Inazuma Eleven Club
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Kyle comes to give the recap"Last time on Total Drama Island,our campers went through a talent show.The Cyber Fish took the lead with Axel's guitar playing,but thanks to Ash's love song,his team got victory.So my question is will Ash ever admit his feelings.(Rises both of his arms in the air)find it out here on Total Drama Island".

At the camp-sites both teams were sitting around their cabins,Axel looks at Ash and becomes angry.
In the confessional
Axel furious"I hate that Ketchum,he's the reason why my team has lost three times in a row,I vow on the name of the dark magic using organization,that is Team Forever Living,I will destroy him".Punches the wall.
At of the Confessionals
Misty puts her hand on Ash's shoulders"That was an amazing song you sang back at the talent competition".He feels em-brass"Thanks Mist,but it was not really a big deal".Ursula smiles and looks at him"Yes it is a big deal,we won three challenges thanks to you",this causes him to become even more em-brass.Then Bryce says"I hate to admit it,but you some how proved yourself to be useful to our team".Then Paul becomes angry and yells"HEY DON'T FORGET,YOU HAVE ME ON THIS TEAM",Gary calmly says"But you didn't do anything for us" and then Max says"Yeah Paul there's no need to jealous".This makes him more angry and yells at his face"I'M NOT JEALOUS",then he sits down on the stairs.Max who is very scare says"O-OK,your not jealous,hehehehe".
In the confessionals
Iris"Geez,why is captain grumpy lying,he is totally jealous of Ash".
Out of the confessionals
Nelly sees how upset her team-mates were,then she tries to cheer them up,"Hey everyone don't feel so sad,we can still win as long as I'm the leader".Then Camellia gets up and looks at her"Not so fast, girly,from now on I'm the leader",this causes Nelly to look at her with a surprise face"What you the leader?".Camellia looks at everyone of her team-mates"Listen people,put me as leader and we will win today's challenge".Mark gets up and goes to her"OK,but if we don't win today's challenge,then you will be the one to go home",Camellia gives him an unfriendly look"Fine you can vote me of".They both give each other unfriendly looks and then goes back to where they were sitting.
Back at the Platypus Archer grabs Austin's arm and takes hi to the back of there cabin.Once they get there Austin starts asking him"Why did you bring hear Archer",he looks at Austin and says"Listen,when you got beaten up by May,no wants to respect you any more".Then Austin becomes upset and says quietly"Really,no one wants to respect me",he looks down on the ground upset.Archer puts his hand on his shoulder,"Don't worry friend,I'll help you,gain your respect".Austin gives him a smile and they go back to their team-mates.
At the Fish Tori looks around"Where's Kyle he should have been here by now".Dawn looks at her"Maybe he's late or something".Cilan then disagrees"I don't think,Kyle would be late,besides he really loves torture us,rememeber".Mark then makes an evil smile"Maybe he died",he looks at Shawn"What you think frosty",but he didn't say anything and just looks at him".........".then Nelly hits Mark"Don't say that,besides if Kyle was dead,then shouldn't some come and tell us".Jack looks at Mark"Yeah,we should hope that Chief Tiger is dead,his cooking stinks",Celia agrees with"Yes,it really does".Then suddenly two axes lands near Jack and Celia's feet and they go"AHHHHHHH".Then Chief Tiger appears with Kyle,he looks angrily at the both of them"Insult my cooking and you will never be able to eat another thing in your life again got it",they both stand up and salute him"Sir ye,sir".He leaves,then the other team realizes Kyle and goes to him,Silvia asks"What took you so long Kyle?".He looks at everyone"I could have gotten here sooner,but I had to check if the challenge me and the producers put for all of you,now come with me".He takes all of them to their next challenge.
They arrive at the racing courses Kyle stops and tells everyone"OK,guys and girls today you will be doing a marathon race or as I like to call a Ma-RAAAA-thon race".Brock smiles happily"That's good all we have to do is a simple marathon",May excitedly"Yeah,I so happy,even though I have no idea how to do I marathon race".Kyle starts laughing"Hmhmhmhmhmmmm,well everyone you shouldn't be so relaxed,because there are 5 courses and I added some twist in them,that you will all love.Come with me to the first course",they all follow him.
In the confessionals
Dawn"So,Kyle added some twist in the courses,well it doesn't matter,because my team will win,Da-Awesome".
Out of the confessionals
