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posted by ImBooOK
I love her deeply, though she cant see knees falling out beneath me.
a gentle smile, whitch drives me wild, for whitch i cant control it.
a laugh like honey, a wink of play.
mysterious as the night, bright as day.
i hide from her, though shes always badly do i want to run my fingers through her hair.
i need her warmth, to hold me close, and yet shes so far away.
a tender kiss, on soft sweet woman lips.
a great dear friend, until the end, she loves me as i love her. but knowing we can never be, unless if i grow older.

*OK i suck at poetry so dont be all like "HEY..u suck" people ik i suck. but this is how i feel sometimes being in love with someone i cant be with. this was written for my amazing friend, one who i love more then she will ever know, i love you very much MEE:)--and no not mee as in me, myself...those is my code name for my love.

any other poets out there? id really lke to read a nice love poem, doesnt have to be all rymey or even about someone in real life you can just write it or maybe..dedicate it to someone you love but could never recive it back.

im sorry if im getting all mushy and spirtual on youz...Boo crazy without coffee...nd being so much in love...-falls dramatically to floor-
Jed and Mona's commentary on gay marriage, prior to the ridiculous Prop 8 result...
gay rights
prop 8
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Hey,yesterday I found out that I am Bi-Sexual and I told my best friend and she was totally fine with it.I'm thinking about telling my mom sometime soon.
I wrote this article to help anyone who isn't sure or needs someone to talk to about their problems.I AM BI-SEXUAL AND I'M PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So anyone who needs someone to talk to go see my page and leave me a message.
I also have a hotmail but im under sanny_rocks26 so leave me a messeage or email.
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