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posted by just_bella
Hmmm I was planning on writing the Alice stories, but can't focus on them right now. SOOOOO I decided to do this and Emmett instead!! LOL!!

OHHHHH and to answer some questions..
1)I started signing the headings as jb that's me...just Bella...I'm lazy.

2)Yes this story is written after he left Maria and ran away with Peter and Charolet. I like to think it's about a year before he meets Alice.

Any other questions..just ask. Thanks!!

End of Chapter 2

I slowed myself to a walk and turned to see all of them stopped at a farmstead turn off. I ran back to them, stopping directly behind them all.

The smell was the first thing that hit me, it was like being hit by a baseball bat. It made me take a step back, surprised as the venom in my mouth was suddenly flooding. I turned my head and heard them, heard the family that was milling around the yard, getting ready for the evening.

I pulled my lips back, exposing my teeth. I knew what I wanted, what I had to do. I saw the father, a middle aged man who was almost double my size. I could see the vein in his neck, and in his arms. I could see the pump of blood each time his heart beat.

I looked down at Maria, confusion and blood lust in my eyes.

"Follow your instincts, young one. We will help, no one will know of this night." She said softly as she urged me to go.

I shook my head, I could not remember any more of this thought...not now. Not knowing that my current hunger was worse then it had ever been. It had been too long, I needed to hunt. I needed to calm my thirst before I would be allowed to loose myself in thought again.

I opened the small window in the attic, looking around to be sure no one was looking before I jumped to the ground below without making a sound.

Chapter 3

I landed on the balls of my feet, dispersing the impact throughout my entire body. I knew that I hadn't made any sound at all, so I didn't worry about anyone noticing me here.

I shrunk back into the shadow, even with it being night I figured it best to stay out of sight if at all possible. I watched as people passed by, living their lives.

If only they know how lucky they were, how blessed they were to be able to live each day as a new adventure. To have families, to have friends...to not be alone. I shrunk down against the wall as a couple passed by, their hands intertwined.

I lowered my head, this is what bothers me the most. I will never know love, I will never find someone that I want to hold, to walk with, to be my everything...I will be alone.

I knelt there, wallowing in pity, feeling bad for myself when a young woman passed by. She stopped and looked down the alley between the buildings where I was hiding.

I looked at her closely, she looked to be about my age, about twenty years old. Her red hair blowing in the wind, her cheeks rosy with the cold. I wondered if she had someone, if she had that person that made her complete?

She paused at the end of the alley and turned down it, directly towards me. I had a second to think about this, I knew that I needed to feed but could I hurt this beautiful woman? Could I take her away from someone who loved her?

I knew the answer, it was no. I shrank back into the building, hoping that she would turn and walk away. However; at the same time a man walked down the alley after her. He started calling out to her, offering her things that a man shouldn't mention in public. Her heart rate was higher then it should have been, her fear flooding out of her in waves.

The man came behind her and pushed her against a wall, causing her to trip and hit her head. She was unconscious instantly, I knew that what ever happened next, that she wouldn't have any memory of it when she came to.

I quickly stood up, a growl ripping through my entire body. The man turned to face me, confused about where I came from.

"You prey off women?" I growled.

"Look buddy, no offense....I um didn't know you were here." He said as he began to back away.

"No, you are not getting away this time." I said as I threw myself at him.

He cringed and stuck his arms out to keep me away, but I moved too fast for him. I grabbed onto his back using my momentum to propel him further into the alley where no one would hear us.

He turned to look at me as he reached inside his coat and pulled out a good sized knife. I glared at him as he thrust the knife into my chest, pushing so hard that the handle hit my breast bone.

I turned my eyes up at him and enjoyed the fear and disbelief that he was expressing. "It's going to take more then that." I said as I pulled my head back and bit his neck so hard that I believe I broke it.

The man collapsed next to me, I lowered him to the ground as my mouth closed around the wound. I drank from him until he was dry. I knew that I had to hide the body, I couldn't let this poor girl be here with a dead body when she woke up...but at the same time I felt that I should stay and protect her until she woke.

I decided that I had to get rid of the body. I knew that the river was only a few blocks away, and that I could run and dispose of the evidence and be back before she woke.

I scooped the man into my arms and was instantly running as fast as my legs could carry me. Along the way I stopped and picked up a few bricks and cement pieces that were laying on the ground. When I got to the river I placed the bricks and cement into the mans shirt and pockets so that he would sink, then I threw him in and watched as he sank.

