vampire so she’s going to date him. Bella is claimed to be smart and reads. Well, then, she should’ve read Interview with a Vampire, a classic that many intelligent people have read. She should’ve seen that Edward could’ve bitten her and started sucking her blood, such as Lestat does to countless women and Louis does to Claudia. Or, she could’ve read Dracula, which shows Mina getting bitten also. Bella purposely dances with danger and feels the need to date him. Why? Because he’s smoking hot and a vampire to boot. He’s immortal. Why wouldn’t she date him!?!
    Basically, Bella’s love is lust. She knows nothing about Edward! All they do is make out and say how they love each more than the other. They have not had one decent conversation together. They don’t know each other’s favorite colors, hobbies... Heck! We don’t know their hobbies! And hunting does not count because they don’t do it when they’re bored.
    Now, please do not be Bella and tickle a sleeping dragon. Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: Entertainment Weekly
added by xharrypotterx
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by SnapeLovesLily
added by lilcherrywine
added by KateKicksAss
Source: Polyvore
added by KateKicksAss
Source: Polyvore
added by KateKicksAss
Source: Polyvore
added by KateKicksAss
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by youknowit101
Source: blogspot
added by Brysis
***NOTE: I did not write this but found it online! No credit to me***

From link

The Twilight vs. Harry Potter debate : Team Potter and Team Twilight take on Question #1

December 24, 12:44 AM
by Michelle Kerns, Book Examiner

If you haven't met the members of the Twilight versus Harry Potter Debate Team, cast your eye on their qualifications here.
Now, on to the debate! If you've got your own opinions (and what self-respecting Twi-hard or Potter head doesn't?), feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page. However, let's remember we are civilized witches, wizards, vampires, and werewolves...
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posted by mariella721
Okay guys, I know everyone's got their own opinion and not everyone has the RIGHT opinion, but as a Twilight fan, can one of you Potter fans explain what you guys see in Harry Potter? Honestly, I haven't read all the books, but I've seen all the movies and they just don't make any sense. And another thing, the plot is bland and there's no real depth to it, like in Twilight. Harry Potter, also has no love in it, which makes for a boring story. Anyways, I just wanted to know what you crazies see in those books and stuff...

See ya :D

1. its just all thrown together and the movies leave out way to much.
2. it has no meaning just a girl falls in love then is a vampire the end.
3. is just plain stupid.simple as that
4. theres nothing to figure out. its to predictable.
5. it dosent have enough back story which goes back to # 1
6.and stephine myer wants to keep all the good players while j.k. isnt afraid to for the sake of the book
7.why doesnt she mentention why bellas parent got seperated which geos back to #4
8. it has no plot
9. the problem is the same all the way throughout the sires as h.p. faces many problems.
10.its down right boring hmm lets read the same boring thing over and over! yea! NOT!
posted by i-am-mariella
I’ve seen articles, like bri-marie’s, comparing Bella, Twilight’s “heroine” to the girls and female role models of the Harry Potter books like Hermione and Ginny. I agree with them whole-heartedly and I am happy to follow in the footsteps of strong women from Harry Potter – like Ginny, who is fierce and pretty bad-ass and just overall a strong female, and Hermione, who is studious and smart and witty and the boys often rely on her skills and “genius.” Because let’s face it – and Ron says it himself – where would they be without Hermione?
So I wanted to make my own because...
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"This kiss between Hermione and Ron is highly anticipated, it's been building up for eight films now. And Harry Potter is not Twilight, you know; we're not selling sex." - Emma Watson

If you think Emma Watson is stupid for quoting this, you are outta your mind. You think Twilight's not selling sex? Irony. Irony how some twi-hards reason out "BECAUSE EDWARD CULLEN IS SO SEXY!!!" if asked why Twilight is better than Harry Potter.

For me, Twilight is just popular 'cause it has sex appeal. Wait for several years, no one will be talking about Twilight anymore.. Harry Potter won't be talked about that much but it will never be forgotten.In my case, I know Harry Potter will be a future classic.

Twilight fans go ahead and attack me, whenever you're ready.
Obviously, this spot is about debating Harry Potter and Twilight, and I realised I've never written an article, so I decided to put down all my reasons for Harry Potter being better than Twilight.

Firstly, the 'love' in Twilight is not love. It is over powered lust. To my memory, Edwrad and Bella never have a conversation about from who loves the other more. Edward likes Bella because she smells good, Bella likes Edward because he's 'handsome' (which can't even be proven, he's a book character, we never see him).

The love in Harry Potter is shown as an amazing, all powerful thing that can sace...
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posted by harrypotterbest
Harry woke up the next morning with a feeling as though there was a heavy block in his stomach. He got ready and dressed and went downstairs. Ginny was already at the table, waiting for him. She smiled nervously at him, and he said to her ‘Don’t worry; compared to what we’ve been through, this is practice.’
Ginny laughed, and Harry felt pleased. They got their children ready, and dropped them off at the wizard day care, as every adult wizard would be in the battle.
Harry and Ginny apparated with Ron and Hermione to the Cullen backyard, where the battle would commence. When they got...
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posted by ABDCFan-
'Good Morning Voldemort' - The HP Version on 'Good Morning Baltimore', from the Musical, Hairspray.

Oh, oh, oh
Woke up today
Feeling the way i always do
Oh, oh, oh
Hungry for Magic
That i can't eat
Then i hear that beat
That rhythm of Voldie
Starts calling me down
It's like a message from
High above
Oh, oh, oh
Pulling me out
To the smiles and the
Streets that i love

Good morning Voldemort!
Every day's like an evil encore
Every night is a fantasy
Every sound's like a death to me!

Good morning Voldemort!
And some day when i take to the floor
The world's gonna wake up and see
Voldemort and me!

Oh, oh, oh
Look at my wand...
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