Everyone arrives in the swimming course,Kyle tells them"This is the first course,swimming,all you have to do is send one person from your team and they must swim to the other side of the pool and by the way in every course it's one-on-one".Nelly looks at him with a serious face"But,what's the twist in this part?".Kyle talks in a suspicious way"Oh! nothing just that pool is filled with electric eels",Misty horrify"What are you insane"?Max looks at her"There is no need to ask that,the answer is yes".Kyle then says"OK,now pick who's going.Both teams remain silent or while,then Mark breaks the silence "We pick Camellia",this makes her surprise"What me?".Marks looks at her with a scary face"Yeah you,you did say that you will take us to victory".Camellia angrily looks at him"Fine I'm going in".Ursula then quickly says"Then we pick Misty,since she's a good swimmer".Misty very nervous"WHAT,b-b-but I can't",then Ash grabs her hand"Don't worry,if your're in danger then I'll safe you".She clams down and says to Ursula"OK,I'll do it for my team".
In the confessionals
Sue very happy"You know,I really love it when there is chemistry going around Ash and Misty(giggles)hehehe".
Out of the confessionals
Misty and Camellia both arrive in their swimming outfits and they stand at the starting line.Chief comes as the referee"OK,ready go",he blows his whistle and the two girls jump into the water.Misty takes the lead,while swimming,she turns around her head and tells Camellia"Ha,lets see how you beat me now".Camellia then quickly shouts"Yo,look in-front of you".Misty is not convince"Yeah right,like I'm going to fall for that".Then Ash shouts"No,Misty look in-front of you",she turns her head forward and see some eels attack and then they shock her.She yells in pain"Ouch! Ow,the pain".Ash screams"No,Misty",he is going to jump into the water,Austin stops him"Wait,it's too dangerous,I'll do it since I'm a caring person".He jumps into the pool,but when he gets in,he gets shock by some eels,he yells"Archer,SAVE ME".Archer slaps his hand on his head and then he looks at Ash"You go save the girl,and I'll save my friend".When the both of them are helping their team-mates,Camellia makes her way to the finish line.Kyle realizes her and says out loud"ROUND 1 GOES TO THE FISH",Mark is very surprise that his team gets the first point.
In the confessionals
Camellia arrogantly"That's right,I'm the best and my team will win".
Mark angrily"I can't believe we take the lead,I will not allow this".
After the swimming course,Misty and Austin are taken to the hospital and Kyle takes the other to the 2nd course.They all arrive at a cycling track,Kyle then starts introducing them to the course"This is the cycling course,you cycle one lap around the tracks,Oh and the twist to this is,that there are mimes underground.Good luck not getting blown up".Ursula looks at Archer"You ugly,go get to the tracks",he gives her an unfriendly look,but did what she said.Camellia is about to choose someone from her team,but cuts her of"I'm going,got it".At the starting line Mark and Archer get ready on their bikes,Chief blows the whistle and they were of.Archer takes the lead,but goes over and of the mime and is send flying.He soon lands on the ground safely,but his bike is a bit broken.Mark comes in front and then he also goes over a mime,but does't safely on the ground.Archer takes back the lead,he is soon near the finish line,but goes over another mime and then send flying again.He lands on another mime and then lands on another.Soon he lands on the ground injured and his bike nearly trashed.Mark gets up and rides to the finish line,he passes Archer and only a few inches away from the taking another point for his team.Suddenly he falls on the ground and lays still for a while.Soon Archer stands up,grabs his nearly destroyed bike and rides to the finish,once he crosses he falls on the ground and his bike is now completely destroyed.Kyle calls to his interns"Call an ambulance".Mark and Archer are taken away to the hospital.
In the confessionals
Mark"If your wondering how I fell,than the thing is,I fell on purpose to let Archer win.I only did this,because I want to vote off Camellia and the reason I'm doing this is that she is my rival and I hate her,more than I hate Nelly".
Out of the confessionals
Kyle shows the campers the wall climbing course"This is your next part,climbing this wooden wall,which is covered with jelly,without a rope".Camellia looks at her team"OK,which one of you maggots,should I choose",then Dawn says to her"Let me,Da-Dawn go,I'll get tot the top of this wall in no time".Camellia sighs and then says"OK,Dumbo,go for it",Dawn happily yells"Da-Bam".Ursula realizes that Dawn is going for the Fish,then she looks at Paul"Hey Emo,think you can beat Dee Dee",he looks at Dawn and smirks"Yeah I can do it".They both stand at the bottom of the wall,then blows his whistle"GO,YOU IDIOTS",Paul thinks of an idea and quickly goes to the bathroom.Dawn also thinks of an idea and starts licking the jelly off the wall.Kyle sees her and is nearly about to vomit.