I turned and ran back to the alley, noticing that the woman was just coming to as I turned the corner. She sat up straight, turning to see what happened to the man. I stopped at the end of the alley and looked down at her.

"Miss, are you alright?" I asked as I took a step closer.

"Yes, yes. I...well...there was this...oh. I need to get home." She stuttered.

"Would you like me to see you there? You seem flustered." I said.

"No, thank you. I will be fine. Thank you for the offer." She said as she stood and made her way out of the alley, hurrying as if I were the one that would hurt her.

I sighed loudly as I sprang back up to the attic I called home. I laid on the floor, looking up at the ceiling. What woman would ever want me?

I closed my eyes and thought of Maria. I know now that she wasn't interested in me the way that I was begging to be about her, but I thought there was a chance...but I was wrong...and I was alone still.

I shook my head, making myself focus. I remembered where I left off before my thirst over powered me.

I was with Nettie, Lucy and Maria. They had taken me out hunting as a reward for my training..or dealing with the others. We were at the end of a farm turn off and the father's veins were calling to me.

I crouched down, noticing that my muscles coiled like a cat's. I could feel them tightening...waiting for me to release them. I looked at Maria who nodded as they lowered themselves into similar positions.

I launched myself at the father, my lips still curled back, teeth ready. I heard the father gasp as I knocked him to the ground, but at that point I was no longer Jasper Whitlock, I was a beast. I only thought of killing, of drinking.

While his blood flowed down my throat I felt my body awaken. It was refreshing, like waking up after a long nap. I felt complete, whole, alive again. I drank until his blood stopped flowing, only then looking up to see what had happened to everyone else.

I saw Nettie and Lucy kneeling over two young women, both of there faces against the women's necks. Maria was with the mother, her legs bent back so that Maria was supporting the weight of her.

I stood up, looking down and noticing that I had gotten blood on my clothing. I did my best to wipe off what I could, but when I tried it only smeared and made things worse.

I heard someone laugh behind me, I turned to see Nettie smiling. "He's made a mess." She said curtly.

"Take him in the house and find him some new clothing." Maria said as she stood up, straightening her dress.

"Come with me." Nettie said as she pulled my arm.

I came out of the bedroom when I had an outfit that fit me. Nettie was emptying out the chest drawers, picking out anything that could be sold...or kept.

I passed her on the way out and found Maria and Lucy stacking the bodies in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"We have to get rid of the bodies. If people find bodies with these type of injuries they will go searching for whomever or whatever did this. We have to destroy the bodies." She explained.

I nodded because honestly it did make sense, then went to help them get everything ready.

When every room had been searched for items, and anything with worth was taken outside, then the fire was started. It started as a small fire in the kitchen, but quickly spread throughout the entire house, engulfing it in only seconds.

"Another lesson, young one." Maria said as she turned to watch me. "Fire is one of the ways to destroy us. Fire purifies everything."

I nodded, not looking at her, but at the fire that was now lighting the sky a bright orange. I felt remorse for the family, the children that died that night. I wondered if there was another way, but as I thought that I felt the blood flow through my veins, and realized this was the way it was meant to be.
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
posted by just_bella
WOW I can't believe this is the fourth story I wrote in a day...that's INSANE!!! Thank you to everyone...your support is amazing!!! You all are the best!! LUV YA ALL!!!

End of Part 42

Eleazar stood up and offered his hand for me to shake. As we were shaking hands a strange look crossed his face. "This one will be the strongest of all of you." He said to everyone.

What was he talking about? I was told I would be strong for a while but that some of the strength would go away as I aged. Was he saying that I would be this strong forever? I didn't mind..I enjoyed being strong, being able to be...
continue reading...
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
Second one for tonight, and this story is kind of hard to write..but still fun at the same time. Thanks for all the comments!!

End of Part 21

"Alice dear, we are all just worried about how obsessed you are with this. We worry that you are going to be hurt by something you read." Esme said as she came over and gave me a hug.

"Yeah squirt, we're just worried about ya." Emmett said as he winked at me.

"Well we all know how it ends, that won't be a shocker. It's just the filler in the middle that I am worried about. Please don't worry about me, I just want to finish this..and so so that I can...
continue reading...
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
Source: Twilight