Hugh & Lisa Club
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Here we are. Two other chaps in a row. A short one and a longer one. You can't complain really :P
BTW not posting the previously cause we left David being a party pooper and walking out of setting. Just two lines to remember you all were we left out fav couple :)

She burst out laughing quietly, bringing one hand to her mouth. And once again he couldn’t help himself: he tuck a strand behind her ear, sighing, “You see?” he said cherishing the words with his tone “You’ve just shined some more brightly…"

As his fingers brushed across the side of her face, against her skin, Lisa had shivered very lightly and it had sort of looked like she had been almost about to lean her check inside his hand.
He had sensed it. He had seen it. With his very eyes.
Felt it. Under his skin.
And he had wondered whether that would be enough to keep her with him. Close to him. His.
But then, the look she had on her face, right now….
Just the look she had in her eyes now that she had turned to him; breathing harder a little, her chest puffing out some more visibly quicker, her cheeks a little flushed up, but staring straight right up into his eyes, with no hesitations.
‘Cause she had always been the bravest one. No doubt about it.
But just that look….
Once upon a time they could go out together.
It was November. House first season. A dreary evening, cold and wintry. Sunny. Just that kind of sunny driving you nuts in LA. But so, so wintry.
And it just came after one of the longest week of his life. A dull one. A regular one.
Get up at 5.30. Jogging. Breakfast. Setting. Setting. Lunch. Setting. Setting. Boxing. Dinner. Bed.
Monday. Tuesady. Wendsday, Thursady…
Get up at 5.30. Boxing. Breakfast. Setting. Setting. Setting. Freguson, four point thirty. Home. Setting. Setting. Setting…
It had been a dreary week so far. Tedious to say the least. At times, he loved this new job just as much as he truly hated it.
A dreary week, cupped by the insufferable long-lasting misgiving he would never feel home into this city.
Then he had bumped into her.
And the world had turned again.
He had just gone out to have a stroll downtown. Stretch his legs; spend the time that wouldn never fly by. Clear his head. He was walking with a quick pace, enjoying nothing. He couldn’t remember anything about that afternoon.
Except her.
She was walking her dogs.
They had collided with each other.
Or maybe had been driven to one another.
He didn’t know.
A very clumsy-few-minutes-conversation by the sidewalk.
She smiled so much….
Just so much.
And then he was asking her for a coffee.
He had no clue on what he was thinking. He had never asked somebody out like that.
He wasn’t asking her out, was he? He was married. They worked together.
She had lit her up from within though. She would love to.
They had went for a nearby coffe-house.
There was nothing wrong about it. They just got along. There was nothing wrong about it. She was funny. God if she was a hoot to have around on set. One of those people you wish you could close to you. With you. ‘Cause they make you see life differently. One of those you wish might teach you how to let it drift it over you. Happiness.
He just felt so alone in LA.
She smiled so much.
She was very, very, very pretty alright. No question about that. She was actually that kind of pretty that gives you butterflies, as a matter of fact. That was certainly very much true. It was true, alright.
But then, when hanging with the fashionable inhabitants of gilded Hollywood who wasn’t that pretty? Who wasn’t that knockout stunning or that charismatically chatty to make someone like him feel like he wasn’t that interesting at all after all? As if, maybe had they been living in another time and another place of course, had they met under way different circumstance, she would have been always irremediably, anyway, completely out of your league?
Everyone makes you feel just not that special at all inside that world. Everyone.
Jennifer was quite a beauty too, wasn’t she? A kid to him but beautiful undoubtedly. And Olivia, Olivia was lovely too, wasn’t she? And it felt they were so alike at times. Just so unlike. Not that perfectly in tune, but very much similar.
Lisa instead…well Lisa, Lisa was a woman….
But he had known many lovely women, hadn’t he?
She just smiled so much….
Once upon a time they could go out together.
That had been their first time.
One of the fewer.
Among the last.
Later on, seeing each other had just started to feel not that right anymore. Not in public at least. But they had never said a word about it. Not to one another.
She had never asked why they didn’t.
He had never mentioned her why they couldn’t.
That Melody song….
She was so enthusiastic about it. So was in love with that album. Black and Blue. He might have listened to that one only once in his life possibly. He had gone to buy a three-parts-best-of that following summer. A twisted trick of fate: Sweet Home London was the title.
How was that even normal?
He had told her it was one of his all-time favorites too. That very night. That very same night he had looked straight in the eyes and told her he loved that album too.
It was just so underestimated. So snubbed. Nobody seemed to remember it.
He didn’t know the reason he had done that. God knew if he had been asking himself why, as he listened to himself talking, the words coming out of his mouth as if they weren’t even his.
Like staring at oneself in the mirror. But the image it reflects isn’t you. Not the one you used to know.
They had just been chatting so much. Just been hanging out for so long that it had felt like time wasn’t even passing by him. It was an unusual thing to him. He just wanted to hang on in there for a little longer.
But he hadn’t been able to explain himself why it kept on giving him such a weird, funny feeling whenever he managed to get another smile out of her.
So then, when they had come across music, and she had brought the Stones up, he just knew that that little lie had simply ripped out of his mouth, sounding so innocent at the time.
Just so innocent.
But the way it had made her smile…..
And then that look in her eyes.
Just that look….
As if, from that time on, they would always shared a secret no one could ever steal them.
That very same look had suddenly came across her face very recently. That very night everything had started over again, when after turning her helmet over in her hands for a while, she had raised her eyes to him, smiling to one of his jokes.
As he looked down at her for what it felt like an endless heartbeat he had the feeling he could still feel the sweet pine scent in the night air, as the cool wind whipped at their face. And then the fragrance coming from her hair when she had peeled off her helmet. And again the surreal quietness of that terrace ringing in his ears, as he told her he was sorry, for everything.
And the words in his head soaked with the salty taste he still felt even too fresh on his lips.
A little pang to his chest. Something he wasn’t willing to ignore so conveniently this time.
“Guys, I’ll be right back….”
Greg’s voice reminded him they weren’t alone. Not yet. Just in time maybe. Because he had just been about to inch forward to caress her.
Or so it had felt.
Greg was walking backwards with his phone in his hand.
“What’s the matter?” Lisa asked.
Hugh straightened up a bit. It didn’t look like she had noticed any of it.
Greg grimaced down to his phone, “I might have accidentally forgotten to tell Emily I wouldn’t be sleeping home at all….”
Lisa stifled a chuckle, “Oh well, good luck with that then….”
Greg shot her a look. Then it looked like he was running a cold sweat.
Hugh couldn’t say anything. Too many things were happening to him tonight. Today. This week. This year. He couldn’t think clearly.
He couldn’t make up his mind.
“She’s gonna kill me you’re right….” said Greg.
She stifled another chuckle. And then he a second later, he was gone.
They were alone.
But he remained still staring at the spot where Greg had vanished without knowing what to do. He couldn’t think. Make up his mind on what he had a right to ask.
Suddenly, though, she was moving and she turned to face him. She started pinching her nails, as staring down at them, speaking slowly and softly with her head slightly tipped “So…you’re gonna tell me what’s on your mind…or I’ll have to play a penny for your thoughts for you to let me in?”
posted by tammyr50
As they announced all the names in the “Favorite Actress” category she tensed up just a little. She was nervous about making the speech, about being there with Robert.
And the winner for “Favorite Actress” in a “TV Drama Series”: Ms. Lisa Edelstein. The look across her face had a smile and a tear attached to it. As nervous as she was she wanted to thank some of her fans for all the time they had spent voting. She was excited and honored to receive this award. She had worked a lot of years on a lot of different shows. Her work was important to her and she gave character to every...
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Hum, so I've been wondering if this has been done before in this spot (I know that @rrennie did something similar, but I mean something QUITE like this) and I don't think it has. Anyways, I had a LOT of fun doing this, especially because it was a wonderful alternative to doing schoolwork xD

