Leyton Family<3 Club
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
Your fave movies <33
Your fave movies <33
The Skins and Golden Trio queen!!!

Holly: Kir <3 Oh my goodness, yet another OBG! {Original Brucas Girl} though technically she was a LP'er first, then switched to the right side ;) because we had cookies :D I adore Kir so very much, she's someone that even if we go a while without talking, we just pick right up like no time has even passed. Friends like Kir are the best kind you can ask for ♥ I think Kir and i connected so well because we've both dealt with some shit in our lives, but we're both the kind of people that will always encourage others, even if we don't feel so great.
Ade: I am so sorry I don’t know because I cannot really say anything. I’m sure you will get on well because there is no reason not to and I can’t wait to meet another member J Anyway, I’d like to welcome you here, you’ve done the right choice for joining us (if you are not an ancient, sorry I suck at that). Feel free to join us on Whatsapp and talk to me there and by sending private message J
Bee: I met Kir around 5 years ago and I think we exchanged one conversation. That sucked. Everyone loved her and she seemed so cool and kick ass yet she left and that was so sad. So now she's back, this is some of the best news of the year. We're going to get along so well I can feel it!
Inés: The first thing I noticed about clear was her Emilia profile icon ! We have this in common ! We started to talk a bit, and I'm sure we're gonna be good friends ! We just need time to talk, same as Elle !
Nerea: She seems to be very nice and friendly. I see very little things about her, but she appears to be a very friendly person. And, as I’ve seen that we have common interest, I think that it would be great to know more things about her.
Atie: I didn't get to talk to Kir very much.But from her IG posts and stuff I can say that she's so so strong.She's a true fighter.And I wish I get to talk to her more
Jess: Aww baby kir <3 She had a rough year as well, but I hope she keeps going strong and man I miss our talks so much <3 It was always so fun talking to her and she's pretty and nice and she used to be our baby :D
Elle: KIR KIR KIR!!!!! You were one of the first major friends I made, and together with some others we became the Fanatic 5. You are just such an inspiration and are sooo kind to everyone you meet <3 I am so glad we both came back at the same time…it was kind of like fate, like we were still connected somehow. You will forever be one of my first friends…and our friendship will always remain in my heart.
Maria: We haven’t talked that much but I felt an instant connection with Kir ,I mean personality wise. She is really smart and friendly and I can’t wait to know her more . Love you<3
Nic: Skins bitch!!! Already love her as well and so glad she came back. Ok she's cooler than any of us but it's adorable that she came back to her old fam and met all of us newbies! I love(d) her red hair to death<3 And that's all, we have to talk more KirKir<33
Fatemeh: Kir I’m glad that you have decided to come back to LPF. I can tell that we are going to become great friends. I really love your altitude. Love you.
Amber: I’m so glad she’s back! She makes me think of the old fp days, which is always so fun to think about :P She’s so very sweet and open to everybody, which is something that I really love! We must talk more now that you’re back :D Love you <33
Aline:: We haven't talk that much yet but I can see that you're a nice and open person. We've already fangirl, which is awesome and I'm sure we'll get on well :)
Rach: Kir is an amazing person! She's so deep and thoughtful, but at the same time incredibly fun and loyal. She is a great friend, a very trustworthy friend. I can talk to her about anything and I hope she feels the same way. I have every confidence that she will achieve amazing things in life, because that's just who she is! LOVE YOU <333
Rana: Awww my Kirface<3 One of my oldies too ;) I missed having Kir on this spot so much, but even when she wasn’t active we would still talk randomly and it’s always great! Kir is just one of the strongest people I know and she’s such a fighter. I admire her so much and I think she deserves all the happiness in the world. I want us to go back to talking everyday like we used to! I loved and missed you my kirface<3 We don’t have an official friendship yet, but love you my Effy.

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