In the confessionals
Kyle holds his mouth"Man,what that spooky girl doesn't know is that the jelly she is licking,has been expired for 40 years".
Paul comes back form the bathroom with some toilet paper and plunger.He whips the jelly of with the toilet paper and the climbs up the wall with the plunger,Dawn how fast is Paul going up the wall,then she stops licking the jelly and punches holes in the wall and whips off the jelly with her skirt.She keeps on doing this and soon she got to the top,Paul is surprise that she beats him.
In the confessionals
Paul em-brass"I can't believe,I lost to that dofus",he puts his head on both of his hands.
Ursula disappointed"Wow,Paul your're so useless".
Out of the confessionals
Ursula looks at Paul angrily"Nice job,Paul".He doesn't anything and just looks down on the floor.Kyle tells everyone"OK,guys come to the next course,Oh and if the Cyber Fish wins that one then Platypus you will go to elimination.
They arrive at the next course,Kyle looks at the teams"This is it,the hurdle race,in this race,you must run and use the tripe-lien to jump cause the hurdles are about 60 feet tall".Ash quickly says"I'm the fastest,I'll go",Camellia then smirks"OK,then Nelly will go from our team",this surprises her"What! but Shawn should go,he's our fastest member",Shawn shakes his head.Camellia then says"I know that but,come on Nel,you also want to be leader,so we all must see,how strong you are".She smiles in an evil way" OK girly,go and show us what you got".Nelly looks at everyone"OK,I''ll go".She and Ash stand at the starting line,then Chief blows the whistle and they run to the first of the ten hurdle.Ash takes moves fat and passes Nelly,then he jumps on the tripe-lien and lands on the hurdle,hitting his kiwis,he yells"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!".
In the confessionals
Brock"Wo! That has got to hurt".
Out of the confessionals
Nelly jumps on the tripe-lien and hits her face on the hurdle,goes back to the tripe-lien and then falls on the ground,Ash falls to the other side of the hurdle.He quickly gets up and runs to the next hurdle,there he jumps on the tripe-lien and falls on the hurdle hitting his kiwis again,he yells"Owwwwww,again".He falls to the other side and lays still on the ground.Nelly manages to get up and tries again,but she hits her face and goes back to where she was.Ash gets on his feet and runs to the next hurdle and hits his kiwis for the third time and falls to the other side.Then Nelly goes for the jump,but once again fails.
In the confessionals
Camellia laughs"Hahahahah,man it's so funny when Nelly hits her face".
Axel"OK,I change my mind about destroying Ash today,seeing him hit his kiwis is very entertaining".
Out of the confessionals
After a while Ash makes his way to the last hurdle,while hitting his kiwis in the previous nine hurdles.Nelly is still trying to get past the first hurdle.Camellia goes to her and kicks her face"Move or lose it,dofus".Nelly gets up and attacks Camellia,the both of them starts having a fight.While Ash passes the last hurdle hitting his kiwis for the 10th time and crosses the finish line and falls.Kyle tells everyone"Ash wins and the score is now tied.And Ash and Nelly will be going to the hospital,because Ash hit his kiwis way to much and Camellia beaten up Nelly very bad.
In the confessionals
Camellia"Well now I know that Nelly Raimon will make a weak captain".
Ursula"Ash won his part,but Paul lost his,so Ash is better".
Sue"Too bad that Ash has to go to the hospital,well at least he will be with Misty".
Out of the confessionals
Kyle looks at everyone that are not gone to the hospital"Well,teams the score is now tied,so come with me to the course".They all follow him,Sue talks to Silvia and Tori"So,what do you think Kyle is going to make one of us do".Silvia looks at her nervously"What ever it is,it will be very painful",Tori then says"What ever it is,I'm not doing it".
Soon they all arrive at an unknown course,Gary becomes confuse"Hey,what kind of course is this",Kyle does evil laugh"Muhahahaha,this is a course I made up myself".Max becomes scare"What do we have to do in this course".Kyle happily says"I though you never ask,in this course,you must swing to that rock in the middle of this great hole,which has water in the bottom,filled with man eating sharks.Oh and by the way it's not that easy because,once you try to get to that rock,some giant mechanical boxing gloves that are a few feet from the water will come up very fat and punch you away".Celia become very scare,she gulps"Don't you think this is too much",Kyle thinks about and says "No,OK now choose someone".Ursula looks at Iris"Hey,you been swinging vine to vine for a while,right",she say"Yeah,I have".Then Bryce quickly says"Then you,Dragon Lover",this makes Iris angry"Hey,that's future Dragon master to you,and OK I'll go win for the team",Georgia sees Iris go for the Platypus.Then she ask Camellia"Hey,let me go I want to beat Iris",she simply nods are head"Fine,go take down your enemy",Georgia goes and grabs the vine.Iris looks at her"Get,ready to lose Georgia",she looks at"Right back at ya",they give each other unfriendly looks.Then Chief bows the whistle and both of them swing.