Anyways, enjoy!!

NOTE: Whenever there are pics and words next to each other (the Fanpop article-writing process is a little annoying :P) read the words on the PICTURE first, and then the words that are typed next to it.


A Huli Comic

James was very confused....
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posted by shattereddreams
Here I go again, off of the high of people seemingly enjoying my stories, I thought I would share this one that has been stuck in my head for a while, there are another couple of chapters to accompany it if people enjoy. I have a week off from Uni so get in quick if you want to see some more because I probably wont have time once I get back into the swing of Uni.


Music effortlessly speaks the language of love. It can manipulate the mood of a room with just a couple of bars. It can be bold and...
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posted by HLforever
Hey guys! This is my first ever actual fic about anything, so I thought it warranted an introduction. And a warning of sorts: this may be exceedingly bad.

Anyways, the idea for this came when I heard "The Only Exception" by Paramore. (you can watch the music video link, it's not exactly what I have planned for this story, but the theme of the vid is pretty close). I just thought it was a beautiful song, so it inspired me to write this fic. Here are some of the lyrics, enjoy!


When I was younger I saw
My daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble...
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posted by huddyforever
Ok so this is just a little more insight to what their relationship was like before something happened...It's a little hard to explain right now but as chapters go on you'll get it...hopefully. Lol. Enjoy! :)

Lisa’s fragile body was being held close to someone’s chest. She looked up with a smile and saw Hugh smiling back at her. “Always and forever.” They said synchronized.


