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"Psst! Riley!" Sierra whispered during earth science class the next day. Riley glanced at Sierra, who was sitting two seats away to her left. Between them sat Larry Slotnick, Riley's goofy next-door neighbor. Larry had once been crazy about Riley. He used to follow her around like a puppy. Sometimes Riley thought he still liked her a little bit. Then Larry and Sierra had started dating. But they broke up, and now Larry, Sierra, and Riley were all friends. Sierra reached across Larry's desk and handed Riley a note folded up into a tiny square. Riley's name was written on the front. "Who's it from?" Riley whispered.

Sierra shrugged. Riley quietly unfolded the note while Ms. Mitchell, the science teacher, droned on. It was the first day of Riley's "boy-cott," and already she felt good about her decision. Life would be so much easier without boys. Simpler. She felt strong. She read the note. It said:
Dear Riley, I wish we were lab partners. You shake my molecules.

Riley glanced around the room. Who could the note be from?

Everyone else was looking at the blackboard, where Ms. Mitchell was writing out the names of different types of rocks and minerals. Everyone except Barton Blau, who was staring at Riley, his braces glinting in the fluorescent light. Well, this was something new, Riley thought. Barton Blau was always so busy doing science experiments and math problems he never even seemed to notice girls. Now he was suddenly writing notes to her? What was up with that? Maybe it's a joke, Riley thought. She was glad she'd declared her boy-cott. It was a good excuse to say no to Barton. He was nice and everything, but...well, she already had a Larry in her life.

A few seconds later Sierra handed her another note. Dear Riley, By the way, that last note was from me, Barton. Except I'm going by Bart now. Yours in atomic passion, Bart

Riley sighed and stole another glance at Barton. Was it a joke? He crooked and uncrooked his index finger in a little wave at her. Riley had a feeling Barton wasn't kidding. She looked away and pretended to concentrate on Ms. Mitchell. But before long another note arrived.

Dear Riley, I love your eyes. They're so blue. Did you know blue eyes are a recessive gene? By the way, will you go out with me on Friday night. Your slave, Barty P.S. Please write back.

Riley folded up the note. This was terrible! What was she going to say? Someone tapped her left arm. It was Larry. He gave her another note.
Dear Riley, What's going on? What's with all the notes? --Larry.

Riley showed him Barton's latest note. She watched him while he read it. Barton and Larry were sort of similar. Barton had braces, and Larry had a retainer. Barton had greasy brown hair, and Larry had spiky brown hair. Larry's eyes were close together, and Barton's were wide apart, but they both had the same goofy, hopeful expression. Larry shook his head and wrote her another note.

Dear Riley, I can't believe what some guys will do to go out with you! Barton's really lost it. By the way, you look especially gorgeous today. That blue dress really brings out your eyes. No wonder Barton noticed them. I meant that in a totally neighborly way, of course. Your friend, Larry P.S. You'd better send a note back to the poor guy or he'll never stop writing you. Not that I know from experience or anything. --L

Riley grinned. Larry was goofy, but he was never dull. She tore a small piece of paper out of her notebook and wrote:
Dear Barton, I wish I could go out with you. I really do. Unfortunately, I just made a vow not to date any boys at all. I can't break this vow. If I do, I'll lose all respect for myself. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you? I mean, could you live with yourself? Riley

She folded up the paper, wrote Barton's name on it, and passed it toward him. She watched out of the corner of her eye as he read it. Her heart sank as he busily wrote her another note.

Dear Riley, Your vow only makes me love you more. I will respect it, though. Please tell me when, if ever you change your mind. I will be waiting and watching you with love-filled brown eyes. Brown eyes are a dominant gene. Bart