Iris makes her way to the rock,but gets punch and so does Georgia.They both fall into the water yells"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH",they in the water and some some sharks attack them.Iris avoids the sharks and climbs back,while Georgia swims away from the sharks yell"Ahhhhh,don't eat me".Iris gets back to the top and tries again,but gets hit by the boxing glove and this time lands on the starting point.
In the confessionals
Dawn prying"Oh please don't let my team lose again".
Out of the confessionals
Georgia gets to the top swings and so does Iris,but they got hit by the boxing gloves.Iris goes into the shark water,but Georgia holds on the rope and she moves to the other side and gets hit by the other glove,but keeps hold of the rope and goes to the next side.She goes around every side,getting hit by the gloves,but keeps hold of the rope.Iris gets back to the top and tries to catch her breath.Soon after Georgia gets hit by all gloves four time,while holding on the rope,she gets hit by the first glove and send flying.She lands on the rock and the middle.Kyle sees her and yells"Finally,victory for the fish".The Cyber Fish member start cheering,expect for Georgia who is injured.
In the confessionals
Dawn very happy"Da-Bam,we win".
Camellia proud of Georgia"Good,job Dragon Crusher,you defeated your enemy".
Axel smiles evilly"Perfect,now one of the Platypus is going down".
Out of the confessionals
The injured people that the were taken,come back in wheel chairs and have bandages.Kyle"Cyber Fish you,win because of Georgia and here's your reward an Air Conditioner",All the fish congratulates Georgia for winning,expect for Mark,who is looking angry.
In the confessionals
Mark furious"Why didn't we lose?I wanted to eliminate Camellia".
Out of the confessionals
Kyle looks at the loser Platypus"Yo,guys get ready to get some marshmallow tonight
At the bonfire the Aquatic Platypus are sitting and Kyle comes"OK,welcome to your first elimination ceremony,how ever doesn't get any of these 13 marshmallow will be going to the boat of loser",he starts calling out the ones who are safe"The marshmallows goes to Bryce,Paul,Gary,Silvia,Brock,Austin,Ursula,Max,
May,Sue,Archer and Misty".They all grab their marshmallow and now only the Ash and Iris are left.Kyle looks at them"And the last Marshmallow goes to....",they both are nervous and he says the name"Ash".He throws the marshmallow on his laps,because he is in a wheel chair.Iris looks at her team mates"What? me".Ursula looks at her"Yeah you,you lost the last course".Kyle looks at Iris"OK,now go to the boat of loser",she gets up and walks down the dock of shame and into the boat of losers
In the confessionals
Georgia"Yes,Iris is gone and now I'll win this competition".
Out of the confessionals
Kyle"Well that's pretty much it,so will the Fish be able to catch up or will their traitor team-mate Mark,some how cause them to lose or will Axel use his evil tricks to get rid of another Platypus.Find it out next time on TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND".
added by vrindanimi
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posted by sakuma
Sakuma: Please enjoy


Natsumi got into a fight and now she is on floor bruised badly.

Natsumi:*Looking up at her opponent who is standing in-front of her* please.... have... mercy.

Gouenji Yuuka looks at Natsumi with a smile and then she spread her arms wide open.

Yuuka:*Moving toward to Nastumi* Let's hug Natsumi-san.

Natsumi:*Makes a terrified face, screaming* NO, NOT ANOTHER HUG, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Toramaru: Tobitaka-san, I met this big tough guy and...
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added by ChocoLuvr101
Part 25- The Next Challenge

The steady hum of the caravans engine eased everyone into a peaceful sleep. Soon after their departure from Hakuren, the members of Raimon snuggled up into their sleeping bags and fell asleep. Everyone, except for Satsuki.

Her head rested against the window, watching the Hokkaido landscape slowly pass by her. The sky began to change into a light purple as the day turned to night.

Satsuki began to think about what had happened that day. Raimon had finally defeated Gemini Storm! It was a miraculous battle, no thanks to Fubuki....

In the beginning of the match, things...
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added by Fubuki_Reina
added by Fubuki_Reina
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