Lisa shot up and out of her dream to the sound of cars colliding outside. Welcome to L.A. Her head pounded and the tiny bit of sunlight shining...
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posted by BeantownBoriqua
Hi, I am now to this and I thought I would say hello to everyone and say why I am here. I never thought of Hugh and Lisa together. I am a big fan of House and an even bigger Huddy fan. I was bored one day and went looking to read Huddy fan fics but somehow ended up here. I decided what the heck two great actors from my favorite show why not look around. As I looked at pictures and read fan fics and comments I was like no...really. I know Hugh's married so I was like no way. But the more I looked around and read more comments and watch video's I started getting convinced. I knew that had to...
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posted by raffinit
This is a ridiculously short drabble post that I wrote like, five minutes before this because I am hungry and all I had all day was Pepsi. It could be taken as either Huddy or Huli, or even both, lol.



She knows they shouldn't.

There were too many consequences; the backlash would be cruel and harsh, and she's not sure if they could live through it.

Too much was at stake; too many people hurt. What was to become of their careers and relationships?

But then he kisses her, and she forgets.

Just for a little while.

"I love you," She feels him whisper it against her lips, and she knows then that she doesn't care anymore.

He is all she needs.
posted by Noeloe

Chapter 4 – Meaning

Hugh was shocked at her outburst, in all those years he had known her he hadn’t seen her cry a lot and certainly not like this. He didn’t know what to do other than cuddle her close to him softly stroke her back and hair, hoping it would give her the comfort she so obviously needed. ‘I-I’m sorry…’, she sniffled, ‘it’s just.. I…’, she couldn’t tell him. She didn’t know how. How do you tell your best friend you had a very vivid sex dream about him and for several hours had been under the illusion that it had all been real? If she told him that...
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posted by huddyislove

Oh, if I didn't make you believe they ARE too much horny,
well, I'm gonna do that now XDDDDDDDDD
And, oh, I would blush if that ever ever happened to me!
*realizes she did walk on her parents when she was a kid*

Images in my head, quick, if you want them out of yours, scroll!!!!

An hour and half later, dressed and fresh out of shower, Hugh got downstairs. He heard happy gurgles coming out of the living room and headed there. Opening the living room door, he found Charlie tying to watch television while Nick tossed around next to him on the couch.
“Daddy” the little...
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posted by huddyislove
Ok, since my whole process of posting has been disturbed cause of the freakin school, I'll post the link to the previous chapter here, so if someone didn't read it, it's link

Anyway, here comes Steve... and well, it's getting interesting XD
oh, btw, the link :)))))

“What’s wrong?” Steven asked the moment Hugh opened the door and startled him. If there was someone to know him as well as he himself hid, or even more – it was Steven.
“Nothing… What do you mean?” Hugh lied and of course, failed to deceive his best friend.
“Fight with Lisa?” Steven gave Hugh a quizzical look...
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So, *cough*
I have spoiled you....
yeah, I did have a motive for posting two chapters at once, motiveS that is (:C
First one- I love this chapter so much and I wanted to share it with you ASAP (:C
(you'll know why soon XD)
Second- I will be away (AGAIN, yeah, Hilly's almost never around XD) later this week, so this is my way of making it up to you :))))))))))

So, scroll, if you haven't already cheated and skipped the author's notes part XD

“Twenty three items?” Lisa shouted angrily at Hugh as she went through the receipt that came with all the toy boxes.
“Nine Barbie dolls, twelve...
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posted by huddyislove
Oh, thank you for your reviews on Jo's story XDD
I had fun writing it! XDDDDD
Anyway, it's getting fun over here!!!!
I just adore this chapter!
I hope you will as well!!!!

“Hey… Are the kids home?” Lisa said walking in the living room, finding it just like it always was. Hugh made sure she never learnt anything about him going through those articles. He placed them back in their place and made sure Elyon wasn’t going to say anything.
He had a trouble figuring out how to make a, what he now knew was, four and a-half-year-old keep a secret.
But he did it before with Becca, he knew a...
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added by huddysmacked
Source: me
added by Manuela02
added by sophialover
Source: /hugh_lisa
added by friehouse
added by wendus92
added by Gtalisa
posted by HouseMindFreak
Okay, this may sound extremely stupid, corny, bullshit, etc. Or this may be a good idea for some of you who find this interesting...either way don't give me sarcastic comments about please! all heard of stupid and silly ways of being able to tell the future or what will happen in coming events, and many for the most part are CRAP but this method has actually proven itself to me on a number of occasions so I will share it with you and try it for yourself..again no sarcastic comments!

Get a piece of paper and put a large plus sign on the paper +

On top of the sign put a 'YES' and for the...
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