When the bell rang and earth science was finally over, Riley grabbed Sierra's hand and hurried her out of the room before Barton could catch up to them. Larry tried to tag along. "Sorry, Larry-girls only," Sierra said. "But I already know what's going on!" Larry protested. "It's okay, Sierra," Riley said. "So, what's with all the notes?" Sierra asked. Riley showed her Barton's notes. "Your boycott couldn't have come at a better time," Sierra said. "Tell me about it," Riley agreed. "The weird thing is, ever since I declared my boy-cott last night, boys seem to be throwing themselves at my feet. It's only lunchtime, and Barton is the third one today!" "You're kidding!" Sierra cried. "Gee, I wonder why," Larry said sarcastically. "That is so weird...." "Okay, Larry, now you have to go," Riley said. "I need a snack anyway," Larry said, starting down the hall. "My blood sugar is dropping fast." "Who else threw himself at you?" Sierra asked when Larry was gone. "Some kid I don't even know started flirting with me on the school bus this morning. And that guy who works at the fruit stand on the corner-what's his name?" "Craig?" Sierra said. Riley nodded. "I stopped to buy an orange, and he carved a heart in it with a knife." Riley traced a heart shape in the air with her index finger. Sierra raised her eyebrows. "Weird." Chloe and Tara came running up to them as they headed for study hall. "Riley! You won't believe what I just heard!" Tara cried. "What?" Riley asked. "Well, these two girls were talking-seniors," Tara explained. "And one of them said she'd been teasing Hunter McKenna about the girl he liked." "Hunter McKenna?" Riley repeated. He was a senior and the hottest guy in school by a mile. Tall, athletic, wavy black hair, and a killer smile. "Who does he like?" "Well, he wouldn't tell her at first," Tara said. "But she finally got him to admit it was a ninth grader." Riley stopped to take this in. The idea that Hunter could be interested in a ninth grader was surprising-and extremely juicy. "So?" Sierra prompted. "Who is it?" "It's Riley!" Tara cried. "Do you believe it?" Chloe said. "What? No way!" Riley said. Hunter McKenna liked her? Her heart started pounding. She couldn't help it. This was exciting. "Yes way," Chloe insisted. "Tara heard it in the bathroom!"

[Riley: Everybody knows that the girls' bathroom is the best source of news and gossip in any school. And most of the stuff you hear there is really true. At least Tara says it is. I guess for some reason you can't make stuff up when you're surrounded by ceramic tile and chrome.]

"Oh, please," Riley said, playing it cool. She tried to calm herself down, but her heart kept on pounding. "It's just a rumor. Hunter doesn't even know me. We've never said a word to each other." Still, if it is true... she thought. Hunter McKenna! That would be wild! The bell rang. "I've got to meet Amanda in the cafeteria," Chloe said. "We'll go with you," Riley offered. She could be late for study hall. Ms. Suarez never noticed. They went into the cafeteria and found Amanda waiting for Chloe at their usual table. "Did you hear the big news?" Chloe asked Amanda, and she quickly filled Amanda in. "That's amazing!" Amanda said. "Oh, but too bad about your boycott," Chloe added. "My what?" Riley said. "Your boycott," Chloe repeated. "The one you just declared last night?" "Oh, yeah, my boy-cott," Riley said. It had come in handy all morning, but suddenly it didn't seem so convenient anymore. Hunter McKenna! Every girl in school would kill to go out with him! What if he really liked her? "I'm sure the rumor isn't true," Riley said. "But what if it is true?" Sierra pressed. "What would you do? You wouldn't pass up a chance to go out with Hunter just because of some silly boycott-would you?" "Let's wait and see if he actually asks me out," Riley said. "Then I'll tell you." Sierra rolled her eyes. "Give me a break. You'd go out with him in a second." Inside, Riley really wasn't sure what she'd do. And she didn't want to seem too eager. Besides, Chloe would never let her hear the end of it if she dropped her boy-cott so quickly, after the big speech she made the night before and everything. If it's not true and he doesn't ask me out, I can just pretend I never would have said yes anyway, she thought. "Change of subject," Riley said. "Chloe, did you find out anything else about Lennon's big surprise yet?" Chloe shook her head. "Not yet. But I know something's up. I asked him if he wanted to go out to dinner with me Friday night, and he said sure. He said to go ahead and make a reservation somewhere, just not too early...because he has something important to do that afternoon!" "Aha!" Riley said. "The surprise." "I wonder what it is," Tara said. "Maybe he's organizing a singing telegram," Sierra said. "I wish I knew," Chloe said. "I can't stand the suspense!" Riley didn't blame her-she was getting curious about Lennon's surprise, too. "Well, I guess I should get to study hall," Riley said, and she started for the exit. Suddenly Tara stopped and nudged her. "Hey-look who it is," Tara said. Riley turned toward the side door. There stood Hunter, scanning the cafeteria as if he was looking for somebody. "Get ready," Chloe said. "Something tells me it's time to put your boycott to the test." Wow, Riley thought. Is he looking for me? Is he really going to ask me out?
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Whoa! Everyone turned to look at Kris, and their weight under me shifted. "Help!" I cried as I lost my balance. "I'm falling!" Fiona and the other counselors caught me. They placed me gently on the grass. "Are you okay, Mary-Kate?" Ashley asked.

I took a deep, shaky breath. "I'm fine." Fiona turned to Kris. "What happened?" "I went back to my room to get the Pom costume," Kris said. She was panting from running so fast. "I left it on my bed right before lunch. But it wasn't there!" "Did you look everywhere?" I asked.
"Yes!" Kris said. "It's gone!"
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added by DramaGeek
added by DramaGeek
added by kaka22
Source: mary-kate & ashley olsen
added by kaka22
Source: mary-kate & ashley olsen
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Source: sexydesktop
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added by gymnastlover